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  • Haryana Financia - Integrated Filing (Financial)

    7 Mar 2025, 4:57PM Pursuant to SEBI circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-PoD-2/CIR/P/2024/185 dated 31.12.2024read with BSE circular, please find attached herewith the integrate
  • Haryana Financia - Quarterly Financial Results For The Quarter Ended On Dec 2024

    14 Feb 2025, 4:02PM The Board of Directors of Haryana Financial Corporation at its meeting held on 13.02.2025 have inter-alia considered and approved the Unaudited Finan
  • Haryana Financia - Financial Results For The Quarter Ended Dec 2024

    13 Feb 2025, 12:27PM Unaduited financial results of the Haryana Financial Corporation for the quarter ended Dec 2024 alongwith limited Review Report
  • Haryana Financia - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting And Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of The SEBI (Listing

    13 Feb 2025, 12:24PM This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Haryana Financial Corporation (HFC) at its meeting held on 13.02.2025 have inter-alia consid
  • Haryana Financia - Board Meeting Intimation for : Intimation Of Board Meeting Under Regulation 29 Of The SEBI (Listing Obliga

    7 Feb 2025, 12:10PM HARYANA FINANCIAL CORPORATION LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 13/02/2025 ,inter alia, t
  • Haryana Financia has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024

    13 Jan 2025, 6:10PM As of December 2024, 99.36% is owned by Indian Promoters and 0.64% by Public. <p align=justify> Institutional holds 0.09% (Insurance Companies 0.03%)
  • Haryana Financia - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of AGM

    31 Dec 2024, 4:43PM This is to inform you that 57th Annual General Meeting of Haryana Financial Corporation was held on Monday, the 30th day of December, 2024 at 11:30 AM

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of Haryana Financial Corporation stock 

Name March-24 March-22 March-21 March-20
Assets 164.3578 138.1964 116.4728 114.8997
Liabilities 164.3578 138.1964 116.4728 114.8997
Equity 207.6581 207.6581 207.6581 207.6581
Gross Profit -3.0945 17.725 -1.8411 -4.9362
Net Profit 25.4369 21.7235 1.5731 -1.8468
Cash From Operating Activities -3.2361 -9.5169 -5.8106 -2.5588
NPM(%) 1855.89 70.22 36758.14 -71.85
Revenue 1.3706 30.9356 0.0042 2.5701
Expenses 4.4651 13.2106 1.8454 7.5063
ROE(%) 15.43 13.18 0.95 -1.12

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day


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Company Info

BACKGROUND State Financial Corporations (SFCs) are set up under the SFCs Act, 1951 to provide credit facilities to small and medium scale industries. The SFCs have now emerged as a Premier Development Finance Institution (DFIs) operating at the State level. Their operations have gathered significant momentum and have increased stupendously from the early 70s, with annual sanctions increasing 43 times from Rs.35 crore in 1970-71 to Rs.1,500 crore mark by 1989-90 (source MADA Committee report 1990-91). The State Governments have substantial role in the affairs of SFCs by virtue of their Share Capital support and the rights vested in them under the SFCs Act. IDBI has been providing substantial resource support to SFCs by way of share capital as also refinance and subscription to adhoc bonds (New Debts Instruments) and formulating in consultation with SFCs their annual business plans. IDBI has been vested with specific powers and responsibilities in the SFCs Act. These relate mainly to appointment of directors on the SFC Board and undertaking of annual performance evaluation studies. INCORPORATION & BACKDROP Haryana Financial Corporation (HFC) came into existence on 1st April, 1967 as a result of reorganisation of erstwhile Punjab Financial Corporation. It is a State Level Financial Institution formed under SFCs Act, 1951. The Corporation is one of the leading state level developmental financial institutions promoted by the State Government of Haryana. Backed by the strong support of State Government and IDBI, the Corporation has been extending term loans against fixed assets to industrial concerns in the State of Haryana. The Corporation has been playing the key role of identifying and developing first generation entrepreneurs in the State of Haryana. Besides, it has played a pivotol role in development of industries in the State, development of backward area, employment generation etc. It has a ready, continuously increasing base of its clients in the State. The Corporation has financed 8789 projects till March 31st, 1994 in the State with cummulative sanctions & disbursements to the tune of Rs.61,511 lacs and Rs.50,570 lacs respectively. Over a period of five years, the total income of the Corporation has increased from 1159 lacs in 1990-91 to 3756 lacs in 1993-94. MAIN OBJECT OF THE CORPORATION Haryana Financial Corporation may, subject to the provisions of the SFC Act 1951, carry on and transact any of the following kinds of business: 1. Guaranteeing, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon. i) Loans raised by industrial concerns which are repayable within a period not exceeding twenty years, and floated in the public market. ii) Loans raised by industrial concerns from scheduled banks or State Co-Operative banks or other financial institutions. 2. Guaranteeing, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, deferred payments due from any industrial concern in connection with its purchase of capital goods within India. 3. Underwriting of the issue of stock, shares, bonds or debenture by industrial concerns. 4. Transferring for consideration any instruments relating to loans and advances granted by it to industrial concerns. 5. Acting as agent of the Central Government or the State Government or the Development Bank or the Industrial Finance Corporation of India established under the Industrial Finance Corporation Act, 1948 (15 of 1948) or any other financial institution notified in this behalf by the Central Government (in respect of any matter conected with, or arising out of, the grant of loans or advances to an industrial concern, or subscription to debentures of an industral concern) or relating to be business of the Development Bank, Industrial Finance Corporation of India or financial institution. 6. Subscribing to, or purchasing of, the stock, shares, bonds or debentures of an industrial concern or any other concern with the prior approval of the Development Bank (IDBI). 7. Receiving in consideration of the services mentioned in the preceding clauses such commission as may be agreed upon. 8. Retaining as part of its assets any stock, shares, bonds or debentures which it may acquire by subscription or in fulfilment of its underwriting liabilities and disposing of the stock, shares, bonds or debentures so acquired. 9. Granting loans or advances to, or subscribing to debenturns of, an industrial concern, repayable within a period not exceeding twenty years from the date of which they are granted or subscribed to, as the case may be. 10. Accepting or discounting promissory notes and bills of exchange made, drawn, accepted or endorsed by industrial concerns or by any person selling capital goods manufactured by one industrial concern to another industrial concern. 11. Undertaking research and surveys for evaluating or dealing with marketing or investments and undertaking and carrying on techno-economic studies or other activities in connection with the development of any industry. 12. Providing technical and administrative assistance to any industrial concern or any person for the promotion, management or expansion of any industry. 13. Planning and assisting in the promotion and development of industries. As per circular No. FI 8/94-95 dated Oct. 20, 1994 ttte IDBI in pursuance of the powers vested with it under the provision of the State Financial Corporation Act, 1951, has authorised the State Financial Corporations to undertake the following mentioned activities in addition to those provided under section 25 of the Act (Listed above), to enable the SFCs to diversify their activities. i) Providing consultancy and merchant banking services; ii) acting as the trustee for the holders of debentures or other securties; iii) leasing, sub-leasing or giving on hire or hire purchase of industrial plant, equipment, machinery or any other asset; iv) granting, opening, issuing, confirming or endorsing letters of credit and negotiating or collecting bills and other documents drawn thereunder; v) undertaking mutual fund activity including asset management; vi) providing export related credit; vii) undertaking money market relating activities; viii) factoring; and ix) promoting, forming or conducting or associating in the promotion, formation or conduct of companies, subsidiaries, societies, trusts or such other associations of persons, as it may deem fit. ACTIVITIES The Corporate mission has been defined as follows: To be a premier, self sustaining financial institution for catalysing, creating and sustaining viable investments, in the small and medium scale sector of industry and services in the State of Haryana. The Corporation is providing integrated financial assistance and service to Corporate sector both in the small scale and the medium scale sectors. Financial services are both fund based as well as non-fund based. While the fund based activities are provided within the State of Haryana, the non-fund based activities are being offered on All India basis. The full range of activities of the Corporation can broadly be classified into three major categories as follows: A) CORPORATE FINANCE: For development and promotion of Industries in Haryana, the Corporation provides Term Loans to the extent of Rs.150 lacs to a company and Rs.90 lacs to sole-proprietorship/partership concerns. In order to meet financial requirements of different types of borrowers under varying situations, HFC has a number of term lending schemes like; Equipment Refinance Scheme, Modernisation Scheme, Scheme for Financing Hotel Industry, Small Hospitals/Nursing Homes, Assistance to Ex-servicemen, Single Window Scheme, Rehabilitation of sick Units etc. Financial assistance is provided on the basis of Techno-Economic viability of projects, established after appraisal of projects by qualified and experienced staff of the Corporation. The total sanctions and disbursements made by the Corporation stood at Rs.61,511.08 lacs and Rs.50,570.88 lacs respectively as on 31.3.94. The Corporation has played a pivotal rule in development and growth of different types of Industries in Haryana during the last 29 years. The Industry wise coverage of assistance on a cumulative basis upto 31st March, 1994 is giver below: S.No. Industry Number of Amount % of Total Project Sanctioned ( lacs) 1. Metal 1038 10203.60 16.59% 2. Food processing & Agro based. 1410 9749.72 15.85% 3. Textiles 1132 9255.43 15.05% 4. Chemicals/Petroleum & Coal Based 485 5787.04 9.40% 5. Transport 1781 4489.98 7.30% 6. Machinery 487 4249.06 6.91% 7. Paper printing 389 3903.12 6.35% Publishing & Allied Industries 8. Footwear & Leather 239 1792.92 2.91% 9. Plastics, Rubber & Allied Industries 240 1545.02 2.51% 10. Hotel & Tourism 16 800.17 1.30% 11. Miscellaneous 1572 9735.02 15.83% 8789 61511.08 100.00% Other fund based activities include Equipment Leasing, Car/Vehicle Leasing, Medical Equipment Leasing, Bill Discounting, Bridge Loans upto a limit of Rs.150 lacs. Besides, the Corporation has also started providing Working Capital Finance in a major way to units. The Corporation also provides financial guarailties to its clients and also assists in opening of Foreign Letters of Credit. B) MERCHANT BANKING: The Corporation is a SEBI registerd Category-I Merchant Banker effective December 1, 1994. The services being provided include Issue Management, Underwriting, Project Counselling and Advisory Services, Loan/Lease syndication, Project appraisals and Capital structuring advice. Due to the liberalization and disintermediation taking place in the financial services sector, the Corporation envisages a vast potential in this area and is in the process of building up a motivated and professionally competent team of Officers in this area. C) INVESTMENT BANKING: The Corporation has identified Investment Banking as a major thrust area in the years to come. The Corporation is making investment in the equities of the units assisted by it. It has applied for membership of the OTCEI. The Corporation has already arranged/syndicated a number of bought out deals. It has also participated in some of these bought out deals. In view of its large client base in the Small Scale Sector, and the financial disintermediation taking place in the Indian Economy, the Corporation foresees a major role for itself in this area. 2007 -Haryana Financial Corporation Ltd has nominated Shri. N K Maini, CGM, SIDBI, HO, Lucknow as a Director on the Board of the Corporation in place of Shri. U S Lal, DGM, SIDBI (ceased as Director on the Board). -Haryana Financial Corporation Ltd has appointed Smt. Neerja Sekher, IAS as Managing Director of the Corporation in place of Sh. Ram Niwas, IAS of State Financial Corporations Act, 1951.

BACKGROUND State Financial Corporations (SFCs) are set up under the SFCs Act, 1951 to provide credit facilities to small and medium scale industries. The SFCs have now emerged as a Premier Development Finance Institution (DFIs) operating at the State level. Their operations have gathered significant momentum and have increased stupendously from the early 70s, with annual sanctions increasing 43 times from Rs.35 crore in 1970-71 to Rs.1,500 crore mark by 1989-90 (source MADA Committee report 1990-91). The State Governments have substantial role in the affairs of SFCs by virtue of their Share Capital support and the rights vested in them under the SFCs Act. IDBI has been providing substantial resource support to SFCs by way of share capital as also refinance and subscription to adhoc bonds (New Debts Instruments) and formulating in consultation with SFCs their annual business plans. IDBI has been vested with specific powers and responsibilities in the SFCs Act. These relate mainly to appointment of directors on the SFC Board and undertaking of annual performance evaluation studies. INCORPORATION & BACKDROP Haryana Financial Corporation (HFC) came into existence on 1st April, 1967 as a result of reorganisation of erstwhile Punjab Financial Corporation. It is a State Level Financial Institution formed under SFCs Act, 1951. The Corporation is one of the leading state level developmental financial institutions promoted by the State Government of Haryana. Backed by the strong support of State Government and IDBI, the Corporation has been extending term loans against fixed assets to industrial concerns in the State of Haryana. The Corporation has been playing the key role of identifying and developing first generation entrepreneurs in the State of Haryana. Besides, it has played a pivotol role in development of industries in the State, development of backward area, employment generation etc. It has a ready, continuously increasing base of its clients in the State. The Corporation has financed 8789 projects till March 31st, 1994 in the State with cummulative sanctions & disbursements to the tune of Rs.61,511 lacs and Rs.50,570 lacs respectively. Over a period of five years, the total income of the Corporation has increased from 1159 lacs in 1990-91 to 3756 lacs in 1993-94. MAIN OBJECT OF THE CORPORATION Haryana Financial Corporation may, subject to the provisions of the SFC Act 1951, carry on and transact any of the following kinds of business: 1. Guaranteeing, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon. i) Loans raised by industrial concerns which are repayable within a period not exceeding twenty years, and floated in the public market. ii) Loans raised by industrial concerns from scheduled banks or State Co-Operative banks or other financial institutions. 2. Guaranteeing, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, deferred payments due from any industrial concern in connection with its purchase of capital goods within India. 3. Underwriting of the issue of stock, shares, bonds or debenture by industrial concerns. 4. Transferring for consideration any instruments relating to loans and advances granted by it to industrial concerns. 5. Acting as agent of the Central Government or the State Government or the Development Bank or the Industrial Finance Corporation of India established under the Industrial Finance Corporation Act, 1948 (15 of 1948) or any other financial institution notified in this behalf by the Central Government (in respect of any matter conected with, or arising out of, the grant of loans or advances to an industrial concern, or subscription to debentures of an industral concern) or relating to be business of the Development Bank, Industrial Finance Corporation of India or financial institution. 6. Subscribing to, or purchasing of, the stock, shares, bonds or debentures of an industrial concern or any other concern with the prior approval of the Development Bank (IDBI). 7. Receiving in consideration of the services mentioned in the preceding clauses such commission as may be agreed upon. 8. Retaining as part of its assets any stock, shares, bonds or debentures which it may acquire by subscription or in fulfilment of its underwriting liabilities and disposing of the stock, shares, bonds or debentures so acquired. 9. Granting loans or advances to, or subscribing to debenturns of, an industrial concern, repayable within a period not exceeding twenty years from the date of which they are granted or subscribed to, as the case may be. 10. Accepting or discounting promissory notes and bills of exchange made, drawn, accepted or endorsed by industrial concerns or by any person selling capital goods manufactured by one industrial concern to another industrial concern. 11. Undertaking research and surveys for evaluating or dealing with marketing or investments and undertaking and carrying on techno-economic studies or other activities in connection with the development of any industry. 12. Providing technical and administrative assistance to any industrial concern or any person for the promotion, management or expansion of any industry. 13. Planning and assisting in the promotion and development of industries. As per circular No. FI 8/94-95 dated Oct. 20, 1994 ttte IDBI in pursuance of the powers vested with it under the provision of the State Financial Corporation Act, 1951, has authorised the State Financial Corporations to undertake the following mentioned activities in addition to those provided under section 25 of the Act (Listed above), to enable the SFCs to diversify their activities. i) Providing consultancy and merchant banking services; ii) acting as the trustee for the holders of debentures or other securties; iii) leasing, sub-leasing or giving on hire or hire purchase of industrial plant, equipment, machinery or any other asset; iv) granting, opening, issuing, confirming or endorsing letters of credit and negotiating or collecting bills and other documents drawn thereunder; v) undertaking mutual fund activity including asset management; vi) providing export related credit; vii) undertaking money market relating activities; viii) factoring; and ix) promoting, forming or conducting or associating in the promotion, formation or conduct of companies, subsidiaries, societies, trusts or such other associations of persons, as it may deem fit. ACTIVITIES The Corporate mission has been defined as follows: To be a premier, self sustaining financial institution for catalysing, creating and sustaining viable investments, in the small and medium scale sector of industry and services in the State of Haryana. The Corporation is providing integrated financial assistance and service to Corporate sector both in the small scale and the medium scale sectors. Financial services are both fund based as well as non-fund based. While the fund based activities are provided within the State of Haryana, the non-fund based activities are being offered on All India basis. The full range of activities of the Corporation can broadly be classified into three major categories as follows: A) CORPORATE FINANCE: For development and promotion of Industries in Haryana, the Corporation provides Term Loans to the extent of Rs.150 lacs to a company and Rs.90 lacs to sole-proprietorship/partership concerns. In order to meet financial requirements of different types of borrowers under varying situations, HFC has a number of term lending schemes like; Equipment Refinance Scheme, Modernisation Scheme, Scheme for Financing Hotel Industry, Small Hospitals/Nursing Homes, Assistance to Ex-servicemen, Single Window Scheme, Rehabilitation of sick Units etc. Financial assistance is provided on the basis of Techno-Economic viability of projects, established after appraisal of projects by qualified and experienced staff of the Corporation. The total sanctions and disbursements made by the Corporation stood at Rs.61,511.08 lacs and Rs.50,570.88 lacs respectively as on 31.3.94. The Corporation has played a pivotal rule in development and growth of different types of Industries in Haryana during the last 29 years. The Industry wise coverage of assistance on a cumulative basis upto 31st March, 1994 is giver below: S.No. Industry Number of Amount % of Total Project Sanctioned ( lacs) 1. Metal 1038 10203.60 16.59% 2. Food processing & Agro based. 1410 9749.72 15.85% 3. Textiles 1132 9255.43 15.05% 4. Chemicals/Petroleum & Coal Based 485 5787.04 9.40% 5. Transport 1781 4489.98 7.30% 6. Machinery 487 4249.06 6.91% 7. Paper printing 389 3903.12 6.35% Publishing & Allied Industries 8. Footwear & Leather 239 1792.92 2.91% 9. Plastics, Rubber & Allied Industries 240 1545.02 2.51% 10. Hotel & Tourism 16 800.17 1.30% 11. Miscellaneous 1572 9735.02 15.83% 8789 61511.08 100.00% Other fund based activities include Equipment Leasing, Car/Vehicle Leasing, Medical Equipment Leasing, Bill Discounting, Bridge Loans upto a limit of Rs.150 lacs. Besides, the Corporation has also started providing Working Capital Finance in a major way to units. The Corporation also provides financial guarailties to its clients and also assists in opening of Foreign Letters of Credit. B) MERCHANT BANKING: The Corporation is a SEBI registerd Category-I Merchant Banker effective December 1, 1994. The services being provided include Issue Management, Underwriting, Project Counselling and Advisory Services, Loan/Lease syndication, Project appraisals and Capital structuring advice. Due to the liberalization and disintermediation taking place in the financial services sector, the Corporation envisages a vast potential in this area and is in the process of building up a motivated and professionally competent team of Officers in this area. C) INVESTMENT BANKING: The Corporation has identified Investment Banking as a major thrust area in the years to come. The Corporation is making investment in the equities of the units assisted by it. It has applied for membership of the OTCEI. The Corporation has already arranged/syndicated a number of bought out deals. It has also participated in some of these bought out deals. In view of its large client base in the Small Scale Sector, and the financial disintermediation taking place in the Indian Economy, the Corporation foresees a major role for itself in this area. 2007 -Haryana Financial Corporation Ltd has nominated Shri. N K Maini, CGM, SIDBI, HO, Lucknow as a Director on the Board of the Corporation in place of Shri. U S Lal, DGM, SIDBI (ceased as Director on the Board). -Haryana Financial Corporation Ltd has appointed Smt. Neerja Sekher, IAS as Managing Director of the Corporation in place of Sh. Ram Niwas, IAS of State Financial Corporations Act, 1951.

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Parent Organisation

Haryana Financial Corporation


Managing Director

Mr.Yash Garg

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The CEO of Haryana Financial Corporation is Mr.Yash Garg, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.