
AGI Greenpac Ltd

Thu 13/03/2025,15:59:11 | NSE : AGI

₹ 666.45-14.65 (-2.15%)

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₹ 682.05

Previous Close

₹ 681.10



Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)



₹ 693.50


₹ 662.90

52 Week High

₹ 1307.90

52 Week Low

₹ 599.10

Book Value Per Share

₹ 295.36

Dividend Yield


Face Value

₹ 2.00

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  • AGI Greenpac - Clarification - Financial Results

    4 Mar 2025, 12:27PM The Exchange has sought clarification from AGI Greenpac Limited for the quarter ended 31-Dec-2024 with respect to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing O
  • AGI Greenpac - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    21 Feb 2025, 5:46PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • AGI Greenpac - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    21 Feb 2025, 5:40PM PFA herewith the Analyst/Investor Meet Intimation.
  • AGI Greenpac - General Updates

    11 Feb 2025, 7:58PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about General Updates
  • AGI Greenpac - Pendency of Litigation(s)/dispute(s) or the outcome impacting the Company

    29 Jan 2025, 7:56PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Pendency of Litigation(s)/dispute(s) or the outcome impacting the Company
  • AGI Greenpac - Shareholders meeting

    28 Jan 2025, 4:58PM AGI Greenpac Limited has submitted the declaration of Results of Postal Ballot and Scrutinizer s Report pursuant to Regulation 44 of SEBI (Listing Obl
  • AGI Greenpac - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Scrutinizer\s Report

    28 Jan 2025, 4:52PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding the outcome of Postal Ballot along with the Scrutinizer's Report
  • AGI Greenpac - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of Postal_Ballot

    28 Jan 2025, 4:49PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding the outcome of Postal Ballot along with the Scrutinizer's Report
  • AGI Greenpac - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    27 Jan 2025, 3:30PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Transcript
  • AGI Greenpac - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Earnings Call Transcript

    27 Jan 2025, 3:36PM PFA herewith the announcement regarding transcript of earnings call held on 21st January, 2025.
  • AGI Greenpac - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Outcome

    21 Jan 2025, 7:43PM Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the audio recording of the Earnings Confere
  • AGI Greenpac - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    21 Jan 2025, 7:33PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Link of Recording
  • AGI Greenpac - Copy of Newspaper Publication

    21 Jan 2025, 12:49PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Copy of Newspaper Publication
  • AGI Greenpac Q3 net profit up 34.86% at Rs 90.52 cr

    20 Jan 2025, 6:51PM The company reported standalone net profit of Rs 90.52 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 as compared to Rs 67.12 crore in the same period
  • AGI Greenpac - Integrated Filing- Financial

    20 Jan 2025, 5:54PM Integrated Filing (Financial) for the quarter and nine month ended 31st December 2024
  • AGI Greenpac - Investor Presentation

    20 Jan 2025, 5:46PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Investor Presentation
  • AGI Greenpac - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    20 Jan 2025, 5:40PM AGI GREENPAC LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent
  • AGI Greenpac - Updates

    20 Jan 2025, 5:39PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'Appointment of M/s. DMK Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries as Secretarial Auditor of
  • AGI Greenpac - Press Release

    20 Jan 2025, 5:31PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange regarding a press release dated January 20, 2025, titled ""Press Release -Financial Performance for the
  • AGI Greenpac - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Press Release / Media Release

    20 Jan 2025, 5:31PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding Press Release for the financial results of the company for the quarter ended 31st December, 2024.
  • AGI Greenpac - Outcome of Board Meeting

    20 Jan 2025, 5:15PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on January 20, 2025.
  • AGI Greenpac - Financial Result Updates

    20 Jan 2025, 5:14PM AGI Greenpac Limited has submitted to the Exchange, the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024.
  • AGI Greenpac - Integrated Filing (Financial)

    20 Jan 2025, 5:58PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding integrated filling of financial results for the third quarter and nine months ended 31.12.2024
  • AGI Greenpac - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Investor Presentation

    20 Jan 2025, 5:47PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding investor presentation for the financial results of the Company for the third quarter and nine months ended 31.12
  • AGI Greenpac - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Management

    20 Jan 2025, 5:38PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding appointment of Secretarial Auditor of the Company for the Financial Year 2024-2025.
  • AGI Greenpac - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting Held On 20Th January, 2025

    20 Jan 2025, 5:19PM This is to inform you that the Board of Directors in its meeting held on 20th January, 2025 has, inter-alia, considered and approved the following ite
  • AGI Greenpac - Outcome Of Board Meeting Held On 20Th January, 2025

    20 Jan 2025, 5:16PM PFA herewith the disclosure of outcome of Board Meeting.
  • AGI Greenpac has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024

    17 Jan 2025, 5:40PM As of December 2024, 60.23% is owned by Indian Promoters and 39.76% by Public. <p align=justify> Institutional holds 9.19% (Insurance Companies 0.06%)
  • AGI Greenpac - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    14 Jan 2025, 6:12PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Earnings Conference Call scheduled to be held on 21st January, 2025.
  • AGI Greenpac - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    14 Jan 2025, 6:10PM We wish to inform you that the Company has organized an Earnings Conference Call (Group Call) for investors on Tuesday, 21st January, 2025 at 4:00 P.M
  • AGI Greenpac - Board Meeting Intimation

    13 Jan 2025, 7:52PM AGI GREENPAC LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 20-Jan-2025 to consider and approve the Quarterly Unaudited Financial
  • AGI Greenpac - Board Meeting Intimation for Board Meeting Intimation Pursuant To Regulation 29 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations A

    13 Jan 2025, 7:39PM Agi Greenpac Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 20/01/2025 ,inter alia, to consider and app
  • AGI Greenpac - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    13 Jan 2025, 7:12PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • AGI Greenpac - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    13 Jan 2025, 7:06PM Intimation under Regulation 30(6) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 regarding Analyst/Institutional Investor
  • AGI Greenpac - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018

    8 Jan 2025, 11:26AM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018
  • AGI Greenpac - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018

    8 Jan 2025, 11:19AM PFA herewith the certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants ) Regulations, 2018 for the quarter ended 31.12.2024
  • AGI Greenpac - Notice Of Shareholders Meetings-XBRL

    28 Dec 2024, 2:36PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Notice of Shareholders Meeting for Postal Ballot
  • AGI Greenpac - Copy of Newspaper Publication

    28 Dec 2024, 2:16PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Copy of Newspaper Publication
  • AGI Greenpac - Shareholders meeting

    27 Dec 2024, 6:50PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Notice of Postal Ballot
  • AGI Greenpac - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Notice of Postal Ballot

    27 Dec 2024, 6:50PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding notice of Postal Ballot
  • AGI Greenpac - Shareholders meeting

    27 Dec 2024, 5:40PM AGI Greenpac Limited has submitted the Exchange a copy Srutinizers report of Postal Ballot
  • AGI Greenpac - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Scrutinizer\s Report

    27 Dec 2024, 5:29PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding the outcome of Postal Ballot along with the Scrutinizer's Report
  • AGI Greenpac - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of Postal_Ballot

    27 Dec 2024, 5:27PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding the Outcome of Postal Ballot along with the Scrutinizer's report
  • AGI Greenpac - Trading Window-XBRL

    27 Dec 2024, 1:12PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Closure of Trading Window
  • AGI Greenpac - Trading Window

    27 Dec 2024, 1:10PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange regarding the Trading Window closure pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 201
  • AGI Greenpac - Outcome of Board Meeting

    20 Dec 2024, 4:57PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on December 20, 2024.
  • AGI Greenpac - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of The Board Meeting Of AGI Greenpac Limited ('Company') Held On Friday, Dec

    20 Dec 2024, 4:56PM Proposal for raising of funds through issuance of equity shares and/or equity linked securities through one or more of the permissible modes including
  • AGI Greenpac - Reply to Clarification- Financial results

    18 Dec 2024, 3:41PM The Exchange had sought clarification from AGI Greenpac Limited for the quarter ended 30-Sep-2024 with respect to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing O
  • AGI Greenpac - Board Meeting Intimation

    17 Dec 2024, 8:10PM AGI GREENPAC LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 20-Dec-2024 to consider Other business.
  • AGI Greenpac - Trading Window-XBRL

    17 Dec 2024, 8:08PM AGI GREENPAC LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Closure of Trading Window
  • AGI Greenpac - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    17 Dec 2024, 6:58PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • AGI Greenpac - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    17 Dec 2024, 6:55PM PFA herewith the intimation regarding the one-on-one in-person meeting with Emerge Capital
  • AGI Greenpac - Trading Window

    17 Dec 2024, 6:45PM AGI Greenpac Limited has informed the Exchange regarding the Trading Window closure pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 201
  • AGI Greenpac - Board Meeting Intimation for Board Meeting Intimation Pursuant To Regulation 29 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations A

    17 Dec 2024, 6:31PM Agi Greenpac Ltdhas informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 20/12/2024 ,inter alia, to consider and app
  • HSIL

    22 Sep 2020 , 11:54AM The company board approved buyback proposal at maximum price of Rs 105/share (47% higher than LTP) for an aggregate amount of RTs 70 crore
  • HSIL board nod buyback of equity shares

    22 Sep 2020 , 9:44AM Board approves buyback of up to Rs. 70 crore worth of shares at Rs. 105 per share
  • HSIL

    17 Sep 2020 , 10:07AM HSIL’s board meeting will be held on September 21, 2020, inter alia, to consider, the proposal of buyback of the fully paid-up equity shares of the Company.
  • HSIL to consider buyback proposal

    17 Sep 2020 , 9:43AM Board to consider share buyback on September 21
  • HSIL

    24 Mar 2020 , 9:48AM The Company has suspended its operations at offices and manufacturing units situated in Rajasthan with immediate effect till further notice on account of Covid-19 concerns. Its Continous Production Sanitaryware Plant at Bahadurgarh (Haryana) is functioning with 50% staff strength in accordance with applicable orders/notifications/guidelines.
  • HSIL commences its first phase

    23 Jan 2018 , 11:19AM Positive read thru for HSIL

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of AGI Greenpac Ltd stock 

Name March-24 March-23 March-22 March-21 March-20
Assets 2430.5309 2338.1523 2554.4618 2037.6942 2194.3033
Liabilities 2430.5309 2338.1523 2554.4618 2037.6942 2194.3033
Equity 12.9399 12.9399 12.9399 12.9399 14.4597
Gross Profit 564.1112 461.5647 264.0654 280.1117 271.0512
Net Profit 251.328 261.6358 193.2984 88.0596 48.4161
Cash From Operating Activities 588.3864 522.5221 180.7606 348.7585 106.7609
NPM(%) 10.38 11.46 13.51 4.75 2.6
Revenue 2420.8763 2281.4795 1430.4347 1852.5948 1859.0703
Expenses 1856.7651 1819.9148 1166.3693 1572.4831 1588.0191
ROE(%) 13.15 13.69 10.11 4.6 2.53

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day
11 Sep 2024 6 300 0.9 812.55
13 Sep 2022 5 250 0.9 292.5
15 Sep 2021 4 200 0.9 172.9
09 Sep 2020 3 150 0.9 53.65
3 150 0.9 258.55
19 Aug 2019 3 150 0.9 258.55
23 Aug 2018 4 200 0.9 348.1
20 Jul 2017 4 200 0.9 341.35
30 Aug 2016 4 200 0.9 311.45
14 Sep 2015 3.5 175 0.9 395.65
18 Sep 2014 3 150 0.9 207.3
20 Sep 2013 3 150 0.9 98.9
07 Sep 2012 3 150 0.9 165.9
09 Sep 2011 2.5 125 0.9 156.8
08 Sep 2010 2 100 0.9 84.2
08 Sep 2009 1.6 80 0.9 47.75
21 Aug 2008 1.5 75 0.9 49.85
03 Sep 2007 1 50 0.9 98.6
19 Jul 2006 0.5 25 0.9 94.5
30 Aug 2006 1.3 65 0.9 165.45
11 Aug 2005 2.75 55 0.9 161.25
14 Jul 2004 2.5 50 0.9 113
12 Sep 2003 1.5 15 0.9 49.85
04 Sep 2002 0.5 5 0.9 46.05
03 Sep 2001 2 20 0.9 75
0 45 0.9 167.95
0 45 0.9 249
0 45 0.9 120
0 4 0.9 75
0 40 0.9 171.75


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IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd 42.80 -1.99 4.00 402227.60 100.32 0.70

Company Info

YEAR EVENTS 1960 - The company was incorporated in 8th February at Calcutta. The name of the company was changed with effect from 3rd May 1969 from Hindustan Twyfords Ltd to Hindustan Sanitaryware & Ind Ltd. The main object of the company is to manufacture Vitreous China Sanitaryware, Glass products, refractories and Plaster of Paris. - 10,000 No. of equity shares to promoters and 1,04,000 No. of equity shares to foreign collaborators issued for cash. 1,00,000 No. of equity shares allotted to directors etc. 20,000 pref. and 1,85,000 No. of equity shares offered to the public. 1966 - 99,809 bonus equity shares issued in the proportion 1:4. 1969 - 2,39,542 bonus equity shares issued in the proportion 12:25. 1980 - 2,46,195 bonus shares issued in prop. 1:3. 1981 - Associated Glass Industries, Ltd. was merged with the company with effect from 29th June, and their glass unit at Hyderabad was taken possession of by the company from that date. Immediately thereafter, work was taken up for extensive repairs to furnace, plant and machinery and gas producers and updating of the I.S. Glass forming machines. - With the co-operation of Glass Equipments (India), Ltd., it was possible to start production in November on furnace HW-II and establish capacity to draw 62 tonnes of glass per day as against the 42 tonnes specified by the erstwhile foreign collaborators. HW-II furnace was put into service in July, after minor modifications and extensive repairs for draw upto 69 tonnes per day. As envisaged, operations proved to be profitable. - Associated Glass Industries, Ltd. was merged with the company with effect from 29th June. 1983 - Owing to labour unrest and violence, a lock-out had to be declared from 18th May, to 11th November. Since then, one furnace was in operation as HW-II sustained heavy damages at the time of sudden closure. It was repaired, renovated and enlarged. - Authorised capital reclassified. 15,000 pref. and 67,500 No. of equity shares allotted without payment in cash to pref. and equity shareholders respectively of Associated Glass Industries Ltd. on its merger with the Company. 1984 - Capacity was increased by using electric booster of 90 TPD with the booster installations, the furnace had been successfully operated on green glass. 1986 - Production declined due to incessant power cut imposed by Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board, glass leakage in HW-II furnace twice and a major break down in the new compressors. Despite these adverse factors, the company acheived a production of 83% of the licensed capacity. - The company installed and commissioned a CNC turning centre imported from W. Germany - The company undertook a modernisation programme in phase. 1987 - Production at 10,450 tonnes showed a marginal improvement despite shut down of tunnel kiln for two and a half months for modernisation. - Production declined to 26,961 tonnes due to reasons such as plant shut down for 3 months for modernisation, power cut as high as 50% and untimely break down in flint furnace. - An application was made for an industrial licence to enhance the capacity to 18,000 tpa. - The company received Government permission for construction of another highly energy efficient automated kiln. - The amber glass furnace was commissioned at the Hyderabad Unit. Also, a plant for substantial reduction of ash and tar from coal gas and thereby prolong the life of the furnace, was introduced. - During the year, a 2.9 MW Sulzer Autostar DG set and 2 centrifugal air compressors were ordered. - 5,26,141 bonus equity shares issued in prop. 1:2. 1988 - The company proposed to install a new Mirrlees Blackstone generator of 3.3 MW in December and a sluzer set by the middle of the year. - The company proposed to make an application for grant of LPG as the supply of residential fuel oil was not satisfactory. It was also proposed to replace 2 kilns by one high energy efficient kiln. Two new colours and a range of silk matt glazes were introduced during the year. - The Company launched "Solara" a new luxury bath room series. - Production and sales showed improvements despite constraints due to relocation of various equipments during the on going modernisation programme. With amalgamation of Krishna Ceramics, Ltd., the company acquired a sanitary ware manufacturing unit at Bibinagar in Nalgonda. This was expected to meet the demand in the Southern Indian market. - The flint glass furnace was commissioned after expansion and modernisation of the unit. One of the two imported Centrifugal Air Compressors was erected and was commissioned during 1989-90. - With effect from 30th June, "Krishna Ceramics Ltd." (KCL) was amalgamated with the company. As per the scheme of amalgamation, 8 equity shares of Rs. 10 each of KCL were to be exchanged for 1 equity shares of the Company. 1989 - The performance of the Bhadurgarh and Bibinagar units would have been better but for shortage of power at the Bhadurgarh unit and industrial unrest for 23 days at Bibinagar unit. - Also, a new casting shop with floor area of 97,000 sq. ft. incorporating modern facilities was commissioned in early 1989. - Apart from these, mechanisation and automation were also introduced in various other departments. - During the year, the Hyderabad Unit, was permitted an increase in its licensed capacity by 40%. The Company proposed to rebuild the existing furnaces and equip the present machines for higher speeds. Also necessary infrastructures were proposed to be furnished for high speed operations and increased production capacity of 48,000 tpa. - 3,65,625 No. of equity shares issued without payment in cash to the members of Krishna Ceramics Ltd. on its merger. 1990 - To counter the humid conditions during monsoon, an air heating system in the casting shop was installed. - A 300 KVA DG set was transferred to the 2nd unit of AP plants from the glass division. - However, Glass unit of 2.9 MW DG set was commissioned and with this the production was streamlined in the second half. - At the unit no. 1 in Bhadurgarh and one more shuttle kiln was installed. With these, the company hoped to increase the installed capacity upto 18,000 TPA shortly. 1992 - New luxury bathroom suite was well received in the market. - Production registered a marginal decline due to planned shut down of white furnace for about one and a half months in the first half of the year. - With the modification of Dig House Configuration of HW-II White furnace, the quality of glass improved significantly in terms of seed count by as much as 80%. 1993 - Environmental Control Equipment was installed at Unit No. 1 in Bhadurgarh resulting in improved productivity. - During October/November, public and right issue of 15,77,316-15% secured redeemable partly convertible debentures of Rs. 130 each. - Out of the total issue, 7,79,624 debentures were offered to the equity shareholders of the company in the proportion of one debenture for every two equity shares held (all were taken up) and 38,900 debentures were offered to the employees of the company (only 5,400 debentures were taken up). - 57,692 debentures offered to the financial institutions. 75,800 debentures to the Schablona India Ltd., 19,000 debentures to foreign institutional investors (all were taken up). 75,800 debentures offered to the Mutual funds (only 65,400 debentures were taken up. Unsubscribed 10,400 debentures were added back to the public issued of 5,30,500 debentures (all were taken up). - Part A of Rs. 45 each debenture was to be converted into one equity share of Rs. 10 at a premium of Rs. 35 on allotment. - Part-B of Rs. 85 was to be redeemed in three annual instalments of Rs. 30, Rs. 30 and Rs. 25 at the end of 7th, 8th and 9th year respectively from the date of allotment. - Soma Plumbing Fixtures, Ltd. and Ceramic Services, Ltd. are subsidiaries of the Company Amal Ceramics, Ltd. is also a subsidiairy of the company. - 15,43,816 No. of equity shares allotted in conversion of debentures. 1994 - The company procured a sophisticated multicolour printing machines for increasing capacity of printed bottles for the soft drink/beverage industry. - 15,25,198 No. of equity shares allotted at a prem. of Rs. 86.12 per share on conversion of debentures. 1995 - The mould dryer was commissioned. - During the year, the company proposed to add a new 250 tonnes per day plant to its glass division. 1996 - New Colours and designs were introduced during the year. - Production was constrained because of one of the glass furnaces was under planned shutdown for ten weeks. - A new Enterprise-wide Resource planning system was under installation of Bhadurgarh of facilitate improved MIS and on-line availability of all important information for decision markets. The company also proposed to install a 4.2 MW DG set operating on Heavy Oil which was expected to be operative in 1997-98. 2000 - The Company's container glass division has been renamed as "AGI Glaspac." The modernisation and expansion programme of the division has been completed. The new state-of-the-art furnace is energy efficient and environment friendly. - The Company has achieved the ISO 14001 certification for environment friendliness. The Company's unit at Bahadurgarh is the first sanitaryware plant in India to have achieved such recognition. 2001 - The Company, the largest sanitaryware producer in the country, has put the proposal to spin off its glass division into a separate company on the backburner. 2004 -Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd (HSIL), makers of the sanitaryware brand Hindware, launched a range of stainless steel kitchen sinks in Chennai 2005 - HSIL has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 2:3 -Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 5 to Rs 2 2009 - Hindustan Sanitaryware and Industries Ltd (HSIL) has launched an eco-friendly variety of water closet, Viva where the new range comes with a 3/6 litre water saving dual flush. -Company has changed its name from Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd. to HSIL Ltd. 2010 - Hind Sanitry - Qualified Institutional Placement. - HSIL - Acquisition in UK. - HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 20, 2010, inter alia, have recommended a Dividend of Rs. 2/- per share of Rs. 2/- each i.e. @ 100%, subject to approval of shareholders. 2011 - Hind Sanitry - Share Purchase Agreement with M/s Garden Poly. - HSIL Ltd receives the `The Bizz Award 2011' in Italy. - Hindware receives the prestigious `Power Brands of India' Award. - HSIL Ltd honoured with the Golden Peacock Innovation Award 2011. - Hindware launches a vibrant new Identity. 2012 - Hindware Celebrates 50 years in Bahadurgarh. - Mr. R. K Somany, recognised as the Corporate Icon of the Year by Power Brands. - R K Somany recognised as the Corporate Icon of the Year. 2013 - Awarded with the prestigious GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) certification- The Investment Agreement between the Company and HPC (Mauritius) Ltd, HSIL Ltd has been upon sale/disposition of entire shareholding by HPC (Mauritius) Ltd in the Company, - Trusted Brand Award - Gold was awarded to the Company. - Honoured with the `Best Bathroom Fixtures' Good Homes Award by ZEE channel 2014 - The Board has recommended payment of Dividend @150% i.e. Rs. 3.00/- - Ms. Sumita Somany has been appointed as Additional Director of the Company. 2015 -Distribution Agreement signed with Atlantic International of France -HSIL gets nod for investment projects worth Rs 217 cr 2016 -Company received Brand of the Year 2016 'Moonbow By Hindware'. 2017 -Company awarded Asia's Most Promising Brand 'Moonbow By Hindware'. 2018 -HSIL sets up plumbing pipes manufacturing facility. -Company won The Best Lifestyle Brand 2018 'Moonbow By Hindware'. 2019 -Company bags The Extraordinaire Brand 'Hindware Appliances' 2019-20. 2020 -HSIL bags Customer Choice Award 2020 From Flipkart. 2021 -HSIL awarded The Prestigious Brands of India 2021. 2022 -Company name has changed to AGI Greenpac Ltd. from HSIL Ltd.. 2023 --The Company has informed that pursuant to the receipt of approval from the Competition Commission of India for acquisition of Hindusthan National Glass & Industries Limited by the Company, the Rating Committee of CARE has reviewed the existing ratings as follows: --Facilities Amount (Rs. In Crore) Rating Remarks - Long Term Bank Facilities 1,107.00 CARE A (RWN) Placed on Rating Watch with Negative Implications - Short Term Bank Facilities 250.00 CARE A1 (RWN) Placed on Rating Watch with Negative Implications Total Facilities 1,357.00 - - --The company has inform that the Company has commenced the commercial production of its speciality glass facility set up at Bhongir in the state of Telangana with an installed capacity of 154 Tons Per Day w.e.f. 1st January, 2023.

YEAR EVENTS 1960 - The company was incorporated in 8th February at Calcutta. The name of the company was changed with effect from 3rd May 1969 from Hindustan Twyfords Ltd to Hindustan Sanitaryware & Ind Ltd. The main object of the company is to manufacture Vitreous China Sanitaryware, Glass products, refractories and Plaster of Paris. - 10,000 No. of equity shares to promoters and 1,04,000 No. of equity shares to foreign collaborators issued for cash. 1,00,000 No. of equity shares allotted to directors etc. 20,000 pref. and 1,85,000 No. of equity shares offered to the public. 1966 - 99,809 bonus equity shares issued in the proportion 1:4. 1969 - 2,39,542 bonus equity shares issued in the proportion 12:25. 1980 - 2,46,195 bonus shares issued in prop. 1:3. 1981 - Associated Glass Industries, Ltd. was merged with the company with effect from 29th June, and their glass unit at Hyderabad was taken possession of by the company from that date. Immediately thereafter, work was taken up for extensive repairs to furnace, plant and machinery and gas producers and updating of the I.S. Glass forming machines. - With the co-operation of Glass Equipments (India), Ltd., it was possible to start production in November on furnace HW-II and establish capacity to draw 62 tonnes of glass per day as against the 42 tonnes specified by the erstwhile foreign collaborators. HW-II furnace was put into service in July, after minor modifications and extensive repairs for draw upto 69 tonnes per day. As envisaged, operations proved to be profitable. - Associated Glass Industries, Ltd. was merged with the company with effect from 29th June. 1983 - Owing to labour unrest and violence, a lock-out had to be declared from 18th May, to 11th November. Since then, one furnace was in operation as HW-II sustained heavy damages at the time of sudden closure. It was repaired, renovated and enlarged. - Authorised capital reclassified. 15,000 pref. and 67,500 No. of equity shares allotted without payment in cash to pref. and equity shareholders respectively of Associated Glass Industries Ltd. on its merger with the Company. 1984 - Capacity was increased by using electric booster of 90 TPD with the booster installations, the furnace had been successfully operated on green glass. 1986 - Production declined due to incessant power cut imposed by Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board, glass leakage in HW-II furnace twice and a major break down in the new compressors. Despite these adverse factors, the company acheived a production of 83% of the licensed capacity. - The company installed and commissioned a CNC turning centre imported from W. Germany - The company undertook a modernisation programme in phase. 1987 - Production at 10,450 tonnes showed a marginal improvement despite shut down of tunnel kiln for two and a half months for modernisation. - Production declined to 26,961 tonnes due to reasons such as plant shut down for 3 months for modernisation, power cut as high as 50% and untimely break down in flint furnace. - An application was made for an industrial licence to enhance the capacity to 18,000 tpa. - The company received Government permission for construction of another highly energy efficient automated kiln. - The amber glass furnace was commissioned at the Hyderabad Unit. Also, a plant for substantial reduction of ash and tar from coal gas and thereby prolong the life of the furnace, was introduced. - During the year, a 2.9 MW Sulzer Autostar DG set and 2 centrifugal air compressors were ordered. - 5,26,141 bonus equity shares issued in prop. 1:2. 1988 - The company proposed to install a new Mirrlees Blackstone generator of 3.3 MW in December and a sluzer set by the middle of the year. - The company proposed to make an application for grant of LPG as the supply of residential fuel oil was not satisfactory. It was also proposed to replace 2 kilns by one high energy efficient kiln. Two new colours and a range of silk matt glazes were introduced during the year. - The Company launched "Solara" a new luxury bath room series. - Production and sales showed improvements despite constraints due to relocation of various equipments during the on going modernisation programme. With amalgamation of Krishna Ceramics, Ltd., the company acquired a sanitary ware manufacturing unit at Bibinagar in Nalgonda. This was expected to meet the demand in the Southern Indian market. - The flint glass furnace was commissioned after expansion and modernisation of the unit. One of the two imported Centrifugal Air Compressors was erected and was commissioned during 1989-90. - With effect from 30th June, "Krishna Ceramics Ltd." (KCL) was amalgamated with the company. As per the scheme of amalgamation, 8 equity shares of Rs. 10 each of KCL were to be exchanged for 1 equity shares of the Company. 1989 - The performance of the Bhadurgarh and Bibinagar units would have been better but for shortage of power at the Bhadurgarh unit and industrial unrest for 23 days at Bibinagar unit. - Also, a new casting shop with floor area of 97,000 sq. ft. incorporating modern facilities was commissioned in early 1989. - Apart from these, mechanisation and automation were also introduced in various other departments. - During the year, the Hyderabad Unit, was permitted an increase in its licensed capacity by 40%. The Company proposed to rebuild the existing furnaces and equip the present machines for higher speeds. Also necessary infrastructures were proposed to be furnished for high speed operations and increased production capacity of 48,000 tpa. - 3,65,625 No. of equity shares issued without payment in cash to the members of Krishna Ceramics Ltd. on its merger. 1990 - To counter the humid conditions during monsoon, an air heating system in the casting shop was installed. - A 300 KVA DG set was transferred to the 2nd unit of AP plants from the glass division. - However, Glass unit of 2.9 MW DG set was commissioned and with this the production was streamlined in the second half. - At the unit no. 1 in Bhadurgarh and one more shuttle kiln was installed. With these, the company hoped to increase the installed capacity upto 18,000 TPA shortly. 1992 - New luxury bathroom suite was well received in the market. - Production registered a marginal decline due to planned shut down of white furnace for about one and a half months in the first half of the year. - With the modification of Dig House Configuration of HW-II White furnace, the quality of glass improved significantly in terms of seed count by as much as 80%. 1993 - Environmental Control Equipment was installed at Unit No. 1 in Bhadurgarh resulting in improved productivity. - During October/November, public and right issue of 15,77,316-15% secured redeemable partly convertible debentures of Rs. 130 each. - Out of the total issue, 7,79,624 debentures were offered to the equity shareholders of the company in the proportion of one debenture for every two equity shares held (all were taken up) and 38,900 debentures were offered to the employees of the company (only 5,400 debentures were taken up). - 57,692 debentures offered to the financial institutions. 75,800 debentures to the Schablona India Ltd., 19,000 debentures to foreign institutional investors (all were taken up). 75,800 debentures offered to the Mutual funds (only 65,400 debentures were taken up. Unsubscribed 10,400 debentures were added back to the public issued of 5,30,500 debentures (all were taken up). - Part A of Rs. 45 each debenture was to be converted into one equity share of Rs. 10 at a premium of Rs. 35 on allotment. - Part-B of Rs. 85 was to be redeemed in three annual instalments of Rs. 30, Rs. 30 and Rs. 25 at the end of 7th, 8th and 9th year respectively from the date of allotment. - Soma Plumbing Fixtures, Ltd. and Ceramic Services, Ltd. are subsidiaries of the Company Amal Ceramics, Ltd. is also a subsidiairy of the company. - 15,43,816 No. of equity shares allotted in conversion of debentures. 1994 - The company procured a sophisticated multicolour printing machines for increasing capacity of printed bottles for the soft drink/beverage industry. - 15,25,198 No. of equity shares allotted at a prem. of Rs. 86.12 per share on conversion of debentures. 1995 - The mould dryer was commissioned. - During the year, the company proposed to add a new 250 tonnes per day plant to its glass division. 1996 - New Colours and designs were introduced during the year. - Production was constrained because of one of the glass furnaces was under planned shutdown for ten weeks. - A new Enterprise-wide Resource planning system was under installation of Bhadurgarh of facilitate improved MIS and on-line availability of all important information for decision markets. The company also proposed to install a 4.2 MW DG set operating on Heavy Oil which was expected to be operative in 1997-98. 2000 - The Company's container glass division has been renamed as "AGI Glaspac." The modernisation and expansion programme of the division has been completed. The new state-of-the-art furnace is energy efficient and environment friendly. - The Company has achieved the ISO 14001 certification for environment friendliness. The Company's unit at Bahadurgarh is the first sanitaryware plant in India to have achieved such recognition. 2001 - The Company, the largest sanitaryware producer in the country, has put the proposal to spin off its glass division into a separate company on the backburner. 2004 -Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd (HSIL), makers of the sanitaryware brand Hindware, launched a range of stainless steel kitchen sinks in Chennai 2005 - HSIL has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 2:3 -Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 5 to Rs 2 2009 - Hindustan Sanitaryware and Industries Ltd (HSIL) has launched an eco-friendly variety of water closet, Viva where the new range comes with a 3/6 litre water saving dual flush. -Company has changed its name from Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd. to HSIL Ltd. 2010 - Hind Sanitry - Qualified Institutional Placement. - HSIL - Acquisition in UK. - HSIL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 20, 2010, inter alia, have recommended a Dividend of Rs. 2/- per share of Rs. 2/- each i.e. @ 100%, subject to approval of shareholders. 2011 - Hind Sanitry - Share Purchase Agreement with M/s Garden Poly. - HSIL Ltd receives the `The Bizz Award 2011' in Italy. - Hindware receives the prestigious `Power Brands of India' Award. - HSIL Ltd honoured with the Golden Peacock Innovation Award 2011. - Hindware launches a vibrant new Identity. 2012 - Hindware Celebrates 50 years in Bahadurgarh. - Mr. R. K Somany, recognised as the Corporate Icon of the Year by Power Brands. - R K Somany recognised as the Corporate Icon of the Year. 2013 - Awarded with the prestigious GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) certification- The Investment Agreement between the Company and HPC (Mauritius) Ltd, HSIL Ltd has been upon sale/disposition of entire shareholding by HPC (Mauritius) Ltd in the Company, - Trusted Brand Award - Gold was awarded to the Company. - Honoured with the `Best Bathroom Fixtures' Good Homes Award by ZEE channel 2014 - The Board has recommended payment of Dividend @150% i.e. Rs. 3.00/- - Ms. Sumita Somany has been appointed as Additional Director of the Company. 2015 -Distribution Agreement signed with Atlantic International of France -HSIL gets nod for investment projects worth Rs 217 cr 2016 -Company received Brand of the Year 2016 'Moonbow By Hindware'. 2017 -Company awarded Asia's Most Promising Brand 'Moonbow By Hindware'. 2018 -HSIL sets up plumbing pipes manufacturing facility. -Company won The Best Lifestyle Brand 2018 'Moonbow By Hindware'. 2019 -Company bags The Extraordinaire Brand 'Hindware Appliances' 2019-20. 2020 -HSIL bags Customer Choice Award 2020 From Flipkart. 2021 -HSIL awarded The Prestigious Brands of India 2021. 2022 -Company name has changed to AGI Greenpac Ltd. from HSIL Ltd.. 2023 --The Company has informed that pursuant to the receipt of approval from the Competition Commission of India for acquisition of Hindusthan National Glass & Industries Limited by the Company, the Rating Committee of CARE has reviewed the existing ratings as follows: --Facilities Amount (Rs. In Crore) Rating Remarks - Long Term Bank Facilities 1,107.00 CARE A (RWN) Placed on Rating Watch with Negative Implications - Short Term Bank Facilities 250.00 CARE A1 (RWN) Placed on Rating Watch with Negative Implications Total Facilities 1,357.00 - - --The company has inform that the Company has commenced the commercial production of its speciality glass facility set up at Bhongir in the state of Telangana with an installed capacity of 154 Tons Per Day w.e.f. 1st January, 2023.

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Parent Organisation

AGI Greenpac Ltd.



Managing Director

Mr.Sandip Somany

NSE Symbol



The current price of AGI Greenpac Ltd is ₹ 666.45.

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The CEO of AGI Greenpac Ltd is Mr.Sandip Somany, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.