Essential Market Insights to Invest in Mutual funds

| July 23, 2024


Did you know that 61% of mutual fund investors in India have invested in at least one passive fund?   

A mutual fund is a common scheme used for pooling money from several investors and then eventually investing in a diversified portfolio of securities—like equity shares, stocks, bonds, and other assets. One can achieve one's financial goals with mutual fund investing, but one must do it correctly.

Mutual funds have become very popular in India in recent times. As of March 2024, the total assets under management of the Indian mutual fund industry surged to ₹53.40 trillion from ₹39.47 trillion as of March 2023 provided by constituents—thereby registering over 35 percent growth from March 2023. (The Economic Times) This kind of aggressive growth only comes on the back of strong market performance and sentiment.

Tips to Invest in Mutual Funds

Here are some tips for mutual funds:

1. Define Your Investment Goals

Before you invest in mutual funds, you have to be clear about what you want to achieve through investments: retirement, wealth creation, or funding of any particular financial goal. This will help you pick suitable mutual funds that align with your risk tolerance and investment horizon. Take into account your age, your income, and your financial responsibilities while deciding on this.

2. Diversify Your Portfolio

One of the principal advantages of mutual funds is diversification. Never keep all your eggs in one basket—a mutual fund or particular asset class. Put a portion of your money into equity, debt, and hybrid funds to diversify your portfolio, which would increase your returns and be easier on your wallet if the market bounces around. This will help ride out phases of market volatility and work out a balanced portfolio.

3. Understand The Costs

There are several fees and loads associated with mutual funds, such as an expense ratio, exit load and more. Always check and compare the various costs of different mutual funds before you put your money into any of them. Usually, go for those funds with lower expense ratios, as they can substantially impact your long-term returns. High fees can reduce your investment returns, so watch out for these costs.  

4. Invest Small and Regularly

If you are a new mutual fund investor, start with a small amount and gradually increase the size of your investments. In addition, invest using a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) that arranges for periodic investments of a fixed sum of money at settled intervals like monthly or quarterly. 

This enables you to harness the power of compounding and dollar-cost averaging: you automatically invest more units in a market downturn and less in a market upswing, which might earn better returns in the long run.

5. Review and Rebalance

From time to time, review your mutual fund portfolio and check whether it has continued to remain aligned with your investment objectives and risk tolerance.

Due to changes in market conditions, you may need to rebalance your asset allocation occasionally to stay invested within the risk profile you have chosen. You may consult a financial advisor if you need more clarification about portfolio changes. By rebalancing the portfolio, you can be confident you are adhering to the investment objectives and handling the associated risks efficiently.

Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds

Here are some benefits:

1. Diversification

Mutual funds invest in a basket of securities, which helps reduce the risk associated with investing in individual stocks or bonds.

2. Professional Management

Mutual funds are managed by experienced professionals who have the understanding and skill to research and select investment alternatives.

3. Accessibility

Mutual funds provide access to various investment markets with relatively small capital. Investors can achieve diversification by spreading their money across multiple funds.

4. Liquidity

It is easy to sell and buy mutual fund units. Thus, flexibility is provided to the investor in raising money as and when required.

5. Tax Efficiency

Mutual funds will be more tax-efficient than individual investments. For example, they can offset their capital gains by losses within the fund itself.

The Serious Truth You Should Know About Investing in Mutual Funds

Investing in mutual funds may not always be convenient and involves certain risks. Mutual funds are affected by market fluctuations, interest rates, and other economic factors. Therefore, it's crucial for an investor to thoroughly understand the risks associated with each mutual fund before investing.

To mitigate risks, maintaining a diversified portfolio and investing only what one can afford to lose is essential. Mutual funds, like other investments, carry risks, and investors must exercise due diligence. Key factors to research include a mutual fund's performance history, investment strategy, and management team to determine if it aligns with your investment objectives.


It can be mighty if you have a strategic approach to using mutual funds for your financial goals. Following these tips will enable you to make an informed decision that may go a long way in enhancing your investment returns. This would mean starting small, diversifying your portfolio, and having your investments reviewed and rebalanced regularly. Proper planning makes mutual funds a valuable part of your investment portfolio in generating wealth and securing your future.

Visit the Sharekhan Knowledge Centre to learn more about mutual funds and other investment options. This resource is designed to help you gain deeper insights and make well-informed investment decisions.

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