Vikas Ecotech Ltd
Thu 13/03/2025,15:59:52 | NSE : VIKASECO
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₹ 2.52
Previous Close
₹ 2.47
Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)
₹ 2.55
₹ 2.49
52 Week High
₹ 4.50
52 Week Low
₹ 2.22
Book Value Per Share
₹ 3.68
Dividend Yield
Face Value
₹ 1.00
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Vikas Ecotech L - General Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - Shareholders meeting
Vikas Ecotech L - Outcome of Board Meeting
Vikas Ecotech L - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting Pursuant To Regulation 30 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations A
Vikas Ecotech L - Board Meeting Intimation for Intimation Of Board Meeting To Be Held On March 7, 2025
Vikas Ecotech L - Copy of Newspaper Publication
Vikas Ecotech L - General Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - \r\n \r\nDisclosure Under Regulation 30 Read With Para A Of Part A Of Schedule III Of The SEBI (Listing Ob
Vikas Ecotech L posts Q3 net loss of Rs 0.19 cr
Vikas Ecotech L - Financial Result Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - Un-Audited Standalone And Consolidated Financial Results Of The Company For The Quarter Ended On December 3
Vikas Ecotech L - Outcome of Board Meeting
Vikas Ecotech L - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting Held On February 14, 2025
Vikas Ecotech L - Disclosure Under Regulation 30 Read With Para A Of Part A Of Schedule III Of The SEBI (Listing Obligations
Vikas Ecotech L - General Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - Board Meeting Intimation for Intimation Of Board Meeting To Be Held On February 14, 2025
Vikas Ecotech L - Disclosure Under Regulation 30 Read With Para A Of Part A Of Schedule III Of The SEBI (Listing Obligations
Vikas Ecotech L - General Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - Shareholders meeting
Vikas Ecotech L - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Scrutinizer\s Report
Vikas Ecotech L - Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of The SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2
Vikas Ecotech L - Copy of Newspaper Publication
Vikas Ecotech L - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Notice of Postal Ballot
Vikas Ecotech L - Shareholders meeting
Vikas Ecotech L - Outcome of Board Meeting
Vikas Ecotech L - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting
Vikas Ecotech L - Trading Window
Vikas Ecotech L - General Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - Trading Window
Vikas Ecotech L - Board Meeting Intimation for Intimation Of Board Meeting To Be Held On January 1, 2025
Vikas Ecotech L - General Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - Order Passed By Hon'Ble High Court Of India, New Delhi In The Matter Of M/S Vikas Ecotech Limited Vs. Mr. A
Vikas Ecotech L - Intimation Of Receipt Of Approval By Stock Exchanges For Reclassification Of 'Promoter Group' Category To
Vikas Ecotech L - General Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - Outcome of Board Meeting
Vikas Ecotech L - Intimation Of Receipt Of Approval By Stock Exchanges For Reclassification Of 'Promoter Group' Category To
Vikas Ecotech L - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting Held On December 19, 2024
Vikas Ecotech L - Intimation Of Receipt Of Approval By Stock Exchanges For Reclassification Of 'Promoter Group' Category To
Vikas Ecotech L - Intimation Of Receipt Of Approval By Stock Exchanges For Reclassification Of 'Promoter Group' Category To
Vikas Ecotech L - Intimation Of Receipt Of Approval By Stock Exchanges For Reclassification Of 'Promoter Group' Category To
Vikas Ecotech L - Intimation Of Receipt Of Approval By Stock Exchanges For Reclassification Of 'Promoter Group' Category To
Vikas Ecotech L - Intimation Of Receipt Of Approval By Stock Exchanges For Reclassification Of 'Promoter Group' Category To
Vikas Ecotech L - Updates
Vikas Ecotech L - Media Release: Vikas Ecotech Limited Has Been Awarded Being One Of The Top 75 'Innovative Companies' At Con
Vikas EcoTech gets insurance claim for factory fire
Key fundamentals
Evaluate the intrinsic value of Vikas Ecotech Ltd stock
Name | March-24 | March-23 | March-22 | March-21 | March-20 |
Assets | 395.2021 | 299.7226 | 318.1608 | 273.2138 | 287.119 |
Liabilities | 395.2021 | 299.7226 | 318.1608 | 273.2138 | 287.119 |
Equity | 138.8356 | 94.8576 | 93.9337 | 27.9899 | 27.9899 |
Gross Profit | 16.333 | 21.9147 | 23.051 | 4.4944 | 11.6847 |
Net Profit | 6.6135 | 9.5272 | 1.3924 | -14.35 | 1.0181 |
Cash From Operating Activities | 119.4702 | 96.6016 | -17.8472 | 12.4389 | 25.7783 |
NPM(%) | 2.68 | 2.36 | 0.55 | -12.35 | 0.52 |
Revenue | 246.5996 | 402.669 | 250.424 | 116.1777 | 192.1885 |
Expenses | 230.2666 | 380.7543 | 227.373 | 111.6832 | 180.5037 |
ROE(%) | 1.29 | 1.86 | 0.27 | -2.8 | 0.19 |
Corporate Action
XD-Date | Dividend-Amount | Dividend-% | Dividend Yield(%GE) | Price on that day |
19 Sep 2019 | 0.05 | 5 | 0 | 13.1 |
19 Sep 2018 | 0.05 | 5 | 0 | 27.45 |
20 Sep 2017 | 0.05 | 5 | 0 | 23.45 |
22 Sep 2016 | 0.05 | 5 | 0 | 18.5 |
22 Sep 2015 | 0.05 | 5 | 0 | 6.55 |
19 Sep 2014 | 0.05 | 5 | 0 | 24.4 |
19 Sep 2013 | 0.5 | 5 | 0 | 166.65 |
18 Sep 2012 | 0.5 | 5 | 0 | 77.1 |
Other companies within the same industry or sector that are comparable to Vikas Ecotech Ltd
Company | Price | Price (% change) | pe(x) | EV/EBITDA(x) | ROE(%) | ROCE(%) |
Prajay Engineers Syndicate Ltd | 20.77 | 1.47 | 0.00 | 17.55 | -55.70 | 0.00 |
Hubtown Ltd | 176.48 | 0.18 | 0.00 | 20.06 | -63.55 | 0.00 |
Shriram Properties Ltd | 67.64 | -0.07 | 23.24 | 42.75 | 44.30 | 0.00 |
IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd | 42.80 | -1.99 | 4.00 | 1515.79 | 100.32 | 0.70 |
Company Info
Vikas Leasing Ltd was incorporated as a Public Limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 on 30th November, 1984 and obtained the Certificate for Commencement of Business from the Registrar of Companies, Delhi & Haryana on 22nd May, 1985. Since then it has primarily been providing lease and hire purchase finances to various Corporate and Non-corporate clients. In vehicle finance, it has mainly been for commercial vehicles and uptill now the following number of vehicles have been financed by the company: Item Nos ---- --- Trucks 227 Cars 46 The company has also been financing Plant and Machinery to the corporate clients. The clients have generally been with strong fundamental strength like Prakash Industries Ltd, etc. The company has also been syndicating Lease finance from other companies too for the last four years. The company has also been active in investment in securities in primary as well as secondary market since incorporation and their income has also grown accordingly from this activity too. Disbursements made by the company during the preceding last three years is as under: (Rs. in lacs) 1992 1993 1994 ---- ---- ---- Lease 36.29 68.00 42.60 Hire Purchase 21.41 11.10 21.25 The company has also been involved in construction activity. They have been constructing the flats and selling these at a profit for the last 4 years in Vikas Apartments. Considering the clientele of the company, there is a great demand for more and more finance for vehicles and plant and machinery. The new customers are being recommended by the present clients whose credentials are very well known to the company. Accordingly, the company has decided to enlarge its operations in leasing of vehicles etc. Moreover, the company has a plan to open branches in metropolitan cities for booking more lease business and mobilisation of public deposits. The company has required infrastructure for expanding the business. MAIN OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY 1. To carry on the business of leasing, hire purchase, housing, motor and general finance. 2. To lend or advance money either with or without security and to arrange to negotiate loan and to carry on the business of financiers, finance brokers, money lenders and bill brokers but the company shall not carry on any banking business as defined in the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and the activities prohibited by the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978. 3. To give on lease or hire purchase or finance of plant and machinery, property, motors and auto vehicles, air conditioners, office equipments, computers, photocopying machines, cold storage, ice plants, ice creams, manufacturing machinery, construction machinery, furniture & fixtures, refrigerators, televisions, electronic equipments, lifts, household equipments or any other assets that the company may think fit. 4. To invest the capital of the company in and deal with shares, stocks, bonds, debentures, obligations or other securities of any company, association, trust, issue on commission, sell, mortgage or dispose off any of the securities, hereinbefore mentioned or to act as agent for any of the above purposes. 5. To carry on business as auctioneers, house agents, land and estate agents, appraisers, valuers, brokers, commission agents, surveyors and general agents, and to purchase or otherwise acquire and to sell, let or otherwise dispose of and deal, in real property of every description.l SUBSIDIARY OF THE COMPANY There is no subsidiary company. 2009 -Company name has been changed from Vikas Profin Ltd to Vikas GlobalOne Ltd 2011 - The company is allotted a plot of 27,840.91 sq. meters of land at Dahej-II, Industrial Estate, District- Bharuch Gujarat. The plot for the new facility has been strategically located to provide easy reach of ports for catering export market and conveniently connected with western and southern part of the country. 2012 -Board has recommended a dividend of Rs. 0.50 Paisa per Rs. 10/- Equity Share (i.e. 5% at Face Value of each shares i.e. Rs. 10/-). 2013 -Board has recommended a Dividend of 0.5 paisa per Equity Share of Rs. 10/- each i.e. 5% for the year 2013. 2014 -Mr. Sunil Malik has appointed as a Company Secretary of the Company. -Board has Recommended a Dividend of 0.05 paisa per Equity Share of Rs. 1/- each i.e. 5% for the year 2014. -Vikas GlobalOne has announces bonus in the ratio of 3:2 -Vikas GlobalOne has splits its face value from Rs 10/- to 1/- 2015 -Name of the Company Vikas GlobalOne Ltd shall be changed to Vikas EcoTech Ltd. -The trading symbol of the Company shall be changed from VIKASGLOB to VIKASECO. 2021-Vikas Ecotech Ltd has pdates on Steel Pipe Fittings Project' and pdates on Steel Pipe Fittings Project'.-Vikas Ecotech Ltd has issued rights shares of Rs. 1 in the ratio of 12:25 at a premium of Rs. 0.6 per share. 2023-Company has ventured into the arena of Green-Enviro-friendly Infrastructure Development Projects in collaboration with M/s ARM Estate Projects Pvt Ltd'. 2021 -The company issued rights shares of Rs. 1 in the ratio of 12:25 at a premium of Rs. 0.6 per share. 2023 -Company has ventured into the arena of Green-Enviro-friendly infrastructure Development projects in collaboration with M/s ARM Estate Projects Pvt Ltd. 2024 -Vikas Ecotech Limited has been awarded being one of the Top 75 Innovative Companies at Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Industrial Innovation Awards 2024. -Vikas Ecotech Limited successfully completed the process of acquisition of 100% stakes in the Polymeric Plasticizer Manufacturing Company M/s Vikas Organics Pvt. Ltd.
Vikas Leasing Ltd was incorporated as a Public Limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 on 30th November, 1984 and obtained the Certificate for Commencement of Business from the Registrar of Companies, Delhi & Haryana on 22nd May, 1985. Since then it has primarily been providing lease and hire purchase finances to various Corporate and Non-corporate clients. In vehicle finance, it has mainly been for commercial vehicles and uptill now the following number of vehicles have been financed by the company: Item Nos ---- --- Trucks 227 Cars 46 The company has also been financing Plant and Machinery to the corporate clients. The clients have generally been with strong fundamental strength like Prakash Industries Ltd, etc. The company has also been syndicating Lease finance from other companies too for the last four years. The company has also been active in investment in securities in primary as well as secondary market since incorporation and their income has also grown accordingly from this activity too. Disbursements made by the company during the preceding last three years is as under: (Rs. in lacs) 1992 1993 1994 ---- ---- ---- Lease 36.29 68.00 42.60 Hire Purchase 21.41 11.10 21.25 The company has also been involved in construction activity. They have been constructing the flats and selling these at a profit for the last 4 years in Vikas Apartments. Considering the clientele of the company, there is a great demand for more and more finance for vehicles and plant and machinery. The new customers are being recommended by the present clients whose credentials are very well known to the company. Accordingly, the company has decided to enlarge its operations in leasing of vehicles etc. Moreover, the company has a plan to open branches in metropolitan cities for booking more lease business and mobilisation of public deposits. The company has required infrastructure for expanding the business. MAIN OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY 1. To carry on the business of leasing, hire purchase, housing, motor and general finance. 2. To lend or advance money either with or without security and to arrange to negotiate loan and to carry on the business of financiers, finance brokers, money lenders and bill brokers but the company shall not carry on any banking business as defined in the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and the activities prohibited by the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978. 3. To give on lease or hire purchase or finance of plant and machinery, property, motors and auto vehicles, air conditioners, office equipments, computers, photocopying machines, cold storage, ice plants, ice creams, manufacturing machinery, construction machinery, furniture & fixtures, refrigerators, televisions, electronic equipments, lifts, household equipments or any other assets that the company may think fit. 4. To invest the capital of the company in and deal with shares, stocks, bonds, debentures, obligations or other securities of any company, association, trust, issue on commission, sell, mortgage or dispose off any of the securities, hereinbefore mentioned or to act as agent for any of the above purposes. 5. To carry on business as auctioneers, house agents, land and estate agents, appraisers, valuers, brokers, commission agents, surveyors and general agents, and to purchase or otherwise acquire and to sell, let or otherwise dispose of and deal, in real property of every description.l SUBSIDIARY OF THE COMPANY There is no subsidiary company. 2009 -Company name has been changed from Vikas Profin Ltd to Vikas GlobalOne Ltd 2011 - The company is allotted a plot of 27,840.91 sq. meters of land at Dahej-II, Industrial Estate, District- Bharuch Gujarat. The plot for the new facility has been strategically located to provide easy reach of ports for catering export market and conveniently connected with western and southern part of the country. 2012 -Board has recommended a dividend of Rs. 0.50 Paisa per Rs. 10/- Equity Share (i.e. 5% at Face Value of each shares i.e. Rs. 10/-). 2013 -Board has recommended a Dividend of 0.5 paisa per Equity Share of Rs. 10/- each i.e. 5% for the year 2013. 2014 -Mr. Sunil Malik has appointed as a Company Secretary of the Company. -Board has Recommended a Dividend of 0.05 paisa per Equity Share of Rs. 1/- each i.e. 5% for the year 2014. -Vikas GlobalOne has announces bonus in the ratio of 3:2 -Vikas GlobalOne has splits its face value from Rs 10/- to 1/- 2015 -Name of the Company Vikas GlobalOne Ltd shall be changed to Vikas EcoTech Ltd. -The trading symbol of the Company shall be changed from VIKASGLOB to VIKASECO. 2021-Vikas Ecotech Ltd has pdates on Steel Pipe Fittings Project' and pdates on Steel Pipe Fittings Project'.-Vikas Ecotech Ltd has issued rights shares of Rs. 1 in the ratio of 12:25 at a premium of Rs. 0.6 per share. 2023-Company has ventured into the arena of Green-Enviro-friendly Infrastructure Development Projects in collaboration with M/s ARM Estate Projects Pvt Ltd'. 2021 -The company issued rights shares of Rs. 1 in the ratio of 12:25 at a premium of Rs. 0.6 per share. 2023 -Company has ventured into the arena of Green-Enviro-friendly infrastructure Development projects in collaboration with M/s ARM Estate Projects Pvt Ltd. 2024 -Vikas Ecotech Limited has been awarded being one of the Top 75 Innovative Companies at Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Industrial Innovation Awards 2024. -Vikas Ecotech Limited successfully completed the process of acquisition of 100% stakes in the Polymeric Plasticizer Manufacturing Company M/s Vikas Organics Pvt. Ltd.
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Parent Organisation
Vikas Ecotech Ltd.
Managing Director
Mr.Balwant Kumar Bhushan
NSE Symbol
The current price of Vikas Ecotech Ltd is ₹ 2.51.
The 52-week high for Vikas Ecotech Ltd is ₹ 2.55 and the 52-week low is ₹ 2.49.
The market capitalization of Vikas Ecotech Ltd is currently ₹ 348.48. This value can fluctuate based on stock price movements and changes in the number of shares outstanding.
To buy Vikas Ecotech Ltd shares, you need to have a brokerage account. First, choose a reputable brokerage firm, open an account, and complete the necessary KYC procedures.
To invest in Vikas Ecotech Ltd, you need a brokerage account. After opening an account and completing the KYC process, you can fund your account and use the trading platform to purchase Vikas Ecotech Ltd shares.
The CEO of Vikas Ecotech Ltd is Mr.Balwant Kumar Bhushan, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.