Market Stats

Market statistics are facts and figures on how different stocks and indexes have performed over a specific time frame. Serious traders and investors analyse the market with the help of these data points. The Research team at Sharekhan provides you with all the necessary data in one convenient place, making it simple for you to plan your investments.

Company Group LTP CHG(RS) CHG(%) Prev.Close One Week Ago One Month Ago One Year Ago MKT CAP(CR)
ESSARSHPNG T 39.96 1.9 4.99 38.06 32.89 38.49 17.6 827.08
NAGREEKCAP OtherEQ 36.82 1.75 4.99 35.07 30.39 28.98 17.95 46.45
WEWIN OtherEQ 74.22 3.53 4.99 70.69 69.82 70.89 70.75 75.41
YUDIZ ST 76.85 3.65 4.99 73.2 74 67.7 150.4 79.3
AGUL SM 52.7 2.5 4.98 50.2 50.2 60.9 92.55 28.9
NEELAM ST 41.9 1.95 4.88 39.95 0 0 0 84.71
GLOBALE T 32 1.46 4.78 30.54 32.2 33.3 0 33.98
SUZLON OtherEQ 65.17 2.95 4.74 62.22 54.03 72.19 41.35 88935.35
BABAFP SM 50.95 2.2 4.51 48.75 50.5 57.65 69.75 83.18
VERA SM 93 4 4.49 89 0 0 0 45.9
KCK ST 57.95 2.4 4.32 55.55 53.45 56.61 4.91 368.57
PREMIUM SM 37.85 1.55 4.27 36.3 38 0 0 72.28
BALCO ST 46.95 1.85 4.1 45.1 48.85 56 0 20.51
PENINLAND OtherEQ 51.05 1.78 3.61 49.27 46.29 51.28 41.3 1654.03
UNILEX SM 69.9 2.4 3.56 67.5 71.5 78.75 0 95.18
VIAZ SM 67 2.3 3.55 64.7 63 67 41.5 82.08
KREBSBIO OtherEQ 85.99 2.89 3.48 83.1 85.18 82 80.5 185.4
PRANIK SM 84 2.65 3.26 81.35 81.55 87.05 0 92.49
NIBL T 26.9 0.78 2.99 26.12 26.68 35.38 31.95 65.18
MOHITIND OtherEQ 27.02 0.78 2.97 26.24 29.94 27.27 17.85 38.25
PASUPTAC T 41 1.17 2.94 39.83 42.58 48.75 37.2 365.45
GICL SM 55 1.4 2.61 53.6 61.75 60 38.1 137.07
UHTL SM 81 2.05 2.6 78.95 72.55 0 0 153.93
SAMPANN OtherEQ 31.63 0.8 2.59 30.83 30.44 27.95 18.3 128.45
CENTEXT T 21.67 0.54 2.56 21.13 21.71 23.59 16.95 173.36
SERVICE SM 81.5 2 2.52 79.5 80 84.5 56 93.71
INCREDIBLE OtherEQ 44.99 1.08 2.46 43.91 42 43.16 35.55 210.39
HBSL OtherEQ 99.13 2.37 2.45 96.76 94.9 138.09 82.55 70.76
OILCOUNTUB T 57.19 1.35 2.42 55.84 56.38 52.1 21.6 253.29
UNIINFO OtherEQ 32 0.73 2.33 31.27 34.6 38.16 32.8 34.22
RBA OtherEQ 80.64 1.82 2.31 78.82 84.71 102.98 114.05 4017.49
DELTAMAGNT OtherEQ 93.25 2.06 2.26 91.19 90.8 98.29 82.65 101.19
GUJRAFFIA OtherEQ 41.96 0.9 2.19 41.06 42 45.37 33.85 22.68
PRUDMOULI T 60.5 1.28 2.16 59.22 66.96 72.91 0 195.12
WILLAMAGOR OtherEQ 36.34 0.75 2.11 35.59 35.2 38.47 34.2 39.82
COMSYN OtherEQ 72.06 1.45 2.05 70.61 67.62 63.18 0 287.9
SAJHOTELS SM 49.95 1 2.04 48.95 44.9 52.55 0 80.54
EXXARO OtherEQ 89.57 1.78 2.03 87.79 85.83 97.46 124.2 400.75
VITAL SM 75.7 1.5 2.02 74.2 73.75 73.4 92 181.31
TVVISION T 23.48 0.46 2 23.02 21.7 17.9 3.75 90.97
AARVEEDEN T 68.37 1.34 2 67.03 63.18 47 23.7 160.39
ANIKINDS T 98.43 1.93 2 96.5 99.87 80.49 54.35 273.18
RAJTV T 60.26 1.18 2 59.08 55.69 46.12 52.1 312.83
GSMFOILS ST 93.35 1.8 1.97 91.55 90.4 81 0 119.6
PAISALO OtherEQ 44.24 0.85 1.96 43.39 41.62 50.72 41 3972.95
TCLCONS OtherEQ 39.98 0.67 1.7 39.31 33.97 38 27.6 619.69
NSLNISP OtherEQ 44.75 0.73 1.66 44.02 43.92 49.36 42.65 13114.46
ABINFRA T 92.9 1.5 1.64 91.4 95 86.1 43.29 462.13
MADHAV OtherEQ 49.18 0.79 1.63 48.39 47.28 51.85 49.5 44
EQUIPPP T 25.73 0.41 1.62 25.32 25.05 21.17 26 265.26
MYMUDRA SM 99 1.45 1.49 97.55 102.5 91.45 0 112.78
MAGSON SM 95.95 1.4 1.48 94.55 98.6 99 120 75.32
OBCL OtherEQ 57.17 0.82 1.46 56.35 56.77 58.07 60.5 120.53
YASHOPTICS SM 84.8 1.2 1.44 83.6 86.05 89.95 0 210.01
Maxposure SM 91.4 1.25 1.39 90.15 87.2 100.7 0 207.85
SHIVAMAUTO OtherEQ 38.53 0.52 1.37 38.01 36.03 44.09 30.75 470.92
ACL OtherEQ 78.19 0.97 1.26 77.22 78.14 88.43 94.15 720.69
YCCL SM 21.2 0.25 1.19 20.95 0 0 0 40.92
HMVL OtherEQ 87.03 1 1.16 86.03 87.56 90.24 79 641.16
MIEL ST 44.25 0.5 1.14 43.75 46.35 57.25 0 77.87
INDTERRAIN OtherEQ 47.65 0.53 1.12 47.12 48.42 54.61 56 217.85
COMMITTED SM 52 0.55 1.07 51.45 50.4 52.7 61.75 56.21
MAHESHWARI OtherEQ 60.62 0.62 1.03 60 61.63 62.21 85.95 179.42
SYLVANPLY SM 84.55 0.8 0.96 83.75 89 91.65 0 163.81
JAYNECOIND OtherEQ 39.08 0.36 0.93 38.72 40.87 46.14 47.45 3794.66
ONEPOINT OtherEQ 64.25 0.58 0.91 63.67 63.88 64.4 47.5 1641.22
DURLAX SM 58 0.5 0.87 57.5 54.8 62.1 0 96.44
AATMAJ SM 25 0.2 0.81 24.8 26.2 26.1 41.25 56.5
FALCONTECH SM 44 0.35 0.8 43.65 40.15 46.55 0 23.57
TRANSTEEL SM 44.1 0.3 0.68 43.8 50.4 62.65 95.2 88.99
MGEL OtherEQ 23.1 0.15 0.65 22.95 23.69 26.34 16.44 380.64
MVKAGRO SM 40.5 0.25 0.62 40.25 42.3 46.8 0 62.73
JTLIND OtherEQ 94.9 0.55 0.58 94.35 91.89 106.11 104 3730.34
SWASTIK SM 56.4 0.3 0.53 56.1 57.3 61.25 97 131.03
BALAJEE OtherEQ 71.98 0.35 0.49 71.63 70.97 72.75 0 587.15
SNOWMAN OtherEQ 68.31 0.31 0.46 68 63.34 76.23 54.05 1141.38
SBFC OtherEQ 84.79 0.37 0.44 84.42 81.86 87.53 90.85 9180.63
HARDWYN OtherEQ 35.1 0.14 0.4 34.96 36.57 39.18 39.45 1224.57
SHIVAMILLS OtherEQ 86.79 0.28 0.32 86.51 87.41 94.45 79.7 75
GINNIFILA OtherEQ 27.98 0.07 0.25 27.91 28.19 32.17 27.9 239.65
GSS OtherEQ 62.61 0.15 0.24 62.46 64.27 72.99 186.65 163.77
BIOFILCHEM OtherEQ 59.88 0.14 0.23 59.74 62 70.74 48.2 97.45
KHANDSE OtherEQ 28.34 0.06 0.21 28.28 28.66 27.31 23.45 43.23
FIBERWEB OtherEQ 48 0.04 0.08 47.96 45.99 42.59 31.5 138.2
SHAHALLOYS T 69.25 0.04 0.06 69.21 67.93 76.5 53.7 137.1
MANAKCOAT OtherEQ 63.65 0.04 0.06 63.61 58.31 60.97 28.4 472.72
LANCORHOL OtherEQ 39.2 0.02 0.05 39.18 38.93 36.87 0 286.14
BYKE T 71.35 0.02 0.03 71.33 72.35 67.74 62.5 373.01
MANALIPETC OtherEQ 61.63 0.01 0.02 61.62 62.1 72.76 66.35 1060.03