What is The Meaning of an ETF (Exchange Traded Funds)?

| July 23, 2024


Can you believe that during the 2023 financial year, India had 131 equity Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)? (Statista) 

An exchange traded fund is a mutual fund traded on a stock exchange, like individual stocks, during the trading day. An ETF holds assets such as stocks, commodities, or bonds and trades close to its net asset value over a trading day on a stock exchange.

ETFs, or Exchange-Traded Funds, offer a versatile way to invest in a diverse portfolio of assets, combining the flexibility of stocks with the diversification of mutual funds. They're cost-effective, easily tradable, and ideal for both novice and seasoned investors seeking to enhance their investment strategies. 

Types of ETFs

ETFs cater to various investment preferences and risk profiles. Each type of ETF has its unique characteristics, making them suitable for different investor needs. 

Some common types of ETFs are:

  • Equity ETFs: These ETFs replicate stock market indexes like the Nifty 50 or Sensex and give an investor access to the broader market. It means that the ETF holds a portfolio of stocks that closely matches the composition and performance of the index.   

  • Debt ETFs: These are ETFs that invest in government or corporate bonds, which work as a source of fixed income for an investor.

  • Commodity ETFs:  These funds invest in physical commodities like gold, silver, or oil, allowing an investor to benefit from the commodity markets.

  • Inverse ETFs: These are inversely linked ETFs that attempt to provide returns opposite the benchmark's. This might be one way to hedge downside market phases.

  • Sector ETFs: The ETFs invest in specific industries or sectors such as IT, pharma, or banking. This enables an investor to take exposure to a particular part of the market.

  • International ETF: It invests in the shares of foreign companies or markets.

How Do Exchange-traded Funds Work?

ETFs are passively managed funds that aim to track the performance of an underlying index or asset. The fund provider purchases the underlying securities to form ETF units, which are then listed on a stock exchange. Investors can buy and sell ETF units, just like stocks, during trading hours.   

The price of an ETF goes up and down based on its actual value and how many people want to buy or sell its units. ETF investing aims to replicate or track its benchmark index with minimum deviance, focusing on providing an investor with a close return to an underlying index or asset performance. 

Benefits of Investment in ETFs

Some of the critical benefits that investing in ETFs provides for investors include:

  • Diversification: ETFs provide broad diversification by giving exposure to a basket of securities, which minimizes the potential risk associated with investing in any one particular stock or bond.

  • Low costs: ETFs generally have lower expense ratios than actively managed mutual funds.

  • Tax efficiency: ETFs are usually better for taxes than actively managed funds because they don't distribute capital gains as often.

  • Liquidity: Since ETFs get traded on the stock exchanges, they allow investors to enter and exit their positions accordingly.

  • Transparency: ETFs disclose periodic holdings, which helps investors get an idea of the constitution and make an informed decision.

How to Invest in an ETF?

You must open a demat and trading account with a stockbroker to invest in ETFs. After opening the account, you will log in and look for the ETFs you want to buy or sell. Place buy or sell orders for ETFs like stocks, and your broker will execute these trades at the exchange.

When evaluating an ETF, look at its expense ratio, tracking error, and liquidity. The expense ratio is the annual fee, so a lower one is better. Tracking error shows how closely the ETF matches its index; a smaller error is preferred. Liquidity means how easily you can buy or sell the ETF, so higher trading volumes are ideal for smooth trades.

To invest in an ETF, place a buy order through your broker, specifying the number of units. Monitor your investment regularly to ensure it aligns with your financial objectives.

The Serious Truth You Should Know About ETF

While ETFs have a variety of advantages, one should remember that they, too, are not without their risks. ETFs can suffer from the volatility of the market, currency fluctuation, and shifts in the underlying index or asset. Investors must carefully assess the risks involved with each ETF before investing their money.

The significant risks involved include tracking errors (when an ETF's performance differs from its underlying index). This is where an ETF investing performs differently from its underlying index. These reasons could be management fees, transaction costs, and an inability to replicate the index exactly. Another thing that investors must realize is that the possibility of a liquidity problem, particularly in less-traded ETFs, could result in wider bid-ask spreads and higher transaction costs.


Exchange-traded funds are an easy and cost-effective way to invest in a broad asset universe. Instant diversification and flexibility turn ETFs into a beautiful instrument any investor might want in their portfolio. Nevertheless, every investor should realize relevant risks and do their due diligence.

Start small, learn from the experiences, and consider professional advice when necessary. Remember, investment in ETFs—like in any other instrument—must directly affect your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. With the right approach, ETFs can cater to some of the most powerful tools to help you realize your financial goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Both ETF and MF open doors for you to streamline your investment efforts. However, they differ in their management style. While MFs are actively managed by a dedicated fund manager monitoring your investments regularly, ETFs are passively managed. This is primarily because they are made to replicate the returns generated by the benchmark index. The ultimate choice depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and preferences.
ETFs are excellent for investors because they offer diversification, low costs, and flexibility. However, ensure the ETFs you choose align with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Always research thoroughly to diversify your portfolio while staying within your risk limits.

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