
Aster DM Healthcare Ltd

Thu 13/03/2025,15:52:54 | NSE : ASTERDM

₹ 434.102.35 (0.54%)

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₹ 435.80

Previous Close

₹ 431.75



Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)



₹ 437.35


₹ 428.70

52 Week High

₹ 558.00

52 Week Low

₹ 311.10

Book Value Per Share

₹ 68.78

Dividend Yield


Face Value

₹ 10.00

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  • Aster DM Healthcare - Intimation Of In-Principle Approval Received For Issue And Allotment Of 1,86,07,969 (One Crore Eighty S

    13 Mar 2025, 2:01PM Pursuant to Regulation 28(1) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, with regard to issue of 1,86,07,969 (One
  • Aster DM Healthcare - General Updates

    13 Mar 2025, 1:48PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about General Updates
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regul

    11 Mar 2025, 10:12AM The Exchange has received the Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regulation 28(3) of SE
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regul

    5 Mar 2025, 8:12PM The Exchange has received the Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regulation 28(3) of SE
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regul

    5 Mar 2025, 8:11PM The Exchange has received the Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regulation 28(3) of SE
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    4 Mar 2025, 6:11PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    4 Mar 2025, 6:07PM Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please be informed that the Company through
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regul

    3 Mar 2025, 12:46PM The Exchange has received the Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regulation 28(3) of SE
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regul

    28 Feb 2025, 11:07AM The Exchange has received the Disclosures of reasons for encumbrance by promoter of listed companies under Reg. 31(1) read with Regulation 28(3) of SE
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    14 Feb 2025, 6:04PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    14 Feb 2025, 6:03PM Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please be informed that the Company through
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    14 Feb 2025, 5:59PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    14 Feb 2025, 5:54PM Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please be informed that the Company through
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    10 Feb 2025, 3:21PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Transcript
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Earnings Call Transcript

    10 Feb 2025, 3:30PM This is further to our earlier letter dated February 03, 2025, regarding video/ audio recordings of earning call of the Company for the quarter ended
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    7 Feb 2025, 7:12PM Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please be informed that the Company through
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    7 Feb 2025, 7:11PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    6 Feb 2025, 7:11PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    6 Feb 2025, 7:09PM Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please be informed that the Company through
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Communication To Shareholders W.R.T Deduction Of Tax On Declaration Of Interim Dividend By The Company.

    6 Feb 2025, 7:01PM Please find enclosed communication sent to Shareholders w.r.t deduction of tax on declaration of interim dividend by the Company.\r\n\r\nRequest you t
  • Aster DM Healthcare - General Updates

    6 Feb 2025, 6:55PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Communication to Shareholders w.r.t deduction of tax on declaration of interim dividend by
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    3 Feb 2025, 3:58PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Link of Recording
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Outcome

    3 Feb 2025, 3:50PM With reference to the captioned subject, please be informed that the Earnings Call of the Company for the quarter ended December 31, 2024, was held to
  • Aster DM Healthcare has declared 40% Interim dividend for the financial year March 2025

    1 Feb 2025, 7:00AM Aster DM Healthcare Ltd. on Monday, 27 January 2025, has announced Interim dividend of 40 percent on Equity Share, to its shareholders holding shares
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Investor Presentation

    31 Jan 2025, 9:32PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Investor Presentation
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Investor Presentation

    31 Jan 2025, 9:28PM Investor Presentation on the Company's Performance for the quarter ended December 31, 2024.
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Outcome of Board Meeting-XBRL

    31 Jan 2025, 8:08PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Outcome of Board Meeting held on 31-Jan-2025 for Dividend
  • Aster DM Healthcare Q3 net profit down 6.34% at Rs 49.82 cr

    31 Jan 2025, 7:40PM The company reported standalone net profit of Rs 49.82 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 as compared to Rs 53.19 crore in the same period
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Press Release

    31 Jan 2025, 7:26PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange regarding a press release dated January 31, 2025, titled ""Press release for the quarter ended D
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Press Release / Media Release

    31 Jan 2025, 7:23PM Press Release for the quarter ended December 31, 2024
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Integrated Filing- Financial

    31 Jan 2025, 6:49PM Integrated filing of Un-audited financial results for the quarter ended 31st December, 2024
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Financial Result Updates

    31 Jan 2025, 6:45PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has submitted to the Exchange, the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024.
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Corporate Action-Board approves Dividend

    31 Jan 2025, 6:43PM Board approves Interim Dividend
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Integrated Filing (Financial)

    31 Jan 2025, 6:39PM Integrated Filing of Unaudited Financials for the quarter ended December 31, 2024
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Unaudited Financial Results For The Quarter Ended December 31, 2024\r\n

    31 Jan 2025, 6:36PM Results - Financial Results for the Quarter ended December 31, 2024
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Dividend

    31 Jan 2025, 6:30PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange that Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 31, 2025, approved the Unaudited Financia
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Board Meeting Outcome for For The Meeting Of The Board Of Directors Held On 31St January, 2025\r\n

    31 Jan 2025, 6:28PM Outcome of Board Meeting - Financial Results, Interim Dividend\r\n
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    29 Jan 2025, 6:21PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    29 Jan 2025, 6:16PM Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform you that earnings conference call with analysts/Investors is scheduled o
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    29 Jan 2025, 6:02PM ASTER DM HEALTHCARE LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Change in Management

    29 Jan 2025, 3:18PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about change in Management
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Management

    29 Jan 2025, 3:11PM Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI Listing Regulations, we would like to inform that Mr. Sreeni Venugopal, Chief Information Officer & Chief Informatio
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Board Meeting Intimation

    28 Jan 2025, 1:56PM ASTER DM HEALTHCARE LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 31-Jan-2025 to consider and approve the Quarterly Unaudited Fi
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Record Date

    27 Jan 2025, 5:04PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange that Record date for the purpose of Dividend is 10-Feb-2025.
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Record Date Is Monday, February 10, 2025, For Interim Dividend, If Any, For The Financial Year 2024-25.

    27 Jan 2025, 5:01PM Pursuant to Regulation 42 of the SEBI Listing Regulations, the interim dividend for the financial year 2024-25, if declared by the Board of Directors
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Corporate Action-Board to consider Dividend

    27 Jan 2025, 4:43PM We hereby inform that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be held on Friday, January 31, 2025, to consider declaration
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Board Meeting Intimation for Intimation Of The Board Meeting Of The Company To Be Held On January 31, 2

    27 Jan 2025, 4:34PM Aster DM Healthcare Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 31/01/2025 ,inter alia, to consider
  • Aster DM Healthcare has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024

    21 Jan 2025, 3:10PM As of December 2024, 41.88% is owned by Foreign Promoters, 57.84% by Public and 0.28% by Non Promoters-Non Public. <p align=justify> Institutional hol
  • Aster DM Healthcare - General Updates

    17 Jan 2025, 5:57PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about General Updates
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018

    9 Jan 2025, 12:37PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018

    9 Jan 2025, 12:32PM Pursuant to Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018. Please find enclosed confirmation certificate for the quarter
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Acquisition-XBRL

    1 Jan 2025, 3:40PM ASTER DM HEALTHCARE LIMITED has informed the Exchange regarding Acquisition
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Agreements,Contracts,Arrangements,MOU-XBRL

    1 Jan 2025, 1:00PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Shareholder agreements
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Acquisition

    31 Dec 2024, 6:46PM We wish to inform you that company has entered into an agreement for conversion of loans given to Alfaone Medicals Private Limited, an associate compa
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Agreements

    31 Dec 2024, 6:36PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange with respect to conversion of loans given to Alfaone Medicals Private Limited, Associate Compan
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Alteration/revision(s)

    31 Dec 2024, 6:30PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about amendment and restatement of shareholders agreement for the conversion of pre-existing i
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Shareholders meeting

    31 Dec 2024, 4:26PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has submitted the Exchange a copy of Srutinizers report of Postal Ballot along with voting results.
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of Postal_Ballot

    31 Dec 2024, 4:29PM Please find enclosed the voting results of the postal ballot notice dated November 29,2024
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Scrutinizer\s Report

    31 Dec 2024, 4:10PM Please find enclosed the Scrutinizer's report dated December 31,2024.The resolutions set out in the postal ballot notice dated November 29,2024 has be
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Trading Window-XBRL

    28 Dec 2024, 6:47AM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Closure of Trading Window
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Trading Window

    27 Dec 2024, 7:04PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange regarding the Trading Window closure pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulatio
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    24 Dec 2024, 11:25AM ASTER DM HEALTHCARE LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Appointment

    23 Dec 2024, 3:39PM Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Appointment of Dr. Nalanda Jayadev has been appointed as a Senior Management Personne
  • Aster DM Healthcare - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Management

    23 Dec 2024, 3:28PM Dr.Nalanda Jayadev has been appointed as a senior management personnel of the company in the capacity as Chief Executive Officer, Aster Medcity Kochi
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    24 Feb 2025 , 11:50AM The company will make an investment of Rs 850 crore in Kerala in next three years.
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    29 Nov 2024 , 9:54AM The company is nearing an agreement to combine with Quality Care (Blackstone backed) as per media reports. Shareholders of Aster are poised to own around 57% of the combined entity Investors in Hyderabad-based Quality Care would hold the remaining 43%.
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    25 Jan 2024 , 12:15PM Aster DM Healthcare has received the requisite majority of shareholder votes towards the separation of the GCC business from the Indian operations. In respect of Resolution 1 being the resolution for approving the sale of the GCC business as a related party transaction, 99.86% of the eligible votes were in favour on this resolution. It is to be noted that since this resolution was for approving a related party transaction, the related parties were not eligible to vote for approving the transaction. (Positive)
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    24 Jan 2024 , 1:35PM Aster DM Healthcare has received the requisite majority of shareholder votes towards the separation of the GCC business from the Indian operations. In respect of Resolution 1 being the resolution for approving the sale of the GCC business as a related party transaction, 99.86% of the eligible votes were in favour on this resolution. It is to be noted that since this resolution was for approving a related party transaction, the related parties were not eligible to vote for approving the transaction. (Positive)
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    16 Jan 2024 , 9:10AM Affinity Holdings and Alpha GCC aims to complete the sale of Gulf business deal soon. Dividend from the upfront payment of $903 million is seen at Rs 110 to Rs 120 per share which implies a dividend yield of nearly 27-30% of the current market price.
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    29 Nov 2023 , 11:00AM Aster to separate its India and GCC businesses to unlock value and announces agreement for Fajr Capital-led consortium to invest in Aster GCC”. Under the separation plan, a consortium led by Fajr Capital has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire a 65% stake in the ownership of the GCC business, Aster DM Healthcare FZC. The Moopen family will continue to manage and operate the GCC business retaining a 35% stake, on and from closing. The current market cap of the combined India and GCC business stands at ~USD $ 2.0 billion. The transaction values the GCC business at an enterprise value of US$ 1.7 billion (INR13,540cr1 ), and an equity value of US$ 1.0 billion (INR 8,215cr1 ). • Existing shareholders to remain with the listed Indian entity, Aster DM Healthcare Ltd. Upon successful completion of the proposed transaction, the Company is desirous of declaring dividends to the shareholders of Aster DM Healthcare Ltd from the proceeds, subject to approvals required under law. This deal is valued lower than the regional peers (Negative).
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    29 Nov 2023 , 11:00AM Aster to separate its India and GCC businesses to unlock value and announces agreement for Fajr Capital-led consortium to invest in Aster GCC”. Under the separation plan, a consortium led by Fajr Capital has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire a 65% stake in the ownership of the GCC business, Aster DM Healthcare FZC. The Moopen family will continue to manage and operate the GCC business retaining a 35% stake, on and from closing. The current market cap of the combined India and GCC business stands at ~USD $ 2.0 billion. The transaction values the GCC business at an enterprise value of US$ 1.7 billion (INR13,540cr1 ), and an equity value of US$ 1.0 billion (INR 8,215cr1 ). • Existing shareholders to remain with the listed Indian entity, Aster DM Healthcare Ltd. Upon successful completion of the proposed transaction, the Company is desirous of declaring dividends to the shareholders of Aster DM Healthcare Ltd from the proceeds, subject to approvals required under law. This deal is valued lower than the regional peers (Negative).
  • DM Healthcare

    7 Jul 2023 , 11:23AM Aster DM Healthcare's founder Azad Moopen is in talks to sell a controlling stake in India listed hospital companies to private equity firms including Blackstone and KKR. The company operates 32 hospitals in West Asia and India and clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, and patient experience centres. The discussions are preliminary and have been focused on reverse merger with Care Hospitals while wanting controlling stake in it. We do not have it in coverage.
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    2 Jun 2023 , 10:02AM The company has entered into a hospital operation and management agreement with Padmavathy Medical Foundation (PMF). PMF is a 130-bed tertiary super specialty hospital situated in Sasthamkotta, Kollam District, Kerala. The India business has been growing strong and reached the full occupancy in a few hospitals and hence they are intending to add beds in few areas to aid the growth in a profitable manner in the region. Hence, it is a positive read through for the stock. We do not have coverage on the stock.
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    29 Mar 2023 , 12:18PM Aster DM Healthcare acquired additional 1.87% stake in its subsidiary, Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences, for a cash consideration of Rs 18.65 crore, taking its overall shareholding to 76.01%
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    3 Mar 2023 , 10:56AM Aster DM Healthcare: According to media reports, Dubai’s FAJR Capital is in talks with the company to buy its Gulf’s business. The company is expected to receive binding bids in Q1FY2024 – Positive read through for the stock
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    6 Jan 2023 , 11:04AM The company’s CFO Sreenath Pocha Reddy resigned from the post, effective Jan. 5, 2023. Our view: Neutral
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    6 Jan 2023 , 11:02AM The company’s CFO Sreenath Pocha Reddy resigned from the post, effective Jan. 5, 2023. Our view: Neutral
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    4 Jan 2023 , 11:37AM The company has entered into an agreement with Vritika Hospitals and Bharathi Education Trust for operating and managing (O&M) of 100 bedded G. Madegowda Super Specialty Hospital at Mandya, Karnataka. It is a part of Aster DM’s plan to expand in an asset light mode by adding 500-700 bed in India over a period of time. The management mentions that this model had been tried and tested by Aster in Kerala and Andhra Pradesh already and was found to be helpful to provide tertiary care to the Tier 2 & 3 suburban cities. Our view: It is a positive read through for the stock.
  • Aster DM Healthcare signed a Contract with Faruk Medical City

    7 Dec 2022 , 2:49PM Aster DM Healthcare, Faruk Medical City sign contract to develop healthcare services in Iraq
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    18 Oct 2022 , 11:49AM Aster Pharmacies Group LLC, a material subsidiary of Aster DM Healthcare entered into a Joint Venture agreement with Abdulmohsen Al Hokair Holding Group to establish, manage and operate Pharmacy chain across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to market and commercialize pharmaceutical products within each pharmacy under the ‘Aster Pharmacy’ brand. Aster Pharmacy through this partnership aims to set-up and operate 250+ stores over a period of 5 years and provide ease of access to pharmaceutical and wellness products across the segments of nutrition, baby care, skin care, home healthcare etc. Through this joint venture agreement, the both the partners will work towards bringing Aster Pharmacy’s in-house quality care products to serve the healthcare needs of the local population in KSA. The partnership plans to open and operate in high streets, communities and shopping malls of KSA beginning with Riyadh, the capital and the largest city of the Kingdom. Positive read-thru for the stock.
  • Aster DM arm Medcare announces acquisition of 60% share in Skin III clinics

    3 Oct 2022 , 3:15PM Medcare Hospitals and medical centres acquires majority shares of award-winning chain of beauty clinics
  • Aster DM in agreement with Tirupati-based Narayanadri Hospital

    3 Oct 2022 , 12:49PM Aster DM Healthcare inks deal with Andhra Pradesh's Narayanadri Hospital to manage the 150-bed hospital
  • Aster DM acquires 2% stake in Medcare Hospital LLC for Rs. 51.5 cr

    15 Sep 2022 , 12:44PM Acquisition of additional 2% stake in Medcare Hospital LCC, a step-down material subsidiary of the Company
  • Aster DM plans to invest Rs. 500 crore in Tamil Nadu

    28 Mar 2022 , 12:04PM Aster DM Healthcare signs MoU with Government of Tamil Nadu, India to invest Rs. 500 crore
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    17 Jan 2022 , 10:46AM Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Limited, a material subsidiary of the Company has signed lease agreement for a greenfield hospital project in Kasaragod district of Kerala. An initial investment of around Rs. 140 crores are estimated for the new facility, which will include a 200-bed comprehensive tertiary care facility, with the option of expanding to a quaternary facility in the future. The new hospital is expected to be operationalised in the next 2.5 years. Positive
  • Aster DM plan to set up hospital in Cayman Islands

    23 Dec 2020 , 12:09PM Aster DM Healthcare Chooses Cayman Islands to set up Clinical Excellence hub for the Western Hemisphere
  • Aster DM Healthcare net profit dips 37.4% YoY

    23 Jun 2020 , 5:19PM Q4 result for the quarter ended March 31, 2020
  • Aster DM Healthcare shuts Kuwait subsidiary

    31 Mar 2020 , 11:46AM Closure of loss making pharmacies in Kuwait
  • Aster DM board approves buyback shares

    9 Jan 2020 , 2:56PM Board approves buyback of up to 57.1 lakh shares at Rs. 210 share
  • Aster DM Healthcare

    7 Jan 2020 , 11:19AM The company’s board meeting is scheduled on 9th Jan 2020 to consider and approve a proposal for Buy back. Sentimentally Positive
  • Aster DM Healthcare gains ahead of board meeting

    7 Jan 2020 , 10:21AM Aster DM Healthcare rises by 5% to Rs. 173.4, as board to meet on January 09, to consider share buyback
  • Aster DM to buy stake Wahat Al Aman Home Healthcare

    1 Jan 2020 , 10:17AM Acquisition of 100% stake in Wahat Al Aman Home Healthcare LLC, Abu Dhabi
  • Aster DM up on buying additional stake

    3 Oct 2019 , 3:25PM Aster DM Healthcare rises over 4% to Rs. 121, on acquiring additional stake in Sri Sainatha Multispeciality Hospital Pvt Ltd
  • Aster DM Healthcare to run and operate its 4th Hospital in Bangalore

    25 Sep 2019 , 10:54AM Aster DM Healthcare signs lease agreements for the two new hospital projects in Bangalore

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of Aster DM Healthcare Ltd stock 

Name March-24 March-23 March-22 March-21 March-20
Assets 3680.88 3470.54 3153.02 3017.9 3070.81
Liabilities 3680.88 3470.54 3153.02 3017.9 3070.81
Equity 499.52 499.52 497.22 497.04 499.52
Gross Profit 360.08 288.39 150.5 41.83 72.62
Net Profit 156.96 173.29 90.18 -68.78 60.61
Cash From Operating Activities 412.75 245.86 31.94 41.66 98
NPM(%) 7.7 11.29 8.07 -9.21 7.97
Revenue 2036.5 1533.74 1116.47 746.54 760.42
Expenses 1676.42 1245.35 965.97 704.71 687.8
ROE(%) 4.56 5.04 2.62 -2 1.76

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day
10 Feb 2025 4 40 0 488.65
22 Aug 2024 2 20 0 379.6
23 Apr 2024 0 0 0 456.75


Other companies within the same industry or sector that are comparable to Aster DM Healthcare Ltd

Company Price Price (% change) pe(x) EV/EBITDA(x) ROE(%) ROCE(%)
Albert David Ltd 808.20 -1.14 11.41 247.81 1321.50 1.42
Lotus Eye Hospital and Institute Ltd 57.06 -0.77 237.75 902.98 14.01 0.88
Vaishali Pharma Ltd 12.12 -5.90 606.00 465.43 2.31 0.00
Astec Lifesciences Ltd 653.90 -5.55 0.00 851.43 -239.30 0.00

Company Info

The Company was incorporated as DM Healthcare Private Limited on January 18, 2008 at Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala, India as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956. The name of the Company was changed to Aster DM Healthcare Private Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon change of name was issued on November 29, 2013. The name of the Company was changed from DM Healthcare Private Limited to Aster DM Healthcare Private Limited to align theselves with the brand name `Aster' and leverage the value of the brand. Major events and milestones of the Company 1987 - The Promoter, Dr. Azad Moopen started a clinic in Dubai 1995 - The first specialty medical centre was launched in Dubai 2001 - MIMS Kozhikode Hospital commenced operations 2005 - Al Rafa Hospital for Maternity and Surgery (now called Aster Day Surgery Centre LLC) commenced operations 2006 - Medcare Hospital, commenced operations 2008 - India Value Fund III A acquired 28.20% of the paid up Equity Share capital the Company calculated at the time of investment - The Company acquired majority stake in PHL, Kolhapur 2009 - Al Raffah Hospital, the first hospital in Oman, commenced operations in Muscat 2010 - The Company acquired 100% of the paid up equity share capital of Affinity, Mauritius - Al Raffah Hospital, the second hospital in Oman, commenced operations in Sohar 2011 - Second Medcare Hospital, namely Medcare Orthopedics and Spine Hospital (Dubai) commenced operations 2012 - Olympus acquired 25.47 % of the paid up equity share capital of the Company - 40.80% of the paid up equity share capital of Sanad Al Rahma for Medical Care LLC was conditionally acquired 2013 - The Company acquired 60.35% of the paid up equity share capital of IHPL and consequently MIMS became the Subsidiary. 2014 - The Company acquired hospital operational and management rights in Aster CMC, Bangalore pursuant to the hospital operation and management agreement dated May 12, 2014 - Aster Medcity was inaugurated in Kochi, Kerala - The Company acquired 51% voting rights in Sainatha Hospitals, Andhra Pradesh - We acquired 54% stake in Aster Kuwait - We acquired 51% stake in Orange Pharmacies LLC, Jordan 2015 - First clinic in the Kingdom of Bahrain commenced operations - First clinic in the Philippines commenced operations 2016 - The Company divested its stake in Medipoint Hospitals Private Limited, Pune - The Company acquired hospital operational and management rights in DM Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences, Wayanad pursuant to a medical services agreement and an operation and management agreement, both dated March 4, 2016 - The Company increased stake up to 70.68% in the paid up equity share capital of MIMS - We increased stake up to 97% stake in Sanad Medical Care - Acquisition of 51% stake in Dr Ramesh Hospital - The second clinic in Bahrain commences operations - Medcare Women and Child Hospital in Dubai was launched - Launch of the first multi-specialty hospital in Sharjah 2017 - Entered into an operation and management agreement with the Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust to operate and manage a hospital in Bengaluru - Medare Hospital Sharjah commenced operations - Aster Hospital Doha commenced operations Awards and Accreditations 2001 - MIMS Hospital, Kozhikode, India received the first place (certificate of merit) from the Kerala State Pollution Control Board for making a substantial and sustained effort in pollution control. MIMS subsequently received this certificate of merit in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 for various hospitals 2006 - MIMS Hospital, Kozhikode, India received NABH accreditation valid upto October 29, 2009 which was subsequently renewed up to October 29, 2018 2012 - MIMS Laboratory Services, MIMS received ISO 15189:2007 certification in the field of Medical Testing valid up to October 8, 2016, which was subsequently renewed as ISO 15189:2012 up to October 8, 2018 2013 - Medcare Hospital LLC, Dubai, UAE received JCI accreditation valid up to December 21, 2016, which was subsequently renewed up to November 10, 2019 - Medcare Orthopaedics and Spine Hospital, Dubai, UAE received JCI accreditation valid up to December 19, 2016, which was subsequently renewed up to November 16, 2019 2014 - Aster Pharmacy Group received the Best Service Performance Brand Award by Dubai Service Excellence Scheme 2015 - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received NABH accreditation for compliance with the Certification Standards for Nursing Excellence valid up to March 30, 2017 which was subsequently renewed up to March 30, 2019 - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received NABH accreditation valid up to March 30, 2018 - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the ISO 22000:2005 certification for production and service of food for patients, staff and patients' relatives within the hospital from Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS - UK Branch, valid up to July 16, 2018 - Aster Pharmacies Group LLC has been awarded `Superbrand' status by the UAE Superbrands Council - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received JCI accreditation valid up to June 19, 2018 - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Dialysis Service Provider' by CMO Asia - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Marketing Campaign - Healthcare Industry' by CMO Asia - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Healthcare Entreprenuer' by CMO Asia - Dr. Ramesh Hospital (Labbipet branch) received NABH - entry level accreditation which is valid up to September 25, 2019 - Aster Aadhar Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra received NABH accreditation which is valid up to June 3, 2018 - Aster Jubilee Medical Complex, Dubai received JCI accreditation which is valid up to September 3, 2018 - Al Raffah Hospital, Sohar received JCI accreditation which is valid up to August 26, 2018 2016 - The Company received the `Institutional Bravery Award' for Distinguished Service in Flood Relief in Chennai and Cuddalore, 2015 by the Society for Emergency Medicine India - Aster Hospital Mankhool, Dubai received JCI accreditation which is valid up to June 2, 2019 - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Quality Beyond Accreditation Award' by the Association of Healthcare Providers (India) - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Healthcare Entreprenuer' by CMO Asia - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Dhanam Award 2016 - NRK Brand of the Year' award - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Distinction in Quality of Service Delivery Award' by Asia Healthcare - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Nursing Excellence Award' by the Association of Healthcare Providers (India) - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Award for Best Quality Initiative in Healthcare' by Asia Healthcare - The Company received the `Award for the Best Marketing Campaign' by Asia Healthcare - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Marketing Campaign' by CMO Asia - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the Certificate of Honor from the NABH for being `One of the Best & Safest Hospitals in India' - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the first place (certificate of merit) from the Kerala State Pollution Control Board for making a substantial and sustained effort in pollution control - The Clinical Laboratory Services at Dr. Ramesh Hospital received NABL accreditation for medical testing in the disciplines of clinical biochemistry, clinical pathology, haematology and immunohaematology which is valid up to July 24, 2018 - The Clinical Laboratory Services at Dr. Ramesh Hospital received NABL accreditation in medical testing which is valid up to September 5, 2018 - Dr. Ramesh Hospital, (Guntur branch) has received NABH accreditation which is valid up to September 26, 2019 - We received the "Qadat Al Tagheer Award 2016" for Excellence in Healthcare Sector - We received the Frost and Sullivan ME growth award for Health Awareness Campaign of the Year, UAE (2016) - Aster Pharmacies Group received the Dubai Quality Appreciation Award for 2016 from the Government of Dubai - Aster Pharmacy received the Best Service Performance Brand Award by Dubai Service Excellence Scheme 2017 - Aster CMI hospital received the `Best Hospitality in Healthcare' award from the Times Network - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked as the 23rd best multi specialty hospital (national rankings), 7th best multi specialty hospital (South India) and 2nd best multi specialty hospital in Bangalore in the All India Multispecialty Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked 12th in cardiac sciences (national rankings), 3rd in cardiac sciences (South India) and 2nd in cardiac sciences in Bangalore in the All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked 6th in nephrology (South India) and 3rd in nephrology in Bangalore in the All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked 11th in gastroenterology and hepatology (South India) and 3rd in gastroenterology and hepatology in Bangalore in the All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked 4th in neuro sciences Bangalore and 4th in urology in Bangalore in the All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has received the `CMO Asia Presents Asia Healthcare Excellence Award' in the `best hospitality in healthcare' category - Dr. Ramesh Hospital has received the Healthcare Excellence Award 2017 for Patient Centricity from FICCI 2018 -Aster Volunteers Mega Medical Camp Over 1400 workers in UAE benefit from marking World Health Day -Aster Volunteers bring happiness to more than 100 Women with the Launch of the DIVA Programme -Aster Pharmacy launches it's First Eco-Friendly Pharmacy in UAE. -Aster DM Healthcare wins Special Recognition at Arabia CSR Awards 2018 -Aster DM healthcare promises INR 15 crores Aster Homes Fund to Rebuild Kerala. -Aster DM Healthcare conducts unique nerve pacing surgery on a 7 year old Kenyan Child --Aster DM Healthcare conducts Mobile Clinic to take Medical care to remote villages in Kozhikode District 2019 -Aster DM Healthcare wins Business Excellence Awards by Dubai -Aster Finance Service Centre Launched Across India -Aster DM Healthcare conduct 10km marathon brought together over 3000 participants -Aster DM Healthcare celebrates 33rd Foundation Day -Aster Volunteer Mobile Medical Services launched in Aster Medcity 2020 -Aster Volunteers hands over 100th Aster Home to Kerala's flood victims of 2018 -Aster DM Healthcare wins 6 awards at AHPI in various categories -Aster DM Healthcare launches free tele-health consultation service in the UAE -Aster announces Support Package for Kerala to fight COVID-19 -Aster Pharmacy to offer medicines at cost price to visitors stranded in the UAE due to COVID-19 Pandemic -Aster DM Healthcare launches 50 bed critical care Aster Hospital in Muhaisnah, Dubai 2021 -Aster Volunteers & Geojit foundation launched field hospital with 100 oxygen beds in Kochi -Aster DM Healthcare is a new organizational member of the Self-Insurance Institute of America (SIIA) -Aster DM Healthcare Signs Strategic Partnership with Roche Diagnostics -Aster launches Pink Parking to mark World Patient Safety Day 2022 -Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed about completion of acquisition of shares in Sri Sainath Multispeciality Hospitals Private Limited. -Aster DM Group company 'Medcare' acquires majority stake in Skin 111 Clinics. -Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Capacity addition/product launch. - Aster DM Healthcare's pharmacy division forays into Bangladesh market 2023 -Aster DM Healthcare signs MoU with University of Michigan for collaborative academic efforts. -Aster launches Narayanadri Hospital in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. -Aster DM Healthcare bags 'Hospital Chain of the Year' in the National category at ET Healthcare Awards 2023. 2024 -Aster Health partners with IISc, MICA other national institutions to offer advanced medical courses. -Aster DM Healthcare extended support to the victims of the Wayanad Landslide in Kerala. -Aster DM Healthcare announces Rs. 250 cr expansion plans for Aster CMI Hospital.

The Company was incorporated as DM Healthcare Private Limited on January 18, 2008 at Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala, India as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956. The name of the Company was changed to Aster DM Healthcare Private Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon change of name was issued on November 29, 2013. The name of the Company was changed from DM Healthcare Private Limited to Aster DM Healthcare Private Limited to align theselves with the brand name `Aster' and leverage the value of the brand. Major events and milestones of the Company 1987 - The Promoter, Dr. Azad Moopen started a clinic in Dubai 1995 - The first specialty medical centre was launched in Dubai 2001 - MIMS Kozhikode Hospital commenced operations 2005 - Al Rafa Hospital for Maternity and Surgery (now called Aster Day Surgery Centre LLC) commenced operations 2006 - Medcare Hospital, commenced operations 2008 - India Value Fund III A acquired 28.20% of the paid up Equity Share capital the Company calculated at the time of investment - The Company acquired majority stake in PHL, Kolhapur 2009 - Al Raffah Hospital, the first hospital in Oman, commenced operations in Muscat 2010 - The Company acquired 100% of the paid up equity share capital of Affinity, Mauritius - Al Raffah Hospital, the second hospital in Oman, commenced operations in Sohar 2011 - Second Medcare Hospital, namely Medcare Orthopedics and Spine Hospital (Dubai) commenced operations 2012 - Olympus acquired 25.47 % of the paid up equity share capital of the Company - 40.80% of the paid up equity share capital of Sanad Al Rahma for Medical Care LLC was conditionally acquired 2013 - The Company acquired 60.35% of the paid up equity share capital of IHPL and consequently MIMS became the Subsidiary. 2014 - The Company acquired hospital operational and management rights in Aster CMC, Bangalore pursuant to the hospital operation and management agreement dated May 12, 2014 - Aster Medcity was inaugurated in Kochi, Kerala - The Company acquired 51% voting rights in Sainatha Hospitals, Andhra Pradesh - We acquired 54% stake in Aster Kuwait - We acquired 51% stake in Orange Pharmacies LLC, Jordan 2015 - First clinic in the Kingdom of Bahrain commenced operations - First clinic in the Philippines commenced operations 2016 - The Company divested its stake in Medipoint Hospitals Private Limited, Pune - The Company acquired hospital operational and management rights in DM Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences, Wayanad pursuant to a medical services agreement and an operation and management agreement, both dated March 4, 2016 - The Company increased stake up to 70.68% in the paid up equity share capital of MIMS - We increased stake up to 97% stake in Sanad Medical Care - Acquisition of 51% stake in Dr Ramesh Hospital - The second clinic in Bahrain commences operations - Medcare Women and Child Hospital in Dubai was launched - Launch of the first multi-specialty hospital in Sharjah 2017 - Entered into an operation and management agreement with the Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust to operate and manage a hospital in Bengaluru - Medare Hospital Sharjah commenced operations - Aster Hospital Doha commenced operations Awards and Accreditations 2001 - MIMS Hospital, Kozhikode, India received the first place (certificate of merit) from the Kerala State Pollution Control Board for making a substantial and sustained effort in pollution control. MIMS subsequently received this certificate of merit in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 for various hospitals 2006 - MIMS Hospital, Kozhikode, India received NABH accreditation valid upto October 29, 2009 which was subsequently renewed up to October 29, 2018 2012 - MIMS Laboratory Services, MIMS received ISO 15189:2007 certification in the field of Medical Testing valid up to October 8, 2016, which was subsequently renewed as ISO 15189:2012 up to October 8, 2018 2013 - Medcare Hospital LLC, Dubai, UAE received JCI accreditation valid up to December 21, 2016, which was subsequently renewed up to November 10, 2019 - Medcare Orthopaedics and Spine Hospital, Dubai, UAE received JCI accreditation valid up to December 19, 2016, which was subsequently renewed up to November 16, 2019 2014 - Aster Pharmacy Group received the Best Service Performance Brand Award by Dubai Service Excellence Scheme 2015 - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received NABH accreditation for compliance with the Certification Standards for Nursing Excellence valid up to March 30, 2017 which was subsequently renewed up to March 30, 2019 - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received NABH accreditation valid up to March 30, 2018 - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the ISO 22000:2005 certification for production and service of food for patients, staff and patients' relatives within the hospital from Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS - UK Branch, valid up to July 16, 2018 - Aster Pharmacies Group LLC has been awarded `Superbrand' status by the UAE Superbrands Council - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received JCI accreditation valid up to June 19, 2018 - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Dialysis Service Provider' by CMO Asia - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Marketing Campaign - Healthcare Industry' by CMO Asia - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Healthcare Entreprenuer' by CMO Asia - Dr. Ramesh Hospital (Labbipet branch) received NABH - entry level accreditation which is valid up to September 25, 2019 - Aster Aadhar Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra received NABH accreditation which is valid up to June 3, 2018 - Aster Jubilee Medical Complex, Dubai received JCI accreditation which is valid up to September 3, 2018 - Al Raffah Hospital, Sohar received JCI accreditation which is valid up to August 26, 2018 2016 - The Company received the `Institutional Bravery Award' for Distinguished Service in Flood Relief in Chennai and Cuddalore, 2015 by the Society for Emergency Medicine India - Aster Hospital Mankhool, Dubai received JCI accreditation which is valid up to June 2, 2019 - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Quality Beyond Accreditation Award' by the Association of Healthcare Providers (India) - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Healthcare Entreprenuer' by CMO Asia - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Dhanam Award 2016 - NRK Brand of the Year' award - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Distinction in Quality of Service Delivery Award' by Asia Healthcare - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Nursing Excellence Award' by the Association of Healthcare Providers (India) - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the `Award for Best Quality Initiative in Healthcare' by Asia Healthcare - The Company received the `Award for the Best Marketing Campaign' by Asia Healthcare - The Company received the `National Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Award for Best Marketing Campaign' by CMO Asia - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the Certificate of Honor from the NABH for being `One of the Best & Safest Hospitals in India' - Aster Medcity, Kochi, India received the first place (certificate of merit) from the Kerala State Pollution Control Board for making a substantial and sustained effort in pollution control - The Clinical Laboratory Services at Dr. Ramesh Hospital received NABL accreditation for medical testing in the disciplines of clinical biochemistry, clinical pathology, haematology and immunohaematology which is valid up to July 24, 2018 - The Clinical Laboratory Services at Dr. Ramesh Hospital received NABL accreditation in medical testing which is valid up to September 5, 2018 - Dr. Ramesh Hospital, (Guntur branch) has received NABH accreditation which is valid up to September 26, 2019 - We received the "Qadat Al Tagheer Award 2016" for Excellence in Healthcare Sector - We received the Frost and Sullivan ME growth award for Health Awareness Campaign of the Year, UAE (2016) - Aster Pharmacies Group received the Dubai Quality Appreciation Award for 2016 from the Government of Dubai - Aster Pharmacy received the Best Service Performance Brand Award by Dubai Service Excellence Scheme 2017 - Aster CMI hospital received the `Best Hospitality in Healthcare' award from the Times Network - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked as the 23rd best multi specialty hospital (national rankings), 7th best multi specialty hospital (South India) and 2nd best multi specialty hospital in Bangalore in the All India Multispecialty Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked 12th in cardiac sciences (national rankings), 3rd in cardiac sciences (South India) and 2nd in cardiac sciences in Bangalore in the All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked 6th in nephrology (South India) and 3rd in nephrology in Bangalore in the All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked 11th in gastroenterology and hepatology (South India) and 3rd in gastroenterology and hepatology in Bangalore in the All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has been ranked 4th in neuro sciences Bangalore and 4th in urology in Bangalore in the All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2017 by the Times Group - Aster CMI hospital has received the `CMO Asia Presents Asia Healthcare Excellence Award' in the `best hospitality in healthcare' category - Dr. Ramesh Hospital has received the Healthcare Excellence Award 2017 for Patient Centricity from FICCI 2018 -Aster Volunteers Mega Medical Camp Over 1400 workers in UAE benefit from marking World Health Day -Aster Volunteers bring happiness to more than 100 Women with the Launch of the DIVA Programme -Aster Pharmacy launches it's First Eco-Friendly Pharmacy in UAE. -Aster DM Healthcare wins Special Recognition at Arabia CSR Awards 2018 -Aster DM healthcare promises INR 15 crores Aster Homes Fund to Rebuild Kerala. -Aster DM Healthcare conducts unique nerve pacing surgery on a 7 year old Kenyan Child --Aster DM Healthcare conducts Mobile Clinic to take Medical care to remote villages in Kozhikode District 2019 -Aster DM Healthcare wins Business Excellence Awards by Dubai -Aster Finance Service Centre Launched Across India -Aster DM Healthcare conduct 10km marathon brought together over 3000 participants -Aster DM Healthcare celebrates 33rd Foundation Day -Aster Volunteer Mobile Medical Services launched in Aster Medcity 2020 -Aster Volunteers hands over 100th Aster Home to Kerala's flood victims of 2018 -Aster DM Healthcare wins 6 awards at AHPI in various categories -Aster DM Healthcare launches free tele-health consultation service in the UAE -Aster announces Support Package for Kerala to fight COVID-19 -Aster Pharmacy to offer medicines at cost price to visitors stranded in the UAE due to COVID-19 Pandemic -Aster DM Healthcare launches 50 bed critical care Aster Hospital in Muhaisnah, Dubai 2021 -Aster Volunteers & Geojit foundation launched field hospital with 100 oxygen beds in Kochi -Aster DM Healthcare is a new organizational member of the Self-Insurance Institute of America (SIIA) -Aster DM Healthcare Signs Strategic Partnership with Roche Diagnostics -Aster launches Pink Parking to mark World Patient Safety Day 2022 -Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed about completion of acquisition of shares in Sri Sainath Multispeciality Hospitals Private Limited. -Aster DM Group company 'Medcare' acquires majority stake in Skin 111 Clinics. -Aster DM Healthcare Limited has informed the Exchange about Capacity addition/product launch. - Aster DM Healthcare's pharmacy division forays into Bangladesh market 2023 -Aster DM Healthcare signs MoU with University of Michigan for collaborative academic efforts. -Aster launches Narayanadri Hospital in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. -Aster DM Healthcare bags 'Hospital Chain of the Year' in the National category at ET Healthcare Awards 2023. 2024 -Aster Health partners with IISc, MICA other national institutions to offer advanced medical courses. -Aster DM Healthcare extended support to the victims of the Wayanad Landslide in Kerala. -Aster DM Healthcare announces Rs. 250 cr expansion plans for Aster CMI Hospital.

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Parent Organisation

Aster DM Healthcare Ltd.



Managing Director

Ms.Alisha Moopen

NSE Symbol



The current price of Aster DM Healthcare Ltd is ₹ 434.10.

The 52-week high for Aster DM Healthcare Ltd is ₹ 437.35 and the 52-week low is ₹ 428.70.

The market capitalization of Aster DM Healthcare Ltd is currently ₹ 21683.86. This value can fluctuate based on stock price movements and changes in the number of shares outstanding.

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The CEO of Aster DM Healthcare Ltd is Ms.Alisha Moopen, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.