
Cranes Software International Ltd

Thu 2/09/2010,0:0:0 | NSE : CRANESSOFT

₹ 6.950.00 (0.00%)

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₹ 7.00

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₹ 6.95



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₹ 7.75


₹ 6.75

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₹ 8.35

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₹ 3.00

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₹ -57.33

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Face Value

₹ 2.00

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  • Cranes Software Int. - Integrated Filing (Financial)

    14 Feb 2025, 7:07PM Pursuant to SEBi Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD/PoD-2/CIR/P/2024/185 dated 31st December 2024, read with BSE circular no 20250102-4, we are submitting h
  • Cranes Software Int. - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of The Board Meeting Dated 14Th February 2025

    14 Feb 2025, 6:57PM We refer to our letter dated 11th February 2025 intimating you of the convening of the meeting of the Board of\r\nDirectors of our Company. In this re
  • Cranes Software Int. - Board Meeting Intimation for Approval Of Standalone And Consolidated Unaudited Financial Results For T

    11 Feb 2025, 6:58PM CRANES SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/02/2025 ,inter alia, t
  • Cranes Software Int. - Board Meeting Outcome for Revised Outcome

    30 Jan 2025, 9:52AM Further to our intimation dated 4th July 2024 informing you of the outcome of the meeting of the Board of Directors the same day, we wish to inform yo
  • Cranes Software Int. has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024

    16 Jan 2025, 12:10PM As of December 2024, 4.64% is owned by Indian Promoters and 95.36% by Public. <p align=justify> Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares of
  • Cranes Software Int. - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018

    16 Jan 2025, 11:06AM Pursunat to the confirmation given by our Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA) , Integrated Registry Management Private Limited, this is to inform you th

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of Cranes Software International Ltd stock 

Name March-24 March-22 March-21 March-20 March-19
Assets -331.355 -685.1477 -669.81 -621.4221 -584.9183
Liabilities -331.355 -685.1477 -669.81 -621.4221 -584.9183
Equity 23.5524 23.5534 23.5534 23.5534 23.5534
Gross Profit -18.6347 -35.9564 -74.8051 -16.0043 -16.7833
Net Profit -18.6655 -15.3377 -48.3879 -36.5038 -15.2824
Cash From Operating Activities 0.0015 -49.598 -50.35 0.0085 -112.8673
NPM(%) 0 -3713.72 -1752.16 -961.15 -172.13
Revenue 0 0.413 2.7616 3.7979 8.878
Expenses 18.6347 36.3694 77.5667 19.8022 25.6613
ROE(%) 2.14 1.76 5.55 4.19 1.75

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day
22 Sep 2009 0.2 10 0 45.65
22 Sep 2008 1.2 60 0 126.65
04 Sep 2007 1 50 0 131.2
04 Sep 2006 1.2 60 0 100.15
20 Sep 2005 5 50 0 572.3


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Company Info

Year Events Cranes Software International Limited (CSIL) is a leading player in the high-end field of scientific and engineering software products and solutions. It is operating in a niche business area, driven by mathematics, statistics and the related analytical techniques for over a decade. Over the last few years, Cranes has built competencies in the wireless technology arena by serving the global scientific and engineering industry with its comprehensive range of products, services and training. CSIL's forte is digital signal processing (DSP), real times operating system (RTOS), mathematical modeling and simulation and embedded systems. CSIL's customers include who's who of the corporate world. CSIL's expertise spans across product marketing & development, software services and training. With a unique 'vertically integrated business model' and commitment to excellence, today CSIL enjoys an edge over its competitors in the delivery of technical software products and support capabilities. The company combines the best people, processes and technology to achieve excellent results, consistently. Currently, CSIL employs over 150 talented and highly-motivated professionals which includes a division dedicated to creating IPRs in wireless technology, audio/ speech codec using latest ITU-T / IEEE standards. With two state-of-the-art development centers in Bangalore - the Silicon Valley of Asia - CSIL has executed several key projects in the areas of mathematical modeling and simulation analysis and design, benchmarking of DSP chips, porting and native C code implementation of the latest ITU-T / IEEE standards. CSIL's latest venture includes the setting up of 'CranesSci MEMS Lab' with in IISc campus. With the objective of conducting research in MEMS technology this lab is set to develop MEMS sensors for acoustic applications and ultrasound imaging, besides developing analysis tools and software for engineers working in this area. 2002 - Cranes Software International Ltd has realised new 13th versions of MATLAB and Simulink. The new version delivers faster computation and system development capabilities for desktop and embedded applications. - Cranes Software International Ltd has informed that it has entered into an agreement with M/s Rational Software Corporation (India) Pvt Ltd to supply Rational products to educational institutions and to provide related services and support. 2003 - Cranes Software International Ltd announced the availability of Matlab's Communications Blockset 2.5. Communications Blockset 2.5 which extends the Simulinkr system level design environment provides more than 150 blocks to model the physical and link layer of communication systems. New algorithms and wireless system models enable communications systems engineers to develop more accurate system level simulations and specifications, reducing design risk for wireless, broadband, broadcasting and satellite systems and semiconductors. The latest version contains a new RF impairment library, which allows users to model the impact of nonlinearity, phase noise, and other RF effects on baseband communication design. - Cranes Software International Ltd has announced the availability of AdventNet's Web NMS 4.0 Web NMS is a J2EE based platform with powerful FCAPS functions, provisioning, topology, inventory, CNM and mediation. The product is the latest generation of the widely used Web NMS network management framework. Web NMS 4 offers deployment flexibility through hierarchical remote management to address the needs of geographically dispersed environments. It includes applications monitoring capability to address the needs of IT infrastructure management, e.g. monitoring database, web servers, mail servers, etc. - Cranes Software International Ltd and its US principal The Mathworks Inc., announced today the availability of Matlab's SimMechanics 2 the latest version of its mechanical simulation software that expands the power of Simulinkr to model physical systems. With SimMechanics 2, engineers now have the ability to simulate their mechanical models on real time hardware in the loop (HIL) systems, allowing them to test and improve their controller and mechanical designs earlier in the design cycle. - Cranes Software International Ltd has announced June 02, the availability of Image Acquisition Toolbox. The Image Acquisition Toolbox simplifies the acquisition and analysis process by enabling users to contact to and configure hardware, preview video, and stream images directly into MATLAB for analysis and visualization. This simplifies an often time consuming process of acquiring data with one software packages and then transferring the data to another package for analysis and processing. The toolbox extends the MATLAB technical computing environment to include functions for acquiring video and images from PC-compatible frame-grabber cards and video devices. - Cranes Software International Ltd has informed that company with Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), a central government unit, on July 23, 2003 has signed a MOU wherein the companies would share their marketing and technical expertise to enhance the market reach and offer comprehensive solutions to manufacturing industries in India & abroad. 2003 -Release Japanese Version of its flagship software product SYSTAT version 10.2 1. An investment of up to Rs 10 million in Escube Communication Solutions Pvt. Ltd by subscribing to 1622 equity shares of Rs 10/- each at a premium of Rs 6155.23 per share. 2. Entering into a Marketing & distribution agreement with SPSS Inc USA for worldwide marketing rights for SPL range of products with an option to purchase the product range after 2.5 years. -Incorporation of a 100% subsidiary at Singapore to cater to ASEAN markets. 2004 - gets shareholders proposal for GDR issue - Board approves the following 1. Issuance of upto 18,00,000 fully paid equity shares of Rs 10/- each in the form of Global Depository Receipts at such price as may be decided by the company in consultation with the lead managers to the issue. 2. The incorporation of 100% subsidiary or Acquisition of a company in Germany at an investment not exceeding US $ 1 million for marketing of the products in the European Markets -purchases Sigma suite from SPSS Inc. for $13 mn -Cranes ties up with UK firm -Along with The MathWorks Inc, makers of MATLAB & Simulink Technical Computing & Simulation software, have announced the availability of Bioinformatics toolbox for MATLAB. -Cranes Software International Ltd (CSIL), a global scientific and engineering software products and solutions provider, has appointed Mr H. Shankar as Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer 2005 - Cranes Software International Ltd announces availability of SigmaPlot 9.0 r, the easy-to-use technical graphing and data analysis software package for scientists and engineers, in the Indian market. - Cranes Software International Ltd acquires Engineering Mechanics Research Corporation (EMRC) in India with its customers, brand names, trademarks, ongoing contracts, personnel and fixed assets. -Cranes Software - Systat & Cytel Software forge Strategic alliance -Cranes Software launches Japanese language version of SYSTAT 11 -Cranes Software Internation has been recognised as one of the 50 fastest growing companies in India by the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India inaugural award. -Cranes Software International has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:1 -Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Rs 2 2006 -Cranes Software Launches SigmaPlot 10 2007 - Cranes Soft acquires Proland, Caravel. 2008 -Cranes Software launches MYSTAT 12, a free statistical analysis software for the global -Cranes Software International Ltd has recommended (Subject to approval of the shareholders) an equity dividend as follows: Regular Dividend of 20% & a special Dividend of 40%, thereby aggregating to 60% (Re 1.20/- per share) for the year 2007-08. -E-mail ID for Investors Complaints: -Cranes released NISA Version 15.0 - latest version of NISA for the Linux community with substantial enhancements addressing seismic analysis requirements of power industry -Cranes released NISA DesignStudio - a civil engineering software for individual structural design consultants. 2009 -Cranes Software International Ltd has released NISA DesignStudio Version 16. -Cranes Software International Ltd has shift its Cranes Engineering & Technology Divisions to its own campus on Bannerghatta Road from Shankar Narayana Building, Block-1, # 25 M G Road, Bangalore consequently the Registered Office of the Company would be shifted to its old promises at "# 29, 7th Cross, 14th Main, Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore - 560 052. -Cranes Software International Ltd has Released the latest version of its FEA software suite - NISA. 2011 -Cranes Software International Ltd has released Flagship Product SigmaPlot V 12.0. 2012 -Cranes Software International Ltd has shifted Registered Office from #29, 7th Cross, 14th Main, Vasanthnagar, Bangalore-560052 to #2, Tavarekere, Bannerghatta Road, 1st Phase, 1st Stage, BTM Layout, Bangalore-560029.

Year Events Cranes Software International Limited (CSIL) is a leading player in the high-end field of scientific and engineering software products and solutions. It is operating in a niche business area, driven by mathematics, statistics and the related analytical techniques for over a decade. Over the last few years, Cranes has built competencies in the wireless technology arena by serving the global scientific and engineering industry with its comprehensive range of products, services and training. CSIL's forte is digital signal processing (DSP), real times operating system (RTOS), mathematical modeling and simulation and embedded systems. CSIL's customers include who's who of the corporate world. CSIL's expertise spans across product marketing & development, software services and training. With a unique 'vertically integrated business model' and commitment to excellence, today CSIL enjoys an edge over its competitors in the delivery of technical software products and support capabilities. The company combines the best people, processes and technology to achieve excellent results, consistently. Currently, CSIL employs over 150 talented and highly-motivated professionals which includes a division dedicated to creating IPRs in wireless technology, audio/ speech codec using latest ITU-T / IEEE standards. With two state-of-the-art development centers in Bangalore - the Silicon Valley of Asia - CSIL has executed several key projects in the areas of mathematical modeling and simulation analysis and design, benchmarking of DSP chips, porting and native C code implementation of the latest ITU-T / IEEE standards. CSIL's latest venture includes the setting up of 'CranesSci MEMS Lab' with in IISc campus. With the objective of conducting research in MEMS technology this lab is set to develop MEMS sensors for acoustic applications and ultrasound imaging, besides developing analysis tools and software for engineers working in this area. 2002 - Cranes Software International Ltd has realised new 13th versions of MATLAB and Simulink. The new version delivers faster computation and system development capabilities for desktop and embedded applications. - Cranes Software International Ltd has informed that it has entered into an agreement with M/s Rational Software Corporation (India) Pvt Ltd to supply Rational products to educational institutions and to provide related services and support. 2003 - Cranes Software International Ltd announced the availability of Matlab's Communications Blockset 2.5. Communications Blockset 2.5 which extends the Simulinkr system level design environment provides more than 150 blocks to model the physical and link layer of communication systems. New algorithms and wireless system models enable communications systems engineers to develop more accurate system level simulations and specifications, reducing design risk for wireless, broadband, broadcasting and satellite systems and semiconductors. The latest version contains a new RF impairment library, which allows users to model the impact of nonlinearity, phase noise, and other RF effects on baseband communication design. - Cranes Software International Ltd has announced the availability of AdventNet's Web NMS 4.0 Web NMS is a J2EE based platform with powerful FCAPS functions, provisioning, topology, inventory, CNM and mediation. The product is the latest generation of the widely used Web NMS network management framework. Web NMS 4 offers deployment flexibility through hierarchical remote management to address the needs of geographically dispersed environments. It includes applications monitoring capability to address the needs of IT infrastructure management, e.g. monitoring database, web servers, mail servers, etc. - Cranes Software International Ltd and its US principal The Mathworks Inc., announced today the availability of Matlab's SimMechanics 2 the latest version of its mechanical simulation software that expands the power of Simulinkr to model physical systems. With SimMechanics 2, engineers now have the ability to simulate their mechanical models on real time hardware in the loop (HIL) systems, allowing them to test and improve their controller and mechanical designs earlier in the design cycle. - Cranes Software International Ltd has announced June 02, the availability of Image Acquisition Toolbox. The Image Acquisition Toolbox simplifies the acquisition and analysis process by enabling users to contact to and configure hardware, preview video, and stream images directly into MATLAB for analysis and visualization. This simplifies an often time consuming process of acquiring data with one software packages and then transferring the data to another package for analysis and processing. The toolbox extends the MATLAB technical computing environment to include functions for acquiring video and images from PC-compatible frame-grabber cards and video devices. - Cranes Software International Ltd has informed that company with Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), a central government unit, on July 23, 2003 has signed a MOU wherein the companies would share their marketing and technical expertise to enhance the market reach and offer comprehensive solutions to manufacturing industries in India & abroad. 2003 -Release Japanese Version of its flagship software product SYSTAT version 10.2 1. An investment of up to Rs 10 million in Escube Communication Solutions Pvt. Ltd by subscribing to 1622 equity shares of Rs 10/- each at a premium of Rs 6155.23 per share. 2. Entering into a Marketing & distribution agreement with SPSS Inc USA for worldwide marketing rights for SPL range of products with an option to purchase the product range after 2.5 years. -Incorporation of a 100% subsidiary at Singapore to cater to ASEAN markets. 2004 - gets shareholders proposal for GDR issue - Board approves the following 1. Issuance of upto 18,00,000 fully paid equity shares of Rs 10/- each in the form of Global Depository Receipts at such price as may be decided by the company in consultation with the lead managers to the issue. 2. The incorporation of 100% subsidiary or Acquisition of a company in Germany at an investment not exceeding US $ 1 million for marketing of the products in the European Markets -purchases Sigma suite from SPSS Inc. for $13 mn -Cranes ties up with UK firm -Along with The MathWorks Inc, makers of MATLAB & Simulink Technical Computing & Simulation software, have announced the availability of Bioinformatics toolbox for MATLAB. -Cranes Software International Ltd (CSIL), a global scientific and engineering software products and solutions provider, has appointed Mr H. Shankar as Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer 2005 - Cranes Software International Ltd announces availability of SigmaPlot 9.0 r, the easy-to-use technical graphing and data analysis software package for scientists and engineers, in the Indian market. - Cranes Software International Ltd acquires Engineering Mechanics Research Corporation (EMRC) in India with its customers, brand names, trademarks, ongoing contracts, personnel and fixed assets. -Cranes Software - Systat & Cytel Software forge Strategic alliance -Cranes Software launches Japanese language version of SYSTAT 11 -Cranes Software Internation has been recognised as one of the 50 fastest growing companies in India by the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India inaugural award. -Cranes Software International has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:1 -Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Rs 2 2006 -Cranes Software Launches SigmaPlot 10 2007 - Cranes Soft acquires Proland, Caravel. 2008 -Cranes Software launches MYSTAT 12, a free statistical analysis software for the global -Cranes Software International Ltd has recommended (Subject to approval of the shareholders) an equity dividend as follows: Regular Dividend of 20% & a special Dividend of 40%, thereby aggregating to 60% (Re 1.20/- per share) for the year 2007-08. -E-mail ID for Investors Complaints: -Cranes released NISA Version 15.0 - latest version of NISA for the Linux community with substantial enhancements addressing seismic analysis requirements of power industry -Cranes released NISA DesignStudio - a civil engineering software for individual structural design consultants. 2009 -Cranes Software International Ltd has released NISA DesignStudio Version 16. -Cranes Software International Ltd has shift its Cranes Engineering & Technology Divisions to its own campus on Bannerghatta Road from Shankar Narayana Building, Block-1, # 25 M G Road, Bangalore consequently the Registered Office of the Company would be shifted to its old promises at "# 29, 7th Cross, 14th Main, Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore - 560 052. -Cranes Software International Ltd has Released the latest version of its FEA software suite - NISA. 2011 -Cranes Software International Ltd has released Flagship Product SigmaPlot V 12.0. 2012 -Cranes Software International Ltd has shifted Registered Office from #29, 7th Cross, 14th Main, Vasanthnagar, Bangalore-560052 to #2, Tavarekere, Bannerghatta Road, 1st Phase, 1st Stage, BTM Layout, Bangalore-560029.

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Cranes Software International Ltd.



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The current price of Cranes Software International Ltd is ₹ 6.95.

The 52-week high for Cranes Software International Ltd is ₹ 7.75 and the 52-week low is ₹ 6.75.

The market capitalization of Cranes Software International Ltd is currently ₹ 105.61. This value can fluctuate based on stock price movements and changes in the number of shares outstanding.

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The CEO of Cranes Software International Ltd is , who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.