Instant Market Overview
Get a bird's eye view of the market with our intuitive Heatmap. Instantly visualize the performance of various securities, sectors or indices in a color-coded format. Quickly identify hotspots of activity, gain an understanding of the broader market sentiment, and make informed decisions.
Color-Coded Data Visualization
Our Heatmap employs a color-coded system to represent different performance metrics. Easily identify areas of strength, weakness, or neutrality with just a quick glance.
Customizable Data Parameters
Tailor the Heatmap to your specific needs – by selecting the data, you can convert your Watchlist into a Heatmap! Customize by choosing specific indices or securities or select performance metrics to display. Adapt the Heatmap to align with your trading or investment strategy and focus on the data that impacts your decisions.
Interactive and Real-time Updates
Interact with the Heatmap and receive real-time updates as the market evolves. Zoom in or out to explore different sectors and stocks, and hover over individual cells for detailed information. Stay connected to the market in real-time and gain actionable insights.
User-Friendly Interface
Our Heatmap features an intuitive and user-friendly interface designed for seamless navigation and ease of use. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your investment journey, our Heatmap provides a visually engaging and accessible tool for market analysis.