
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Thu 13/03/2025,15:59:29 | NSE : SUNPHARMA

₹ 1683.456.60 (0.39%)

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₹ 1672.00

Previous Close

₹ 1676.85



Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)



₹ 1687.15


₹ 1663.45

52 Week High

₹ 1960.35

52 Week Low

₹ 1377.20

Book Value Per Share

₹ 288.06

Dividend Yield


Face Value

₹ 1.00

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  • Sun Pharma. - General Updates

    10 Mar 2025, 6:12PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about additional information for the acquisition of Checkpoint Therapeutics
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Updates on Acquisition

    10 Mar 2025, 6:12PM Additional information for the acquisition of Checkpoint Therapeutics
  • Sun Pharma. - Acquisition-XBRL

    10 Mar 2025, 5:05PM SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange regarding Acquisition
  • Sun Pharma. - General Updates

    10 Mar 2025, 7:01AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Acquisition of Checkpoint Therapeutics
  • Sun Pharma to acquire checkpoint therapeutics for up to $355 million

    10 Mar 2025, 10:49AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries announced on Monday its plan to acquire Checkpoint Therapeutics, Inc., a company specializing in immunotherapy and targe
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Acquisition

    10 Mar 2025, 7:05AM Acquisition of Checkpoint Therapeutics
  • Sun Pharma. - Investor Presentation

    4 Mar 2025, 4:56PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Investor Presentation
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Investor Presentation

    4 Mar 2025, 5:03PM Investor Presentation -Feb 2025
  • Sun Pharma. - Notice Of Shareholders Meetings-XBRL

    20 Feb 2025, 6:44PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Notice of Shareholders Meeting for Postal Ballot
  • Sun Pharma. - Shareholders meeting

    20 Feb 2025, 4:58PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Notice of Postal Ballot/E-voting
  • Sun Pharma. - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Notice of Postal Ballot

    20 Feb 2025, 4:58PM Intimation regarding Notice of Postal Ballot/E-voting
  • Sun Pharma. - Press Release

    17 Feb 2025, 2:09PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding a press release dated February 17, 2025, titled ""Sun Pharma Amongst Top 5%
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Press Release / Media Release

    17 Feb 2025, 2:17PM Sun Pharma is amongst the top 5% of global pharmaceutical companies in S&P global sustainability yearbook 2025
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    7 Feb 2025, 4:11PM Intimation of Schedule of Analyst/Institutional Investor Meeting
  • Sun Pharma. - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    7 Feb 2025, 4:08PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Earnings Call Transcript

    6 Feb 2025, 3:24PM Q3 FY25 Earnings Call Transcript
  • Sun Pharma. - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    6 Feb 2025, 3:17PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Transcript
  • Sun Pharma. - Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 - Re

    4 Feb 2025, 7:28PM Intimation regarding Regulatory Order.
  • Sun Pharma. - Action(s) taken or orders passed

    4 Feb 2025, 7:28PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Action(s) taken or orders passed
  • Sun Pharma. - Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 - Re

    4 Feb 2025, 7:27PM Intimation regarding Regulatory Order.
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    4 Feb 2025, 6:01PM Intimation of Schedule of Analyst/Institutional Investor Meeting
  • Sun Pharma. - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    4 Feb 2025, 5:56PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Sun Pharma. - Press Release

    4 Feb 2025, 4:18PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding a press release dated February 04, 2025, titled ""Intimation under Regulatio
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Press Release / Media Release

    4 Feb 2025, 4:18PM Intimation regarding Press Release
  • Sun Pharma. - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    4 Feb 2025, 12:59PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    4 Feb 2025, 1:04PM Intimation of Schedule of Analyst/Institutional Investor Meeting
  • Sun Pharma. - Sustainability Report For The Financial Year 2023-24

    3 Feb 2025, 7:28PM Sustainability Report for the financial year 2023-24
  • Sun Pharma. - Updates

    3 Feb 2025, 7:27PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'Sustainability Report for the financial year 2023-24'.
  • Sun Pharma. - Updates

    3 Feb 2025, 4:25PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
  • Sun Pharma. - Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 - Ap

    3 Feb 2025, 4:25PM Intimation regarding appointment of Chief Operating Officer
  • Sun Pharma. has declared 1050% Interim dividend for the financial year March 2025

    1 Feb 2025, 7:00AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. on Thursday, 16 January 2025, has announced Interim dividend of 1050 percent on Equity Share, to its shareholders h
  • Sun Pharma. - Q3FY25 Investor Call Audio Recording

    31 Jan 2025, 8:38PM Q3 FY25 Investor Call Audio Recording
  • Sun Pharma. - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    31 Jan 2025, 8:33PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Link of Recording
  • Sun Pharma. - Integrated Filing (Financial)

    31 Jan 2025, 8:24PM Integrated financial filing for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2024
  • Sun Pharma. - Integrated Filing- Financial

    31 Jan 2025, 8:20PM Integrated filing (Financial) for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2024
  • Sun Pharma. Q3 net profit jumps 63.74% at Rs 1181.05 cr

    31 Jan 2025, 5:00PM The company reported standalone net profit of Rs 1,181.05 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 as compared to Rs 721.31 crore in the same per
  • Sun Pharma. - Outcome of Board Meeting-XBRL

    31 Jan 2025, 3:51PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Outcome of Board Meeting held on 31-Jan-2025 for Dividend
  • Sun Pharma. - Dividend

    31 Jan 2025, 3:17PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange that Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 31, 2025, declared Interim Divi
  • Sun Pharma. - Corporate Action-Board approves Dividend

    31 Jan 2025, 3:16PM Board approved interim dividend for FY 2024-25
  • Sun Pharma. - Outcome Of The Board Meeting Held Today I.E. January 31, 2025

    31 Jan 2025, 3:13PM Outcome of Board Meeting
  • Sun Pharma. - Financial Result Updates

    31 Jan 2025, 3:12PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has submitted to the Exchange, the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024.
  • Sun Pharma. - Shareholders meeting

    21 Jan 2025, 8:02PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Shareholders meeting
  • Sun Pharma. - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of Court Convened Meeting

    21 Jan 2025, 8:00PM Outcome of NCLT Convened Meeting
  • Sun Pharma. has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024

    20 Jan 2025, 7:40PM As of December 2024, 54.48% is owned by Indian Promoters and 45.52% by Public. <p align=justify> Institutional holds 36.58% (Insurance Companies 4.71%
  • Sun Pharma. - Acquisition-XBRL

    17 Jan 2025, 2:31PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Acquisition
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation

    17 Jan 2025, 12:18PM Sun Pharma's earnings call for the financial results for the third quarter ending December 31, 2024, will be held on January 31, 2025.
  • Sun Pharma. - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    17 Jan 2025, 12:12PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Sun Pharma. - Record Date

    16 Jan 2025, 6:43PM Intimation under Regulation 42 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Revision in Record Date
  • Sun Pharma. - Intimation Under Regulation 42 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 - Re

    16 Jan 2025, 6:43PM Intimation regarding revision in record date for the purpose of interim dividend, if declared
  • Sun Pharma. - Board Meeting Intimation

    16 Jan 2025, 1:35PM SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 31-Jan-2025 to consider and approve the Quarterly Un
  • Sun Pharma. - Record Date

    16 Jan 2025, 1:08PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange that Record date for the purpose of Interim Dividend, if declared, is 31-Jan-2025.
  • Sun Pharma. - General Updates

    16 Jan 2025, 12:05PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requi
  • Sun Pharma. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Acquisition

    16 Jan 2025, 12:05PM Intimation regarding the acquisition of Antibe Therapeutics Inc.
  • Sun Pharma. - Corporate Action-Board to consider Dividend

    16 Jan 2025, 1:09PM Intimation regarding record date for the purpose of interim dividend, if declared
  • Sun Pharma. - Board Meeting Intimation for Approval Of Financial Results For Quarter And Nine Months Ended December 31, 2024

    16 Jan 2025, 12:54PM SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 31/01/2025 ,inter alia, t
  • Sun Pharma. - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018

    13 Jan 2025, 2:58PM Intimation regarding Compliance Certificate under Reg 74(5) of SEBI (DP) Regulation.
  • Sun Pharma. - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018

    13 Jan 2025, 2:58PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018
  • Sun Pharma. - Sale or disposal-XBRL

    31 Dec 2024, 5:35PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Sale or disposal of unit(s)/division(s)/subsidiary
  • Sun Pharma. - Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 - Sa

    31 Dec 2024, 5:30PM Intimation regarding Sale of Subsidiary
  • Sun Pharma. - General Updates

    31 Dec 2024, 5:30PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requi
  • Sun Pharma. - Trading Window-XBRL

    26 Dec 2024, 6:33PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Closure of Trading Window
  • Sun Pharma. - Trading Window

    26 Dec 2024, 6:32PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding the Trading Window closure pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
  • Sun Pharma. - Copy of Newspaper Publication

    17 Dec 2024, 4:05PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Copy of Newspaper Publication
  • Sun Pharma. - Notice Of Shareholders Meetings-XBRL

    16 Dec 2024, 3:44PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange about Notice of Shareholders Meeting for NCLT/ Court Convened Meeting to be held on 21
  • Sun Pharma. - Shareholders meeting

    16 Dec 2024, 2:50PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Notice of Court Covened General Meeting to be held on January 21, 2025
  • Sun Pharma. - Notice Of The National Company Law Tribunal Convened Meeting Of Equity Shareholders On January 21, 2025

    16 Dec 2024, 2:50PM Notice of the National Company Law Tribunal Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders on January 21, 2025
  • Sun Pharma to acquire checkpoint Therapeutics

    10 Mar 2025 , 9:44AM Sun Pharma to acquire Checkpoint Therapeutics for $355 million in cash and milestone payments
  • Sun Pharma unit Taro to acquire stake in Antibe Therapeutics

    16 Jan 2025 , 2:37PM Sun Pharma unit Taro to acquire 100% stake in Antibe Therapeutics
  • Stock Update: Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd Q2FY2025 Results Review

    29 Oct 2024 , 12:47PM Stock Update: Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd Q2FY2025 Results Review: Company Surpasses Expectations Across Multiple Metrics
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    3 Oct 2024 , 10:12AM Sun Pharma: Company signs agreement with Swiss-Italian co Philogen to commercialise Fibromun. (Positive)
  • Sun Pharma signs agreement with Swiss-Italian

    1 Oct 2024 , 10:10AM Sun Pharma signs agreement with Swiss-Italian co Philogen to commercialise Fibromun
  • Stock update: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    16 Sep 2024 , 11:28AM Stock update: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries – On a firm footing, maintain BUY
  • Sun Pharma introduces a novel treatment, STARIZO

    23 Aug 2024 , 3:40PM Sun Pharma introduces a novel treatment, STARIZO
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA approval for Alopecia treatment drug.

    26 Jul 2024 , 10:05AM USFDA nod for LEQSELVI (deuruxolitinib), an Oral JAK Inhibitor for the treatment of severe alopecia areata.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    24 Jun 2024 , 1:49PM Sun Pharma’s GL0034 (Utreglutide) Demonstrates Significant Weight Loss, Gluco-metabolic and Lipid Lowering Efficacy in Individuals with Obesity in Oral Presentation at the American Diabetes Association 84th Scientific Sessions. L0034 administered once-weekly confirmed clinically meaningful weight loss and improved gluco metabolic parameters over a 4-week treatment period in individuals with obesity, even in the lowest dosing regimen. (Positive)
  • Stock Update: Sun Pharmaceutical Ltd

    21 Jun 2024 , 11:43AM Stock Update: Sun Pharmaceutical Ltd. : Dadra facility receiving WL to have no impact on the company’s financials.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    20 Jun 2024 , 10:05AM The Company has received Warning Letter from USFDA for its Dadra facility. The Warning Letter summarizes violations with respect to Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) regulations. The contents of the Warning Letter shall be made public by the USFDA in due course. This intimation is further to our communication dated April 11, 2024, about Dadra facility receiving OAI status by the USFDA. Negative
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries

    5 Jun 2024 , 10:41AM Sun Pharma – Company submits marketing authorization application to EMA for approval of Nidlegy. Nidlegy has completed the phase 3 trial for 1st indication. Nidlegy is a part of specialty pipeline and is expected to remain meaningful product for the European markets too. Positive
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    30 May 2024 , 10:09AM As per media sources SunPharma’s Dahej unit Failed to use precautions to minimise risk of API contamination and procedures failed to Include routine maintenance. Earlier US FDA inspected Sun Pharma's Dahej unit from May 10-17, 2024 and US FDA Had Issued 4 Observations For Sun Pharma’s Dahej Unit. (Negative)
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    23 May 2024 , 9:50AM The company posted below our estimates set of earnings on revenue and EBITDA front but PAT was in-line with our estimates. Sales for the quarter grew by 10% to Rs 11,813 crore (3% below our estimates) primarily driven by lower than estimates sales across geographies where India grew by 10% (vs estimates of 12%), US grew by 12% (vs our estimates of 13%), ROW grew by 3% (vs our estimates of 20%), and EM grew by 12% (vs our estimates of 13%). Going forward, the management has lowered guidance to 8-9% and has increased R&D spend from 6% to 8-10% and will continue to keep investing in the near term towards specialty products thereby affecting margins. Negative
  • Sun Pharma announces approval of Winlevi in Australia

    19 Mar 2024 , 10:30AM Sun Pharmaceuticals gets Australian regulator's nod for acne drug Winlevi
  • Stock Update: Sun Pharma

    12 Mar 2024 , 11:58AM Stock Update: Sun Pharma - On a strong footing.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    7 Mar 2024 , 12:33PM As per the media source the US Food and Drugs Administration gave the company's Ankleshwar API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) unit the all-clear to manufacture and export status. Positive
  • Sun Pharma to acquire 16.33% stake in Surgimatix for $3.05 m

    20 Feb 2024 , 3:15PM urgimatix, Inc engaged in the business of developing a proprietary soft tissue fixation device for laparoscopic hernia repair and other minimally invasive surgeries
  • Taro announces merger agreement with Sun Pharma

    18 Jan 2024 , 11:16AM Sun Pharma to acquire remaining outstanding shares of Taro for Rs. 2,891 crore
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    18 Jan 2024 , 10:53AM Taro Announces Merger Agreement with Sun Pharma. Sun Pharma has agreed to acquire all of the outstanding ordinary shares of Taro other than the shares already held by Sun Pharma or its affiliates for US$43.00 per share in cash without interest. Acquisition of remaining outstanding shares of Taro which would result in Sun acquiring all of the public shares of Taro. With the consummation of the transaction, the combined entity will be in a position to leverage Sun Pharma’s global strength and capabilities that shall pave way to better serve the needs of patients and healthcare professionals. The US$43.00 per share purchase price represents a 48% premium over the closing price of US$28.97 per share on May 25, 2023, the last trading day before Sun Pharma first submitted its non-binding proposal to Taro, and a premium of 58% to the volume-weighted average price of the shares during the 60 days prior to and including May 25, 2023. The purchase price also represents a 13% increase over the initial proposed purchase price of US$38.00 per share as proposed on May 26, 2023.
  • Sun Pharma signs agreement with Bayer

    17 Jan 2024 , 2:28PM Sun Pharma signs agreement with Bayer to market & distribute a second brand of Finerenone in India
  • Sun Pharma

    3 Jan 2024 , 10:30AM Sun Pharma along with its subsidiaries and/or associate companies has acquired 100% of shares of Libra Merger Ltd., a company incorporated in Israel. Libra Merger Ltd., incorporated on 18th July 2023 in Israel. The merger was done to facilitate consolidation of business in Israel.
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries

    20 Dec 2023 , 12:56PM Sun Pharma – Global specialty to reach USD1bn in FY24E
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    19 Dec 2023 , 10:49AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries has entered into agreement to acquire stake ~16.7% shares on fully diluted basis, in Lyndra Therapeutics based in Massachusetts, engaged in the business of developing novel delivery technology for long-acting oral therapies. The cost of acquisition is USD 30mn, valuing the deal at 2.8x EV/Sales. The strategic investment is to support development of innovative pharmaceutical delivery technologies and get access to the technology for certain molecules and territories. Positive
  • Sun Pharma

    12 Dec 2023 , 10:54AM Non-binding indication of interest to acquire shares of Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. On May 26, 2023, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited delivered a letter to the Board of Directors of Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Taro) that contained a non-binding indication of interest to acquire all of the outstanding ordinary shares in Taro, other than any shares already held by the Company or its affiliates, for a purchase price of $38.00 per share, in cash (‘Proposal’). Such negotiations resulted in the Company communicating to the Special Committee updated terms pursuant to which the Company has proposed to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Taro’s Ordinary Shares, other than any shares held by the Company or its affiliates, for a purchase price of $43.00 per share in cash (‘Revised Proposal’). Positive
  • Stock Update: Sun Pharma

    11 Dec 2023 , 11:12AM Stock Update: Sun Pharma - Company adds another drug to the global specialty portfolio
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    8 Dec 2023 , 11:15AM Sun Pharma’s subsidiary has entered into licensing agreement with Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing novel drugs for immuno-inflammatory diseases. Under the license agreement, Aclaris granted Sun Pharma exclusive rights under certain patents for the use of deuruxolitinib, Sun Pharma’s JAK inhibitor, or other isotopic forms of ruxolitinib, to treat alopecia areata (AA) or androgenetic alopecia (AGA). The agreement includes an upfront payment of $15 million, regulatory and commercial milestones, and royalties.(Positive)
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    6 Dec 2023 , 10:24AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Inc., a subsidiary of the Company, has entered into licensing agreement with Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing novel drugs for immuno-inflammatory diseases. Under the license agreement, Aclaris granted Sun Pharma exclusive rights under certain patents for the use of deuruxolitinib, Sun Pharma’s JAK inhibitor, or other isotopic forms of ruxolitinib, to treat alopecia areata (AA) or androgenetic alopecia (AGA). The agreement includes an upfront payment of $15 million, regulatory and commercial milestones, and royalties. Positive
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited: Result Update

    2 Nov 2023 , 11:38AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited: Result Update - In-line Q2, Positive Outlook
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    27 Oct 2023 , 10:21AM Sun Pharma’s subsidiary Taro Pharma reported strong Q2 earnings where Revenue stood at $148 million Vs $130.5 million, Profit at $8.5 million Vs loss of $2.8 million and Operating income at $4.7 million Vs loss of $6.8 million (YoY). Revenue increase is also due to one-time gross-to-net (GTN) adjustment. Ex- GTN adjustments, sales growth was in mid-single digits. Ex-one-time charges, operating income at $10.9 million, Ex-one time charges, profit was $14.3 million. (Positive )
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    16 Oct 2023 , 11:46AM Nidlegy™ Phase III PIVOTAL trial meets the study’s primary objective demonstrating statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in Recurrence-Free Survival for patients with locally advanced fully resectable melanoma. Nidlegy™ is the first immunocytokine product to show positive data in a Phase III randomized clinical trial. Nidlegy™ is also currently developed for the treatment of high-risk locally advanced basal cell carcinoma and other types of non-melanoma skin cancers. (Positive)
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    13 Oct 2023 , 11:28AM Sun Pharma’s specialty drug CEQUA (cyclosporine ophthalmic solution) 0.09% Phase 4 Data Showed Sustained Improvement in Dry Eye Disease Signs and Symptoms in Patients Switched From Restasis (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05%. Study design mirrors real-world experience with dry eye disease, including allowing use of artificial tears and measurement of CFS in all five corneal zones, (Positive).
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    6 Oct 2023 , 11:22AM Sun Pharma agreed to acquire ~37.76% equity shares of Ezerx Health Tech Private Limited. Sun Pharma agreed to add another 4% stake in Agatsa which is an early-stage digital diagnostic devices company. Sun Pharma earlier held 26% stake in Agasta Diagnostics company
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    6 Oct 2023 , 10:17AM Sun Pharma Announces US FDA Filing Acceptance of New Drug Application (NDA) For Deuruxolitinib. Deuruxolitinib is being evaluated for treatment of moderate to severe alopecia areata. In the NDA, Sun Pharma has submitted 8mg twice daily regimen of deuruxolitinib for FDA review. The NDA filing for deuruxolitinib with the U.S. FDA is based on two pivotal Phase III trials (THRIVE-AA1 and THRIVE-AA2), which included over 1200 patients across more than 135 clinical trial sites. The presentations highlighted the consistent and high-level efficacy with deuruxolitinib at the 8 mg dose in both Phase 3 trials. Positive read through.
  • Sun Pharma announces USFDA filing acceptance of NDA for Deuruxolitinib

    6 Oct 2023 , 9:45AM Deuruxolitinib is use for treatment of moderate to severe alopecia areata
  • Sun Pharma

    27 Sep 2023 , 2:04PM Sun Pharma Canada Launches WINLEVI a Novel Topical Treatment for Acne. WINLEVI is the first and only topical androgen receptor inhibitor, and the newest Health Canada approved formulation to target the hormonal component of acne in 40 years. The launch of WINLEVI enhances Sun Pharma’s specialty product portfolio in Canada and reflects our commitment to providing innovative dermatology medicines that address patients’ needs. Positive read through.
  • Sun Pharma Canada launches Winlevi a novel topical treatment for acne.

    27 Sep 2023 , 1:55PM WINLEVI for male and female acne patients 12 years of age and older is now available in Canada
  • Sun Pharma arm enters into a license agreement with Pharmazz In

    14 Sep 2023 , 10:49AM Sun Pharma arm enters into a license agreement with Pharmazz Inc to commercialise Sovateltide in India
  • Sun Pharma

    24 Aug 2023 , 10:33AM Setback for the company as US Court Of Appeals ruled against the company in Patent litigation for Deuruxolitinib. Negative read through for the stock
  • Sun Pharmaceutical

    20 Jul 2023 , 10:26AM Krensavage Asset Management LLC has opposed Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.'s bid to acquire the remaining shares of Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., citing that the offer has been at a paltry price, which is at a 17% discount to the value of Taro’s tangible assets, net of cash at USD 36 a share. If Taro was liquidated it would lead to valuation of USD 45 a share. Negative for the stock.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    26 Jun 2023 , 12:18PM Sun Pharma has announced results for its Phase I study of its novel drug GL0034 which is being researched for treatment of type 2 diabetes. The drug reduced body weight after a single dose in obese individuals without diabetes. Phase II study is to commence in 2023 which will be carried out on patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Positive for the stock.
  • Sun Pharma

    20 Jun 2023 , 10:51AM Company announced Health Canada approval for WINLEVI (clascoterone cream 1%) for topical treatment of acne. WINLEVI is the first and only topical Androgen Receptor Inhibitor, and the newest Health Canada-approved formulation to target the hormonal component of acne in 40 years. WINLEVI may reduce sebum and decreases inflammation for male and female acne patients, 12 years of age and older. Positive for the stock
  • Sun Pharma acne cream WINLEVI gets HealthCanada approval

    20 Jun 2023 , 10:28AM Sun Pharma announces Health Canada Approval of PRWINLEVI for Topical Treatment of Acne
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    31 May 2023 , 9:51AM Sun Pharma’s promising specialty product Illumya (Tildrakizumab Injection, a monoclonal antibody that acts as an immunosuppressant agent) indicated for Plaque Psoriasis under the brand name Illumetri has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration of the People’s Republic of China (NMPA). Sun Pharma has out licensed this high value biologic product (original bio pharma product) to China Medical System Holdings Ltd. (CMS) for development, regulatory filings, and commercialisation since 2019. Tildrakizumab Injection has also been approved for marketing in the US, EU, Japan, UK, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, and other countries/regions under the brands of ILUMYA and ILUMETRI in different geographies.
  • Sun Pharma Industries

    30 May 2023 , 10:52AM Sun Pharma Industries Ltd. and Philogen S.p.A. (BIT: PHIL) announced that they have entered into a licensing agreement by which Philogen’s specialty product, Nidlegy (Daromum) for geographies such as Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Nidlegy is in Phase III clinical trials, which is a new anti-cancer bio-pharma product, which is being developed by Philogen for the treatment of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. Philogen will complete pivotal clinical trials for the product in Europe, pursue Marketing Authorization with the regulatory authorities and manufacture commercial supplies. Sun Pharma will be responsible for commercialization activities. The two partner companies will share post-commercialization economics in about 50:50 ratio. Other financial terms were not disclosed. Philogen will retain the IP rights for Nidlegy™ for other territories and indications other than skin cancers. Positive read through for the stock.
  • Sun Pharma licensing agreement for commercializing Philogen specialty product

    30 May 2023 , 10:51AM Sun Pharma enters into an exclusive distribution, licence, & supply agreement with Philogen to commercialise Nidlegy in EU, Australia & New Zealand
  • Sun Pharma board proposes to buy remaining stake in Taro

    29 May 2023 , 9:58AM Sun Pharma offers to acquire 100% stake in Taro in an all-cash deal
  • Sun Pharma board proposes to buy remaining stake in Taro

    29 May 2023 , 9:47AM Sun Pharma board proposed to buy remaining stake in Taro, Positive read-thru
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries

    8 May 2023 , 10:30AM In its latest Enforcement Report, the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) noted that the Mumbai-based drug major is recalling 24,194 prefilled syringes of Fyremadel (ganirelix acetate) injection. The company is recalling the affected lot due to the presence of particulate matter like a piece of glass, the USFDA said. Negative read through for the shares.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    2 May 2023 , 9:32AM Sun Pharma has announced that its newly acquired company, Concert Pharmaceutical Inc.’s lead product candidate called Deuruxolitinib’ s (an oral inhibitor of Janus kinases JAK1 and JAK2 for the treatment of Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune dermatological disease, which is in late-stage development) Investigational New Drug (IND) filing has been put on hold by the USFDA as the ongoing Open Label Extension (OLE) study around its 12 mg BID Dose is resulting in pulmonary embolism or serious adverse event. However, for 8 mg dose there have not been any adverse results. The company is likely to get the formal communication from the USFDA within the next 30 days. Negative read through for Sun Pharma.
  • Sun Pharma launches CEQUA a novel therapy for Dry Eye Disease in India

    25 Apr 2023 , 2:03PM CEQUA is the first dry eye treatment available in India
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    25 Apr 2023 , 10:53AM Sun Pharmaceutical Inc is recalling 16,450 vials of Norepinephrine Bitartrate Injection for "Failed Impurities/Degradation Specifications", which was manufactured by Gland Pharma and distributed by Sun Pharma in the US. Marginally negative as it is a class III recall.
  • Sun Pharma

    24 Apr 2023 , 10:18AM USFDA has classified the company’s Mohali (Punjab) facility under Official Action Indicated (OAI). It means that Sun Pharma’s Mohali facility will be recommended with regulatory and administrative actions and until it can correct the concerns, it will not be able to supply batches of products to the US from the facility. In the past also, in 2013, the Mohali facility had import alert which was lifted by the USFDA by 2017. Negative read-through, however overall impact on the profitability will be less than 2%. Mohali facility supply to US is around 4% and overall sales is less than 2%.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    28 Mar 2023 , 12:56PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries is set to take a hit on its revenues due to containment measures taken by the company after a ransomware attack earlier this month. As a result of these measures, company’s business operations have been impacted and consequently revenues are expected to be reduced in some of its businesses. Also, the company is likely to incur expenses in connection with the incident and the remediation as mentioned yesterday. Negative development for the stock.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    27 Mar 2023 , 11:55AM Sun Pharma has entered into an agreement to acquire 60% shareholding in Vivaldis Health and Foods Pvt Ltd. (animal health) from its existing shareholders with remaining 40% shareholding to be acquired in future for Rs. 143.3 Cr. (Total Equity Value of Rs. 239 Cr), which is taking place at 7.98x target's FY22 revenue of Rs. 29.92 Cr. We believe it is marginally positive development
  • Sun Pharma

    27 Mar 2023 , 11:04AM Sun Pharma has updated with respect to a cyber-attack on its IT systems in the recent past wherein it stated that a Ransomware Group has claimed responsibility for IT Security incident at the co.’s premises and the attack includes a breach of certain file systems and theft of certain company and personal data
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    23 Mar 2023 , 1:37PM Sun Pharma and Moebius Medical Ltd. of Israel announced the top-line results of their first phase 2b study of its Osteoarthritis MM-II (a non-opioid product) for the treatment of knee pain in participants with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. The study did not achieve statistical significance on the primary outcome measure but did show meaningful and sustained improvement across several clinical measures.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    20 Mar 2023 , 11:18AM Sun Pharma’s recently acquired Concert Pharmaceuticals announced that it has presented the data from its Phase III clinical studies THRIVE-AA2 study to American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Thrive-AA2 evaluated oral investigational medicine Deuruxolitinib in adult patients with moderate to severe alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that results in patchy or complete scalp hair loss. The presentation showed that Concert’s Deuruxolitinib was able to influence scalp hair regrowth at 24 weeks for patients. Positive read through for the stock.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    8 Mar 2023 , 12:47PM Sun Pharma has completed acquisition of Concert Pharma for USD 576 million. Positive read through for the stock.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Inddustries

    2 Mar 2023 , 11:53AM Sun Pharma has informed about an IT Security incident that has occurred at the company and the impacted IT assets have isolated. The company assures that the incident has not affected its core systems and operations. The company is still investigating the matter and appropriate containment and remediation measures are being taken in a controlled manner to address the incident. Marginally negative to neutral read through for the stock. We have a BUY rating on the shares with a PT of Rs. 1,300 over the next 12 months.
  • Sun Pharma to acquire minority stake in 2 Companies

    20 Feb 2023 , 11:45AM Sun Pharma to acquire stake in Agatsa Software and in Remidio Innovative Solutions
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    20 Feb 2023 , 11:01AM Sun Pharma has acquired 26.1% equity stake in Agatsa Software Pvt Ltd. which is an early-stage digital diagnostics devices company for Rs. 22 - 30 Cr. and 27.4% stake in Remidio Innovative Solutions Pvt Ltd. for Rs. 149.9 Cr. which provides products that enable early detection of eye diseases. The deals have happened at 261x Agasta’s revenue of Rs. 44.05 lakhs in FY22 while Remedio has been acquired at 21x its FY22 revenue of Rs. 26.61 Cr. The company has Rs. 5,361 Cr of cash and cash equivalents on its balance sheet as of H1FY23. As of CY21, the median EV/Sales multiples in medical devices industry was around 4.7x. So, both of these appear slightly expensive deals. The impact on the stock is likely to be marginally negative to neutral.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    10 Feb 2023 , 12:19PM Sun Pharmaceuticals has received final approval for its ANDA for the blockbuster oncology drug, gRevlimid or Lenalidomide capsules in 5, 10, 15, and 25 mg strengths and tentative approvals for 2.5 and 20 mg strengths. It improves US sales outlook. Positive read through for the stock.
  • Sun Pharma announces USFDA approval for Generic Lenalidomide Capsules

    10 Feb 2023 , 11:17AM Sun Pharma gets final USFDA nod for generic Lenalidomide capsules used to treat anemia in patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome
  • Sun Pharma Q3FY23 Results

    31 Jan 2023 , 2:59PM Sun Pharma Q3FY23 Results-: In line performance
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    30 Jan 2023 , 3:11PM Sun Pharma announced that it has acquired three brands, Disperzyme, Disperzyme – CD, and Phlogam from Aksigen Hospital Care, a Mumbai based R&D driven healthcare entity. These brands are approved by the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) for post operative inflammation of patients undergoing minor surgery and dental procedures.
  • Sun Pharma acquires Disperzyme and Phlogam brands in India

    30 Jan 2023 , 11:58AM Sun Pharma acquires Disperzyme and Phlogam brands to strengthen its anti-inflammatory portfolio
  • Sun Pharma

    20 Jan 2023 , 10:17AM Sun Pharma has acquired a publicly listed Concert Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Incorporated in 2006 from Lexington, Massachusetts, US) for USD 576 million (Rs. 4,684 Cr.) in equity value by acquiring all outstanding shares of the company at an upfront price of USD 8/equity share. Concert shareholders are also to receive a non-tradable contingent value right (CVR) entitling them to receive an additional USD 3.50 per share if Concert achieves certain revenue milestones for its product Deuruxolitinib, in a specified period. The transaction stands approved by the boards of both the companies. 1st milestone is to achieve revenue of USD 100 million (for the first time) in any of the FYs by FY2027. 2nd milestone is to achieve revenue of USD 500 million (for the first time) in any of the consecutive 4 quarters of a FY by FY2029. Concert is a late-stage biotechnology company which is one of the first to use deuterium molecule or hydrogen 2 (D2O) also known as heavy hydrogen or heavy water in medicinal chemistry. Concert has portfolio of patented products including its lead product Deuruxolitinib, an oral inhibitor for treating Alopecia Areata, which is an autoimmune dermatology disease. The product is complete with its stage III clinical trial and with the acquisition of Concert, Sun Pharma will be able to focus on filing the product as a New Drug Application (NDA) to the USFDA in H1CY23.
  • Sun Pharma

    17 Jan 2023 , 10:14AM Sun Pharma has issued an investor’s presentation yesterday by which it has stated that it is scaling up its global specialty portfolio and that it ranked 9th in the US generics market and features as the largest pharma player in India market.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    11 Jan 2023 , 3:28PM Sun Pharma launched a novel anti-cancer drug, Palbociclib in India for patients with advanced breast cancer among women in India. The drug will be launched under the brand name, PALENO 75 mg, 100 mg, and 125 mg. Our view: The drug is already approved by the USFDA, EMA and CDSO in combination with hormonal therapies for patients. It is highly positive for the stock.
  • Sun Pharma launches Palbociclib, a novel targetted therapy for advanced Breast Cancer

    11 Jan 2023 , 10:33AM Sun Pharma launches Palbociclib, a novel targeted therapy for advanced breast cancer with a unique Patient Assistance Program
  • Sun Pharma

    9 Dec 2022 , 11:17AM With respect to Sun Pharma’s Halol facility getting the import alert from the USFDA, the company has issued a statement that the company may not revise down the financial guidance for FY23E as a result. Also, the company mentions that the specialty revenue remains unaffected and that any incremental cost associated with supplying the exempt 14 products remain non-material. Our view: The impact is neutral on the stock.
  • Stock update – Sun Pharmaceuticals

    8 Dec 2022 , 10:54AM Stock update – Sun Pharmaceuticals - Specialty, new products to drive profitability
  • Sun Pharma

    29 Nov 2022 , 10:17AM National Pharmaceutical pricing Authority (NNPA) fixes price if Amoxycillin & Potassium Clavunate oral suspension IP ay Rs168 for 50ML. Sun Pharma is manufacturer & marketing company of Amoxycillin & Potassium Clavunate Oral suspension
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    17 Nov 2022 , 10:11AM According to the media reports, For Oct’22, Ilumya unit sales in US jumped 10% MoM and 46% on a YoY basis, according to Symphony Health data. Cequa market share continues to inch up in dry eye market, 4.3% vs. 3.8% in Mar’22. Winlevi TRx remained flat MOM - Positive read through for Sun Pharma
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    19 Sep 2022 , 11:03AM The European Medicines Agency’s CHMP committee granted nod for Sun Pharma’s teriparatide in Europe for the treatment of osteoporosis in adults. Osteoporosis affects around 22% of women over the age of 50 in the EU. Positive read through for the stock.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    16 Aug 2022 , 9:56AM The Halol plant of the company, has be classified as “Official Action Indicated (OAI)” by the USFDA and this implies that the regulator may withhold approval of any pending product applications or supplements filed from this facility till the outstanding observations are resolved. However, the company continues to cater to the US markets with existing products and hence a material adverse impact from the facility is unlikely. Also The USFDA conducted an inspection of the company’s Mohali manufacturing facility between 3 August 2022 to 12 August 2022. The Inspection ended with a Form 483 being issued with 6 observations and the nature of observations is not yet known and we await clarity on the type of observations being shared by USFDA. Negative read thru
  • Sun Pharma, Cosmo Pharma expand agreement for Winlevi

    26 Jul 2022 , 11:38AM Sun Pharma and Cosmo Announce Territory Expansion of License and Supply Agreements for WINLEVI to include Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico and Russia
  • Stock Update - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    29 Jun 2022 , 11:51AM Stock Update - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited: Specialty ramp up to drive growth
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    13 Jun 2022 , 9:44AM As per media news the company’s product – gPentasa has gained markets share with the volumes increasing substantially as compared to a decline reported in the industry. Sun Pharma’s markets share has increased to 34.8% for the Pentasa generic. Positive
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    6 Jun 2022 , 11:46AM Sun Pharma: Has plans to expand its field force by 10% in FY23 for its domestic markets, with an objective to achieved geographical expansion as well as to focus on brand growth. The management too has mentioned this in its Q4FY22 results concall and basis this the company aims to outpace the industry growth in the domestic business. We have a Buy recommendation on the stock.
  • Sun Pharma arm acquires Uractiv portfolio from Fiterman Pharma in Romania

    27 May 2022 , 9:55AM Acquisition of Uractiv Portfolio from Fiterman Pharma in Romania
  • Sun Pharma launches Brillo a oral lipid-lowering drug in India

    18 May 2022 , 3:30PM Sun Pharma to launch Brillo, a first-in-class oral lipid-lowering drug in India
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries

    13 May 2022 , 10:21AM Sun Pharma: Gets final approval from USFDA for its ANDA for generic Mesalamine Extended Release Capsules, 500 mg, which is used to treat certain bowel disease or ulcerative colitis. Also its used to reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis such as diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and stomach pain. The generic approved product Pentasa has annualised sales in the US of $213 mn, which is sizeable addressable market. Hence the approval is positive
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    10 May 2022 , 12:37PM The Halol manufacturing plant underwent a GMP inspection by the USFDA from April 26 to May 9, 2022 and the inspection ended with USFDA issuing a Form 483 with 10 observations. The management is committed to addressing the observations promptly and expects to submit all the responses within the next 15 days. The receipt of the form 483 with 10 observations is negative for Sun pharma and could slow down the new product launch momentum in the US.
  • Sun Pharma Halol unit gets 10 observations from USFDA

    10 May 2022 , 12:32PM USFDA issues 10 observations to Sun Pharma's Halol facility post-inspection
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    10 May 2022 , 9:17AM Almirall, a European Pharma major has announced a strong performance for 1Q CY2022 and in its Outlook has mentioned of a strong growth for its product Illumetry, which is biologic products used to treat moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, in Europe markets. Further Almirall’s Illumetri has staged a strong 60% yoy growth for Q1 2022 and expects a strong growth outlook for Illumetri. Sun Pharma’s Illumya is a competitor and hence a positive outlook for Illumetri could have a positive rub off effect on Sun Pharma’s Illumya sales, which is a part of the Specialty basket.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    2 May 2022 , 9:54AM The company was under anti trust litigation with Ranbaxy Inc’s unit over three generic drugs. The US court of Boston has granted a preliminary approval to the anti trust litigation settlement amounting to $ 485 mn. The settlement of the litigation is positive for Sun pharma and could remove the overhang on the stock.
  • Aurobindo, Sun Pharma

    25 Apr 2022 , 12:01PM Aurobindo Pharma is recalling 4,33,809 vials of Cyanocobalamin injection, used to treat deficiency of vitamin B12, as the USFDA has classified it as being a sub-potent drug. While Sun Pharma is recalling 73,030 boxes of Cequa and the USFDA has specified reason as Sub potent drug as well as low out-of-specification results obtained and the presence of particulate matter in the affected lot. The USFDA has classified these recalls as Class III, which is is initiated in a situation in which use of, or exposure to, a violative product is not likely to cause adverse health consequences, hence this is unlikely to have any material impact on the financial performance of these companies.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    30 Mar 2022 , 12:42PM Sun Pharma: Had earlier announced that it had entered in to a share purchase agreement with Daiichi Sankyo Company, Japan to acquire a 11.28% stake representing 68,86,500 equity shares in Zenotech Laboratories Limited, which is presently a subsidiary of Sun Pharma. Now the company has announced the completion of the acquisition. Post acquisition Sun pharma would hold 68.84% of the total paid up capital of Zenotech Laboratories. As it is a subsidiary company, the acquisition is unlikely to have any material impact on the overall financials of Sun Pharma.
  • Sun Pharma to launch Vortioxetine version in India

    30 Mar 2022 , 12:20PM Sun Pharma to introduce its version of Vortioxetine in India under an exclusive patent license from Lundbeck
  • Sun Pharma

    28 Mar 2022 , 2:17PM Sun Pharma: Wholly owned US subsidiary company has presented a data from two pivotal Phase 3 clinical trials of WINLEVI cream for the topical treatment of acne vulgaris. The results from the trials were positive and showed favourable safety and efficacy data in patients 12 years of age and older. With the successfully completion of the trials, Winlevi would strengthen the dermatology portfolio and is a potential positive.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    24 Mar 2022 , 10:27AM Along with its US subsidiary company has entered in to a settlement agreement by signing a bindin term sheet with two plaintiffs, the Direct Purchaser and End-Payor Plaintiffs collectively resolving all of the claims against the Company, in the matter In re Ranbaxy Generic Drug Application Antitrust Litigation, that was going on in the US courts for several years. The litigation involved three drugs generic Diovan, generic Nexium and generic Valcyte and the total settlement amount as agreed is $485 mn (~ RS 3700 cr). The settlement of the litigations is positive read through, as it could remove the overhang.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    22 Mar 2022 , 2:42PM Sun Pharma: Has entered in to an share purchase agreement with Daiichi Sankyo Company, Japan to acquire a 11.28% stake representing 68,86,500 equity shares in Zenotech Laboratories Limited, which is presently a subsidiary of Sun Pharma. The acquisition is done with an objective to consolidate Sun Pharma’s holding in the subsidiary company and post-acquisition Sun’s stake in the Zenotech would increase from 57.56% to 68.84%. The consideration for said acquisition is Rs 5.32 crore (~Rs 7.73 per share for Zenotech). As it is a subsidiary company, the acquisition is unlikely to have any material impact on the overall financials of Sun Pharma.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    11 Mar 2022 , 12:16PM Cypher Pharmaceuticals and Sun Pharma have announced the amendment / extension of their distribution pact for Sun Pharma's exclusive right to market, sell and distribute the isotrentinoin product portfolio, Absorica and Absorica AG, Absorica LD in the US. The amendment extends the relationship from November 30, 2022 until December 31, 2026. As per the pact Absorica and Absorica AG pact has been extended till December 2026 while that of Absorica LD has been extended till December 2024. Given the improving traction in Absorica (part of the specialty portfolio for Sun Pharma), the extension of distribution pact bodes well and would support the growth in the portfolio, hence positive.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    9 Mar 2022 , 11:13AM Sun Pharma: Subsidiary company Taro Pharmaceutical Industries, had on 22 february 2022 had signed a definitive agreement with Galderma to acquire Alchemee, formerly The Proactiv Company. Now the company has announced the closure of the transaction and acquired the said assets by making a payment of $99.297 mn post working capital adjustments.
  • Sun Pharma and Aurobindo Pharma

    28 Feb 2022 , 11:17AM As per news reports, Aurobindo and Sun Pharma are recalling drugs in the US markets. Aurobindo’s US arm – Aurobindo Pharma is recalling 1,15,776 bottles of Moxifloxacin Ophthalmic Solution, used in the treatment of bacterial infections. Sun Pharma is recalling 59,232 bottles of Chlorthalidone tablets, used for reducing excess fluid levels in the body. Both the companies have initiated a voluntary recall and the USFDA has classified these recalls as a class II recall and hence unlikely to have any material impact on the financials of the company.
  • Sun Pharma arm to acquire Alchemee from Galderma for $90 million

    23 Feb 2022 , 12:05PM Galderma and Taro Pharmaceutical Industries signed a definitive agreement for Taro to acquire Alchemee from Galderma
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    23 Feb 2022 , 9:54AM Sun Pharma: Subsidiary company Taro Pharmaceutical Industries, signed a definitive agreement with Galderma to acquire Alchemee, formerly The Proactiv Company, for a cash consideration of $90 mn. The agreement between Galderma and Taro includes Alchemee's business and assets around the world, including the Proactiv brand. The Proactive company’s business includes developing, manufacturing, marketing, selling and distributing products sold under the Proactiv, Restorative Elements in Skin brands. The acquired business reported net sales of $165.9mn and $198 mn for 2021 and 2020 respectively. The addition of Proactive would strengthen the dermatology segment for Sun Pharma and hence is positive
  • Sun Pharma Q3FY22 results

    31 Jan 2022 , 4:06PM Sun Pharma Q3FY22 results: Strong quarter; Earnings marginally ahead of estimates
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    27 Jan 2022 , 11:23AM Sun Pharma: wholly owned subsidiary – Sun Pharma Canada Inc, announced the launch of CEQUA in Canada markets. Cequa is the first dry eye treatment available in Canada delivered with Nano micellar (NCELL) technology. The launch is an important milestone for the company and would strengthen its ophthalmic portfolio in Canada markets. There are more than 6 mn patients suffering from dry eye disease in Canada and Cequa can be a potential medicine for them thus pointing at a sizeable addressable market, hence positive
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    29 Dec 2021 , 10:59AM As per media reports, the company is planning to a set up a new manufacturing facility in Andhra Pradesh. The management is in discussion with the state Government for the same. Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharma receives DCGI approval for Molxvir (Molnupiravir) in India

    28 Dec 2021 , 2:49PM Sun Pharma gets Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) nod from DCGI for Molnupiravir for COVID patients in India
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    16 Dec 2021 , 10:24AM Sun Pharma: A wholly owned subsidiary of the company has received final approval from USFDA for its ANDA for generic Amphotericin B Liposome for Injection, 50 mg/vial Single-Dose Vial. Sun Pharma has been granted Competitive Generic Therapy (CGT) designation by USFDA and being the first approved generic, is eligible for 180 days of CGT exclusivity. The drug had annualized sales of approximately US$ 136 million in USA. Given the healthy addressable market size and 180 days CGT exclusivity, the approval is positive.
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA approval for Amphotericin B injection

    16 Dec 2021 , 10:05AM Sun Pharma announces USFDA nod for Generic Amphotericin B Liposome Injection
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    1 Dec 2021 , 11:25AM The company’s wholly owned subsidiary – Dusa Pharmaceuticals USA, has reached settlement with Biofrontera Pharma GMBH to resolve a litigation over misappropriation of trade secrets and unfair practice. Basis the settlement reached, Dusa Pharmaceuticals would be entitled to receive $22.5 mn (~Rs 170 crore). Both the companies have filed a settlement notice with the US District court and after thirty days, if Biofrontera complies with the terms of settlement agreement, the court would pass an order dismissing the litigation. Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    8 Nov 2021 , 9:53AM Sun Pharma: Subsidiary companies Taro and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Inc has entered in to a settlement agreement with the Direct Purchaser Plaintiffs in the - In Re-Generic Pharmaceuticals Pricing Antitrust Litigation, USA. As per the terms of the settlement agreement will make an agreegate payment of $85 mn in exchange for a full release of all claims asserted against them by the Direct Purchaser Action by settlement class members. The settlement payment amounts will be reduced by US$10 Million if the direct purchasers that opt out of the putative class collectively account for 20 percent or more of the subsidiary companies dollar sales. The Settlement Agreements are subject to Court approval. The settlement amount paid has already been provided for by Sun Pharmaceutical, so is unlikely to have material impact on the financials and would remove the overhang.
  • Sun Pharma introduces skin cream in US

    1 Nov 2021 , 2:44PM Winlevi is the first USFDA approved Acne drug and would further strengthen the company’s specialty products portfolio in the US
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    11 Oct 2021 , 10:56AM As per media news, company’s arm Taro gets USFDA approval for generic of Rhofade to treat Rosacea, which is certain type of skin disorder. The approval would widen the product offering, so positive.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    28 Sep 2021 , 2:03PM Sun Pharma: Has launched a novel formulations product – Chericof 12, which is the first prescription cough syrup in India and is approved for patients of age group 6 years and above. All cough syrups generally give relief for 6-8 hours, but Chericof gives relief for 12 hours . The drug is manufactured using the Polistirex technology for sustained release of the medicine in the body, providing 12 hour relief to the patient with a 2 dose regimen. The launch is positive as it would add to the growth of the India business, which constitutes around 31% of the overall sales.
  • Sun Pharma launches Chericof 12 in India

    28 Sep 2021 , 12:36PM Sun Pharma launches Chericof 12 in India, a novel formulation that provides relief from cough for up to 12 hours
  • Sun Pharma

    9 Sep 2021 , 10:50AM The healthcare segment of the company has forayed in to the nutrition bar segment of the launch of the Revital NXT, in two different variants – Revital Energy NXT and Revital Protein NXT. The product is a brand extension of Revital –H, which is a health supplement. With the increasing health consciousness there is a rise in demand for on the go nutrition products like the Revital NXT. Foray in the fast growing nutrition bar segment in India is positive for the company
  • Sun Pharma's foray into Nutrition Bar segment with the launch of Revital NXT

    8 Sep 2021 , 12:42PM Revital NXT is India’s first nutrition bar with the goodness of Natural Ginseng, 16 vitamins & minerals and triple blend protein
  • Sun Pharma, Cassiopea announce the expiry of the HSR Act process

    31 Aug 2021 , 11:09AM Sun Pharma and Cassiopea announce the expiry of the HSR Act process and the successful consummation of their Winlevi agreement
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Q1FY22 Result Update

    2 Aug 2021 , 12:00PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited Q1FY22 Result Update: Strong Q1; growth outlook stays bright
  • Sun Pharma: Q1FY22 results

    30 Jul 2021 , 3:18PM Sun Pharma: Q1FY22 results: Strong quarter; Results ahead of estimates
  • Sun Pharma: Q1FY22 results

    30 Jul 2021 , 3:17PM Sun Pharma: Q1FY22 results: Strong quarter; Results ahead of estimates
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    26 Jul 2021 , 2:41PM Sun Pharma: has entered in to an license agreement with Cassiopea SpA, a specialty pharmaceutical company developing and preparing to commercialize prescription drugs with novel mechanisms of action, in the area of dermatology. The License agreement is for a product Winlevi and as per the terms of the agreement, Sun Pharma will have the exclusive right to commercialize Winlevi in the United States and Canada, and Cassiopea will be the exclusive supplier of the product. Winlevi is expected to be available in US in Q4CY2021. The addition of Winlevi would further strengthen Sun Pharma’s position in the acne segment in the US and Canada markets, hence positive.
  • Sun Pharma

    2 Jul 2021 , 9:43AM Sun Pharma: The company’s arm – Taro Pharma gets USFDA approval for antibiotic Clindamycin Phosphate lotion which is indicated for the treatment of Acne. The approval is positive for US business of Sun Pharma which accounts for around 30% of FY21 sales.
  • Sun Pharma settles patent litigation with Celgene Corporation

    22 Jun 2021 , 2:08PM Sun Pharma announces settlement of patent litigation for Generic Revlimid in US
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    22 Jun 2021 , 9:55AM Sun Pharma: Has reached an settlement agreement with Celgene Corporation (wholly-owned subsidiary of Bristol Myers Squibb), to resolve the patent litigation regarding submission of an ANDA for a generic version of Revlimid (lenalidomide capsules) in the US. As per the terms of the agreement Celgene will grant Sun Pharma a license to patents for manufacturing and selling limited quantity of generic lenalidomide capsules in US starting on a confidential date after March 2022, while it could manufacture and sell an unlimited quantity in the US beginning January 31, 2026. The settlement agreement is positive for Sun pharma as it could now be able to sell generic Lenalidomide capsules in US as per the terms of the agreement
  • Sun Pharma enters into a licence agreement with Ferring Pharma

    2 Jun 2021 , 3:10PM Sun Pharma entering into licensing agreement with Ferring Pharmaceuticals for introducing CARITEC in India
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries : Q4FY2021 Result update

    28 May 2021 , 10:54AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited: Q4FY2021 Result update - Strong Q4; Long term levers intact
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    24 May 2021 , 12:04PM Sun Pharma: As per media news the company is recalling 50,868 bottles of its diabetes drug Metformin HCl extended-release tablets in the US market. The firm is recalling the affected lot of 500 mg tablets (in 500 count bottles) due to "presence of foreign substance identified as activated carbon". The lot was manufactured at the Halol plant of the company. The USFDA has classified the voluntary recall as class II recall and hence is unlikely to have any material impact on the financials performance of the company.
  • Sun Pharma

    20 May 2021 , 9:15AM Sun Pharma: Taro has reported a weak set of results for the quarter. The revenues have declined by 15% YoY to $ 148.3 mn, largely due to higher than normal stocking in the corresponding quarter of previous year. The gross margins have contracted by 660 bps YoY to 51.9%. Taro has reported an operating loss of $ 41.9mn as compared to an operating income of $57.2 mn. Excluding the one time item pertaining to settlement and loss contingencies charges, operating income was $38.1 mn for the quarter. Consequently to this Taro reported a net loss of $29.8 mn for the quarter compared to net income of $54.2 mn in quarter ending March 2020. Adjusting for the settlement and loss contingencies charges the net income stood at $31mn which was decline of 42.8% YoY
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    10 May 2021 , 1:59PM Sun Pharma: Has entered into a royalty-free, non-exclusive voluntary licensing agreement with Eli Lilly for expanding access to Eli Lilly’s drug, baricitinib in India. Sun Pharma will manufacture and distribute the drug in India. Baricitinib is used in combination with remdesivir for the treatment of suspected or laboratory confirmed COVID-19 in hospitalized adults requiring supplemental oxygen, invasive mechanical ventilation, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. With the surge in Covid cases in India, the demand for Barcitinib is expected to be higher, hence the licensing agreement is positive.
  • Sun Pharma signs voluntary licensing agreement with Eli Lilly

    10 May 2021 , 12:23PM Voluntary licensing agreement with Eli Lilly for expanding access to Baricitinib to help alleviate the burden of Covid-19 in India
  • Lupin, Sun Pharma, Jubilant Lifesciences

    26 Apr 2021 , 11:55AM As per media reports, the companies have initiated a product recall of different product in the US markets. is recalling 17,814 bottles of Cefprozil for Oral Suspension USP for being super potent. The drug is used to treat ear infections, skin infections, and other bacterial infections. Sun Pharma is recalling 13,834 bottles of diabetes drug Riomet in the US due to "Microbial Contamination of Non-Sterile Product. Jubilant Lifesciences fully owned subsidiary company – Cadista Holdings is recalling 2,192 bottles of an antifungal medication Itraconazole Capsules due to "Failed Dissolution Specifications". All the three recalls are being classified as class II recalls and so this is unlikely to have any material impact on the financials of these companies.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    8 Apr 2021 , 10:09AM As per the media news, Company’s arm – Taro gets USFDA tentative approval for Oxymetazoline HCL. The drug is indicated for to relieve nasal discomfort caused by colds, allergies, and hay fever. It is also used to relieve sinus congestion. The approval is positive as it would add to the US sales growth.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited: Stock Update

    5 Apr 2021 , 12:06PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited: Stock Update – Specialty business to pave growth path
  • Sun Pharmaceutical

    30 Mar 2021 , 9:35AM As per media reports, the company’s arm Taro Pharmaceuticals gets USFDA approval for Clobetasol Propionate, which is used to treat select skin conditions. The US constitutes around 32% of overall sales of the company and the approval is positive as it would add to the topline growth.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    8 Mar 2021 , 10:40AM Sun Pharma: Wholly owned subsidiary company has acquired a 12.5%stake in WRS Bioproducts PTY Ltd, Australia for a consideration of AUD 2 mn (~ Rs 12 crore) by way of allotment of 428,571 equity shares. WRS Bioproducts is an early stage company engaged in developing novel technologies to produce and commercialize supplements and nutraceutical ingredients from diverse algae species. The company was incorporated in September 2016 and till has not reported revenues. The acquired company intends to grow diverse algae, harvest, extract and purify high value ingredients for sale to dietary supplements, food, cosmetic and animal nutrition markets using the novel technologies it is developing. The acquisition could complement the growth of Sun Pharma by widening its presence in the Nutraceuticals and Food Supplements space.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    4 Mar 2021 , 9:29AM As per media news, the company gets USFDA approval for a generic version of Lotemax eye drops. The medicine is indicated for the treatment of certain eye conditions like inflammation and is also used after eye surgeries. It is also used to relieve symptoms such as swelling and itchiness. The approval is positive as it would widen the company’s product offerings in the US
  • Sun Pharma launches website for its long-term care portfolio in the US

    25 Feb 2021 , 10:13AM New website highlights the efficacy and safety profile for each product
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    23 Feb 2021 , 3:33PM Sun Pharma: Will introduce the complete range of Brivaracetam dosage forms at an affordable price for epilepsy treatment in India. The company’s product Brevipil tablet (Strength - 25 mg/50 mg/75 mg/100 mg) was launched in February 21, 2021 post patent expiry of innovator product and Brevipil oral and injectable solution would be available in the markets over the next few week. It is estimated that around 5.7 - 6.4 mn people in India suffer from epilepsy. India formulations constitute around 30% of FY2020 sales and the introduction of Brivaracetam dosage is positive as it would add to the growth of the domestic business
  • Sun Pharma to launch Epilepsy drug Brivaracetam in India

    23 Feb 2021 , 2:58PM Sun Pharma to introduce complete range of Brivaracetam at an affordable price for epilepsy treatment in India
  • Sun Pharma, Alkem Labs, Ajanta Pharma

    23 Feb 2021 , 9:13AM As per media reports, the companies have received an approval from USFDA for generic of Northera, a drug used to drug used to reduce dizziness, lightheadedness in adults who have symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension. As per IQVIA the product approved has a market size of $352 mn for the most recent 12 months ending December 2020. The approval for the product is positive as it would add to the US sales of the companies.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    12 Feb 2021 , 12:01PM SEBI has issued a settlement order dated 11 February 2021, in respect of adjudication proceedings initiated related to e show cause notices issued on 19 May 2020 to Sun Pharma and the whole time directors. The said show cause notices pertained to alleged violations of certain provisions of SEBI pertaining to related parties. The aforementioned proceedings have been settled and disposed as per the settlement terms set out in the Settlement Order. The issue of settlement order is likely to remove the overhang and hence is sentimentally positive
  • Sun Pharma: Subsidiary company

    9 Feb 2021 , 10:14AM Sun Pharma: Subsidiary company - Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Has reported a weak set of results for the quarter. The revenues from operations grew 11% YoY to Rs 21.8 cr. Clinical trials expenses for the quarter stood at RS 35.38 cr as compared to Rs 26.29 crore. This resulted in a an operating loss for the quarter at Rs 63 cr as compared to a loss of Rs 53.7 cr in Q3FY2021. Tracking the weak operating performance, the net loss for the quarter stood at 67.6 cr as compared to a loss of RS 55 cr in corresponding quarter of previous year.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

    8 Feb 2021 , 2:08PM Sun Pharma: is recalling 36,275 cartons of estosterone Cypionate Injection in the US markets, a drug used to treat low testosterone levels in the US market for incorrect labelling. The affected lot of the injection was manufactured in India and was distributed by the company’s US arm. The recall has been classified as a class III recall, which is initiated in a "situation in which use of, or exposure to, a violative product is not likely to cause adverse health consequences. Hence the recall is unlikely to have any material impact on the financial performance of the company.
  • Taro Pharma

    28 Jan 2021 , 10:33AM Taro Pharma: Sun Pharma’s subsidiary company – Taro Pharmaceutical has reported weak results for Q3FY2021. The revenues for the quarter at $140 mn declined 5% YoY. The gross margins declined by 1150 bps yoy to 52.2% due to continued price erosion, unfavorable impact from COVID, change in product mix, and certain one-time charges. The operating margins declined by 1350 bPS yoy to 25.9% largely due to higher R&D expense. The Operating Income for therefore contracted 37.6% YoY to $36.3 mn. Tracking the weak operating performance coupled with a higher tax, the net profit stood at $32.9mn, decline of 51% YoY.
  • Sun Pharma

    5 Jan 2021 , 9:43AM Initiates Phase II clinical trials for SCD -044, (a novel, orally bioavailable sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor 1 agonist) in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. The study will enroll approximately 240 subjects and topline results are expected in 2022. SCD-044 is also being evaluated in other autoimmune disorders and Phase 2 studies for other indications like atopic dermatitis, are also expected to be initiated soon. Further the company has also entered in to a world wide licensing agreement with Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Ltd. (SPARC) for the development and commercialization of SCD044. Positive for Sun Pharma and SPARC if the trials are successfully completed and the drug gets regulatory approvals
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries: Stock Update

    15 Dec 2020 , 11:08AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited: Stock Update - Specialty business to pave the growth path
  • Sun Pharma

    10 Dec 2020 , 10:33AM Sun Pharma: gets tentative approval from the USFDA for its hypertension drug - Droxidopa. The approval is positive as it would help widen the product offerings in the US markets.
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals

    3 Dec 2020 , 9:37AM Sun Pharma: Gets USFDA approval for Generic of Wellbutrin XL, which is an antidepressant drug used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    23 Nov 2020 , 11:06AM Promoter entity Shanghvi Finance Pvt Ltd has created a pledge of 41 lakh equity shares of the company, translating in to around 0.17% of the total shares outstanding.
  • Sun Pharma

    13 Nov 2020 , 10:31AM Sun Pharma: Subsidiary company Taro gets approval from USFDA for a pneumonia drug -Clindamycin Phosphate. The approval is positive as it would enable revenue growth.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries: Q2FY2021

    4 Nov 2020 , 11:00AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited: Q2FY2021 Results Review – Shining quarter for Sun
  • Sun Pharma (Taro Results)

    29 Oct 2020 , 10:27AM Taro’s results for quarter ending September 2020
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    24 Sep 2020 , 9:48AM Sun Pharma to voluntarily recall one lot of RIOMET ER, to the consumer level in the US markets. The drug is used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. The recall is due to the level of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) being above the acceptable daily intake limit established by USFDA. This is sentimentally negative.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    23 Sep 2020 , 11:56AM As per media news FDA has cited Sun Pharma’s New Jersey based subsidiary company – Ohm Laboratories for Batch Testing Failures and other quality failures following an inspection. This could impact the performance of two key drugs - Atorvastatin generic and absorica as these are manufactured from the plant
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    23 Sep 2020 , 10:10AM Subsidiary company launches Illumiya in Japan. The drug is indicated for treatment of for the treatment of plaque psoriasis in adult patients. This is positive as expanding geographic reach would bring in incremental revenues.
  • Sun Pharma announces launch of ILUMYA

    23 Sep 2020 , 10:04AM Sun Pharma announces the launch of ILUMYA for treatment of Plaque Psoriasis in Japan
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    19 Aug 2020 , 10:59AM The US government has sued subsidiary company Teva Pharma accusing it of causing the submission of false claims to Medicare by using kickbacks to boost sales of its multiple sclerosis drug Copaxone. The drug is one of the key drug and has generated revenues of around $435 mn in January to June period. The development would be sentimentally negative for Sun pharma.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    10 Aug 2020 , 10:07AM As per media reports, the company has initiated a recall of 3,516 bottles of antiepileptic drug, Clonazepam orally disintegrating tablets in the US markets. The reason for the recall is cited as cross contamination with other products. The USFDA has classified the action as a Class-III recall. Hence this is unlikely to have any significant impact on the financial performance of the company.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    5 Aug 2020 , 10:26AM Subsidiary company SPARC (Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Limited) reported its Q1FY2021 results. The company has reported a profit of Rs 56 cr as against a loss of Rs 94 cr in Q1FY20. The revenues are up 7% YoY to Rs 185.45 crore. The operating profits at Rs 60.78 cr almost flat on a YoY basis. Operating margins declined 230 bps yoy to 32.8%.
  • Sun Pharma launches Fluguard in India at Rs. 35 tablet

    4 Aug 2020 , 3:13PM Favipiravir is only oral anti-viral treatment approved in India
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    3 Aug 2020 , 11:54AM Subsidiary company - Taro Pharmaceuticals has completed the acquisition of Aquinox Pharmaceuticals by acquiring all the outstanding shares of the company.
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals

    3 Aug 2020 , 11:22AM Sun Pharmaceuticals Limited: Result Update –Healthy quarter; US business concerns yet to abate
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    31 Jul 2020 , 5:07PM Sun Pharma: Q1FY21 results: Strong quarter operationally; Adjusted PAT ahead of estimates
  • Sun Pharma

    30 Jul 2020 , 2:08PM WEAK Results - Sun Pharma: Subsidiary company Taro reported weak results for quarter ending June 2020. Net sales of $117.6 million were down 27% YoY. The operating loss for the quarter stood at $ 449 mn, as the company took a one time settlement charge related to the global resolution of the Department of Justice investigations into the U.S. generic pharmaceutical industry, amounting to $ 478.9 mn. Excluding the settlement and loss contingencies charges, operating income was $29.8 million for the quarter and operating margins stood at 25.3% (down from 42.5% in corresponding quarter previous year). The net loss for the quarter stood at $ 434.9 mn. Adjusting for the legal charges, the net income stood at $ 29 mn compared to $66.2 mn.
  • Sun Pharma

    29 Jul 2020 , 11:55AM Sun Pharma: Subsidiary company – Taro Pharmaceuticals has acquired a Canada based company Aquinox Pharmaceuticals Inc by way of acquiring 100% equity shares and non voting preferred shares. The cost of acquisition is $8.2 mn (~Rs 63 cr). Aquinox is engaged in the business of research and development of pharmaceutical products for the purpose of commercialization. The acquisition is expected to be completed by 31 July 2020. As of December 2019, Aquinox reported a topline of $ 7.7 mn (~Rs 58 Cr). The acquisition is likely to be positive for Sun pharma, as it would be able to leverage the R&D capabilities of Aquinox as well as also would enable commercialization of new molecules.
  • Sun Pharma arm to acquire Aquinox Pharmaceuticals

    29 Jul 2020 , 10:16AM Taro Pharma to acquire Aquinox Pharmaceuticals
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    24 Jul 2020 , 9:42AM Taro has resolved all cases involving in connection with the multi-year investigations by the US - Department of Justice; Positive as this would remove the overhang on financial performance and also could have a positive rub off effect on other companies under the scanner for pricing related issues in US.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    7 Jul 2020 , 10:40AM Its arm Taro gets USFDA approval for Doxepin Hydrochloride capsules which are used to treat depressive, anxiety disorders. Taro has also received USFDA approval for Butalbital, Acetaminophen & Caffeine Capsules. Acetaminophen helps to decrease pain from headache, caffeine helps increase effects of acetaminophen & Butalbital, a sedative helps to decrease anxiety & cause sleepiness & relaxation. Collectively, the approval is positive as it would drive Taro’s performance and in turn could benefit Sun Pharma
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    6 Jul 2020 , 11:43AM Promoter group company Shanghvi Finance revoked pledge of 59.52 lakh shares, which is around 2.4% of the total shares outstanding on June 30, 2020.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    3 Jul 2020 , 10:11AM As per media news, the company gets USFDA approval for generic version of Protonix drug. The drug is used to treat is used to treat erosive esophagitis and other conditions involving excess stomach acid. The approval is positive as it could help improve the US business.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    29 Jun 2020 , 1:39PM Gets approval from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), Japan for ILUMYA (tildrakizumab) for the treatment of plaque psoriasis in adult patients who have an inadequate response to conventional therapies. Japan has approximately 430,000 people currently suffering from psoriasis. ILUMYA is the first innovative drug from Sun Pharma plans to be launched in Japan and the drug offers new treatment option with only one injection every 12 weeks for the patients. This approval is positive as it would enable the company to improve the topline performance
  • Sun Pharma gets Japan regulator nod for Psoriasis Drug

    29 Jun 2020 , 12:24PM Sun Pharma announces Japan MHLW approval of ILUMYA for the treatment of Plaque Psoriasis
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    15 Jun 2020 , 2:26PM A wholly owned subsidiary company has entered in to an exclusive licensing and distribution agreement with Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC (Hikma) for ILUMYA, for the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region. The medicine is used for the treatment of adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis who are candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy. As per the terms of agreement, Hikma would be responsible for registration and commercialization of the product in all MENA markets and Sun pharma would be responsible for supply of the product. Sun Pharma would be eligible to get milestone payments from Hikma. The agreement tenure is 15 years from the first sale with two years of automatic renewal period. The development is positive as it would help grow the Ilumya brand sales and in turn drive the revenues of the company.
  • Sun Pharma, Hikma enter into exclusive licensing agreement for ILUMYA

    15 Jun 2020 , 1:02PM Sun Pharma enters into exclusive licensing & distribution agreement with Hikma Pharma for Ilumya for Middle East & North Africa regions
  • Sun Pharma

    15 Jun 2020 , 12:21PM Announces long-term insignts into the clinical use of Ilumya, in a cross section of people living with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. ILUMYA is approved for adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and is being evaluated for other possible uses. Also the company has shared insights for other two speciality medicines – Odomzo and Levulan Kerastick. Odomzo is hedgehog inhibitor, is used to treat adults with locally advanced basal cell carcinoma. The company Levulan Kearstick is a topical solution is used with the BLU-U Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy Illuminator is used to treat minimally to moderately thick actinic keratosis. The company’s insights have highlighted that the use f these drugs can be extended and also the efficacy of these drugs would not change with commonly used medicines. However we would await to get further clarity on the demand for these medicines post the insights shared by the company
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    5 Jun 2020 , 2:13PM Commences Phase II clinical trial on AQCH, a phytopharmaceutical (plant derived) drug for treatment of COVID-19. The company had received an approval from the DCGI (drugs controller general of India) for conducting clinical trials in April 2020. AQCH, which is being developed for dengue, has shown broad antiviral effect in in vitro studies and hence is being tested as a potential treatment option for COVID-19. The clinical trials would be conducted across 10 centers in India with 10 day duration. The results of the clinical trials are expected in October 2020 and if successful the company would file for approvals and subsequent launch, which seems far-fetched.
  • Sun Pharma initiates Phase II clinical trial on AQCH

    5 Jun 2020 , 11:42AM Sun Pharma initiates Phase II clinical trial on AQCH, a phytopharmaceutical drug, as potential treatment for COVID-19 patients
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, SPARC

    29 May 2020 , 11:27AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries and Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company (SPARC) have entered into a worldwide licensing pact for development and commercialisation of a novel molecule which can be used for potential treatment of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and other auto-immune disorders. The Molecule is now entering the phase 2 clinical trials. If successfully developed and approved could add to the growth
  • SPARC, Sun Pharma enter into a worldwide license agreement for SCD-044

    28 May 2020 , 3:40PM License agreement for SCD-044 between Sun Pharma and SPARC
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    28 May 2020 , 10:01AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries: Q4FY2020 Result Update - Uncertainities to stay; Retain Hold
  • Sun Pharma

    20 May 2020 , 9:34AM Taro Pharmaceuticals has reported a weak set of results for Q4FY2020 impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Revenues declined by 3% yoy to USD 174.9 mn, EBITDA Margins contracted sharply by 920 bps YoY to 32.7%. The operating profits has declined by 24% YoY to USD 57 mn. Tracking the weak operating performance, the profits at USD 54.2 mn declined by 7% YoY. The management has mentioned that it continues to face challenges in the US generic market. Weak performance by Taro could have an adverse impact on Sun Pharma
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    7 May 2020 , 9:54AM Gets USFDA approval for Esomeprazol Magnesium. The drug is indicated to treat certain stomach and esophagus problems. The launch would add to the US business growth. Positive
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    30 Apr 2020 , 10:07AM As per media news Company gets US FDA nod for anti-cough drug, Guaifenesin. Positive as this would strengthen the US business.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    23 Apr 2020 , 10:02AM Promoter Group company – Shanghvi Finance Pvt Ltd’s amount of pledged shares has reduced to 3.89% from 4.83 % (% of total share capital). The amount of pledged shares of the promoters group has reduced marginally by ~1% as of December 2019 compared to March 2019.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    15 Apr 2020 , 10:17AM As per media news, the company Gets tentative US FDA approval for Dapagliflozin, Diabetes drug. Positive as this would aid growth in the US business.
  • Sun Pharma

    30 Mar 2020 , 12:13PM The USFDA has classified the Halol Plant as OAI (Official Action Indicated), inspected between December 3-13, 2019 and was issued 8 observations. The OAI classification implies that the USFDA may withhold approval of any pending product applications filed from this facility till the outstanding observations are resolved. The company has 19 ANDAs and 2 NDAs that are pending approval from Halol. The plant is estimated to account for around 10-15% of USA sales. Withholding approval for NDA / ANDA is negative as it would delay the likely launch of new products
  • Sun Pharma approves buyback of 4 crore shares

    17 Mar 2020 , 2:49PM Board approves Buy-back of equity shares
  • Sun Pharmaceutical surges as board to consider buyback

    13 Mar 2020 , 12:07PM Board to consider the proposal for buy-back of equity shares
  • Sun Pharma

    13 Mar 2020 , 10:17AM A meeting of the board of Directors is scheduled on 17th March 2020 to consider a proposal of Buy back of equity shares and if deemed fit to approve the same.
  • Sun Pharma

    4 Mar 2020 , 11:46AM As per media news, Subsidiary company Taro Pharmaceutical Industries is in to a settlement agreement, in connection with a drug price rigging conspiracy between 2013 to 2015. The drugs under price rigging were intended for common skin conditions, high blood pressure and cystic fibrosis. The agreement would resolve the overhang on the stock as the settlement would be better than penalty. Also the promoter group has bought 19.8 lakhs share of the company from open markets (translating in to 0.08% of share capital). This is positive for Sun Pharma.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical

    27 Feb 2020 , 11:15AM The company has launched Riomet ER - in the U.S., as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve Glycemic control in patients of 10 years of age and older with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Riomet ER is the first and only FDA-approved liquid formulation of extended release metformin, which addresses the needs of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, including residents in long-term care facilities, who often have issues swallowing solid medications. The US FDA had approved Riomet ER on 29th August 2019. Almost every 1 person out of 10 in the US has diabetes and, off-this 90% - 95% have type 2 diabetes (which is non-insulin dependent), which form a target segment for Riomet. Positive.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    24 Feb 2020 , 10:51AM As per media reports, the investigations by SEBI have been completed following a whistle blower compliant. The investigation points that there were and there were no alleged transactions found of Rs 42,000 cr or Siphoning off of personal Profits of Rs 10,000cr as were indicated by the whistle blower in a compliant letter to SEBI. This is positive for Sun Pharma as it would remove the overhang on the stock.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    11 Feb 2020 , 2:34PM Sun Pharma: Q3FY2020 Result Update – Near-term concerns stay
  • Sun Pharma

    7 Feb 2020 , 11:17AM Sun Pharma: Q3YF20 Results: Operationally in line results
  • Sun Pharma

    5 Feb 2020 , 1:23PM Has launched ABSORICA LD (isotretinoin) capsules, through a subsidiary, for U.S. markets. The drug is used for the treatment of severe recalcitrant nodular acne in patients 12 years of age and older. ABSORICA LD is the only isotretinoin formulation to feature Sun Pharma’s micronization technology, which utilizes micronized particles to optimize absorption at a 20% lower dose. Positive as this would further strengthen the company’s position in the regulated US markets.
  • Sun Pharma, Subsidiary

    4 Feb 2020 , 11:19AM Taro reported a weak results for Q3FY2020. The revenues stood at $ 147.7 mn, a decline of 16% yoy. The EBITDA at $ 58.2 mn declined sharply by 26% yoy. The EBITDA margins for the quarter stood at 39.4%, down by 530 bps yoy. Reflecting the weak operating performance, PAT stood $ 67.7 mn, down steeply by 27.6% yoy.
  • Sun Pharma

    15 Jan 2020 , 11:22AM Enters in to exclusive license arrangement with Rockwell Medical to commercialise Triferic in India; Positive for Sun Pharma as this would expand its portfolio in core therapy areas
  • Sun Pharma

    30 Dec 2019 , 10:25AM As per media news, the company has received an approval from the US-FDA for an anti-bacterial drug Tobramycin. Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharma

    16 Dec 2019 , 11:26AM The USFDA has inspected the company’s Halol facility in between December 3-13, 2019. The inspection ended with the issue of Form 483 with 8 observations. Halol contributes around 10-12% of the US business. The nature of the observations is not known. Sentimentally Negative
  • Sun Pharma falls as Halol facility gets eight observations

    16 Dec 2019 , 10:16AM Sun Pharma under pressure after company receives eight USFDA observations for Halol unit
  • Sun Pharma

    13 Dec 2019 , 12:53PM As per media news, Taro gets USFDA nod for anti bacterial drug, Azithromycin. Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharma

    9 Dec 2019 , 2:32PM The company received tentative USFDA nod for Acne drug Minocycline Hydrochloride. Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    22 Nov 2019 , 10:52AM As per media news, Sun Pharma’s arm Taro gets tentative USFDA nod for Tavaborole drug. The medication is used to treat to enail infections caused by fungus. Also Sun Pharma has got a USFDA nod for Deferasirox, which is used to treat ongoing high levels of iron in the body caused by multiple blood transfusions. Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    20 Nov 2019 , 11:11AM As per media news, Sun Pharma to buy back in Taro Pharmaceuticals. The buyback is likely to be a key positive for Sun Pharma as this would be EPS accretive and would increase Sun Pharma’s voting power to 88% (post buy back), taking holding more than 90% will results in Taro becoming a private entity. Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals

    14 Nov 2019 , 11:39AM Sun Pharma:Q2FY20 Result Update - Concern Stays
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    13 Nov 2019 , 11:40AM As per media news, The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has exempted Sun Pharmaceutical Industries’ gemcitabine hydrochloride injection from price control in its last meeting on 30 October 2019. The approval for the ready-to-use infusion bags of gemcitabine hydrochloride injection, which exhibits anti-tumor activity and is used to treat various kinds of cancer. Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    11 Nov 2019 , 11:14AM ALERT: Sun Pharma: As per media reports, a former employee of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, India’s largest drug maker, has sued the company, for violating the US False Claims Act and discrimination at workplace. The employee alleged the company asked her to carry out off-label promotions of drugs (She identified three drugs – Ilumya, Yonsa and Absorica – that were promoted off-label to the US Medicare programme), which she said was prohibited by federal laws. Off-label marketing is the promotion of drugs for uses not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Negative read-thru
  • Sun Pharma

    7 Nov 2019 , 3:24PM Sun Pharma: Q2YF20 Results – Broadly Inline quarter
  • Sun Pharma

    7 Nov 2019 , 11:05AM As per media reports, the company has an approval from US –FDA for Erlotinib Hydrochloride. This is used to treat lung and pancreatic cancer. Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd

    6 Nov 2019 , 10:38AM Sun Pharma: Enters in to license agreement with AstraZeneca for Novel Oncology products in China – Positive read thru
  • Sun Pharma, AstraZeneca to develop oncology products for China

    6 Nov 2019 , 10:33AM Sun Pharma and AstraZeneca enter into License Agreement for Novel Oncology products in China
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries

    5 Nov 2019 , 10:53AM Sun Pharma (Taro): Sun Pharma’s subsidiary company, Taro has reported muted results for Q3 CY2019. The net sales for the quarter stood at USD 160.9 mn as against USD 158.9 mn, up 1%, primarily due to increase in volumes. Operating profit for the quarter stood at USD 62.6 mn as compared to USD 78.7 mn, which is a decline of 20% yoy. The decline in operating profit could be attributable to drop in gross margins, high R&D expenses and selling costs. The Net profit for the quarter stood at USD 56.2 mn as compared to USD 62.6 mn, which is a decline of 11% yoy. The is sentimentally negative for Sun Pharma
  • Sun Pharma launches CEQUA for treatment of dry eye disease in US

    14 Oct 2019 , 11:05AM Sun Pharma introduces CEQUA SUPPORTTM Specialty Pharmacy program to enable easy access for patients to obtain treatment
  • SEBI clears allegations against Sun Pharma

    29 Aug 2019 , 12:07PM Sun pharma: SEBI clears allegations against Sun Pharma; finds no merit in allegation of fraud . The outcome ends overhang surrounding corporate governance issues. Postive read-thru
  • Sun Pharma gains after clearing SEBI enquiry

    29 Aug 2019 , 11:03AM Sun Pharmaceutical rises over 4% to Rs. 431.6, after company clear preliminary enquiry of SEBI
  • Taro gets USFDA approval for Azelaic Acid Gel

    27 Aug 2019 , 11:02AM Sun Pharma: Taro gets USFDA approval for Azelaic Acid Gel, effective in the treatment of skin conditions like acne and rosacea – Positive read thru.
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA nod for Dapagliflozin Drug

    23 Aug 2019 , 12:33PM Sun Pharma: Gets USFDA approvals for Dapagliflozin Drug, positive read-thru
  • Sun Pharma arm ink pact with China Medical System

    19 Aug 2019 , 10:42AM Sun Pharma and China Medical System Holdings enter into licensing agreement for generic products in Mainland China
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA nod for Erlotinib

    23 Jul 2019 , 1:38PM Sun Pharma: Company gets USFDA approval for Erlotinib (gTarceva), used to treat on-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and several other types of cancer – Positive; Apart from Sun, Mylan and Teva are other players in the market.
  • Sun Pharma introduces Ezallor Sprinkle capsules in the US market

    15 Jul 2019 , 1:14PM Sun Pharma launches Ezallor Sprinkle in the US for people who have difficulty swallowing
  • Sun Pharmaceutical announces interim results from a Phase 2 study

    14 Jun 2019 , 1:08PM Sun Pharma announces Late-Breaking Phase 2 Data Showing Potential of ILUMYA to improve joint and skin symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Sun Pharma’s US subsidiary to announce Q4 numbers

    22 May 2019 , 12:17PM Sun Pharma in focus: Sun Pharma’s US subsidiary, Taro, to announce Q4 numbers in the late evening – Stock to remain in focus.
  • Sun Pharma launches Ready-to-Infuse INFUGEM in the US

    8 Apr 2019 , 11:00AM Sun Pharma announces that INFUGEM is the first and only chemotherapy product in a premixed, ready-to-infuse formulation
  • SEBI seeks explanation from Sun Pharmaceutical

    6 Mar 2019 , 11:27AM Sun Pharma: As per media reports, SEBI has sought an explanation from Sun Pharmaceutical on the alleged fund diversion of Rs 42,000 crore through its key distributor and subsidiary Aditya Medisales (AML) – Sentimentally negative.
  • Taro Pharma will report Q3FY2019 numbers today

    6 Feb 2019 , 10:25AM Sun Pharma in focus: Taro Pharma will report Q3FY2019 numbers today late night – Sun to remain in focus
  • Sun Pharmaceutical gets USFDA nod for Lialda

    29 Jan 2019 , 11:26AM Sun Pharmaceutical rises over 2% to Rs. 421.2, after the company gets USFDA nod for Lialda, to treat a certain bowel disease
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA nod to treat bowel disease

    29 Jan 2019 , 11:13AM Sun Pharma gets USFDA approval for gLialda, used to treat a certain bowel disease (ulcerative colitis) – Positive for Sun Pharma; Negative for cadila as competition in gLialda intensifies (Mylan & Teva are other players who already received approval).
  • Sun Pharma Clarification

    22 Jan 2019 , 10:08AM Sun Pharma: Company addresses main concerns by incorporating changes and clarifies them as mentioned below
  • Sun Pharma recalls 3,918 cartons

    21 Jan 2019 , 12:07PM Sun Pharma recalls 3,918 cartons and over 1.39 lakh vials of Vecuronium Bromide for Injection, used as part of general anesthesia, due to presence of particulate matter – Negative
  • Sun Pharmaceuticals hits 52-week low

    18 Jan 2019 , 11:02AM Sun Pharma falls to Rs. 375.4, after Moneylife opens up whistleblower documents for institutional investors
  • Management clarifies, Sun Pharma rises

    4 Dec 2018 , 10:31AM Sun Pharma says as of now it has not received any query from Sebi with regard to whistleblower complaint and not received any information from the markets regulator
  • Sun Pharma to acquire Pola Pharma Inc. in Japan

    27 Nov 2018 , 11:15AM Sun Pharma to acquire Pola Pharma Inc. in Japan for $1 mn, Pola Pharma had annual revenues of approximately $108 million and a net loss of $7 million for 12 months ended December 2017 on a consolidated basis. The acquisition to help in building global dermatology business- Being a small acquisition , we view this as a strategically positive for long term. In another news, Sun pharma has settles Modafinil antitrust litigation with certain US plaintiffs, owing this company has reported a net loss of Rs 218 crore in Q2FY19 largely due to Rs 950.5 crore write-off it took on Modafinil settlement. We view this development positive for the stock, as the overhang is gone.
  • Sun Pharma to acquire Pola Pharma in Japan

    27 Nov 2018 , 10:18AM Sun Pharma enters into a definitive agreement to acquire Pola Pharma Inc
  • Sun Pharma launches psoriasis treatment drug Ilumya in the US

    24 Oct 2018 , 10:46AM Sun Pharma launches speciality drug Ilumya or Tildrakizumab in US; Market size of psoriasis is $7-8b in US and there are around four drugs in this segment – Positive for Sun Pharma; Sun also has approval to launch this product in EU and Australia; We have a Buy reco on the stock with PT of Rs 765; Sun is one of our preferred pick.
  • USFDA updates Halol plant’s status to NAI

    5 Oct 2018 , 11:37AM Sun Pharma: USFDA updates Halol plant’s status to NAI (No Action Indicated) from VAI (Voluntary Action Indicated) earlier – Positive for Sun Pharma & SPARC; no more regulatory hurdles pending at Halol; We have a Buy recommendation on the stock with PT of Rs 765; Sun Pharma is one of the preferred pick in sector.
  • Sun Pharma gets Australia nod for psoriasis drug

    21 Sep 2018 , 12:04PM Sun Pharma gets Austrailian regulator nod for psoriasis drug, Ilumya
  • Sun Pharma gets another nod for Ilumya

    21 Sep 2018 , 12:00PM Sun Pharma gets Austrailian regulator nod for psoriasis drug, Ilumya
  • Sun Pharma bags EC approval for ILUMETRI

    19 Sep 2018 , 10:21AM Sun Pharma announces receipt of european commission approval for ILUMETRI® by Almirall
  • Sun Pharma, SPARC gets USFDA nod of xelpros

    14 Sep 2018 , 10:12AM Sun Pharma and SPARC receive USFDA approval of xelpros to treat Open-angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension; the approval comes from halol plant, (the approval negates the concern over the unit after the recent USFDA issued six observation)- Positive for sun pharmaand sparc. We have a buy recommendation on the stock with a PT of Rs 675. Sun is one of our preferred pick in the Pharma Sector
  • USFDA inspects Sun Pharma's Mohali plant

    12 Sep 2018 , 10:18AM Sun Pharma: USFDA inspects company’s Mohali plant (inspection has started on Sept, 10 2018); plant does not contribute much to US sales (import alert on Mohali plant was lifted recently) – Neutral read thru; We have a buy recommendation on the stock with PT of Rs. 765.
  • Sun Pharma to buy stake in Israel firm

    11 Sep 2018 , 10:10AM Sun Pharma wholly owned subsidiary to acquire 18.75% stake in Israel based Tarsius Pharma for $3 million
  • Sun Pharma falls after USFDA issues for Halol facility

    7 Sep 2018 , 12:38PM Sun Pharma slips over 5% to Rs. 640.95, on reports that the US drug regulator issued six observations to the company's Halol plant for inspection in August 2018
  • USFDA issues Form 483 with six observations

    7 Sep 2018 , 11:04AM Sun Pharma announces that USFDA issues Form 483 with six observations for key injectable plant Halol – Sentimentally negative for Sun; However, as observations do not seem to be serious in nature, hence is expected to be resolved soon; Will not escalate to warning letter or import alert.
  • Sun Pharma launches Volini Maxx

    29 Aug 2018 , 3:13PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries announces the launch of Volini Maxx, India’s strongest pain relief spray
  • USFDA surprise inspection at Sun Pharma's Halol facility

    27 Aug 2018 , 12:34PM USFDA starts surprise inspection at Sun Pharma’s Halol facility – Stock to remain in focus till outcome of the inspection; Lifting/Closure of Warning Letter will depend on the outcome of the ongoing inspection; We have a Buy rating on the stock with PT of Rs690.
  • Sun Pharma up on securing USFDA nod of CEQUA

    16 Aug 2018 , 12:10PM Sun Pharma rises by 3% to Rs618, after securing USFDA approval of CEQUA to treat dry eye disease
  • Sun Pharma numbers in line with expectation

    14 Aug 2018 , 3:20PM Sun Pharma net profit rises by 86% to Rs981.5 cr for the Quarter ended June 30, 2018
  • Sun Pharma launches Kapspargo Sprinkle in US

    7 Aug 2018 , 10:58AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries launches first USFDA approved, extended-release sprinkle formulation of Metoprolol succinate indicated for treatment of patients with Hypertension, Angina Pectoris and Heart Failure – Positive for Sun Pharma; Adds to Sun's focus on building a speciality pipeline; We currently have a Buy recommendation on the stock with PT of Rs625 and the stock is one of the preferred pick in the sector
  • Sun Pharma introduces Kapspargo Sprinkle in USA

    7 Aug 2018 , 10:55AM Sun Pharmaceutical launches Kapspargo Sprinkle extended-release capsules in the US
  • Sun Pharma launches generic Glumetza tablets in U

    25 Jul 2018 , 3:05PM Sun Pharma launches gGlumetza extended release tablets, in US; Market size of ~ Rs3050 crore
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA nod for Naproxen Sodium

    25 Jul 2018 , 11:05AM Sun Pharmaceutical receives USFDA approval for Naproxen Sodium
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA nod for INFUGEM™ Injection

    18 Jul 2018 , 12:28PM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries receives approval from the USFood and Drug Administration (USFDA) for INFUGEM™
  • Sun Pharma unit files lawsuit against German firm

    12 Jul 2018 , 11:45AM Sun Pharmaceutical wholly owned subsidiary, Dusa has file lawsuit against Bifrontera for patent infringement and trade secret misappropriation
  • Sun Pharma Halol out of USFDA regulatory hurdles

    14 Jun 2018 , 11:01AM We maintain our Buy recommendation on the stock with a revised PT of Rs. 625
  • Sun Pharma up on EIR from USFDA for Halol facility

    13 Jun 2018 , 11:06AM Sun Pharma rises by 4% at Rs560.75, after the US drug regulator clear the company's Halol manufacturing plant in Gujarat
  • Sun Pharma company receives EIR

    13 Jun 2018 , 10:59AM We had upgraded our recommendation to buy post Q4FY2018 earnings call with PT of Rs 565.
  • Sun Pharma receives prestigious CSR Award

    6 Jun 2018 , 10:26AM Sun Pharma gets CSR Award from the Federation of Gujarat Industries (FGI) for outstanding contribution in the field of CSR
  • Sun Pharma company launches gGlumetza in US

    25 May 2018 , 10:27AM Positive read through for Sun Pharma.
  • Sun Pharma introduces Welchol tablets in US

    18 May 2018 , 11:27AM Sun Pharma launches Authorized Generic version for Welchol625mg tabs via subsidiary in the US. Welcholrecorded annual sales of US$ 520 mn
  • Taro Pharma reports growth in profit for Q4FY2018

    18 May 2018 , 10:59AM Positive read through for Sun Pharma.
  • Sun Pharma Company’s Subsidiary Taro to report its Q4FY2018 numbers today

    17 May 2018 , 10:16AM Sun Pharma stock to remain in focus.
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA approval for Paliperidone

    11 Apr 2018 , 10:10AM Positive for Sun Pharma as the company gets USFDA approval.
  • Product approval positive for Sun Pharma

    23 Mar 2018 , 1:43PM We continue to maintain our Hold recommendation on the stock with unchanged PT of Rs. 600 (valuing the stock 20 times its FY2020E earnings).
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA nod for plaque psoriasis drug

    22 Mar 2018 , 11:45AM Sun Pharma secured approval from US drug regulator for a psoriasis treatment drug
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA approval for ILUMYA

    22 Mar 2018 , 10:50AM We currently have a hold rating on the stock with PT of Rs 600. We shall come out with detailed note soon.
  • No critical observations but warning letter overhang continues for Sun Pharma

    7 Mar 2018 , 10:26AM We maintain our Hold recommendation on the stock with unchanged price target (PT) of Rs. 600
  • Halol Form 483 observations procedural in nature for Sun Pharma

    6 Mar 2018 , 9:20AM Positive read through for Sun Pharma as Halol Form 483 observations procedural in nature.
  • USFDA inspection of Sun Pharma Halol plant to complete today

    23 Feb 2018 , 10:00AM Stock to remain in focus as the outcome of inspection is crucial event to watch for and will weigh on the stock in near term.
  • Sun Pharma settles patent litigation with Allergan, Ironwood

    17 Jan 2018 , 10:58AM Sun Pharma receives a license to sell the generic version of Linzess in the US from February 01, 2031 after settling patent litigation
  • Sun Pharma gets tentative approval for Tadalafil Tablets

    6 Dec 2017 , 9:04AM Positive for Sun Pharma as it gets tentative approval for Tadalafil Tablets (2.5-20 mg) used to treat Erectile Dysfunction, Arterial Hypertension.
  • Sun Pharma revokes pledge of 1 crore shares

    1 Dec 2017 , 11:36AM Sun Pharma revokes pledge of 1 crore shares on November 27, 2017
  • Sun Pharma voluntarily recalls two lots of Riomet

    27 Nov 2017 , 11:05AM Sun Pharmaceutical Industries announces that it has voluntarily recalling two lots of Riomet®
  • Sun Pharma recalls Riomet drug

    27 Nov 2017 , 9:01AM Negative for Sun Pharma as it recalls Riomet drug (used to treat diabetes) due to microbial contamination.
  • Sun Pharma’s Baska unit's inspection completed by USFDA

    20 Nov 2017 , 9:01AM Positive for Sun; await confirmation from the Company; focus will now be on Halol plant resolution.
  • Sun Pharma's Q2 numbers below estimates

    15 Nov 2017 , 12:35PM Sun Pharma: Inline performance; Cautious outlook
  • Sun Pharma’s Taro gets USFDA nod for allergy treatment drug

    14 Nov 2017 , 8:52AM Positive news for Sun Pharma stock as Taro gets USFDA nod for Fexofenadine Hydrochloride oral suspension.
  • Sun pharma’s subsidiary Taro to report Q2FY2018 numbers today

    7 Nov 2017 , 8:48AM Sun pharma’s stock to be in focus today as subsidiary Taro will report its Q2FY2018 numbers today (07 November 2017 - late evening)
  • Sun Pharma: Taro Gets USFDA approval for Dapsone Gel - positive

    18 Oct 2017 , 8:51AM Taro Gets USFDA approval for Dapsone Gel; used for treatment of Leprosy – Positive for Sun Pharma.
  • Sun Pharma: Dadra plant receives EIR, regulatory risk reduces

    13 Oct 2017 , 9:40AM Upgrade to hold with TP of Rs 575. Read details below:
  • Sun pharma’s Dadra facility gets EIR – Positive

    12 Oct 2017 , 8:36AM Sun pharma’s Dadra facility (inspected in April 2017 and had received 11 observations) gets Establishment Inspection Report (EIR) – Positive for Sun Pharma;
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA nod Cholesterol drug

    12 Sep 2017 , 11:36AM Sun Pharma gets USFDA approval for Fenofibrate tablet (cholesterol drug) – Positive for Sun Pharma.
  • Sun Pharma gets USFDA nod Cholesterol drug

    12 Sep 2017 , 9:10AM Sun Pharma gets USFDA approval for Fenofibrate tablet (cholesterol drug) – Positive for Sun Pharma.
  • Taro reports disappointing Q1FY2018 results

    9 Aug 2017 , 8:58AM Taro (~70% owned by Sun Pharma) reports disappointing Q1FY2018 numbers – negative for Sun Pharma.
  • Sun Pharma up after settling antitrust litigation in US

    10 Jul 2017 , 11:05AM Sun Pharma rises over 3% to Rs567.3, after company enters into settlements with certain plaintiffs in re Modafinil Antitrust Litigation matter

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd stock 

Name March-24 March-23 March-22 March-21 March-20
Assets 34741.01 31341.03 29456.66 31525.7 30141.18
Liabilities 34741.01 31341.03 29456.66 31525.7 30141.18
Equity 239.93 239.93 239.93 239.93 239.93
Gross Profit 5587.61 6472.86 2907.52 2936 2711.65
Net Profit 2858.18 1690.72 -99.99 2139.7 3211.14
Cash From Operating Activities -292.42 507.08 7636.36 1737.25 1305.85
NPM(%) 14.09 8.12 -0.64 16.71 25.62
Revenue 20275.17 20812.14 15585.98 12803.21 12531.93
Expenses 14687.56 14339.28 12678.46 9867.21 9820.28
ROE(%) 4.13 2.44 -0.14 3.09 4.64

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day
06 Feb 2025 10.5 1050 0.8 1763.3
12 Jul 2024 5 500 0.8 1539.3
09 Feb 2024 8.5 850 0.8 1329.35
08 Feb 2023 7.5 750 0.8 1035.45
19 Aug 2022 3 300 0.8 860.6
09 Feb 2022 7 700 0.8 834.5
23 Aug 2021 2 200 0.8 699.5
09 Feb 2021 5.5 550 0.8 586.2
19 Aug 2020 1 100 0.8 450.9
17 Feb 2020 3 300 0.8 430.65
20 Aug 2019 2.75 275 0.8 412.75
17 Sep 2018 2 200 0.8 466.45
18 Sep 2017 3.5 350 0.8 507.45
08 Sep 2016 1 100 0.8 762.75
21 Oct 2015 3 300 0.8 841.75
11 Sep 2014 1.5 150 0.8 802.6
19 Sep 2013 2.5 250 0.8 996.25
14 Aug 2012 4.25 425 0.8 669.7
4.25 425 0.8 565.75
02 Sep 2011 3.5 350 0.8 464.4
09 Sep 2010 13.75 275 0.8 1548.2
21 Aug 2009 13.75 275 0.8 1216.9
25 Aug 2008 10.5 210 0.8 1402.7
15 Mar 2007 6.75 135 0.8 969.05
06 Sep 2006 5.5 110 0.8 722.3
19 Sep 2005 3.75 75 0.8 622.75
10 Dec 2004 3.25 65 0.8 508.1
0 130 0.8 712
24 Sep 2003 5 100 0.8 289.45
07 Oct 2002 0 0 0.8 573.9
20 Aug 2002 5 50 0.8 559.35
0 0 0.8 650.4
17 Jul 2001 0 50 0.8 517.45
0 40 0.8 735
0 20 0.8 1204.35
0 60 0.8 459.75
0 60 0.8 351.45
0 35 0.8 250.25


Other companies within the same industry or sector that are comparable to Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Company Price Price (% change) pe(x) EV/EBITDA(x) ROE(%) ROCE(%)
Albert David Ltd 808.20 -1.14 11.41 961.01 1321.50 1.42
Lotus Eye Hospital and Institute Ltd 57.06 -0.77 237.75 3501.78 14.01 0.88
Vaishali Pharma Ltd 12.12 -5.90 606.00 1804.95 2.31 0.00
Astec Lifesciences Ltd 653.90 -5.55 0.00 3301.88 -239.30 0.00

Company Info

1983 - The Company was incorporated as a partnership firm by Dilip Sanghvi & his family to manufacture pharmaceutical formulation at Vapi, Gujarat. It was converted into a public Ltd. Company effective 1st March. The was promoted by Dilip Sanghvi. The Company specialises in selected therapeutic segment to psychiatry, cardiology, neurology and gastroenterology. 1994 - The Bulk drug plant at Panoli was commissioned. The second formulation plant at Silvana was commissioned in April. - During October, the company undertook to enhance the production capacity of bulk drugs at Panoli from 62,000 Kgs. p.a. to 92000 Kgs. p.a. Also formulation unit was to be enhanced to 1800 millions tablets p.a. from 570 million tablets p.a. - The Company proposed to modernise the formulation unit at Vapi and increase its capacity from 480 million tablets to 1440 million tablets p.a. It was also proposed to set up additional facilities at the R&D centre SPARC. - 71,85,000 No. of equity shares issued to promoters etc. 1995 - In the synergy division two more products viz. `Clofranil SR and Syndopa CR were introduced. - The Company entered into a MOU with Knoll Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for acquisition of their Ahmednagar unit manufacturing bulk drugs. - 35,92,500 No. of equity shares allotted as bonus shares in prop 1:2. 3,23,400 Rights shares issued at a premium of Rs 130 per shares.During October 1994, the capital issued 37,00,300 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 140 per share to the public. 1996 - 18 new products were launched across the company's six focused marketing divisions and 4 more line extension including drug delivery systems were launched. - The Company acquired controlling stake in MJ Pharmaceuticals Ltd. - SPIL and its group company Virtuous Finance Ltd., which are the the major shareholders of MJPL with more than 50 per cent of shareholding, had signed a MoU with erstwhile promoters the Shah family, on November 1. 1997 - The Company acquired 78,36,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each. - The Chennai based Tamil Nadu Dadha Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. was merged with the company in the ratio of 4:1 effective 1st April. With this, IDPL brings to sun pharma extensive product strengths across the areas of gynaecology, fertility, oncology, pain mengeners and duaesthelics. - Sunkalp Laboratories Ltd., Sun Pharma Industries Ltd., Russia & Sun Pharma Global Inc. are all subsidiaries of the Company. - 4,13,633 No. of equity shares allotted to erstwhile shareholders of Tamil Nadu, Dadha Pharmaceuticals pursuant to a scheme of amalgamation. - The boards of Tamilnadu Dadha Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (TDPL) and Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd. have approved a 1:4 swap ratio for the merger of the companies. - The company also set up a state of the art research centre named Sun Pharma advanced Research Centre (SPARC) in Vadodara. - Sun Pharmaceuticals to set a new tablet manufacturing facility at Silvassa in Dadra and Nagar Haveli as part of its strategy to maximize benefits on the tax shelter front. The new unit is expected to come up close to Sun's existing formulations facility at piparia in Silvassa. 1998 - During the year the company launched Duracard that not only affects Blood pressure but also has beneficial effect on the cholestrol profile and glucose metabolishm. - Another product launched was Cardivas, that has an ability to pump blood through the body there by reducing the strain on the heart during heart failure. - The company also launched Muvera, an anti inflammatory drug and Octapeptide Octride, an emergency medication in treating oesophagel varices, severe bleeding in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract and also in the treatment of acromegaly an endocrine disorder caused by the excess growth of hormone secretion. - 2,08,000 shares of Rs. 10 each allotted to shareholders of erstwhile Milment Labs. Pvt. Ltd. Pursuant to a scheme of amalgamation. - Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries has converted its partnership export entity, Sun Pharma Exports, into a 100 per cent subsidiary, effective from 5th May. - Sun Pharma Exports, a partnership firm in which SPIL held 80 per cent stake, to Sunkalp Laboratories, a 100 per cent subsidiary of SPIL, with effect from 12th May. - In addition to this the company has set up state-of-the-art facilities for R&D in Baroda to carry out research in pharmaceuticals. 1999 - A leading Indian Company will set up a pharmaceutical plant in Bangladesh under a joint venture. - The hiving-off of Sun Pharmaceutical Exports into a 100 per cent subsidiary and increase in interest burden affected the bottomline. 2000 - The Company has merged its wholly owned export subsidiary Sun Pharma Exports with itself. - The Company is looking at an over 70 per cent growth rate in India, driven primarily by the company's products and education services segment. - As per the Scheme of Amalgamation, SPIL shall issue four equity shares of Rs 10 each of SPIL to the members of SPEL for every five equity shares held in SPEL. - The Company, on 1st April, allotted 3,08,44,466 Bonus Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, to the shaeholders of hte Company in the ratio o f 2 Bonus Equity shares for eveyr 1 Equity share held by the shareholders and Bonus equity Shares will be entitled to any dividend declared after 1st April. - The Company has launched Edegra (Sidenefil) in 25, 50 and 100mg. - During June 2000, the company introduced several products including Celact (celecoxib), Oleanz (olanzapine), Rofact (rofecoxib), Nodict (naltrexone), Fexotrol (fexofenadine), Zelast (azolastine) and (Ketorid(ketotifen). - In June 2000, Sun Pharma merged its 99.28% subsidiary - Sun Pharmaceuticals Exports. 2001 - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd has approved the merger of the ailing Pradeep Drug Company Ltd. - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. is to merge its research arm Sun Pharmaceutical Advanced Research Centre Ltd. - During 2000-01, across the company's eight speciality divisions, 33 new products were launched. Taking the lead for new products among the therapy areas were cardiology (6 products), diabetology (4) and opthalmology (6). Likely brand outperformers among these are the antihypertensive Irovel (Rapilin, Pioglit, Rezult) for antidiabetics and the erectile dysfunction treatment Edegra. - The company, ranked 5th by domestic prescription product sales, has been consistently adding to market share from 2.47% in November 2000 to 2.78% in November 2001 (ORG Retail Chemist Audit, November 2000 and 2001). Forbes Global, the prestigious international magazine recently rated Sun Pharma among the best 200 global companies for 2002 (turnover less than $500mill). 2002 -Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, associate of Sun Pharmaceuticals, has received US Food and Drug Authority (FDA) preliminary approval for metformin hydrochloride, a molecule used to treat diabetes. - Currently, the company is in process of merging Pradeep Drug Company (PDC) with itself. The company shareholders have approved the merger w.e.f. 1 April 2000. The scheme has been duly sanctioned by BIFR at its meeting held on Jan 2002. - Sun Pharma has made an open offer to the investors in Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Madras, Pondicherry and Delhi stock exchages to purchase the shares at price of Rs 600 per share. The offer is limited to those shareholders whose names are registered as members of the company as on 26/03/2002, the record date. -Sun Pharmaceutical Industries has launched Lupride Depot IM, a novel drug delivery system of prostate cancer drug leuprolide acetate, which would enabel the drug to be injected once in a month as against once in a day or once in three days drugs. -Mr Keki Mistry, Managing Director of HDFC, has been inducted into the board of directors of Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. -The Board of Directors of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd at its meeting held allotted 18,71,77,232 6% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of Re 1 each as Bonus Shares in the ratio of 4:1 (ie 4 Preference Shares of Re 1 each for every one equity shares of Rs 10 each) to the equity shareholders of the company as on the record date October 10, 2002. 2003 -Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (Sun Pharma) has announced the Buyback of fully paid-up equity shares of the Company of face value of Rs 10 each and / or Rs 5 each (being face value and paid up value subsequent to the splitting of the equity shares of Rs 10 into 2 equity shares) not exceeding 2,000,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each and/or 4,000,000 equity shares of Rs 5 each i.e. not exceeding equity shares of face value of Rs 20,000,000 being less than 25% of the paid-up equity share capital of the company for an aggregate amount not exceeding Rs 1200,000,000 upto a maximum price of Rs 750 per equity share of Rs 10 each or upto a maximum price of Rs 375 per equity share of Rs 5 each from the existing shareholders and beneficial owners of the shares of the company from open market through stock exchanges. -Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd has informed the Exchange that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 30, 2003 accepted the resignation of Shri R K Baheti, Senior Vice President - Finance and Company secretary of the Company w.e.f 31/1/2003 and the Board appointed Shri Kamlesh H Shah as the Company Secretary w.e.f. 31/1/2003. -Sun Pharmaceuticals' US-based associate, Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, has received the approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) to manufacture and market yet another generic drug, this time for the treatment of mild to moderate cardiac failure, in the US. The drug, Digoxin, is the generic form of Glaxo Wellcome's Lanoxin, the company said. -Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd has informed BSE that it has further redeemed 1,42,99,833, 6% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of Re 1 each amounting to Rs 1,42,99,833 in the fifth lot out of the total paid - up Preference Share Capital of the company. -Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd has informed the Exchange that the company pursuant to the earlier intimation about Redemption of Preference Shares, have extinguished /cancelled 3,01,20,608 shares - 6% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of Re.1/- each consisting of 2,98,37,008 Preference Shares in demat mode and 2,93,376 Preference Shares in physical mode. -Board approved to close buy back of shares -The company's equity shares will be delisted from Vadodara Stock Exchange Ltd. 2004 - Sun Pharma acquires common stock and options from 2 large shareholders of Caraco, increasing stake to over 60% from 44% at a total outlay of about $42 million. By 2007, this stake has reached 75% on a diluted basis. The formulation site in Halol, India (the erstwhile MJ Pharma site) receives approval from USFDA, UK MHRA, South African MCC, Brazilian ANVISA and Columbian INVIMA. The BT Stern Stewart survey places Sun Pharma among the top 20 wealth creators in India and among the top 3 wealth creators in the pharma sector. Construction at a formulation manufacturing site at Jammu is completed. Our first joint venture manufacturing unit, in Dhaka, Bangladesh is commissioned. This modern site is spread over 25,000 sq. ft. - Two of Sun Pharma's API factories receive USFDA approval, taking the total number of US FDA approved sites to three. - Sun Pharma acquires a Cephalosporin Actives manufacturer, Phlox Pharma, with European approval for cefuroxime axetil amorphous. By 2007, a formulations facility to make sterile and non sterile formulations have been built, and the API and non-sterile sections have been approved by the USFDA. - Niche brands are bought from the San Diego, US based Women's First Healthcare. (WFHC, not listed). These brands are the gynecological Ortho-Estr (estropipate), and the antimigraine preparation Midrinr. - Forbes Global ranks Sun Pharma in the list of most valuable companies for 2004 (turnover less than $2bill). 2005 -Sun Pharma buys a plant in Bryan, Ohio, US and the business of ICN, Hungary from Valeant Pharma. -Sun Pharma acquires the intellectual property and assets of Able Labs from the US District Bankruptcy court in New Jersey in December 2005. -Dilip Shanghvi, the CMD, receives the E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year award in healthcare and life sciences for 2005. -Sun Pharma is selected by Forbes amongst the best 200 companies (sales less than USD 1 billion) in Asia. This is the fourth time in 5 years that the company has been selected. -Registered Office of the Company has been shifted From SPARC, Akota Road,Akota, Vadodara-390 020 To SPARC,Tandalja,Vadodara-390020. 2006 - Announced the demerger of innovative business with pipelines, people, equipment and funding, into a new company. 2007 - Completed the demerger of the innovative business, with requisite legal and regulatory approvals. SPARC ltd, the new company, is listed on the stock exchanges in India, the first pure research company to be so listed. - In May 2007, we, along with our subsidiaries, signed definitive agreements to acquire Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., (TAROF, Pink Sheets), a multinational generic manufacturer with established subsidiaries, manufacturing and products across the U.S., Israel, Canada for $454 mill. This all-cash deal is subject to Taro shareholder approval and requisite regulatory clearances 2008 -Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd on January 30, 2008 announced that it has commercially launched generic Pantoprazole Sodium Delayed Release (DR) Tablets, 40 mg, which is AB-rated to Wyeth's Protonix DR Tablets. Sun's product is being sold in the United States by its marketing partner Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories. - In November 2008, we along with our subsidiaries, acquired 100% ownership of Chattem Chemicals, Inc.,a narcotic raw material importer and manufacturer of controlled substances with a approved facility in Tennessee. This will offer vertical integration for our controlled substance dosage form business in the US. 2010 - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (Sun) has completed the acquisition of a controlling stake in Taro Pharmaceutical Industries (Taro) following the Option Agreement entered into in 2007 with Taro's controlling shareholders led by Taro's Chairman Barrie Levitt. - Sun Pharmaceutical on Sept 8 won a significant victory in its three-year-old battle to acquire Taro Pharmaceuticals. - Sun Pharma - Sun Pharma announced launch of generic Exelon in US - Sun Pharma - Supreme Court of Israel Rules in Favor of Sun Pharma -Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 5 to Re 1 2011 - SunPharma - Merck & Co., Inc., and Sun Pharma Establish Joint Venture to Develop and Commercialize Novel Formulations and Combinations of Medicines in Emerging Markets. - SunPharma - MSD in India and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd entered Strategic Partnership to Co-market MSD's diabetes drug. - Merck & Co., Inc., and Sun Pharma Establish Joint Ventured to Develop and Commercialize Novel Formulations and Combinations of Medicines in Emerging Markets - Sun Pharma - MSD in India and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Enter Strategic Partnership to Co-market MSD's diabetes drug. 2012 - Sun Pharma bagged USFDA approval for its AND Application for generic Zyprexa - Israel Makov appointed Chairman of Sun Pharma Board - Sun Pharma acquired URL generic business from Takeda - The Norwegian firm Telenor conduct its operations in India, promoters of Sun Pharma emerged as the new JV partner of the company. 2013 -Sun Pharma announces US FDA approval for generic Cymbaltar -Sun Pharma and Intrexon Form Joint Venture to Develop New Class of Therapeutics for Ocular Diseases -Sun Pharma announces USFDA approval for generic Prevacidr -Sun Pharma announces USFDA approval for generic DepoAr-Testosterone Injection -Sun Pharma Announces 1:1 Bonus -Sun pharma announces Tentative USFDA approval for generic Januvia & Glumetza -Sun Pharma announces USFDA approval for generic DoxilAr 2014 -Sun Pharma announces US FDA approval for generic Temodarr -Sun Pharma acquires Pharmalucence -Sun Pharma and Merck & Co. Inc. Enter into Licensing Agreement for Tildrakizumab -Sun Pharma to acquire Ranbaxy in a US$ 4 billion landmark transaction 2015 -Sun Pharma receives US FTC clearance for Ranbaxy acquisition -Sun Pharma and AstraZeneca enter into distribution agreement for ticagrelor in India -SPARC Licenses Xelpros (Latanoprost BAK-free) to Sun Pharma -Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat, at Ahmedabad has approved the Scheme of Amalgamation of Sun Pharma Global Inc. (SPGI), wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company -Sun Pharma announces US FDA Approval for Ximino TM -Sun Pharma announces successful completion of Opiates business acquisition in Australia -Sun Pharma announces Absorica patent litigation settlement -Sun Pharma Successfully Acquires Insite Vision 2016 -Sun Pharma get CCI nod for CNS deal. - Sun Pharma launches Imatinib Mesylate in USA. -Sun Pharma acquires Novartis brands for Rs 1,900 cr. -Sun Pharma Receives USFDA Approval For BromSite. -Sun Pharma. - ICGEB & Sun Pharma sign an exclusive agreement to develop novel botanical drug for treatment of Dengue. -Sun Pharma launches sunscreen brand Suncros. -Sun Pharma launches Gemcitabine InfuSMART in Europe. -Sun Pharma receives approval for generic Glumetza. -Sun Pharma, ICGEB tie up to develop dengue vaccine. -Sun Pharma completes acquisition of Ocular Technologies. -Sun Pharma completes acquisition of 85% stake in JSC Biosintez. 2017 - Sun Pharma. - FDEC commences roll-out of Malaria demonstration project - Sun Pharma’s arm bags approval for new label for Odomzo - Sun Pharma gets EIR for Dadra formulation facility 2018 -Sun Pharma Launches Novel Drug Kapspargo Sprinkle in USA. -Sun Pharma bags CSR award from FGI. 2019 -Sun Pharma Launches Drizalma Sprinkle in the US. -Sun Pharma Launches Ready-to-Infuse INFUGEM in the U.S. 2020 -Sun Pharma launches FluGuard (Favipiravir) in India at Rs. 35 per tablet. -Sun Pharma Introduces ABSORICA LD Capsules for Management of Severe Recalcitrant Nodular Acne in the U.S. 2021 -Sun Pharma Launches Website for its Long Term Care Portfolio in the US. -Sun Pharma launches 'Sunkalp' on the occasion of National Doctors' Day. -Sun Pharma launches Chericof 12 in India, a novel formulation that provides relief from cough for up to 12 hours. 2022 -Sun Pharma and SPARC enter into a license agreement for commercialization of phenobarbital for injection in the US. -Sun Pharma and Cosmo Announce Territory Expansion of License and Supply Agreements for WINLEVI to include Japan. -Sun Pharma launches CEQUA the first dry eye treatment with nanomicellar (NCELL) technology in Canada. -Sun Pharma to introduce its version of Vortioxetine in India under an exclusive patent license from Lundbeck. -Sun Pharma Acquires Uractiv Portfolio from Fiterman Pharma in Romania. 2023 -Sun Pharma and Zydus sign licensing agreement for co-marketing of Desidustat in India. -Sun Pharma Announces US FDA Filing Acceptance of New Drug Application For Deuruxolitinib. -Sun Pharma Canada Launches PR WINLEVIr (clascoterone cream 1% w/w), a Novel Topical Treatment for Acne. -Sun Pharma and Pharmazz Inc. enter into licensing agreement for introducing Tyvalzi.(Sovateltide) in India. -Sun Pharma launches nationwide initiative, Second Birth Date on National Doctor's Day.

1983 - The Company was incorporated as a partnership firm by Dilip Sanghvi & his family to manufacture pharmaceutical formulation at Vapi, Gujarat. It was converted into a public Ltd. Company effective 1st March. The was promoted by Dilip Sanghvi. The Company specialises in selected therapeutic segment to psychiatry, cardiology, neurology and gastroenterology. 1994 - The Bulk drug plant at Panoli was commissioned. The second formulation plant at Silvana was commissioned in April. - During October, the company undertook to enhance the production capacity of bulk drugs at Panoli from 62,000 Kgs. p.a. to 92000 Kgs. p.a. Also formulation unit was to be enhanced to 1800 millions tablets p.a. from 570 million tablets p.a. - The Company proposed to modernise the formulation unit at Vapi and increase its capacity from 480 million tablets to 1440 million tablets p.a. It was also proposed to set up additional facilities at the R&D centre SPARC. - 71,85,000 No. of equity shares issued to promoters etc. 1995 - In the synergy division two more products viz. `Clofranil SR and Syndopa CR were introduced. - The Company entered into a MOU with Knoll Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for acquisition of their Ahmednagar unit manufacturing bulk drugs. - 35,92,500 No. of equity shares allotted as bonus shares in prop 1:2. 3,23,400 Rights shares issued at a premium of Rs 130 per shares.During October 1994, the capital issued 37,00,300 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 140 per share to the public. 1996 - 18 new products were launched across the company's six focused marketing divisions and 4 more line extension including drug delivery systems were launched. - The Company acquired controlling stake in MJ Pharmaceuticals Ltd. - SPIL and its group company Virtuous Finance Ltd., which are the the major shareholders of MJPL with more than 50 per cent of shareholding, had signed a MoU with erstwhile promoters the Shah family, on November 1. 1997 - The Company acquired 78,36,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each. - The Chennai based Tamil Nadu Dadha Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. was merged with the company in the ratio of 4:1 effective 1st April. With this, IDPL brings to sun pharma extensive product strengths across the areas of gynaecology, fertility, oncology, pain mengeners and duaesthelics. - Sunkalp Laboratories Ltd., Sun Pharma Industries Ltd., Russia & Sun Pharma Global Inc. are all subsidiaries of the Company. - 4,13,633 No. of equity shares allotted to erstwhile shareholders of Tamil Nadu, Dadha Pharmaceuticals pursuant to a scheme of amalgamation. - The boards of Tamilnadu Dadha Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (TDPL) and Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd. have approved a 1:4 swap ratio for the merger of the companies. - The company also set up a state of the art research centre named Sun Pharma advanced Research Centre (SPARC) in Vadodara. - Sun Pharmaceuticals to set a new tablet manufacturing facility at Silvassa in Dadra and Nagar Haveli as part of its strategy to maximize benefits on the tax shelter front. The new unit is expected to come up close to Sun's existing formulations facility at piparia in Silvassa. 1998 - During the year the company launched Duracard that not only affects Blood pressure but also has beneficial effect on the cholestrol profile and glucose metabolishm. - Another product launched was Cardivas, that has an ability to pump blood through the body there by reducing the strain on the heart during heart failure. - The company also launched Muvera, an anti inflammatory drug and Octapeptide Octride, an emergency medication in treating oesophagel varices, severe bleeding in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract and also in the treatment of acromegaly an endocrine disorder caused by the excess growth of hormone secretion. - 2,08,000 shares of Rs. 10 each allotted to shareholders of erstwhile Milment Labs. Pvt. Ltd. Pursuant to a scheme of amalgamation. - Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries has converted its partnership export entity, Sun Pharma Exports, into a 100 per cent subsidiary, effective from 5th May. - Sun Pharma Exports, a partnership firm in which SPIL held 80 per cent stake, to Sunkalp Laboratories, a 100 per cent subsidiary of SPIL, with effect from 12th May. - In addition to this the company has set up state-of-the-art facilities for R&D in Baroda to carry out research in pharmaceuticals. 1999 - A leading Indian Company will set up a pharmaceutical plant in Bangladesh under a joint venture. - The hiving-off of Sun Pharmaceutical Exports into a 100 per cent subsidiary and increase in interest burden affected the bottomline. 2000 - The Company has merged its wholly owned export subsidiary Sun Pharma Exports with itself. - The Company is looking at an over 70 per cent growth rate in India, driven primarily by the company's products and education services segment. - As per the Scheme of Amalgamation, SPIL shall issue four equity shares of Rs 10 each of SPIL to the members of SPEL for every five equity shares held in SPEL. - The Company, on 1st April, allotted 3,08,44,466 Bonus Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, to the shaeholders of hte Company in the ratio o f 2 Bonus Equity shares for eveyr 1 Equity share held by the shareholders and Bonus equity Shares will be entitled to any dividend declared after 1st April. - The Company has launched Edegra (Sidenefil) in 25, 50 and 100mg. - During June 2000, the company introduced several products including Celact (celecoxib), Oleanz (olanzapine), Rofact (rofecoxib), Nodict (naltrexone), Fexotrol (fexofenadine), Zelast (azolastine) and (Ketorid(ketotifen). - In June 2000, Sun Pharma merged its 99.28% subsidiary - Sun Pharmaceuticals Exports. 2001 - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd has approved the merger of the ailing Pradeep Drug Company Ltd. - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. is to merge its research arm Sun Pharmaceutical Advanced Research Centre Ltd. - During 2000-01, across the company's eight speciality divisions, 33 new products were launched. Taking the lead for new products among the therapy areas were cardiology (6 products), diabetology (4) and opthalmology (6). Likely brand outperformers among these are the antihypertensive Irovel (Rapilin, Pioglit, Rezult) for antidiabetics and the erectile dysfunction treatment Edegra. - The company, ranked 5th by domestic prescription product sales, has been consistently adding to market share from 2.47% in November 2000 to 2.78% in November 2001 (ORG Retail Chemist Audit, November 2000 and 2001). Forbes Global, the prestigious international magazine recently rated Sun Pharma among the best 200 global companies for 2002 (turnover less than $500mill). 2002 -Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, associate of Sun Pharmaceuticals, has received US Food and Drug Authority (FDA) preliminary approval for metformin hydrochloride, a molecule used to treat diabetes. - Currently, the company is in process of merging Pradeep Drug Company (PDC) with itself. The company shareholders have approved the merger w.e.f. 1 April 2000. The scheme has been duly sanctioned by BIFR at its meeting held on Jan 2002. - Sun Pharma has made an open offer to the investors in Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Madras, Pondicherry and Delhi stock exchages to purchase the shares at price of Rs 600 per share. The offer is limited to those shareholders whose names are registered as members of the company as on 26/03/2002, the record date. -Sun Pharmaceutical Industries has launched Lupride Depot IM, a novel drug delivery system of prostate cancer drug leuprolide acetate, which would enabel the drug to be injected once in a month as against once in a day or once in three days drugs. -Mr Keki Mistry, Managing Director of HDFC, has been inducted into the board of directors of Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. -The Board of Directors of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd at its meeting held allotted 18,71,77,232 6% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of Re 1 each as Bonus Shares in the ratio of 4:1 (ie 4 Preference Shares of Re 1 each for every one equity shares of Rs 10 each) to the equity shareholders of the company as on the record date October 10, 2002. 2003 -Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (Sun Pharma) has announced the Buyback of fully paid-up equity shares of the Company of face value of Rs 10 each and / or Rs 5 each (being face value and paid up value subsequent to the splitting of the equity shares of Rs 10 into 2 equity shares) not exceeding 2,000,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each and/or 4,000,000 equity shares of Rs 5 each i.e. not exceeding equity shares of face value of Rs 20,000,000 being less than 25% of the paid-up equity share capital of the company for an aggregate amount not exceeding Rs 1200,000,000 upto a maximum price of Rs 750 per equity share of Rs 10 each or upto a maximum price of Rs 375 per equity share of Rs 5 each from the existing shareholders and beneficial owners of the shares of the company from open market through stock exchanges. -Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd has informed the Exchange that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 30, 2003 accepted the resignation of Shri R K Baheti, Senior Vice President - Finance and Company secretary of the Company w.e.f 31/1/2003 and the Board appointed Shri Kamlesh H Shah as the Company Secretary w.e.f. 31/1/2003. -Sun Pharmaceuticals' US-based associate, Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, has received the approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) to manufacture and market yet another generic drug, this time for the treatment of mild to moderate cardiac failure, in the US. The drug, Digoxin, is the generic form of Glaxo Wellcome's Lanoxin, the company said. -Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd has informed BSE that it has further redeemed 1,42,99,833, 6% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of Re 1 each amounting to Rs 1,42,99,833 in the fifth lot out of the total paid - up Preference Share Capital of the company. -Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd has informed the Exchange that the company pursuant to the earlier intimation about Redemption of Preference Shares, have extinguished /cancelled 3,01,20,608 shares - 6% Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares of Re.1/- each consisting of 2,98,37,008 Preference Shares in demat mode and 2,93,376 Preference Shares in physical mode. -Board approved to close buy back of shares -The company's equity shares will be delisted from Vadodara Stock Exchange Ltd. 2004 - Sun Pharma acquires common stock and options from 2 large shareholders of Caraco, increasing stake to over 60% from 44% at a total outlay of about $42 million. By 2007, this stake has reached 75% on a diluted basis. The formulation site in Halol, India (the erstwhile MJ Pharma site) receives approval from USFDA, UK MHRA, South African MCC, Brazilian ANVISA and Columbian INVIMA. The BT Stern Stewart survey places Sun Pharma among the top 20 wealth creators in India and among the top 3 wealth creators in the pharma sector. Construction at a formulation manufacturing site at Jammu is completed. Our first joint venture manufacturing unit, in Dhaka, Bangladesh is commissioned. This modern site is spread over 25,000 sq. ft. - Two of Sun Pharma's API factories receive USFDA approval, taking the total number of US FDA approved sites to three. - Sun Pharma acquires a Cephalosporin Actives manufacturer, Phlox Pharma, with European approval for cefuroxime axetil amorphous. By 2007, a formulations facility to make sterile and non sterile formulations have been built, and the API and non-sterile sections have been approved by the USFDA. - Niche brands are bought from the San Diego, US based Women's First Healthcare. (WFHC, not listed). These brands are the gynecological Ortho-Estr (estropipate), and the antimigraine preparation Midrinr. - Forbes Global ranks Sun Pharma in the list of most valuable companies for 2004 (turnover less than $2bill). 2005 -Sun Pharma buys a plant in Bryan, Ohio, US and the business of ICN, Hungary from Valeant Pharma. -Sun Pharma acquires the intellectual property and assets of Able Labs from the US District Bankruptcy court in New Jersey in December 2005. -Dilip Shanghvi, the CMD, receives the E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year award in healthcare and life sciences for 2005. -Sun Pharma is selected by Forbes amongst the best 200 companies (sales less than USD 1 billion) in Asia. This is the fourth time in 5 years that the company has been selected. -Registered Office of the Company has been shifted From SPARC, Akota Road,Akota, Vadodara-390 020 To SPARC,Tandalja,Vadodara-390020. 2006 - Announced the demerger of innovative business with pipelines, people, equipment and funding, into a new company. 2007 - Completed the demerger of the innovative business, with requisite legal and regulatory approvals. SPARC ltd, the new company, is listed on the stock exchanges in India, the first pure research company to be so listed. - In May 2007, we, along with our subsidiaries, signed definitive agreements to acquire Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., (TAROF, Pink Sheets), a multinational generic manufacturer with established subsidiaries, manufacturing and products across the U.S., Israel, Canada for $454 mill. This all-cash deal is subject to Taro shareholder approval and requisite regulatory clearances 2008 -Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd on January 30, 2008 announced that it has commercially launched generic Pantoprazole Sodium Delayed Release (DR) Tablets, 40 mg, which is AB-rated to Wyeth's Protonix DR Tablets. Sun's product is being sold in the United States by its marketing partner Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories. - In November 2008, we along with our subsidiaries, acquired 100% ownership of Chattem Chemicals, Inc.,a narcotic raw material importer and manufacturer of controlled substances with a approved facility in Tennessee. This will offer vertical integration for our controlled substance dosage form business in the US. 2010 - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (Sun) has completed the acquisition of a controlling stake in Taro Pharmaceutical Industries (Taro) following the Option Agreement entered into in 2007 with Taro's controlling shareholders led by Taro's Chairman Barrie Levitt. - Sun Pharmaceutical on Sept 8 won a significant victory in its three-year-old battle to acquire Taro Pharmaceuticals. - Sun Pharma - Sun Pharma announced launch of generic Exelon in US - Sun Pharma - Supreme Court of Israel Rules in Favor of Sun Pharma -Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 5 to Re 1 2011 - SunPharma - Merck & Co., Inc., and Sun Pharma Establish Joint Venture to Develop and Commercialize Novel Formulations and Combinations of Medicines in Emerging Markets. - SunPharma - MSD in India and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd entered Strategic Partnership to Co-market MSD's diabetes drug. - Merck & Co., Inc., and Sun Pharma Establish Joint Ventured to Develop and Commercialize Novel Formulations and Combinations of Medicines in Emerging Markets - Sun Pharma - MSD in India and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Enter Strategic Partnership to Co-market MSD's diabetes drug. 2012 - Sun Pharma bagged USFDA approval for its AND Application for generic Zyprexa - Israel Makov appointed Chairman of Sun Pharma Board - Sun Pharma acquired URL generic business from Takeda - The Norwegian firm Telenor conduct its operations in India, promoters of Sun Pharma emerged as the new JV partner of the company. 2013 -Sun Pharma announces US FDA approval for generic Cymbaltar -Sun Pharma and Intrexon Form Joint Venture to Develop New Class of Therapeutics for Ocular Diseases -Sun Pharma announces USFDA approval for generic Prevacidr -Sun Pharma announces USFDA approval for generic DepoAr-Testosterone Injection -Sun Pharma Announces 1:1 Bonus -Sun pharma announces Tentative USFDA approval for generic Januvia & Glumetza -Sun Pharma announces USFDA approval for generic DoxilAr 2014 -Sun Pharma announces US FDA approval for generic Temodarr -Sun Pharma acquires Pharmalucence -Sun Pharma and Merck & Co. Inc. Enter into Licensing Agreement for Tildrakizumab -Sun Pharma to acquire Ranbaxy in a US$ 4 billion landmark transaction 2015 -Sun Pharma receives US FTC clearance for Ranbaxy acquisition -Sun Pharma and AstraZeneca enter into distribution agreement for ticagrelor in India -SPARC Licenses Xelpros (Latanoprost BAK-free) to Sun Pharma -Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat, at Ahmedabad has approved the Scheme of Amalgamation of Sun Pharma Global Inc. (SPGI), wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company -Sun Pharma announces US FDA Approval for Ximino TM -Sun Pharma announces successful completion of Opiates business acquisition in Australia -Sun Pharma announces Absorica patent litigation settlement -Sun Pharma Successfully Acquires Insite Vision 2016 -Sun Pharma get CCI nod for CNS deal. - Sun Pharma launches Imatinib Mesylate in USA. -Sun Pharma acquires Novartis brands for Rs 1,900 cr. -Sun Pharma Receives USFDA Approval For BromSite. -Sun Pharma. - ICGEB & Sun Pharma sign an exclusive agreement to develop novel botanical drug for treatment of Dengue. -Sun Pharma launches sunscreen brand Suncros. -Sun Pharma launches Gemcitabine InfuSMART in Europe. -Sun Pharma receives approval for generic Glumetza. -Sun Pharma, ICGEB tie up to develop dengue vaccine. -Sun Pharma completes acquisition of Ocular Technologies. -Sun Pharma completes acquisition of 85% stake in JSC Biosintez. 2017 - Sun Pharma. - FDEC commences roll-out of Malaria demonstration project - Sun Pharma’s arm bags approval for new label for Odomzo - Sun Pharma gets EIR for Dadra formulation facility 2018 -Sun Pharma Launches Novel Drug Kapspargo Sprinkle in USA. -Sun Pharma bags CSR award from FGI. 2019 -Sun Pharma Launches Drizalma Sprinkle in the US. -Sun Pharma Launches Ready-to-Infuse INFUGEM in the U.S. 2020 -Sun Pharma launches FluGuard (Favipiravir) in India at Rs. 35 per tablet. -Sun Pharma Introduces ABSORICA LD Capsules for Management of Severe Recalcitrant Nodular Acne in the U.S. 2021 -Sun Pharma Launches Website for its Long Term Care Portfolio in the US. -Sun Pharma launches 'Sunkalp' on the occasion of National Doctors' Day. -Sun Pharma launches Chericof 12 in India, a novel formulation that provides relief from cough for up to 12 hours. 2022 -Sun Pharma and SPARC enter into a license agreement for commercialization of phenobarbital for injection in the US. -Sun Pharma and Cosmo Announce Territory Expansion of License and Supply Agreements for WINLEVI to include Japan. -Sun Pharma launches CEQUA the first dry eye treatment with nanomicellar (NCELL) technology in Canada. -Sun Pharma to introduce its version of Vortioxetine in India under an exclusive patent license from Lundbeck. -Sun Pharma Acquires Uractiv Portfolio from Fiterman Pharma in Romania. 2023 -Sun Pharma and Zydus sign licensing agreement for co-marketing of Desidustat in India. -Sun Pharma Announces US FDA Filing Acceptance of New Drug Application For Deuruxolitinib. -Sun Pharma Canada Launches PR WINLEVIr (clascoterone cream 1% w/w), a Novel Topical Treatment for Acne. -Sun Pharma and Pharmazz Inc. enter into licensing agreement for introducing Tyvalzi.(Sovateltide) in India. -Sun Pharma launches nationwide initiative, Second Birth Date on National Doctor's Day.

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Parent Organisation

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.



Managing Director

Mr.Dilip S Shanghvi

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The CEO of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd is Mr.Dilip S Shanghvi, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.