State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd
Thu 13/03/2025,15:42:14 | NSE : STCINDIA
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₹ 109.65
Previous Close
₹ 108.49
Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)
₹ 112.50
₹ 108.02
52 Week High
₹ 252.00
52 Week Low
₹ 105.10
Book Value Per Share
₹ -768.88
Dividend Yield
Face Value
₹ 10.00
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State Trading - Outcome of Board Meeting
State Trading - Outcome of Board Meeting
State Trading - Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 - One-Time Settlement With Banks
State Trading - Integrated Filing- Financial
State Trading - Integrated Filing (Financial)
State Trading - Outcome of Board Meeting
State Trading - Outcome of Board Meeting
State Trading - Board Meeting Outcome for Unaudited Financial Results (Limited Reviewed) For The Quarter & Nine Months Ended
State Trading - Unaudited Financial Results (Limited Reviewed) For The Quarter & Nine Months Ended On December 31, 2024
State Trading - Financial Result Updates
State Trading - Board Meeting Intimation
State Trading - Board Meeting Intimation for Notice Of Board Meeting
State Trading has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024
State Trading - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018
State Trading - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018
State Trading - Trading Window-XBRL
State Trading - Trading Window
Key fundamentals
Evaluate the intrinsic value of State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd stock
Name | March-24 | March-23 | March-22 | March-21 | March-20 |
Assets | 732.349 | 662.1661 | 608.6602 | 697.02 | 744.72 |
Liabilities | 732.349 | 662.1661 | 608.6602 | 697.02 | 744.72 |
Equity | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
Gross Profit | -45.7863 | -46.2293 | -53.1135 | -91.65 | -93.95 |
Net Profit | 52.2066 | 32.8914 | -93.9668 | -51.23 | -113.63 |
Cash From Operating Activities | -22.1202 | -61.6388 | -1.8458 | -194.47 | -451.31 |
NPM(%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | -20.5 | -3.86 |
Revenue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 249.81 | 2936.74 |
Expenses | 45.7863 | 46.2293 | 53.1135 | 341.46 | 3030.69 |
ROE(%) | -1.13 | -0.71 | 2.03 | 1.11 | 2.46 |
Corporate Action
XD-Date | Dividend-Amount | Dividend-% | Dividend Yield(%GE) | Price on that day |
19 Sep 2013 | 2 | 20 | 0 | 165.05 |
20 Sep 2012 | 2 | 20 | 0 | 250.6 |
22 Sep 2011 | 3 | 30 | 0 | 202.75 |
21 Sep 2010 | 2.25 | 22.5 | 0 | 418.55 |
17 Feb 2010 | 2.5 | 25 | 0 | 514.6 |
11 Sep 2009 | 2.25 | 22.5 | 0 | 354.9 |
12 Feb 2009 | 2.5 | 25 | 0 | 101.25 |
15 Sep 2008 | 3 | 30 | 0 | 309.65 |
15 Feb 2008 | 3.5 | 35 | 0 | 842.3 |
19 Sep 2007 | 4 | 40 | 0 | 172.6 |
19 Feb 2007 | 2 | 20 | 0 | 163.35 |
12 Sep 2006 | 3.5 | 35 | 0 | 107.45 |
17 Nov 2005 | 1.5 | 15 | 0 | 143.3 |
22 Sep 2005 | 1.5 | 15 | 0 | 140.05 |
16 Nov 2004 | 1.5 | 15 | 0 | 90.15 |
15 Sep 2004 | 0.5 | 5 | 0 | 70.95 |
19 Feb 2004 | 2 | 20 | 0 | 140.05 |
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Company Info
YEAR EVENTS 1956 - The Company was incorporated as a private limited company on 18th May, 1956 and converted into a Public Ltd. Company on 31st January 1992. The Corporation was formed to organise and effect exports from and imports into India of all such goods and commodities as it may from time to time determine. - The company has been entrusted with purchase, import and distribution of cement as well as purchase and sale of imported cars. It also undertakes price support and buffer stock operations in specific commodities as directed by Govt. 1959 - 1,00,000 shares subscribed for by the Govt. of India. 1963 - On 26th September, the State Trading Corporation was bifurcated by the establishment of the Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation of India, Ltd. The new Corporation took over all the assets and liabilities pertaining to the minerals and metals trade as on 1st October. 1969 - 3,00,000 bonus shares issued. 1975 - 5,00,000 bonus shares issued. 1977 - 2,00,000 bonus shares issued. 1978 - 3,00,000 bonus shares issued. 1992 - The Company was nominated by the Govt. of India as its agency for sale of 47000 MTs of crude degumment solvent extracted soyabean oil received under the auspicies of USAID. - The Corporation entered into MOUs with a few selected industrial houses for making available to the Corporation, their products for exports. STC was to render their marketing assistance. - A Trade Development Cell (TDC) was set up with the intention of developing non-canalised trade including merchanting trade. - Tea Trading Corporation of India Ltd. is the only subsidiary of the corporation. The Cashew Corporation of India Ltd. (CCI), wholly owned subsidiary of STC was merged with the Corporation as per notification dated 21st April. - The Corporation has introduced link, barter and parallel deals as an instrument of export promotion to augment exports and arrest the downward trend in the export of certain commodities to specific destinations. - Equity shares subdivided on 31.1.1992. 150,00,000 bonus shares issued in prop. 1:1. 1993 - The Corporation sold the oil recently from crushing operations under its own brand name "Ragini" and "Darpan". 1994 - The Corporation entered into an agreement with COMARK, a multistate cooperative federation of about 3000 coffee growers for handling their entire exports and part of domestic marketing. - As on 31st March, the Corporation, had disinvested 23,93,200 shares to various Mutual Funds/Financial Institution comprising 9% of the equity capital of the Corporation. - The Corporation decided to enter into joint venture in order to develop captive supply source for exports. Five projects in the area of core competence viz. acquaculture, footwear, mushrooms, and bio-technology were identified. 1995 - With a view to developing captive sources supply for exports, the Corporation entered into joint ventures with two aqua culture units - Bluegold Maritech International Ltd. & Richfield Aquatech Ltd. Also, the Corporation finalised three more joint ventures two in the field of grey fabrics and one in mushrooms involving a total investment of Rs 4 crores. 1996 - The STC ventured into import of gold/silver and export of jewellery in terms of present export/import policy. It has set up vaults at New Delhi, Mumbai & Ahmedabad. - The Company entered into a MOU with Srilanka Pharmaceuticals Corporation (SPC) Colombo by which STC would act as the modal agency for their purchases of drugs and pharmaceuticals from India. - Another MOU was entered into with Haffkeme Bio Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai by which STC would act as the sole exporting arms of all Haffkeme products especially serums and vaccines; A distributor was appointed at Turkey for serums and vaccines manufactured by Haffkeme. 2002 -STC ties up with Power Finance Corporation to reduce the end cost of power. 2003 -STC appoints Mr A S Arora, AS&FA, Minitry of Commerce as Part time Director on the board of the company. 2005 -STATE Trading Corporation of India Ltd (STC) has signed a MoU with the Commerce Ministry for 2005-06 to indicate its physical targets and other performance parameters for the next fiscal. 2006 -Govt permits STC to export 1.5 lakh t sugar -STC to roll out regional brands 2008 -The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1. 2010 - State Trading Corporation of India Ltd has informed BSE that Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Commerce Vide its order dated January 13, 2010 has appointed Shri P. K. Chaudhery, Additional Secretary, Department of Commerce as Director on the Board of STC with immediate effect vice Shri R. Gopalan. 2011 -Shri Udai N. Abhyankar, Former IFS Officer Board of Director of The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. 2012 -39th rank in terms of net sales among Top 500 Companies by Financial Express (Feb'2012). -Won award for Gentle Giant Miniratna - I (Largest Non-Manufacturing Company) at the Third DSIJ PSU Awards 2011 ceremony held at New Delhi. -32nd rank in terms of net sales among Top 1000 Companies by Business Standard (Mar'2012). 2013 -State Trading Corporation of India Ltd have approved payment of Dividend for the year 2012-13 @ 20% (i.e. Rs. 2/- per share) 2014 -State Trading Corporation of India Ltd has appointed Shri S. K. Sharma, Group General Manager (Personnel).
YEAR EVENTS 1956 - The Company was incorporated as a private limited company on 18th May, 1956 and converted into a Public Ltd. Company on 31st January 1992. The Corporation was formed to organise and effect exports from and imports into India of all such goods and commodities as it may from time to time determine. - The company has been entrusted with purchase, import and distribution of cement as well as purchase and sale of imported cars. It also undertakes price support and buffer stock operations in specific commodities as directed by Govt. 1959 - 1,00,000 shares subscribed for by the Govt. of India. 1963 - On 26th September, the State Trading Corporation was bifurcated by the establishment of the Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation of India, Ltd. The new Corporation took over all the assets and liabilities pertaining to the minerals and metals trade as on 1st October. 1969 - 3,00,000 bonus shares issued. 1975 - 5,00,000 bonus shares issued. 1977 - 2,00,000 bonus shares issued. 1978 - 3,00,000 bonus shares issued. 1992 - The Company was nominated by the Govt. of India as its agency for sale of 47000 MTs of crude degumment solvent extracted soyabean oil received under the auspicies of USAID. - The Corporation entered into MOUs with a few selected industrial houses for making available to the Corporation, their products for exports. STC was to render their marketing assistance. - A Trade Development Cell (TDC) was set up with the intention of developing non-canalised trade including merchanting trade. - Tea Trading Corporation of India Ltd. is the only subsidiary of the corporation. The Cashew Corporation of India Ltd. (CCI), wholly owned subsidiary of STC was merged with the Corporation as per notification dated 21st April. - The Corporation has introduced link, barter and parallel deals as an instrument of export promotion to augment exports and arrest the downward trend in the export of certain commodities to specific destinations. - Equity shares subdivided on 31.1.1992. 150,00,000 bonus shares issued in prop. 1:1. 1993 - The Corporation sold the oil recently from crushing operations under its own brand name "Ragini" and "Darpan". 1994 - The Corporation entered into an agreement with COMARK, a multistate cooperative federation of about 3000 coffee growers for handling their entire exports and part of domestic marketing. - As on 31st March, the Corporation, had disinvested 23,93,200 shares to various Mutual Funds/Financial Institution comprising 9% of the equity capital of the Corporation. - The Corporation decided to enter into joint venture in order to develop captive supply source for exports. Five projects in the area of core competence viz. acquaculture, footwear, mushrooms, and bio-technology were identified. 1995 - With a view to developing captive sources supply for exports, the Corporation entered into joint ventures with two aqua culture units - Bluegold Maritech International Ltd. & Richfield Aquatech Ltd. Also, the Corporation finalised three more joint ventures two in the field of grey fabrics and one in mushrooms involving a total investment of Rs 4 crores. 1996 - The STC ventured into import of gold/silver and export of jewellery in terms of present export/import policy. It has set up vaults at New Delhi, Mumbai & Ahmedabad. - The Company entered into a MOU with Srilanka Pharmaceuticals Corporation (SPC) Colombo by which STC would act as the modal agency for their purchases of drugs and pharmaceuticals from India. - Another MOU was entered into with Haffkeme Bio Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai by which STC would act as the sole exporting arms of all Haffkeme products especially serums and vaccines; A distributor was appointed at Turkey for serums and vaccines manufactured by Haffkeme. 2002 -STC ties up with Power Finance Corporation to reduce the end cost of power. 2003 -STC appoints Mr A S Arora, AS&FA, Minitry of Commerce as Part time Director on the board of the company. 2005 -STATE Trading Corporation of India Ltd (STC) has signed a MoU with the Commerce Ministry for 2005-06 to indicate its physical targets and other performance parameters for the next fiscal. 2006 -Govt permits STC to export 1.5 lakh t sugar -STC to roll out regional brands 2008 -The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:1. 2010 - State Trading Corporation of India Ltd has informed BSE that Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Commerce Vide its order dated January 13, 2010 has appointed Shri P. K. Chaudhery, Additional Secretary, Department of Commerce as Director on the Board of STC with immediate effect vice Shri R. Gopalan. 2011 -Shri Udai N. Abhyankar, Former IFS Officer Board of Director of The State Trading Corporation of India Ltd. 2012 -39th rank in terms of net sales among Top 500 Companies by Financial Express (Feb'2012). -Won award for Gentle Giant Miniratna - I (Largest Non-Manufacturing Company) at the Third DSIJ PSU Awards 2011 ceremony held at New Delhi. -32nd rank in terms of net sales among Top 1000 Companies by Business Standard (Mar'2012). 2013 -State Trading Corporation of India Ltd have approved payment of Dividend for the year 2012-13 @ 20% (i.e. Rs. 2/- per share) 2014 -State Trading Corporation of India Ltd has appointed Shri S. K. Sharma, Group General Manager (Personnel).
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Parent Organisation
State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd.
Managing Director
Mr.Hardeep Singh
NSE Symbol
The current price of State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd is ₹ 109.23.
The 52-week high for State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd is ₹ 112.50 and the 52-week low is ₹ 108.02.
The market capitalization of State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd is currently ₹ 655.38. This value can fluctuate based on stock price movements and changes in the number of shares outstanding.
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To invest in State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd, you need a brokerage account. After opening an account and completing the KYC process, you can fund your account and use the trading platform to purchase State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd shares.
The CEO of State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd is Mr.Hardeep Singh, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.