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  • ACE Software E - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Meeting Updates

    27 Feb 2025, 1:47PM Outcome of Fund Raising Committee Meeting - Conversion of Partly Paid Shares into Fully Paid Shares upon payment of First and Final Call Money
  • ACE Software E - Announcement Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (LODR) - Further Investment In The AQE Techtools Private Limited

    14 Feb 2025, 5:10PM This is to inform that the Company has invested Rs. 4 Crores in the Equity Shares of the AQE Techtools Private Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of the
  • ACE Software E - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Notice of Postal Ballot

    13 Feb 2025, 7:01PM Notice of Postal Ballot dated February 01, 2025 for seeking approval of members of the Company for increase in the Authorized Share Capital of the Com
  • ACE Software E Q3 net profit down 75.00% at Rs 0.70 cr

    1 Feb 2025, 4:50PM The company reported standalone net profit of Rs 0.70 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 as compared to Rs 2.80 crore in the same period la
  • ACE Software E - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Press Release / Media Release

    1 Feb 2025, 1:59PM Press Release on the performance of the Company during the quarter and nine months ended on December 31, 2024
  • ACE Software E - Board Meeting Outcome for Board Meeting Outcome For The Unaudited Financial Results (Standalone And Consolid

    1 Feb 2025, 12:22PM Standalone and Consolidated financial results for the quarter and nine months ended on December 31, 2024 and approval of other matters.
  • ACE Software E - Board Meeting Intimation for Board Meeting Scheduled To Be Held On February 01, 2025 To Consider And Approve

    29 Jan 2025, 9:25PM ACE SOFTWARE EXPORTS LTD.-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 01/02/2025 ,inter alia, to consid
  • ACE Software E - Announcement Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (LODR) Regulations - Notice For Payment Of First And Final Call On

    28 Jan 2025, 10:07PM Notice for the payment of first and final call on partly paid-up equity shares of the Company
  • ACE Software E has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024

    21 Jan 2025, 7:40PM As of December 2024, 63.24% is owned by Indian Promoters and 36.76% by Public. <p align=justify> Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares o
  • ACE Software E - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Updates on Acquisition

    16 Jan 2025, 7:50PM In accordance with Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR) Regulations and pursuant to the approval of the members of the Company at the EGM held on July 05, 2024
  • ACE Software E - Intimation Of Record Date For First And Final Call On The Partly Paid Up Equity Shares

    15 Jan 2025, 6:08PM In terms of Regulation 42 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, the Board of Directors has approved and fixed Friday, January 24, 2025 as the Record Date for th
  • ACE Software E - Board Meeting Outcome for Board Meeting Outcome For Approval Of Payment Of First And Final Call Money On 64,

    15 Jan 2025, 5:52PM The Board of Directors has approved the making of first and final call of Rs. 39/- on the 64,00,000 partly paid up equity shares of the Company which
  • ACE Software E - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Allotment

    2 Jan 2025, 1:19PM Rights Issue of Ace Software Exports Limited - Allotment of 64,00,000 partly paid up Rights Equity Shares of face value Rs. 10/- each (Rs. 5/- paid up
  • ACE Software E - Announcement Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (LODR) Regulations - Letter Of Intent For Joint Venture

    25 Dec 2024, 2:59PM Announcement under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations - Ace Software Exports Limited has signed a letter of intent with international entity bas

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of ACE Software Exports Ltd stock 

Name March-24 March-23 March-22 March-21 March-20
Assets 27.3605 17.7403 17.4899 17.6709 17.7135
Liabilities 27.3605 17.7403 17.4899 17.6709 17.7135
Equity 6.4 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68
Gross Profit -0.5131 -0.0041 -1.123 -0.9959 -2.7999
Net Profit 4.6599 0.0984 -0.5766 -0.6946 -2.0519
Cash From Operating Activities 0.7527 0.0324 1.5614 -0.1005 -3.2016
NPM(%) 56.77 1.19 -7.14 -8.27 -27.92
Revenue 8.2077 8.2008 8.0686 8.3959 7.3468
Expenses 8.7208 8.2049 9.1916 9.3918 10.1467
ROE(%) 7.8 0.16 -0.96 -1.16 -3.43

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day


Other companies within the same industry or sector that are comparable to ACE Software Exports Ltd

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Accelya Solutions India Ltd 1276.05 -0.10 19.80 459.08 628.74 5.09
Allied Digital Services Ltd 189.70 -0.99 19.87 1700.75 162.64 0.79
RPSG Ventures Ltd 795.15 -1.35 0.00 1017.68 -128.33 0.00

Company Info

Ace Software Exports Limited was incorporated on 17th August 1994 as a public limited company by Mr. Sanjay Dhamsania, Mr. Vikram Sanghani and Mr. Jay Sanghani. The company received certificate of commencement of business dated September 23, 1994 from Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. They were engaged in the business of database creation since October 1992 under the Partnership Firm, Ace Software Exports. Ace Software Exports, the Partnership Firm has exported 100% of its production to Apex Data Services Inc., U.S.A. since inception. Ace Software Exports Limited has acquired the fixed assets and the running business of the Partnership Firm. The Company has signed a fresh Agreement with Apex Data Services Inc. for buy-back of 100% of its production. There is no agreement for takeover of business from Ace Software Exports. The Assets acquired by the company from the firm and the basis of transfer is as under. Computer and office equipments of Rs.48.07 lacs have been acquired by the company. These have been sold by the firm at book value without any revaluation. 240 Equity shares each of Rajkot Computer Education Pvt. Ltd. and Ace Computer Education Pvt. Ltd. acquired at a cost of Rs.15 lacs and Rs.25 lacs respectively. These companies have been promoted by the promoters and are under the same management. These have been transferred at book value which represents cost of acquisition to the partnership firm. * 240 Equity Shares (Face value Rs.100/-) 15,00,000 of Rajkot Computer Education Pvt. Ltd., Rajkot. The valuation of 240 shares acquired by the company is arrived at by the company on the following basis which was done on March 31, 1995 I - Equity Capital 50,000 II - Reserves and Surplus 1,27,471 III - Capital Expenditure written off in the books upto 31/03/95 (Approx. Value) a. Software 40,000 b. Technical Know-how 95,000 c. Technical Reference Material 1,00,000 d. Courseware Material 35,000 2,70,000 IV - Differential cost of replacement of fixed assets a. Furniture 5,41,848 b. Plant and Machinery and office equipments 1,94,853 c. Building 15,86,812 23,23,513 V - Goodwill 6,00,000 Total 33,70,984 Net Asset Value Per Share (33,70,984/500) is Rs.6,742/- Cost of purchase per share (15,00,000/240) is Rs.6,250/- * 240 Equity Shares (Face value Rs.100/-) of 25,00,000 Ace Computer Education Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad. The valuation of 240 shares acquired by the company is arrived at by the company on the following basis which was done on March 31, 1995 I - Equity Capital 50,000 II - Reserves and Surplus 5,61,565 III - Capital Expenditure written off in the books upto 31/03/95 (Approx. Value) a. Software 6,65,000 b. Technical Know-how 1,95,000 c. Technical Reference Material 2,50,000 d. Courseware Material 1,50,000 12,60,000 IV - Differential cost of replacement of fixed assets a. Furniture 6,47,909 b. Plant and Machinery and office equipments 2,94,550 c. Building 23,59,000 33,01,459 V - Goodwill 8,00,000 Total 59,73,024 Net Asset Value Per Share (59,73,024/500) is Rs.11,946/- Cost of purchase per share (25,00,000/240) is Rs.10,417/- PRESENT BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY The main area of operations which were carried out in the Partnership Firm, which now will be carried out by the Company has been the development of Software as per the clients' specifications. In software, the Company's specialisation has been in creation of databases. The Promoters have earlier handled a large number of assignments which include creation of Regulatory and Legal Databases, Financial Reports, Historical Literary databases for systems ranging from PC based CD-ROM Products to On-Line Mainframe products including workstation based Full - text search and Retrieval Systems for entities based in the United States, viz. Nuclear Power Plants, Leading Corporations, CD-ROM manufacturers etc. The Company has perfected the technology for delivering quality products to its clients. It guarantees 99.995% accuracy, less than one error in twenty thousand, and routinely delivers 100% accurate work. MAIN OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY The main objects of the Company as stated in the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company are: 1. To carry on the business of Exporters, Importers, Lenders and Hirers, Traders, Dealers, Buyers, Sellers, Commission Agents, Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Repairers of Computer Software and Hardware, Data Processing, Computer Aided Designs [CAD], Computer Aided Manufacturing [CAM], Conversion of all types of Engineering/Drawings to Electronic Media and other allied peripherals and media products of all types and telecommunication. 2. To establish and run data processing/computer centers and to offer consultancy and data processing and other services that are normally offered by data processing/computer centers to industrial, business and other types of customers and to import training on electronic data processing computer software and hardware, to customers and others. To conduct seminars, conferences for all matters relating to computer hardware, software and other related matters. The present and the proposed activities of the company as laid out above are within the purview of the Objects of the company as set out in the main objects clause of the Memorandum of Association of the Company. SUBSIDIARY The company does not have any subsidiary. 2003 -Board of Directors approves buyback of shares. 2004 -Board recommends Dividend of 5%. 2008 -E-mail ID for Investors 2024 -The company issued rights shares of Rs. 10 in the ratio of 1:1 at a premium of Rs. 68 per share.

Ace Software Exports Limited was incorporated on 17th August 1994 as a public limited company by Mr. Sanjay Dhamsania, Mr. Vikram Sanghani and Mr. Jay Sanghani. The company received certificate of commencement of business dated September 23, 1994 from Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. They were engaged in the business of database creation since October 1992 under the Partnership Firm, Ace Software Exports. Ace Software Exports, the Partnership Firm has exported 100% of its production to Apex Data Services Inc., U.S.A. since inception. Ace Software Exports Limited has acquired the fixed assets and the running business of the Partnership Firm. The Company has signed a fresh Agreement with Apex Data Services Inc. for buy-back of 100% of its production. There is no agreement for takeover of business from Ace Software Exports. The Assets acquired by the company from the firm and the basis of transfer is as under. Computer and office equipments of Rs.48.07 lacs have been acquired by the company. These have been sold by the firm at book value without any revaluation. 240 Equity shares each of Rajkot Computer Education Pvt. Ltd. and Ace Computer Education Pvt. Ltd. acquired at a cost of Rs.15 lacs and Rs.25 lacs respectively. These companies have been promoted by the promoters and are under the same management. These have been transferred at book value which represents cost of acquisition to the partnership firm. * 240 Equity Shares (Face value Rs.100/-) 15,00,000 of Rajkot Computer Education Pvt. Ltd., Rajkot. The valuation of 240 shares acquired by the company is arrived at by the company on the following basis which was done on March 31, 1995 I - Equity Capital 50,000 II - Reserves and Surplus 1,27,471 III - Capital Expenditure written off in the books upto 31/03/95 (Approx. Value) a. Software 40,000 b. Technical Know-how 95,000 c. Technical Reference Material 1,00,000 d. Courseware Material 35,000 2,70,000 IV - Differential cost of replacement of fixed assets a. Furniture 5,41,848 b. Plant and Machinery and office equipments 1,94,853 c. Building 15,86,812 23,23,513 V - Goodwill 6,00,000 Total 33,70,984 Net Asset Value Per Share (33,70,984/500) is Rs.6,742/- Cost of purchase per share (15,00,000/240) is Rs.6,250/- * 240 Equity Shares (Face value Rs.100/-) of 25,00,000 Ace Computer Education Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad. The valuation of 240 shares acquired by the company is arrived at by the company on the following basis which was done on March 31, 1995 I - Equity Capital 50,000 II - Reserves and Surplus 5,61,565 III - Capital Expenditure written off in the books upto 31/03/95 (Approx. Value) a. Software 6,65,000 b. Technical Know-how 1,95,000 c. Technical Reference Material 2,50,000 d. Courseware Material 1,50,000 12,60,000 IV - Differential cost of replacement of fixed assets a. Furniture 6,47,909 b. Plant and Machinery and office equipments 2,94,550 c. Building 23,59,000 33,01,459 V - Goodwill 8,00,000 Total 59,73,024 Net Asset Value Per Share (59,73,024/500) is Rs.11,946/- Cost of purchase per share (25,00,000/240) is Rs.10,417/- PRESENT BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY The main area of operations which were carried out in the Partnership Firm, which now will be carried out by the Company has been the development of Software as per the clients' specifications. In software, the Company's specialisation has been in creation of databases. The Promoters have earlier handled a large number of assignments which include creation of Regulatory and Legal Databases, Financial Reports, Historical Literary databases for systems ranging from PC based CD-ROM Products to On-Line Mainframe products including workstation based Full - text search and Retrieval Systems for entities based in the United States, viz. Nuclear Power Plants, Leading Corporations, CD-ROM manufacturers etc. The Company has perfected the technology for delivering quality products to its clients. It guarantees 99.995% accuracy, less than one error in twenty thousand, and routinely delivers 100% accurate work. MAIN OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY The main objects of the Company as stated in the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company are: 1. To carry on the business of Exporters, Importers, Lenders and Hirers, Traders, Dealers, Buyers, Sellers, Commission Agents, Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Repairers of Computer Software and Hardware, Data Processing, Computer Aided Designs [CAD], Computer Aided Manufacturing [CAM], Conversion of all types of Engineering/Drawings to Electronic Media and other allied peripherals and media products of all types and telecommunication. 2. To establish and run data processing/computer centers and to offer consultancy and data processing and other services that are normally offered by data processing/computer centers to industrial, business and other types of customers and to import training on electronic data processing computer software and hardware, to customers and others. To conduct seminars, conferences for all matters relating to computer hardware, software and other related matters. The present and the proposed activities of the company as laid out above are within the purview of the Objects of the company as set out in the main objects clause of the Memorandum of Association of the Company. SUBSIDIARY The company does not have any subsidiary. 2003 -Board of Directors approves buyback of shares. 2004 -Board recommends Dividend of 5%. 2008 -E-mail ID for Investors 2024 -The company issued rights shares of Rs. 10 in the ratio of 1:1 at a premium of Rs. 68 per share.

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Parent Organisation

ACE Software Exports Ltd.



Managing Director

Mr.Amit M Mehta

NSE Symbol


The current price of ACE Software Exports Ltd is

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The CEO of ACE Software Exports Ltd is Mr.Amit M Mehta, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.