
Zodiac Energy Ltd

Thu 13/03/2025,15:46:15 | NSE : ZODIAC

₹ 390.60-5.10 (-1.29%)

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₹ 398.55

Previous Close

₹ 395.70



Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)



₹ 406.50


₹ 388.80

52 Week High

₹ 816.50

52 Week Low

₹ 350.60

Book Value Per Share

₹ 53.78

Dividend Yield


Face Value

₹ 10.00

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  • Zodiac Energy - Announcement Under Regulation 30 Of The SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2

    10 Mar 2025, 6:27PM We hereby inform you that our company is closing its Nadiad Branch situated at First Floor, A1-7, Virgo Complex, santram Road, Nadiad, Gujarat-387001
  • Zodiac Energy - General Updates

    10 Mar 2025, 6:26PM Zodiac Energy Limited has informed the Exchange about General Updates
  • Zodiac Energy - Press Release

    11 Feb 2025, 6:33PM Zodiac Energy Limited has informed the Exchange regarding a press release dated February 11, 2025, titled ""Zodiac Energy Limited s Q3 FY25 (ended on
  • Zodiac Energy - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Press Release / Media Release

    11 Feb 2025, 6:31PM Pursuant to Regulations 30 SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, we are enclosing herewith the copy of the Press Release tilted as Zodiac Energy Limited's Q3
  • Zodiac Energy - Copy of Newspaper Publication

    11 Feb 2025, 3:15PM Zodiac Energy Limited has informed the Exchange about Copy of Newspaper Publication
  • Zodiac Energy - Integrated Filing- Financial

    10 Feb 2025, 7:20PM Integrated Filing- Financial for the Quarter and Nine Months Ended December 31, 2024
  • Zodiac Energy - Integrated Filing (Financial)

    10 Feb 2025, 7:17PM Please Find Enclosed Integrated Filing (Financial) for the Quarter & Nine Months Ended December 31, 2024
  • Zodiac Energy - Statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) under Reg. 32

    10 Feb 2025, 6:50PM Zodiac Energy Limited has informed the Exchange about statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) under Reg. 32
  • Zodiac Energy - Statement Of Deviation(S) Or Variation(S) Under Regulation 32(1) Of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.\r\n\r\n

    10 Feb 2025, 6:49PM Pursuant to Regulation 32(1) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, as amended, Please find enclosed herewith the Statement of Deviation and Variation in U
  • Zodiac Energy Q3 net profit jumps 93.56% at Rs 5.71 cr

    10 Feb 2025, 6:20PM The company reported standalone net profit of Rs 5.71 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 as compared to Rs 2.95 crore in the same period la
  • Zodiac Energy - Outcome of Board Meeting

    10 Feb 2025, 6:18PM Zodiac Energy Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on February 10, 2025.
  • Zodiac Energy - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting Held Today I.E. On February 10, 2025, Pursuant To Regulati

    10 Feb 2025, 6:17PM In reference to captioned subject, we hereby inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company, in their Board Meeting held on today, i.e. on Mond
  • Zodiac Energy - Submission Of Unaudited Financial Result Of The Company For The Quarter And Nine Months Ended On December 31,

    10 Feb 2025, 6:08PM In reference to captioned subject and pursuant to Regulations 33(3)(d) of the SEBI (LODR), Regulations, 2015 we hereby submitting the followings: \r\
  • Zodiac Energy - Financial Result Updates

    10 Feb 2025, 6:08PM Zodiac Energy Limited has submitted to the Exchange, the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024.
  • Zodiac Energy - Board Meeting Intimation

    1 Feb 2025, 3:18PM ZODIAC ENERGY LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 10-Feb-2025 to consider and approve the Quarterly Unaudited Financia
  • Zodiac Energy - Board Meeting Intimation for Intimations Under The SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Reg

    1 Feb 2025, 3:15PM Zodiac Energy Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 10/02/2025 ,inter alia, to consider and ap
  • Zodiac Energy has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024

    18 Jan 2025, 5:40PM As of December 2024, 70.01% is owned by Indian Promoters and 29.99% by Public. <p align=justify> Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares o
  • Zodiac Energy - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018

    6 Jan 2025, 2:18PM Zodiac Energy Limited has informed the Exchange about Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018
  • Zodiac Energy - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018

    6 Jan 2025, 2:17PM We submit herewith the confirmation certificate and details of Share certificates Dematerialized for the period ended December 31, 2024 received from
  • Zodiac Energy - Updates

    3 Jan 2025, 3:08PM Zodiac Energy Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'Intimation regarding the change of name of Registrar and Transfer Agent ( RTA ) of Zodiac E
  • Zodiac Energy - Intimation Regarding The Change Of Name Of Registrar And Transfer Agent ('RTA') Of Zodiac Energy Limited ('Th

    3 Jan 2025, 3:04PM This to inform you that the company has received mail communication from its RTA on December 31, 2024, that due to acquisition of Link Group by Mitsub
  • Zodiac Energy - Trading Window-XBRL

    30 Dec 2024, 2:55PM ZODIAC ENERGY LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Closure of Trading Window
  • Zodiac Energy - Trading Window

    30 Dec 2024, 2:51PM Zodiac Energy Limited has informed the Exchange regarding the Trading Window closure pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 20
  • Zodiac Energy - Updates

    19 Dec 2024, 7:14PM Zodiac Energy Limited has informed the Exchange regarding ''.
  • Zodiac Energy - Announcement Under Regulation 30 Of The SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2

    19 Dec 2024, 7:11PM We wish to inform you that our company has awarded with first international Rooftop order from Kitwe, Zambia for designing, engineering, supplying, In

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of Zodiac Energy Ltd stock 

Name March-24 March-23 March-22 March-21 March-20
Assets 85.6987 81.1233 49.9756 40.2731 29.2795
Liabilities 85.6987 81.1233 49.9756 40.2731 29.2795
Equity 14.6334 14.6334 14.6334 14.6334 7.3167
Gross Profit 18.9623 7.5001 8.8755 6.8663 4.8079
Net Profit 10.972 3.1894 5.4602 4.4956 3.0012
Cash From Operating Activities 15.9733 -23.1466 2.3003 -4.0797 -0.1272
NPM(%) 4.98 2.31 3.81 4.47 4.4
Revenue 220.0611 137.6592 142.9705 100.3685 68.1832
Expenses 201.0988 130.1591 134.095 93.5022 63.3753
ROE(%) 13.51 3.92 6.72 5.53 3.69

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day
2.5 25 0 29.75


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Company Info

The Company was originally incorporated as ?Zodiac Genset Private Limited? at Ahmedabad on May 22, 1992 under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 vide Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Ahmedabad. Subsequently, the name of the company was changed to ?Zodiac Energy Private Limited? on April 30, 2007 and fresh Certificate of Incorporation consequent upon change of name was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Ahmedabad. Consequently upon the conversion of the Company into public limited company, the name of the Company was changed to ?Zodiac Energy Limited? and fresh Certificate of Incorporation dated August 29, 2017 was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Ahmedabad. On announcement of the Industrial policy 1991, by the then Finance minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, which opened gateways for small scale industries resulting into demand of standby electrical power surged in Gujarat. To grab the opportunity the promoter Director Mr. Kunjbihari Shah who was having experience in dealing of Diesel Generator sets, floated the company in the year 1992 and started its jtheney by assembling of Diesel Generating Sets to cater the Gujarat and nearby markets. During, 1993-2000 India was undergoing telecom revolution due to introduction of C-DOT technology by Dr. Sam Pitroda and Department of Telecom planned to install Telephone exchanges in every village of the country. This expansion drive of DOT needs huge quantity of Diesel Generator (DG) Sets and the company have worked extensively with DOT to supply installation of DG Sets in telephone exchanges in the region of Gujarat and Maharashtra. In the year 1998, the company received appreciation letter from DoT for very good performance among the DG (EA) Set suppliers in the country. Simultaneously, since 1997, mobile telephony was a buzzword across the globe and in the continuation of telecom revolution, many new licenses for mobile telephony were auctioned by Govt. And many players have started their operations and the company catered their need for DG Sets for backup power for their Main Switching Centres and Mobile tower sites in Gujarat. Among the prominent clients of the company was FASCEL ltd. (Now Vodafone), Airtel, Birla AT&T (Now IDEA), Tata Teleservices etc. The western India is blessed with availability of Natural Gas and during 2002-2010 the availability and prices of natural gas were favtheable for Industries for captive power generation through natural gas and hence the company started giving EPC solutions for natural gas based captive/co-generation power plants. The company installed 1.4 MW captive power plant with co-generation at AMUL Dairy Aanand on Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis. It was first of its kind project in the country and the total investment and operation and maintenance responsibility rest on the company. After that the company installed many captive/cogeneration power plants across the country on natural gas, Bio-Gas, STP Gas etc. With support from Clarke Energy (India) Limited (Distributors for GE Jenbacher Gas Engine in India) and M/s. GMMCO Limited (distributors for CATERPILLAR gas generators in India). In this jtheney of 25 years from 1992-2017, the company installed more than 150 MW of diesel and gas based generators/power plants pan India. In 2012, the company started working in designing and engineering of process equipment and also started manufacturing of process equipment in small scale. The company has worked with many prominent national and international players like Ingersoll Rand, ITT, Borsig (Germany), Croll Raynolds Inc. (USA), Mazda Ltd., Mobile Communications India Limited, L&T ltd. Etc. In 2012-13, the company started working in solar power and started dealing in Solar water heaters and off-grid and on-grid solar PV power plant and became accredited channel partner of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) Govt. Of India by getting SP 3B which indicates Moderate Peroframnce Capacbility and Moderate Financial Strength, (Grading scale SP 1A to SP 5C) solar grading from CARE ratings. Subsequently in 2016, the solar Grading of the company increased to SP2C which indicates High Technical Capability and Moderate Financial Strength (Grading Scale SP 1A to SP 5E) by Brickwork ratings. The company is also MNRE approved manufacturer of solar water heaters. the company has installed solar power plants for many prominent clients like Sun-Edison India Limited, Adani Group, Torrent Power Ltd., Gujarat Energy development Agency, Reserve bank of India, Directorate of Lighthouse and Lightships GoI, Indian Oil Corporation Limited to name a few. The company has installed more than 6000 KW of Rooftop solar power plants till now and it envisage to reach at 10000 KW by end of 2017-18. We are Energy Solution Provider company having experience in majority of verticals of power generations spectrum. the spectrum of services are including Design, supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning (EPC) and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) in short we provide turnkey solutions from concept to commissioning of power plants. Major Events The major events of the company since its incorporation in the particular year are as under: 1992 - Zodiac was incorporated as Zodiac Genset Private Limited with primary business objective of assembly of Diesel Generating Sets. The Company became authorized OEM of Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited, Pune to assemble the gensets with Kirloskar engines and Kirloskar alternators. 1995 - The Company has been awarded for significant sales growth during 1993-1995 from Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited. 1998 - Zodiac was considered one of the best suppliers of D G Set by Department of Telecom (The largest buyer of D G Sets in the country at that point of time.) 2004 - Zodiac forayed in to Gas engine based captive co-generation power plants and tied up with Local arm of Deutz Germany for solutions. 2005 - Zodiac has installed 1.4 MW Gas engine based captive co-generation power plant on Built, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis at AMUL Dairy, Anand. The first of its kind business model in the country. 2006 - Zodiac started working in various packages in coal based thermal power plants. 2007 - In order to showcase the company's presence in wide spectrum of Energy Generation business, the Company's name changed to ZODIAC ENERGY PRIVATE LIMITED 2012 - Zodiac also started manufacturing process equipment and served the prestigious clients like Ingersoll Rand, ITT, Borsig (Germany) Croll Raynolds Inc. USA, Mazda Limited etc. 2013 - Zodiac became Acredited Channel Partner of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for solar Thermal and Solar PV systems. - Zodiac ventured in to nascent Solar power business keeping both Solar Thermal and Solar PV business in mind. - Zodiac also established the state of the art manufacturing facility for solar water heaters. 2015 - After introduction of solar power policy 2015 by Gujarat Government and various state Governments, Zodiac took huge leap in Solar PV market and till now installed more than 6000 KW of rooftop solar PV plants. 2017 - Zodiac installed 1 MW ground mounted solar PV power plant for Adani Transmission Limited at Mohindergarh, Haryana. 2020-The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1. 2022-Zodiac Energy awarded by Suryacan Ahmedabad-2022 at Gujarat State Annual Solar Awards, 2022 organised by EQ Magazine. 2020 -The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1. 2022 -Company has been awarded for below awards by Suryacan Ahmedabad-2022 at Gujarat State Annual Solar Awards, 2022.

The Company was originally incorporated as ?Zodiac Genset Private Limited? at Ahmedabad on May 22, 1992 under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 vide Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Ahmedabad. Subsequently, the name of the company was changed to ?Zodiac Energy Private Limited? on April 30, 2007 and fresh Certificate of Incorporation consequent upon change of name was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Ahmedabad. Consequently upon the conversion of the Company into public limited company, the name of the Company was changed to ?Zodiac Energy Limited? and fresh Certificate of Incorporation dated August 29, 2017 was issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Ahmedabad. On announcement of the Industrial policy 1991, by the then Finance minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, which opened gateways for small scale industries resulting into demand of standby electrical power surged in Gujarat. To grab the opportunity the promoter Director Mr. Kunjbihari Shah who was having experience in dealing of Diesel Generator sets, floated the company in the year 1992 and started its jtheney by assembling of Diesel Generating Sets to cater the Gujarat and nearby markets. During, 1993-2000 India was undergoing telecom revolution due to introduction of C-DOT technology by Dr. Sam Pitroda and Department of Telecom planned to install Telephone exchanges in every village of the country. This expansion drive of DOT needs huge quantity of Diesel Generator (DG) Sets and the company have worked extensively with DOT to supply installation of DG Sets in telephone exchanges in the region of Gujarat and Maharashtra. In the year 1998, the company received appreciation letter from DoT for very good performance among the DG (EA) Set suppliers in the country. Simultaneously, since 1997, mobile telephony was a buzzword across the globe and in the continuation of telecom revolution, many new licenses for mobile telephony were auctioned by Govt. And many players have started their operations and the company catered their need for DG Sets for backup power for their Main Switching Centres and Mobile tower sites in Gujarat. Among the prominent clients of the company was FASCEL ltd. (Now Vodafone), Airtel, Birla AT&T (Now IDEA), Tata Teleservices etc. The western India is blessed with availability of Natural Gas and during 2002-2010 the availability and prices of natural gas were favtheable for Industries for captive power generation through natural gas and hence the company started giving EPC solutions for natural gas based captive/co-generation power plants. The company installed 1.4 MW captive power plant with co-generation at AMUL Dairy Aanand on Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis. It was first of its kind project in the country and the total investment and operation and maintenance responsibility rest on the company. After that the company installed many captive/cogeneration power plants across the country on natural gas, Bio-Gas, STP Gas etc. With support from Clarke Energy (India) Limited (Distributors for GE Jenbacher Gas Engine in India) and M/s. GMMCO Limited (distributors for CATERPILLAR gas generators in India). In this jtheney of 25 years from 1992-2017, the company installed more than 150 MW of diesel and gas based generators/power plants pan India. In 2012, the company started working in designing and engineering of process equipment and also started manufacturing of process equipment in small scale. The company has worked with many prominent national and international players like Ingersoll Rand, ITT, Borsig (Germany), Croll Raynolds Inc. (USA), Mazda Ltd., Mobile Communications India Limited, L&T ltd. Etc. In 2012-13, the company started working in solar power and started dealing in Solar water heaters and off-grid and on-grid solar PV power plant and became accredited channel partner of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) Govt. Of India by getting SP 3B which indicates Moderate Peroframnce Capacbility and Moderate Financial Strength, (Grading scale SP 1A to SP 5C) solar grading from CARE ratings. Subsequently in 2016, the solar Grading of the company increased to SP2C which indicates High Technical Capability and Moderate Financial Strength (Grading Scale SP 1A to SP 5E) by Brickwork ratings. The company is also MNRE approved manufacturer of solar water heaters. the company has installed solar power plants for many prominent clients like Sun-Edison India Limited, Adani Group, Torrent Power Ltd., Gujarat Energy development Agency, Reserve bank of India, Directorate of Lighthouse and Lightships GoI, Indian Oil Corporation Limited to name a few. The company has installed more than 6000 KW of Rooftop solar power plants till now and it envisage to reach at 10000 KW by end of 2017-18. We are Energy Solution Provider company having experience in majority of verticals of power generations spectrum. the spectrum of services are including Design, supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning (EPC) and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) in short we provide turnkey solutions from concept to commissioning of power plants. Major Events The major events of the company since its incorporation in the particular year are as under: 1992 - Zodiac was incorporated as Zodiac Genset Private Limited with primary business objective of assembly of Diesel Generating Sets. The Company became authorized OEM of Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited, Pune to assemble the gensets with Kirloskar engines and Kirloskar alternators. 1995 - The Company has been awarded for significant sales growth during 1993-1995 from Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited. 1998 - Zodiac was considered one of the best suppliers of D G Set by Department of Telecom (The largest buyer of D G Sets in the country at that point of time.) 2004 - Zodiac forayed in to Gas engine based captive co-generation power plants and tied up with Local arm of Deutz Germany for solutions. 2005 - Zodiac has installed 1.4 MW Gas engine based captive co-generation power plant on Built, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis at AMUL Dairy, Anand. The first of its kind business model in the country. 2006 - Zodiac started working in various packages in coal based thermal power plants. 2007 - In order to showcase the company's presence in wide spectrum of Energy Generation business, the Company's name changed to ZODIAC ENERGY PRIVATE LIMITED 2012 - Zodiac also started manufacturing process equipment and served the prestigious clients like Ingersoll Rand, ITT, Borsig (Germany) Croll Raynolds Inc. USA, Mazda Limited etc. 2013 - Zodiac became Acredited Channel Partner of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for solar Thermal and Solar PV systems. - Zodiac ventured in to nascent Solar power business keeping both Solar Thermal and Solar PV business in mind. - Zodiac also established the state of the art manufacturing facility for solar water heaters. 2015 - After introduction of solar power policy 2015 by Gujarat Government and various state Governments, Zodiac took huge leap in Solar PV market and till now installed more than 6000 KW of rooftop solar PV plants. 2017 - Zodiac installed 1 MW ground mounted solar PV power plant for Adani Transmission Limited at Mohindergarh, Haryana. 2020-The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1. 2022-Zodiac Energy awarded by Suryacan Ahmedabad-2022 at Gujarat State Annual Solar Awards, 2022 organised by EQ Magazine. 2020 -The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1. 2022 -Company has been awarded for below awards by Suryacan Ahmedabad-2022 at Gujarat State Annual Solar Awards, 2022.

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Parent Organisation

Zodiac Energy Ltd.



Managing Director

Mr.Kunjbihari Shah

NSE Symbol



The current price of Zodiac Energy Ltd is ₹ 390.60.

The 52-week high for Zodiac Energy Ltd is ₹ 406.50 and the 52-week low is ₹ 388.80.

The market capitalization of Zodiac Energy Ltd is currently ₹ 589.66. This value can fluctuate based on stock price movements and changes in the number of shares outstanding.

To buy Zodiac Energy Ltd shares, you need to have a brokerage account. First, choose a reputable brokerage firm, open an account, and complete the necessary KYC procedures.

To invest in Zodiac Energy Ltd, you need a brokerage account. After opening an account and completing the KYC process, you can fund your account and use the trading platform to purchase Zodiac Energy Ltd shares.

The CEO of Zodiac Energy Ltd is Mr.Kunjbihari Shah, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.