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Dynamic Portfoli - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting
Dynamic Portfoli - Board Meeting Intimation for To Considered And Approved The Un-Audited Financial Results Of The Company Fo
Dynamic Portfoli - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Resignation of Company Secretary / Compliance Officer
Dynamic Portfoli has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024
Dynamic Portfoli - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018
Dynamic Portfoli - Investor Complaints
Dynamic Portfoli - Announcement Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI(LODR)
Key fundamentals
Evaluate the intrinsic value of Dynamic Portfolio Management and Services Ltd stock
Name | March-24 | March-23 | March-22 | March-21 | March-20 |
Assets | 12.0832 | 19.264 | 14.1937 | 14.7791 | 16.2659 |
Liabilities | 12.0832 | 19.264 | 14.1937 | 14.7791 | 16.2659 |
Equity | 11.6129 | 11.6129 | 11.6129 | 11.6129 | 11.6129 |
Gross Profit | 0.2021 | 0.3672 | 0.1854 | 0.4287 | 0.401 |
Net Profit | 0.0106 | 0.1706 | 0.0668 | 0.1605 | 0.124 |
Cash From Operating Activities | 0.5038 | 0.1716 | 0.282 | -0.2584 | -0.3351 |
NPM(%) | 0.99 | 15.26 | 7.23 | 17.61 | 10.45 |
Revenue | 1.0618 | 1.1173 | 0.9234 | 0.9116 | 1.1857 |
Expenses | 0.8597 | 0.7501 | 0.738 | 0.4829 | 0.7846 |
ROE(%) | 0.08 | 1.43 | 0.56 | 1.34 | 1.04 |
Corporate Action
XD-Date | Dividend-Amount | Dividend-% | Dividend Yield(%GE) | Price on that day |
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Company | Price | Price (% change) | pe(x) | EV/EBITDA(x) | ROE(%) | ROCE(%) |
Sugal and Damani Share Brokers Ltd | 52.47 | 4.42 | 9.02 | 29.27 | 36.98 | 0.00 |
360 One Wam Ltd | 863.95 | 2.18 | 33.70 | 1680.73 | 2046.72 | 0.00 |
Arman Holdings Ltd | 80.50 | 0.86 | 0.00 | 24.40 | 0.35 | 0.00 |
Asia Capital Ltd | 16.55 | 4.75 | 16.07 | 14.48 | 6.62 | 0.00 |
Company Info
Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Ltd. was incorporated as a Public Limited Company having its Registered Office at Calcutta, in West Bengal on 11th May 1994. The Company received the certificate of commenncement of business on 23rd May, 94. The company presently has an issued, subscribed and paid up capital of 14,46,000 equity shares of Rs.10/- each aggregatrng to Rs.144.60 lacs, The company being in the nonbanking finance sector. is engaged in a comprehensive range ot financial services like investment in shares,investment udvisory services etc. The company intends to diversify into providing core financial services like issue management, portfolio monagement, share discounting. leasing etc, It has recently set up an equity research cell for conducting research on primary and secondary market. 2. MAIN OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY The main Objects to be pursued by the company, on its incorporation, as set out in its memorandum of association are inter alia as under; 1. To provide financial services, advice and facilities of every description induding (but without limiting the generality of the foregoing worde) all those capable of being provided by merchant banker. stock brokers, advisers promoters and ista'nagers of unit trusts and trustees, insurance brokers issuing houses, monetary agents, investment consulants, and financiers and to promote the formation and mobitisation of capital to manage capital savings and investment, to negotiate loans of every description, to raise venture capital or manage the issue of shares or other securities, to undertake, advisory and counselling services, to provide loan syndication to revolve investments and to carry on business of foreign exchange broking dealing in securilies licenses import and export entitement certificates, scrips, and other similar instrument and to act as registrar and transfer agents of shares and securities and to issue, accept'and register all types of instruments and to acquire membership/dealership of any bodies/institution which regulates primary/secondary markets including OTC Exchange of India and to carry on such other functions as these institutions may prescribe. 2. To carry on business either singularly or jointly with others as franciers of imports, exports, trade, industry, mining, agriculture, horticulture, plantation, forestry and other economics activities, whatsoever, deal in and discount bills, promissory notes, hundies, cheques, warrants, coupons, comercial papers and other negotiable and transferable instruments, licences, options, privileges, bookdebts, claims, choose in action and contracts, as investors, lenders, borrowers, lessors, lessees, hire purchasers, sellers on hire, mortgagers, surities, representatives, agents, brokers, dealers in securities, capital market operators, custodians. Registrar and share tranfer agents, trustees, executors, receivers, atomeys, ominees, negotiators, arbitrators, issue advisors and consultants in investments, financial, management, technical, operational and othet fields, operators of safe deposit vaults to negotiate procure and guarantee the procurement of loans funds and subscriptions for securities, mortgages, leases and obligations, to carry on the business in indemnities, to advance, deposit and lend and to accept advances, and loans, to execute trusts and to deal in reversionary, contingent and other rights and interests, to carry on all or any of the business connected with real estate as valuers, surveryors, inspectors, to supply provide, maintain and operate services, facilities conveniences, bureaus and the like providing general administrative, commercial, financial, technical, placement, credit taking information to float promote form subsidies, assist, receive work perform, undertake and direct the formation, supervision and control of any business enterprise or operation, to carry on the business as buyers sellers, importer, exporters, manufactures, producers processors, growers, and dealers in capital goods and other merchandise and products jewellery precious stones, minerals, metals, curios, artifacts, and articles of virtue, arts and antiquities and as warehousemen and stevedors. 3. CURRENT BUSINESS The company is presently engaged in trading and a comprehensive range of financial services which include the following:. a) Dealing in Shares and Securities: The Company invests in Shares and Securities on its own, on the basis of indepth study of scrips and the industry. The Company has already made an investment of Rs.86 lacs in Shares & Securities of various Companies both in primary as wall as secondary markets. b) Equity Research: The Company provides Equity Research reports to its clients who take their investment decisions based on these reports. The funds deployed in various activities as on 30.11.94, is as under: (Rs in Lacs) Fixed Assets 6.03 Share Investments 85.73 Loans Advances & Deposits 56.09 (includes share application money for various public issues of Rs 56.00 lacs) 4. SUBSIDIARIES OF THE COMPANY The company does not have any subsidiary company. 2010 - Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Ltd has appointed Mr. Ashok Bothra as Additional Director of the Company (Independent Director). 2013 -Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Ltd Mr. Suresh Kr. Jindle has been appointed as Additional Director of the Company. 2016 -Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Ltd has informed that the Company Shifting of Registered office to 916, Pearl Omaxe Building, Tower-2, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura, New .Delhi-110034. Contact Person: Mr. Ankit Bhatnagar, Tel No: 011-27358800, E-mail ID: 2024 -The Comany informed Amalgamation of Bharat Rasayan Finance Limited with Dynamic Portfolio Management and Services Limited.
Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Ltd. was incorporated as a Public Limited Company having its Registered Office at Calcutta, in West Bengal on 11th May 1994. The Company received the certificate of commenncement of business on 23rd May, 94. The company presently has an issued, subscribed and paid up capital of 14,46,000 equity shares of Rs.10/- each aggregatrng to Rs.144.60 lacs, The company being in the nonbanking finance sector. is engaged in a comprehensive range ot financial services like investment in shares,investment udvisory services etc. The company intends to diversify into providing core financial services like issue management, portfolio monagement, share discounting. leasing etc, It has recently set up an equity research cell for conducting research on primary and secondary market. 2. MAIN OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY The main Objects to be pursued by the company, on its incorporation, as set out in its memorandum of association are inter alia as under; 1. To provide financial services, advice and facilities of every description induding (but without limiting the generality of the foregoing worde) all those capable of being provided by merchant banker. stock brokers, advisers promoters and ista'nagers of unit trusts and trustees, insurance brokers issuing houses, monetary agents, investment consulants, and financiers and to promote the formation and mobitisation of capital to manage capital savings and investment, to negotiate loans of every description, to raise venture capital or manage the issue of shares or other securities, to undertake, advisory and counselling services, to provide loan syndication to revolve investments and to carry on business of foreign exchange broking dealing in securilies licenses import and export entitement certificates, scrips, and other similar instrument and to act as registrar and transfer agents of shares and securities and to issue, accept'and register all types of instruments and to acquire membership/dealership of any bodies/institution which regulates primary/secondary markets including OTC Exchange of India and to carry on such other functions as these institutions may prescribe. 2. To carry on business either singularly or jointly with others as franciers of imports, exports, trade, industry, mining, agriculture, horticulture, plantation, forestry and other economics activities, whatsoever, deal in and discount bills, promissory notes, hundies, cheques, warrants, coupons, comercial papers and other negotiable and transferable instruments, licences, options, privileges, bookdebts, claims, choose in action and contracts, as investors, lenders, borrowers, lessors, lessees, hire purchasers, sellers on hire, mortgagers, surities, representatives, agents, brokers, dealers in securities, capital market operators, custodians. Registrar and share tranfer agents, trustees, executors, receivers, atomeys, ominees, negotiators, arbitrators, issue advisors and consultants in investments, financial, management, technical, operational and othet fields, operators of safe deposit vaults to negotiate procure and guarantee the procurement of loans funds and subscriptions for securities, mortgages, leases and obligations, to carry on the business in indemnities, to advance, deposit and lend and to accept advances, and loans, to execute trusts and to deal in reversionary, contingent and other rights and interests, to carry on all or any of the business connected with real estate as valuers, surveryors, inspectors, to supply provide, maintain and operate services, facilities conveniences, bureaus and the like providing general administrative, commercial, financial, technical, placement, credit taking information to float promote form subsidies, assist, receive work perform, undertake and direct the formation, supervision and control of any business enterprise or operation, to carry on the business as buyers sellers, importer, exporters, manufactures, producers processors, growers, and dealers in capital goods and other merchandise and products jewellery precious stones, minerals, metals, curios, artifacts, and articles of virtue, arts and antiquities and as warehousemen and stevedors. 3. CURRENT BUSINESS The company is presently engaged in trading and a comprehensive range of financial services which include the following:. a) Dealing in Shares and Securities: The Company invests in Shares and Securities on its own, on the basis of indepth study of scrips and the industry. The Company has already made an investment of Rs.86 lacs in Shares & Securities of various Companies both in primary as wall as secondary markets. b) Equity Research: The Company provides Equity Research reports to its clients who take their investment decisions based on these reports. The funds deployed in various activities as on 30.11.94, is as under: (Rs in Lacs) Fixed Assets 6.03 Share Investments 85.73 Loans Advances & Deposits 56.09 (includes share application money for various public issues of Rs 56.00 lacs) 4. SUBSIDIARIES OF THE COMPANY The company does not have any subsidiary company. 2010 - Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Ltd has appointed Mr. Ashok Bothra as Additional Director of the Company (Independent Director). 2013 -Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Ltd Mr. Suresh Kr. Jindle has been appointed as Additional Director of the Company. 2016 -Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Ltd has informed that the Company Shifting of Registered office to 916, Pearl Omaxe Building, Tower-2, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura, New .Delhi-110034. Contact Person: Mr. Ankit Bhatnagar, Tel No: 011-27358800, E-mail ID: 2024 -The Comany informed Amalgamation of Bharat Rasayan Finance Limited with Dynamic Portfolio Management and Services Limited.
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Parent Organisation
Dynamic Portfolio Management & Services Ltd.
Managing Director
Mr.Kailash Chandra Agarwal
NSE Symbol
The current price of Dynamic Portfolio Management and Services Ltd is
The 52-week high for Dynamic Portfolio Management and Services Ltd is
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This value can fluctuate based on stock price movements and changes in the number of shares outstanding.To buy Dynamic Portfolio Management and Services Ltd shares, you need to have a brokerage account. First, choose a reputable brokerage firm, open an account, and complete the necessary KYC procedures.
To invest in Dynamic Portfolio Management and Services Ltd, you need a brokerage account. After opening an account and completing the KYC process, you can fund your account and use the trading platform to purchase Dynamic Portfolio Management and Services Ltd shares.
The CEO of Dynamic Portfolio Management and Services Ltd is Mr.Kailash Chandra Agarwal, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.