IPO Cycle Explained: Comprehensive Overview


Did you know that in 2023, there were 46 IPOs raising a cumulative of Rs 41095.36 crore? Although there are still some sizable, prosperous, privately held businesses, numerous companies aim to go public. They hope to obtain access to an additional funding source for their business. A private company's first offering of its equity to the general public is known as an Initial Public Offering (IPO). But what is the IPO cycle? Let’s find out.

What is the IPO?

A company's shift from private to public ownership is signaled by the IPO cycle, which is a crucial procedure in the financial world. Understanding this cycle is vital for Indian firms and investors to make wise decisions and take advantage of possibilities. Here is what you should know about it.

What is the IPO cycle?

An IPO cycle is the whole set of procedures and activities that a business goes through when it chooses to make its shares available to the general public for the first time. To achieve a successful public debut, this revolutionary path requires careful preparation, strict regulatory compliance, and strategic execution.

The choice to go public usually starts a cycle that includes choosing underwriters, preparing financial statements, and submitting all required paperwork to regulatory bodies. An important part of this cycle is obtaining approval from the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). In the process, the business sets the offering price, conducts roadshows to attract prospective investors, and eventually issues its shares on a stock exchange. The IPO cycle has a substantial effect not only on the firm going public but also on investors and market dynamics.

Stages of an IPO Cycle

Here are the stages of the IPO cycle.

  • Pre-IPO Planning- This is the first IPO cycle stage. The business studies the market, determines if it is ready to go public, and starts making preliminary arrangements.
  • Key Player Appointment- To oversee the IPO process, underwriters, attorneys, auditors, and other crucial experts are chosen.
  • Due Diligence- A comprehensive analysis of the financial, legal, and operational elements of the business is carried out.
  • Regulatory Filings- In India, the company produces and sends the required paperwork to regulatory agencies like SEBI.
  • Pricing- A number of variables and market inputs are taken into account when determining the IPO price range.
  • Road Shows- To spark interest in the offering, company officials give presentations to possible investors.
  • Book building- Bids for shares within the price range are made by institutional investors.
  • Allocation- Demand and preset criteria are used to determine how investors will receive their shares.
  • Listing- The stock market opens trading for the company's shares.
  • Post-IPO Stabilization- During the first trading session, steps are taken to support the stock price.

These stages can give a fair idea of the IPO cycle.

Factors Influencing the IPO Cycle

Beyond understanding the IPO cycle itself, it's crucial to grasp the factors that influence it. The IPO process isn't just a singular event; it's profoundly influenced by various internal and external variables. For businesses considering going public and investors looking to engage in IPOs, understanding these components is essential.

Market conditions and investor sentiment

The success of an IPO cycle is largely dependent on the general status of the financial markets. Bull markets, which are marked by hope and rising stock values, can offer an ideal setting for businesses to go public. In contrast, underperforming or delayed IPOs might result from bad markets or uncertain economic times. Investor sentiment and the understanding of the IPO cycle have a direct impact on the demand for new offerings and the valuations that companies can attain. It is influenced by economic data, geopolitical events, and industry-specific trends.

Industry trends and competitive landscape

The IPO prospects of a firm are significantly influenced by the industry in which it operates. Countries that are expanding quickly or that are advancing technologically tend to draw in more investors. For example, favorable market trends have led to a considerable increase in the IPO cycle by Indian software firms and renewable energy companies in recent years. The competitive environment also has an impact on a company's standing and chances of success in public markets.

Company performance and growth potential

Important elements in the IPO cycle include a company's financial stability, operational effectiveness, and potential for future growth. Investors place a high emphasis on profitability, strong revenue growth, and a clear roadmap for future progress. To draw investor interest and obtain favorable valuations, companies must have a good understanding of the IPO cycle.

An organization’s projected development potential and, thus, its success in the IPO process are influenced by various factors, including market share, innovative products or services, and scalable business structures. In order to evaluate a company's long-term survival, investors carefully examine its financial statements, competitive advantages, and market placement.

Advantages and Challenges of the IPO Cycle

The advantages of the IPO cycle are as follows.

  • Availability of funds for development and expansion
  • Increased visibility of the brand and public profile
  • enhanced capacity to draw in and keep talent with stock options
  • Enhanced liquidity for current investors
  • Possibility of increased valuations and upcoming funding opportunities

Considering the IPO cycle examples, here are the challenges.

  • Enhanced regulatory oversight and obligations for compliance
  • Pressure to fulfill market expectations and short-term financial ambitions
  • Loss of power over corporate decisions and privacy
  • Significant IPO-related expenses, as well as continuing costs for public companies

Susceptibility to fluctuations in the market and outside influences on the value of stocks 

The Serious Truth You Should Know About The IPO Cycle

Even while IPOs can present fascinating prospects for investors and businesses alike, it's critical to approach them objectively. The IPO cycle may not always lead to prosperity or success. Many recently listed enterprises find it difficult to live up to the hype, which leaves investors with unsatisfactory results.

When a company goes public, it opens itself up to inspection, regulations, and quarterly performance expectations. Sometimes, this results in decisions being made in the short term at the price of long-term development. Investors should know what the IPO cycle is to minimize risks. IPO stocks can be very volatile, especially in the early months of trade, so investors need to be aware of this.


An important turning point in a company's development is the IPO cycle, which is a complicated and diverse procedure. Navigating the opportunities and comprehending the IPO cycle can be beneficial for Indian businesses. Although IPOs can provide notable advantages such as enhanced visibility and cash accessibility, they also include considerable risks and responsibilities.

For more insights and guidance on IPO and other investment strategies, visit the Sharekhan Knowledge Centre.

Frequently Asked Questions On IPO Cycle

An IPO gives access to large amounts of capital for expansion, improves the company's visibility, gives current shareholders liquidity, and may raise valuations.
The drawbacks include heightened regulatory scrutiny, compromised privacy, pressure to hit short-term financial goals, and high process expenses.
The main goal of the IPO cycle is to raise money while transferring a firm from private to public ownership.
A company must first make sure it complies with regulatory standards before appointing underwriters and other consultants to start the IPO cycle.

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