Hester Biosciences Ltd
Thu 13/03/2025,15:53:17 | NSE : HESTERBIO
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₹ 1287.60
Previous Close
₹ 1281.15
Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)
₹ 1378.25
₹ 1275.00
52 Week High
₹ 3379.00
52 Week Low
₹ 1252.70
Book Value Per Share
₹ 354.81
Dividend Yield
Face Value
₹ 10.00
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Hester Biosciences L - Intimation Of Shifting Of The Registered Office Of The Company
Hester Biosciences L - Address Change
Hester Biosciences L - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Scrutinizer\s Report
Hester Biosciences L - Shareholders meeting
Hester Biosciences L - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of Postal_Ballot
Hester Biosciences L - Integrated Filing- Governance
Hester Biosciences L - Integrated Filing (Governance) For The Quarter Ended 31 December 2024
Hester Biosciences L - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates
Hester Biosciences L - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Outcome
Hester Biosciences L - Copy of Newspaper Publication
Hester Biosciences L - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Outcome
Hester Biosciences L - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates
Hester Biosciences L - Integrated Filing- Financial
Hester Biosciences L - Press Release
Hester Biosciences L - Financial Result Updates
Hester Biosciences L - Outcome of Board Meeting
Hester Biosciences L Q3 net profit down 31.48% at Rs 4.44 cr
Hester Biosciences L - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Press Release / Media Release
Hester Biosciences L - Integrated Filing (Financial)
Hester Biosciences L - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting Held On 30 Janauary 2025
Hester Biosciences L - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation
Hester Biosciences L - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates
Hester Biosciences L - Board Meeting Intimation
Hester Biosciences L - Board Meeting Intimation for Financial Results
Hester Biosciences L - Action(s) initiated or orders passed
Hester Biosciences L - Intimation Regarding Receipt Of Order From GST Department, Panchkula (Haryana)
Hester Biosciences L - Copy of Newspaper Publication
Hester Biosciences L - Notice Of Shareholders Meetings-XBRL
Hester Biosciences L - Shareholders meeting
Hester Biosciences L has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024
Hester Biosciences L - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018
Hester Biosciences L - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018
Hester Biosciences L - Updates
Hester Biosciences L - Outcome Of Resolutions Passed By The Board Of Directors By Circulation
Hester Biosciences L - Updates
Hester Biosciences L - Change Of Name Of Registrar And Share Transfer Agent (\RTA\) Of The Company
Hester Biosciences L - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent
Hester Biosciences L - Resignation
Hester Biosciences L - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Management
Hester Biosciences L - Trading Window-XBRL
Hester Biosciences L - Trading Window
Hester Biosciences L - Credit Rating
Hester Biosciences L - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Credit Rating
Hester Biosciences
Hester acquires technology from ICAR – NIHSAD
Hester Biosciences gets Rs. 600 million grant to make COVID vaccine
Hester Biosciences forays into Pet Care sector with New Products
Hester Biosciences
Cadila, Hester Biosceinces
Hester signs two agreements with ICAR-IVRI
IIT Guwahati collaborates with Hester Biosciences
Hester Biosciences board to raise fund up to Rs. 150 crore
Hester Biosciences to invest in African subsidiary
Key fundamentals
Evaluate the intrinsic value of Hester Biosciences Ltd stock
Name | March-24 | March-23 | March-22 | March-21 | March-20 |
Assets | 446.276 | 456.704 | 390.347 | 241.967 | 242.326 |
Liabilities | 446.276 | 456.704 | 390.347 | 241.967 | 242.326 |
Equity | 8.507 | 8.507 | 8.507 | 8.507 | 8.507 |
Gross Profit | 47.341 | 54.886 | 60.569 | 71.993 | 52.721 |
Net Profit | 27.159 | 32.342 | 39.517 | 39.901 | 31.224 |
Cash From Operating Activities | 42.812 | 33.362 | 15.905 | 40.071 | 25.822 |
NPM(%) | 9.52 | 12.73 | 18.01 | 19.13 | 18.42 |
Revenue | 285.155 | 254 | 219.351 | 208.477 | 169.425 |
Expenses | 237.814 | 199.114 | 158.782 | 136.484 | 116.704 |
ROE(%) | 8.99 | 10.71 | 13.09 | 13.21 | 10.34 |
Corporate Action
XD-Date | Dividend-Amount | Dividend-% | Dividend Yield(%GE) | Price on that day |
22 Aug 2024 | 6 | 60 | 0.44 | 1735.8 |
13 Sep 2023 | 8 | 80 | 0.44 | 1723.7 |
11 Aug 2022 | 10 | 100 | 0.44 | 2276.75 |
05 Aug 2021 | 10 | 100 | 0.44 | 2754.9 |
27 Aug 2020 | 6.6 | 66 | 0.44 | 1254 |
18 Jul 2019 | 7 | 70 | 0.44 | 1531.15 |
09 Nov 2018 | 2 | 20 | 0.44 | 1156.35 |
30 Aug 2018 | 2 | 20 | 0.44 | 1345.85 |
02 Aug 2018 | 6 | 60 | 0.44 | 1529.6 |
20 Jul 2017 | 2.3 | 23 | 0.44 | 879.2 |
03 Nov 2016 | 3 | 30 | 0.44 | 756.75 |
21 Jul 2016 | 1.1 | 11 | 0.44 | 648.05 |
17 Mar 2016 | 3 | 30 | 0.44 | 425.45 |
10 Sep 2015 | 3.1 | 31 | 0.44 | 548.4 |
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Company Info
YEAR EVENTS 1987 - The Company was incorporated in 29th April as a Private Limited Company. It was subsequently coverted into a Public Limited Company on 1st November 1993. - Hester Pharmaceuticals Limited is an existing porfit amking company engaged in the business of marketing and distribution of veterinary and pharmaceutical products viz, Animal Health prdoducts, Poultry Vaccines, Poultry Diagnostic, Laboratory Kits and Reagents. - HPL represents many international companies for marketing veterinary products. Some of these companies are GHEN CORPORATION, JAPAN for animal and agro based products, MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES, USA for poultry vaccines, IDEXX CORPORATION, USA for Laboratory Kits & Reagents, INTERNATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS CORPORATION, USA for animal kits for detection of drug abuse, BIOGALGALTED LABORATORIES, ISRAEL for Poultry Diagnostic Kits and KEMIN EUROPA, BELGIUM for feed Additives and Disinfectants. - The Company has been promoted by Mr. Rajiv D. Gandhi, his brother Mr. Sanjiv D. Gandhi and Dr. Bhupendra V. Gandhi. 1994 - The company came out with a Public Issue of 21,40,000 No. of equity shares of Rs. 10/- each for cash at par aggregating, Rs. 214.00 lacs on the 17th August to part finance the company's project to manufacture poultry vaccines, to enlist the shares of the company on the stock exchanges at Ahmedabad, Bombay and to meet the expenses of the Issue. 1997 - The company has created an excellent manufacturing facility to produce Animal Vaccines. 1999 - Mr. Vinod Agarwala, Director, resigned from the Board, due to personal reasons. Mr. A.C. Patel was appointed as a Nominee Director of Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Limited in place of Mr. C.R. Damani. Mr. Ravin Gandhi and Ms. Bela Gandhi have been appointed as additional Directors in the Company. 2000 - Ahmedabad-based Hester Pharmaceuticals Ltd. an Indo-american joint venture company manufacturing the largest range of poultry vaccines in India has entered into a contract manufacturing agreement with the Tokyo-based Sinsui Inc. 2004 - delisted from Ahmedabad Stock Exchange wef October 15, 2004. 2008 - Company name has been changed from Hester Pharmaceuticals Ltd to Hester Biosciences Ltd. -Hester Biosciences Ltd Issues Rights in the Ratio of 2:5 2010 - Hester Biosciences Ltd has appointed Mr. Vishvesh Patel as a Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company, w.e.f. May 23, 2010, by the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held on May 23, 2010. 2011 -Hester Biosciences has recommended a Dividend of Rs. 3.50 per equity share of Rs. 10 each (35%) 2012 -Hester entered into a Business Transfer Agreement (BTA) with Innoves Animal Health Private Limited, a Delhi based company involved in the marketing of Large Animal Health Products for the dairy -Hester Biosciences has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:2 2013 -Hester Biosciences L - WHO GMP Certification awarded to Hester Launching of Bivalent Marek's Disease Live Vaccine containing 2014 -Hester Biosciences board approves scheme of amalgamation -The Company has recommended a dividend of Rs. 2.00 per equity share of Rs. 10 each (20%) for the financial year 2013-14 2015 - "Hester Biosciences launches PPR vaccine and Goat Pox vaccine". 2020 - launch of the thermo-tolerant PPR Vaccine by Hester Nepal". 2021 - Hester to produce and commercialize Classical Swine Fever Vaccine and Sheep Pox Vaccine
YEAR EVENTS 1987 - The Company was incorporated in 29th April as a Private Limited Company. It was subsequently coverted into a Public Limited Company on 1st November 1993. - Hester Pharmaceuticals Limited is an existing porfit amking company engaged in the business of marketing and distribution of veterinary and pharmaceutical products viz, Animal Health prdoducts, Poultry Vaccines, Poultry Diagnostic, Laboratory Kits and Reagents. - HPL represents many international companies for marketing veterinary products. Some of these companies are GHEN CORPORATION, JAPAN for animal and agro based products, MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES, USA for poultry vaccines, IDEXX CORPORATION, USA for Laboratory Kits & Reagents, INTERNATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS CORPORATION, USA for animal kits for detection of drug abuse, BIOGALGALTED LABORATORIES, ISRAEL for Poultry Diagnostic Kits and KEMIN EUROPA, BELGIUM for feed Additives and Disinfectants. - The Company has been promoted by Mr. Rajiv D. Gandhi, his brother Mr. Sanjiv D. Gandhi and Dr. Bhupendra V. Gandhi. 1994 - The company came out with a Public Issue of 21,40,000 No. of equity shares of Rs. 10/- each for cash at par aggregating, Rs. 214.00 lacs on the 17th August to part finance the company's project to manufacture poultry vaccines, to enlist the shares of the company on the stock exchanges at Ahmedabad, Bombay and to meet the expenses of the Issue. 1997 - The company has created an excellent manufacturing facility to produce Animal Vaccines. 1999 - Mr. Vinod Agarwala, Director, resigned from the Board, due to personal reasons. Mr. A.C. Patel was appointed as a Nominee Director of Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Limited in place of Mr. C.R. Damani. Mr. Ravin Gandhi and Ms. Bela Gandhi have been appointed as additional Directors in the Company. 2000 - Ahmedabad-based Hester Pharmaceuticals Ltd. an Indo-american joint venture company manufacturing the largest range of poultry vaccines in India has entered into a contract manufacturing agreement with the Tokyo-based Sinsui Inc. 2004 - delisted from Ahmedabad Stock Exchange wef October 15, 2004. 2008 - Company name has been changed from Hester Pharmaceuticals Ltd to Hester Biosciences Ltd. -Hester Biosciences Ltd Issues Rights in the Ratio of 2:5 2010 - Hester Biosciences Ltd has appointed Mr. Vishvesh Patel as a Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company, w.e.f. May 23, 2010, by the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held on May 23, 2010. 2011 -Hester Biosciences has recommended a Dividend of Rs. 3.50 per equity share of Rs. 10 each (35%) 2012 -Hester entered into a Business Transfer Agreement (BTA) with Innoves Animal Health Private Limited, a Delhi based company involved in the marketing of Large Animal Health Products for the dairy -Hester Biosciences has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:2 2013 -Hester Biosciences L - WHO GMP Certification awarded to Hester Launching of Bivalent Marek's Disease Live Vaccine containing 2014 -Hester Biosciences board approves scheme of amalgamation -The Company has recommended a dividend of Rs. 2.00 per equity share of Rs. 10 each (20%) for the financial year 2013-14 2015 - "Hester Biosciences launches PPR vaccine and Goat Pox vaccine". 2020 - launch of the thermo-tolerant PPR Vaccine by Hester Nepal". 2021 - Hester to produce and commercialize Classical Swine Fever Vaccine and Sheep Pox Vaccine
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Parent Organisation
Hester Biosciences Ltd.
Managing Director
Mr.Rajiv Gandhi
NSE Symbol
The current price of Hester Biosciences Ltd is ₹ 1352.40.
The 52-week high for Hester Biosciences Ltd is ₹ 1378.25 and the 52-week low is ₹ 1275.00.
The market capitalization of Hester Biosciences Ltd is currently ₹ 1150.47. This value can fluctuate based on stock price movements and changes in the number of shares outstanding.
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The CEO of Hester Biosciences Ltd is Mr.Rajiv Gandhi, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.