
Shipping Corporation of India Ltd

Thu 13/03/2025,15:59:33 | NSE : SCI

₹ 148.69-1.73 (-1.15%)

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₹ 152.00

Previous Close

₹ 150.42



Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)



₹ 153.19


₹ 148.22

52 Week High

₹ 384.20

52 Week Low

₹ 138.26

Book Value Per Share

₹ 173.05

Dividend Yield


Face Value

₹ 10.00

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  • Shipping Corpn. - Updates

    8 Mar 2025, 10:39PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'Announcement under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosur
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    7 Mar 2025, 5:43PM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Shar
  • Shipping Corpn. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Management

    7 Mar 2025, 5:33PM Disclosure under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015- Change in Senior Management\r\n
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Management

    7 Mar 2025, 5:32PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange about change in Management
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    7 Mar 2025, 12:48PM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Shar
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Director(s)

    7 Mar 2025, 10:56AM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Change in Director(s) of the company.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate

    7 Mar 2025, 10:56AM Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015
  • Shipping Corpn. - Updates

    4 Mar 2025, 4:54PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'Amendment in SCI Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading'.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Updates

    4 Mar 2025, 12:53PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'Board comments on fine levied by the Exchange'.
  • Shipping Corpn. - SCI And BPCL Sign Mou And NDA To Explore Strategic Alliance In Shipping Sector.

    14 Feb 2025, 1:09PM SCI and BPCL Sign MoU and NDA to Explore Strategic Alliance in Shipping Sector.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Updates

    14 Feb 2025, 1:00PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'SCI and BPCL Sign MoU and NDA to Explore Strategic Alliance in Shipping Sec
  • Shipping Corpn. - Copy of Newspaper Publication

    10 Feb 2025, 5:49PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange about Copy of Newspaper Publication
  • Shipping Corpn. - Integrated Filing (Financial)

    7 Feb 2025, 8:47PM Shipping Corporation of India Limited has submitted to the Exchange the Integrated Filing (Financial) for the quarter ended 31.12.2024
  • Shipping Corpn. - Integrated Filing- Financial

    7 Feb 2025, 8:42PM The Shipping Corporation of India Limited has submitted to the exchange the Integrated filing (Financial) for the quarter ended 31.12.2024
  • Shipping Corpn. - Compliance Of Regulation 32 Of The SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

    7 Feb 2025, 8:14PM Compliance of Regulation 32 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
  • Shipping Corpn. - Statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) under Reg. 32

    7 Feb 2025, 8:12PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange about statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) under Reg. 32
  • Shipping Corpn. Q3 net profit down 50.93% at Rs 64.80 cr

    7 Feb 2025, 7:31PM The company reported standalone net profit of Rs 64.80 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 as compared to Rs 132.05 crore in the same period
  • Shipping Corpn. - Outcome of Board Meeting

    7 Feb 2025, 7:22PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Outcome of Board Meeting held on February 07, 2025.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Outcome Of Board Meeting And Compliance Of Regulation 30 And 33 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure

    7 Feb 2025, 7:21PM Outcome of Board Meeting and Compliance of Regulation 30 and 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Outcome of Board Meeting

    7 Feb 2025, 7:11PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on February 07, 2025.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting And Compliance Of Regulation 30 And 33 Of SEBI (Listing

    7 Feb 2025, 7:03PM Outcome of Board Meeting and Compliance of Regulation 30 and 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Financial Result Updates

    7 Feb 2025, 7:01PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has submitted to the Exchange, the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    1 Feb 2025, 12:03PM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Shar
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    1 Feb 2025, 11:51AM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Shar
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Management

    1 Feb 2025, 10:54AM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange about change in Management
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Director(s)

    1 Feb 2025, 10:38AM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Change in Director(s) of the company.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Management

    1 Feb 2025, 10:57AM Disclosure under Regulation 30 of the SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)Regulations , 2015-Change in Senior Management
  • Shipping Corpn. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate

    1 Feb 2025, 10:39AM Intimation under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
  • Shipping Corpn. - Action(s) taken or orders passed

    31 Jan 2025, 9:49PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange about Action(s) taken or orders passed
  • Shipping Corpn. - Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

    31 Jan 2025, 8:42PM Intimation under Regulation 30 SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Action(s) taken or orders passed

    31 Jan 2025, 8:29PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange about Action(s) taken or orders passed
  • Shipping Corpn. - Board Meeting Intimation

    27 Jan 2025, 6:52PM Shipping Corporation of India Limited has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 07-Feb-2025 to inter-alia consider and approve the U
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    27 Jan 2025, 4:38PM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Shar
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Director(s)

    27 Jan 2025, 4:26PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Change in Director(s) of the company.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Board Meeting Intimation for Approving The Unaudited Standalone & Consolidated Financial Results For The Qu

    27 Jan 2025, 5:16PM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 07/02/2025 ,inter alia, t
  • Shipping Corpn. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate

    27 Jan 2025, 4:27PM Intimation under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
  • Shipping Corpn. has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024

    20 Jan 2025, 5:10PM As of December 2024, 63.75% is owned by Indian Promoters and 36.25% by Public. <p align=justify> Institutional holds 8.42% (Insurance Companies 3.50%)
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    17 Jan 2025, 11:03AM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Shar
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Director(s)

    16 Jan 2025, 2:28PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Change in Director(s) of the company.
  • Shipping Corpn. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate

    16 Jan 2025, 2:28PM Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,2015
  • Shipping Corpn. - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018

    8 Jan 2025, 4:28PM Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulation, 2018 for the quarter ended 31st December, 2024
  • Shipping Corpn. - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018

    8 Jan 2025, 4:27PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange about Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    2 Jan 2025, 6:15PM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Shar
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Management

    2 Jan 2025, 5:37PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange about change in Senior Management
  • Shipping Corpn. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Management

    2 Jan 2025, 5:39PM Disclosure under Regulation 30 of the SEBI(LODR) Regulations, 2015 -Change in Senior Management
  • Shipping Corpn. - Trading Window-XBRL

    27 Dec 2024, 12:25PM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Closure of Trading Window
  • Shipping Corpn. - Trading Window

    27 Dec 2024, 12:20PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange regarding the Trading Window closure pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent

    24 Dec 2024, 5:37PM SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Shar
  • Shipping Corpn. - Change in Management

    24 Dec 2024, 4:57PM Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has informed the Exchange about change in Management
  • Shipping Corpn. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Management

    24 Dec 2024, 5:10PM Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015- Change in Senior Management
  • Shipping Corporation of India

    30 Aug 2024 , 12:51PM The company received a GST demand and penalty order worth Rs 160 crore from the Maharashtra tax authority. Negative.
  • Container corporation of India, Shipping Corporation of India

    5 Jun 2024 , 10:29AM Container Corporation of India and Shipping Corporation of India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 03 June 2024. Both companies intend to explore business opportunities for leveraging the advantage of each other's infrastructure and experience in synergy to offer seamless and cost effective end-to-end logistics services to customers under a single window. Positive for both the stocks
  • SCI

    12 Jun 2023 , 10:23AM As per media reports, government would be listing SCI's non-core assets on bourses this month. It would invite bids for privatisation thereafter. Positive read thru for the stock.
  • Shipping Corporation Of India

    12 Oct 2022 , 10:55AM Shipping Corporation Of India: In separate meetings, unsecured and secured creditors, and equity shareholders of the company approved demerger of non-core assets of the company Shipping Corporation of India Land And Assets Ltd. Positive for the stock.
  • Shipping Corporation of India

    20 Sep 2021 , 9:37AM The Company has received the approval from the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways for formation/Incorporation of a new Wholly Owned Subsidiary as a ‘Resulting Company’ for Demerger of Non-Core Assets of the Company. Positive for the stock.
  • Shipping Corporation of India

    5 Aug 2021 , 12:14PM Shipping Corporation of India: The Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on 3rd August, 2021, has considered and approved the Scheme of Arrangement for Demerger of Non-Core Assets (Demerged Undertaking) of The Shipping Corporation of India Limited (Demerged Company). Positive for the stock.
  • Shipping Corporation of India

    2 Mar 2021 , 9:41AM As per media reports, DIPAM Secretary has received multiple expressions of interest for privatisation of the company and the said transaction will move to the second stage now. London-based Foresight Group International is among the bidders. The Foresight Offshore Drilling led consortium includes Belgium listed shipping company, Exmar NV and Dubai-based shipping company GMS DMCC. Positive for the stock.
  • Shipping Corporation of India

    4 Dec 2020 , 12:31PM As per media reports, Cabinet Secretary-led panel is set to meet next week to give final touches to the EoI for privatization. DIPAM will issue the EoI by December 18, 2020. Many domestic and foreign companies, like Adani, Vedanta, Essar Shipping, GE Shipping and Dubai Port World, have shown interest. The government will divest its entire 63.75% stake in SCI.
  • BPCL, Shipping Corporation, Container Corporation

    21 Nov 2019 , 10:37AM Cabinet approves strategic divestment in Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL), Container Corporation and SCI
  • SCI jumps on stake sale buzz

    15 Jun 2017 , 12:44PM SCI surges by 16% to Rs92, on reports that NITI Aayog proposes strategic sale of about 26% stake in the company

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of Shipping Corporation of India Ltd stock 

Name March-24 March-23 March-22 March-21 March-20
Assets 9856.99 8954.38 11877.02 10988.45 10988.02
Liabilities 9856.99 8954.38 11877.02 10988.45 10988.02
Equity 465.8 465.8 465.8 465.8 465.8
Gross Profit 1423.65 1557.63 1527.28 1158.26 1139.96
Net Profit 612.15 800.12 794.79 618.1 302.35
Cash From Operating Activities 995.18 1466.19 1644.75 1340.52 944.72
NPM(%) 12.13 13.8 15.91 16.69 6.83
Revenue 5046.04 5793.95 4994.55 3703.25 4425.44
Expenses 3622.39 4236.32 3467.27 2544.99 3285.48
ROE(%) 7.59 9.92 9.86 7.66 3.75

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day
06 Sep 2024 0.5 5 0.34 234.7
01 Sep 2023 0.44 4.4 0.34 94.2
22 Sep 2022 0.33 3.3 0.34 124.65
17 Aug 2021 0.25 2.5 0.34 110
09 Sep 2020 0.75 7.5 0.34 47.15
14 Sep 2011 2.5 25 0.34 104.35
11 Feb 2011 3 30 0.34 120.05
20 Sep 2010 5 50 0.34 160.45
18 Sep 2009 6.5 65 0.34 127.25
19 Sep 2008 4 40 0.34 256.2
27 Feb 2008 4.5 45 0.34 196.45
03 Apr 2007 8.5 85 0.34 160.65
13 Feb 2006 8.5 85 0.34 159.25
16 Sep 2005 3 30 0.34 152.5
03 Nov 2004 4 40 0.34 159.6
09 Oct 2003 17 170 0.34 106
19 Mar 2003 3 30 0.34 68.15
03 Sep 2002 0 0 0.34 93.35
13 May 2002 0 35 0.34 67.1
13 May 2002 0 35 0.34 67.2
03 Sep 2001 0 5 0.34 34.05
07 Jun 2001 0 25 0.34 38.3
07 Jun 2001 0 25 0.34 34.75
0 0 0.34 13.55
0 15 0.34 22.35


Other companies within the same industry or sector that are comparable to Shipping Corporation of India Ltd

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Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd 1303.35 0.30 37.82 1702.24 311.88 0.72
Sadhav Shipping Ltd 96.00 -1.23 14.31 213.28 63.72 0.00
Swan Defence and Heavy Industries Ltd 78.20 0.00 0.00 39.86 -228.91 0.00
Arvind Port and Infra Ltd 48.10 -4.94 13.11 180.37 30.86 0.00

Company Info

1961 - The Company was Incorporated at Mumbai. The Company was formed on 2nd October 1961 when by virtue of the Shipping Corporation Amalgamation Order, 1961, the Undertaking of the Western Shipping Corporation Ltd., was merged into the Eastern Shipping Corporation Ltd., which was renamed `The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.' The Corporation is an autonomous body working under the administrative superintendent of the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Transport and Communications. - The Company's objects is Corporation operates cargo passenger cum-cargo and tanker services. 1962 - The entire capital is held by the Govt. of India. 1971 - 4,49,844 shares issued to Govt. against acquisition of shares of Jayanti Shipping Co. Ltd. 1972 - 100 shares issued to Govt. without payment in cash. 1992 - The Company specifically acquired m.v. Ramanujam for service in the Rameshwaram-Talai mannar service. 1993 - The Russian Federation was expected to designate Port of Novorossisk for handling Indo-Russian Cargoes. The Rupee-Rouble inter-se settlement reached advanced stage and was expected to give an impetus to revival of Indo-Russian trade. - The Polish buyers did not purchase any Indian Oil Cakes during the year on account of better availability of soyabean meal extraction from South American countries. - The Indo-Czech trade was affected by the splitting up of Czechoslovakia into Czech and Slovak Republic. - The Company continues to operate the passenger and cargo services between mainland and Andaman - Nicobar islands. - 1,31,811 passengers and 91,201 tonnes of general cargo and 18,383 CBM tubes logs were transported between mainland and the islands. - The Company proposed for a joint venture with SCICI Ltd. and Transport Corporation of India Ltd. for starting Ro-Ro service along Indian Coast for carriage of trucks with general of bulk cargo. - The Company placed orders for 4 crude tankers of 1,40,000 DWT size apart from securing 4 vessels (2 bulk carriers and 2 general cargo vessels). These are part of the 8 vessels from a part of 79 vessels planned for acquisition by the Company. - The Company undertook to acquire two double hull tankers in replacements of existing old and aged single hull tanker. - 68220 passengers and 10984 tonnes of cargo were transported between mainland and islands. - The Company took delivery of one more handy bulk carrier viz. m.v.Lok Pratap in June. With the sale of m.v.Harrai in June and m.v.Lok Vivek in March 1994, total number of bulk carriers at the end of the year stood at twenty eight. - The Company took delivery of two M.R.Product carriers of 45100 DWT each from Hanjin shipyard, Korea. - Equity shares subdivided. 17689540 shares issued for consideration. Other than cash 2366,63,430 No. of equity shares issued to Govt. of India. 1994 - Five vessels were deployed carrying 1,14,693 passengers, 80,011 tonnes of general cargo and 6574 CBM tanker logs. - The Company took delivery of three newly built double hulled crude oil tankers viz. m.t. Ankleshwar, mt. Gandhar, m.t. Maharaja Agarsen from Korea and a second hand Japanese product/chemical tanker on 3rd May 1995. - Orders were placed for construction of two bulk carriers of 42,750 DWT each with Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. - In Manland-Lakshdweep and Inter island shipping service, the company has three passenger cum cargo ships, two inter-island ferries and two cargo barger. - 64530 passengers and 16,615 tonnes of cargo were carried. - The socio political conditions in the Talaimannar not being conducive for recommencement of ferry between Talaimanna and Rameshwaram, `Ramanujan' was diverted to inter-islands services in Andaman and Nicobar sector. The Company has a fleet of 26 crude carriers including 2 VLCCS and OBOS apart from eight of product carriers. - During October, the Govt. further disinvested 38,64,600 shares representing 1.37% of paid up capital of the company. Earlier, 5,22,45,900 shares ie., 18.51% and with this disinvestment, Govt. holding in the Company was reduced to 80.12%. The remaining 19.88% is held by Financial Institutions, banks, Mutual Funds, FIIS. 1995 - A Separate contract was entered into with M/s. ENRON and one World Bank tanker viz. m.t. Netaji Subhash Bose was given on time charter. 1996 - The Company acquired one secondhand MR product tanker viz. m.t. Bharatidasan. - Some of the new innovations/improvements in its new acquisitions are as follows: - (i) Installation of auxiliary engines capacable of burning heavy fuel oil leading to unifuel system for main and auxiliary engines - (ii) Fitting of ships with Global Maritine Distress safety system equipment to augment the safety of personnel onboard ships. - (iii) Portable Cargo tank level monitoring system in tankers to monitor the cargo tank levels instantaneously from any position of the vessel while attending to other duties thereby reducing the risk of pollution due to overflow of tanks during cargo loading. - (iv) Painting the new crude oil tankers recently acquired with light coloured tar-free-expoxy paint to facilitate the surveyors to carry out the inspection of the tanks. - (v) Placing of shipboard oil pollution emergency plan on ships for safety of the ship as well as safety of personnel as board. 1997 - One more crude tanker viz. mt. Guru Gobind Singh was acquired from Korea. A secondhand multipurpose dry cargo vessel MV Vishva Karma was acquired on 23rd July. - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) will soon enter into a joint venture with a Singapore firm with a view to capturing the South Eastern market. The joint venture company which will be known as bulk transportation company will be floated in Singapore with a total capital of 10 million Singapore dollars. - Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. has signed a MoU with the Union surface transport ministry for the next financial year 1997-98. - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has signed a contract with Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. of South Korea for the construction and delivery of one 29,999 dwt product carrier. - With the first ever "ship-to-ship transfer of crude oil at Saugar Roads at Hooghly river successfully completed on September 11, the country's leading shipping company, Shipping Corporation of India (SCI), has achieved yet another milestone. - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has signed contracts with Hindustan Shipyard Ltd., Visakhapatnam for the construction and delivery of two hanymax bulk carriers of 42,750 DWT each. - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has entered into an agreement with South Korea-based Halla Engineering & Heavy Industries for the acquisition of two new Aframax crude oil tankers. - SCI has entered into an agreement with two companies for running container feeder services between Chennai and Colombo and Mumbai and the Persian Gulf. - SCI has signed an agreement with the Dubai-based Integrated Container and Freight Services Ltd. - SCI entered into an agreement with Halla Engineering & Heavy Industries during the last week of October this year for acquiring two 110,000 DWT (dead weight tonnage) Aframax crude oil tankers. 1998 - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) may establish a subsidiary company to promote coastal shipping and also Inland water Transport (IWT) activities as suggested by the Union surface transport secretary Yogendra Narayan. - The ministry of surface transport (MoST) has given an in principle consent to Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers (RCF) to float a 50:50 joint venture shipping company with Shipping Corporation of India (SCI). - SCI has also set up the first Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) laboratory in the country. - SCI intends entering into a joint venture with its foreign partner. - SCI and OCC had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) recently as a precursor to renew the contract for the transportation of crude. 1999 - Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has signed an agreement for Enron's LNG Transportation project. The agreement signed in the office of the surface transport ministry, was signed between Enron, Mitsui OSK Lines and the Shipping Corporation of India. - The government has cleared the $200 million joint venture proposal between the Shipping Corporation of India and Enron Power Corporation and Mitsui Osk Lines for transporting Liquefied Natural Gas for the Dabhol Power Company. - Indian Oil Corporation and Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. to float a joint venture in equity collaboration with the Calcutta Port Trust for light tonnage activities. - The country's largest ever oil tanker and the very first double hull tanker will be handed over to the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) here on Wednesday. - RCF and SCI to set up a shipping line as a 50:50 joint venture to transport urea from Oman to India. - SCI has entered into a joint venture with Enron Corporation of the US and Mitsui Osk Lines of Japan to from the greenfield shipping company, which will transport LNG from the Gulf for captive consumption at Enron Dabhol thermal power plant in Maharashtra. 2000 - The Company has been awarded the star performer's award for achieving the fatest transit time on the UK/North Continent-South Asia (JNP/Mumbai) Route for the year 1999, sponsored by Lloyds of London Press and the Port of London Authority. - The state-owned Shipping Corporation of India is considering a proposal by consultancy major PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to hive off its three divisions bulk carrier and tanker, passenger and liner, and technical and offshore services into three separate companies. - The state-owned Shipping Corporation of India has entered the external commercial borrowings market to raise $115 million for funding the acquisition of four Aframax crude oil tankers. - Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. has won the 1999 Lloyds Register's Standard Ship Emergency Exercise Award. - The Shipping Corporation of India has tied up with Mitsui OSK Line, Nippon Yusen Kaisha and K Line to bid for a tender floated by Petronet LNG for transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG). - The Company will consider the restructuring of SCI by way of a three-way split as recommended by PricewaterhouseCoopers (Pwc), enabling it to derive a better valuation than it currently does. - Mr P.K. Srivastava, Chairman, Shipping Corporation of India, has been given a three months extension. His five-year term expired in July. Mr Srivastava is likely to get another term as Chairman, according to SCI. - The government currently holds 80 % in SCIL. About 18 % is spread among financial institutions and mutual funds. Floating stock in the company is a miniscule one %. The plans for disinvestment. 2001 - During the year 2001, one Bulk Carrierr of 45792 DWT capacity was inducted in the company's fleet and 14 vessels aggregating 512006 DWT tonnage, which were techno-economically unviable were disposed of. Thus, the overall fleet position remained 99 ships the end of the year. - SCIL and Japan-based Mitsui OSK Lines (Mitsui) won the $400 million Petronet LNG contract to build and operate two LNG carriers. Encouraged by the success of the mainline container services on the UK/Continent route, SCIL is planning to place higher capacity vessels on the route. The company is currently in the market in search of 2200/2300- TEU capacity vessels for acquisition. 2002 -Government decided on strategic sale of 51% of SCI's equity and has fixed Rs.800 cr of networth criterion to SCI. -SCI has collide with a 5 year loan contract worth 200cr with Bank of Baroda at an interest rate of 8.75%to prepay part of the Rs 250cr debt government loan prior to disinvestment. -Seamen's union of SCI decided to go on strike against government decision to disinvest SCI at a cost of 3.5cr. -Mitsui O.S.K, a japan based company withdrew its expression of interest(EoI) to acquire a controlling stake in SCI. -IOC ended the monopoly of SCI as its crude freighter with the invitation of maiden bids from pvt players for chartering ships for coastal movement of crude oil. -'V-Ships' bid to acquire government stake in SCI has been disqualified since the company could not satisfy the stipulation of minimum networth of Rs.800cr. -SCI payed all its debt of Rs.255cr to government before its disinvestment. -SCI records 82% dip in the net profit. 2003 -Petroleum Ministry has refused to grant nodal agency status to the corporation for transporting crude. -A.K. Mohapatra has been appointed as part time director to the board. -SCI declares interim dividend of 30% for the financial year 03. -Shipping Corporation of India advises its crew members to take precautions against SARS. -Cabinet committee on disinvestment decided to invite fresh expression of interest(EoI) for disinvestment of 51%. -SCI informs BSE the change in the management structure, appointment of Shri.M.Ramachandran as the part time director to the board. -SCI has inked agreement with Hyundai Heavy Industries Company Ltd of South Korea for building 2 very large crude carriers (VLCC). - Mr Susheel Kumar has been appointed as a part time official director on the Board of the Company. -Decides to pick up stake in a marine joint venture to be floated by the Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) -The divestment of Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has been postponed indefinitely though the government continues to be firm on its divestment policies. 2004 - New ship named 'Desh Shanti' inducted into SCI fleet on June 9, 2004. -Ministry supports SCI sale but wants govt to retain 75% stake 2005 -Shipping Corporation signs contracts Daewoo Shipbuilding, South Korea -Shipping Corp wins IOC crude transport bid -SCI to acquire Korean carriers for Rs 1000 cr 2006 - Shipping Corporation of India Ltd has informed that Shri N C Singhal, (Independent Director) has ceased to be the Director of the Company. - Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd. has informed that the M/s S. Bhandari & Company and M/s. Khandelwal Jain & Company have been appointed as statutory auditors of the Company for the year 2006-07 by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (C & A G). -Shipping Corporation signs MoU with ONGC -SCI to tie up with Shapoorji Pallonji -SCI join hands with global players for US service 2007 -Shipping Corporation of India Ltd has appointed Shri. Nasser Munjee as non-official part-time Director on the Board of the Company in its meeting held on August 13, 2007. -Shipping Corporation of India Ltd has appointed Shri. J N Dasas Director (Liner & Passenger Services) of the Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., by the Government of India, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways, and has taken over charge w.e.f. December 24, 2007. -Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has appointed Shri. B S Meena, Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser, Ministry of Steel as director on the Board of Directors of the Company. 2008 -The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:2. 2009 -SCI mulls three container ships acquisitions for $225 mn 2010 - Shipping Corporation - Delivery of 1 Medium Range Product Tanker Vessel - "m.t. Swarna Mala" of 51,196 DWT capacity. - Shipping Corp - Delivery of 1 LR-I size Product Tanker Vessel - m.t. Swarna Ganga -ShippingCorp - Entering Ship Building Contract for 4 Kamsarmax Bulk Carriers of about 80000 DWT each, with M/s. Jiangsu Eastern Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. on September 25, 2010. - ShippingCorp - Delivery of 1 Aframax Tanker - m.t. Desh Mahima 2011 - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has signed a contract with Grand Yard Investments Ltd. china - the Company has signed a shipbuilding contract for acquisition of a newbuilding cellular container of 3500 TEU capacity 2012 - SCI has taken physical delivery of its Supramax Bulk Carrier - "m.v. Vishva Vikas" of 57127.8 DWT capacity. - The Shipping Corporation of India has taken physical delivery of its 2005 WT (2067 GT) Anchor Handling Towing-cum-Supply vessel of 120 Ton Bollard Pull Capacity. - The Shipping Corporation of India has taken physical delivery of its 1966 DWT (2039 GT) Anchor Handling Towing-cum-Supply vessel of 80 Ton Bollard Pull Capacity - "m.v SCI Mukta". 2013 -Shipping Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate for transportation LNG sourced by GAIL from USA. 2014 -SCI received the Best Tanker operator award - Gateway awrads 2016 -SCI has signed MOA with Greatship Global Offshore Services Pte Ltd, Singapore for acquisition of one secondhand Platform Supply Vessel. 2017 -Shipping Corporation takes delivery of secondhand Suezmax tanker. -SCI wins `Training Award' at Lloyd's List SAMEA Awards 2017. 2019 -SCI awarded 'Most Compassionate Employer of Indian seafarers'. 2021 -The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. (SCI) in collaboration with Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), supported by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways scripted a new chapter in the Indian Inland Waterways Transport sector.

1961 - The Company was Incorporated at Mumbai. The Company was formed on 2nd October 1961 when by virtue of the Shipping Corporation Amalgamation Order, 1961, the Undertaking of the Western Shipping Corporation Ltd., was merged into the Eastern Shipping Corporation Ltd., which was renamed `The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.' The Corporation is an autonomous body working under the administrative superintendent of the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Transport and Communications. - The Company's objects is Corporation operates cargo passenger cum-cargo and tanker services. 1962 - The entire capital is held by the Govt. of India. 1971 - 4,49,844 shares issued to Govt. against acquisition of shares of Jayanti Shipping Co. Ltd. 1972 - 100 shares issued to Govt. without payment in cash. 1992 - The Company specifically acquired m.v. Ramanujam for service in the Rameshwaram-Talai mannar service. 1993 - The Russian Federation was expected to designate Port of Novorossisk for handling Indo-Russian Cargoes. The Rupee-Rouble inter-se settlement reached advanced stage and was expected to give an impetus to revival of Indo-Russian trade. - The Polish buyers did not purchase any Indian Oil Cakes during the year on account of better availability of soyabean meal extraction from South American countries. - The Indo-Czech trade was affected by the splitting up of Czechoslovakia into Czech and Slovak Republic. - The Company continues to operate the passenger and cargo services between mainland and Andaman - Nicobar islands. - 1,31,811 passengers and 91,201 tonnes of general cargo and 18,383 CBM tubes logs were transported between mainland and the islands. - The Company proposed for a joint venture with SCICI Ltd. and Transport Corporation of India Ltd. for starting Ro-Ro service along Indian Coast for carriage of trucks with general of bulk cargo. - The Company placed orders for 4 crude tankers of 1,40,000 DWT size apart from securing 4 vessels (2 bulk carriers and 2 general cargo vessels). These are part of the 8 vessels from a part of 79 vessels planned for acquisition by the Company. - The Company undertook to acquire two double hull tankers in replacements of existing old and aged single hull tanker. - 68220 passengers and 10984 tonnes of cargo were transported between mainland and islands. - The Company took delivery of one more handy bulk carrier viz. m.v.Lok Pratap in June. With the sale of m.v.Harrai in June and m.v.Lok Vivek in March 1994, total number of bulk carriers at the end of the year stood at twenty eight. - The Company took delivery of two M.R.Product carriers of 45100 DWT each from Hanjin shipyard, Korea. - Equity shares subdivided. 17689540 shares issued for consideration. Other than cash 2366,63,430 No. of equity shares issued to Govt. of India. 1994 - Five vessels were deployed carrying 1,14,693 passengers, 80,011 tonnes of general cargo and 6574 CBM tanker logs. - The Company took delivery of three newly built double hulled crude oil tankers viz. m.t. Ankleshwar, mt. Gandhar, m.t. Maharaja Agarsen from Korea and a second hand Japanese product/chemical tanker on 3rd May 1995. - Orders were placed for construction of two bulk carriers of 42,750 DWT each with Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. - In Manland-Lakshdweep and Inter island shipping service, the company has three passenger cum cargo ships, two inter-island ferries and two cargo barger. - 64530 passengers and 16,615 tonnes of cargo were carried. - The socio political conditions in the Talaimannar not being conducive for recommencement of ferry between Talaimanna and Rameshwaram, `Ramanujan' was diverted to inter-islands services in Andaman and Nicobar sector. The Company has a fleet of 26 crude carriers including 2 VLCCS and OBOS apart from eight of product carriers. - During October, the Govt. further disinvested 38,64,600 shares representing 1.37% of paid up capital of the company. Earlier, 5,22,45,900 shares ie., 18.51% and with this disinvestment, Govt. holding in the Company was reduced to 80.12%. The remaining 19.88% is held by Financial Institutions, banks, Mutual Funds, FIIS. 1995 - A Separate contract was entered into with M/s. ENRON and one World Bank tanker viz. m.t. Netaji Subhash Bose was given on time charter. 1996 - The Company acquired one secondhand MR product tanker viz. m.t. Bharatidasan. - Some of the new innovations/improvements in its new acquisitions are as follows: - (i) Installation of auxiliary engines capacable of burning heavy fuel oil leading to unifuel system for main and auxiliary engines - (ii) Fitting of ships with Global Maritine Distress safety system equipment to augment the safety of personnel onboard ships. - (iii) Portable Cargo tank level monitoring system in tankers to monitor the cargo tank levels instantaneously from any position of the vessel while attending to other duties thereby reducing the risk of pollution due to overflow of tanks during cargo loading. - (iv) Painting the new crude oil tankers recently acquired with light coloured tar-free-expoxy paint to facilitate the surveyors to carry out the inspection of the tanks. - (v) Placing of shipboard oil pollution emergency plan on ships for safety of the ship as well as safety of personnel as board. 1997 - One more crude tanker viz. mt. Guru Gobind Singh was acquired from Korea. A secondhand multipurpose dry cargo vessel MV Vishva Karma was acquired on 23rd July. - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) will soon enter into a joint venture with a Singapore firm with a view to capturing the South Eastern market. The joint venture company which will be known as bulk transportation company will be floated in Singapore with a total capital of 10 million Singapore dollars. - Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. has signed a MoU with the Union surface transport ministry for the next financial year 1997-98. - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has signed a contract with Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. of South Korea for the construction and delivery of one 29,999 dwt product carrier. - With the first ever "ship-to-ship transfer of crude oil at Saugar Roads at Hooghly river successfully completed on September 11, the country's leading shipping company, Shipping Corporation of India (SCI), has achieved yet another milestone. - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has signed contracts with Hindustan Shipyard Ltd., Visakhapatnam for the construction and delivery of two hanymax bulk carriers of 42,750 DWT each. - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has entered into an agreement with South Korea-based Halla Engineering & Heavy Industries for the acquisition of two new Aframax crude oil tankers. - SCI has entered into an agreement with two companies for running container feeder services between Chennai and Colombo and Mumbai and the Persian Gulf. - SCI has signed an agreement with the Dubai-based Integrated Container and Freight Services Ltd. - SCI entered into an agreement with Halla Engineering & Heavy Industries during the last week of October this year for acquiring two 110,000 DWT (dead weight tonnage) Aframax crude oil tankers. 1998 - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) may establish a subsidiary company to promote coastal shipping and also Inland water Transport (IWT) activities as suggested by the Union surface transport secretary Yogendra Narayan. - The ministry of surface transport (MoST) has given an in principle consent to Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers (RCF) to float a 50:50 joint venture shipping company with Shipping Corporation of India (SCI). - SCI has also set up the first Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) laboratory in the country. - SCI intends entering into a joint venture with its foreign partner. - SCI and OCC had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) recently as a precursor to renew the contract for the transportation of crude. 1999 - Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has signed an agreement for Enron's LNG Transportation project. The agreement signed in the office of the surface transport ministry, was signed between Enron, Mitsui OSK Lines and the Shipping Corporation of India. - The government has cleared the $200 million joint venture proposal between the Shipping Corporation of India and Enron Power Corporation and Mitsui Osk Lines for transporting Liquefied Natural Gas for the Dabhol Power Company. - Indian Oil Corporation and Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. to float a joint venture in equity collaboration with the Calcutta Port Trust for light tonnage activities. - The country's largest ever oil tanker and the very first double hull tanker will be handed over to the Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) here on Wednesday. - RCF and SCI to set up a shipping line as a 50:50 joint venture to transport urea from Oman to India. - SCI has entered into a joint venture with Enron Corporation of the US and Mitsui Osk Lines of Japan to from the greenfield shipping company, which will transport LNG from the Gulf for captive consumption at Enron Dabhol thermal power plant in Maharashtra. 2000 - The Company has been awarded the star performer's award for achieving the fatest transit time on the UK/North Continent-South Asia (JNP/Mumbai) Route for the year 1999, sponsored by Lloyds of London Press and the Port of London Authority. - The state-owned Shipping Corporation of India is considering a proposal by consultancy major PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to hive off its three divisions bulk carrier and tanker, passenger and liner, and technical and offshore services into three separate companies. - The state-owned Shipping Corporation of India has entered the external commercial borrowings market to raise $115 million for funding the acquisition of four Aframax crude oil tankers. - Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. has won the 1999 Lloyds Register's Standard Ship Emergency Exercise Award. - The Shipping Corporation of India has tied up with Mitsui OSK Line, Nippon Yusen Kaisha and K Line to bid for a tender floated by Petronet LNG for transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG). - The Company will consider the restructuring of SCI by way of a three-way split as recommended by PricewaterhouseCoopers (Pwc), enabling it to derive a better valuation than it currently does. - Mr P.K. Srivastava, Chairman, Shipping Corporation of India, has been given a three months extension. His five-year term expired in July. Mr Srivastava is likely to get another term as Chairman, according to SCI. - The government currently holds 80 % in SCIL. About 18 % is spread among financial institutions and mutual funds. Floating stock in the company is a miniscule one %. The plans for disinvestment. 2001 - During the year 2001, one Bulk Carrierr of 45792 DWT capacity was inducted in the company's fleet and 14 vessels aggregating 512006 DWT tonnage, which were techno-economically unviable were disposed of. Thus, the overall fleet position remained 99 ships the end of the year. - SCIL and Japan-based Mitsui OSK Lines (Mitsui) won the $400 million Petronet LNG contract to build and operate two LNG carriers. Encouraged by the success of the mainline container services on the UK/Continent route, SCIL is planning to place higher capacity vessels on the route. The company is currently in the market in search of 2200/2300- TEU capacity vessels for acquisition. 2002 -Government decided on strategic sale of 51% of SCI's equity and has fixed Rs.800 cr of networth criterion to SCI. -SCI has collide with a 5 year loan contract worth 200cr with Bank of Baroda at an interest rate of 8.75%to prepay part of the Rs 250cr debt government loan prior to disinvestment. -Seamen's union of SCI decided to go on strike against government decision to disinvest SCI at a cost of 3.5cr. -Mitsui O.S.K, a japan based company withdrew its expression of interest(EoI) to acquire a controlling stake in SCI. -IOC ended the monopoly of SCI as its crude freighter with the invitation of maiden bids from pvt players for chartering ships for coastal movement of crude oil. -'V-Ships' bid to acquire government stake in SCI has been disqualified since the company could not satisfy the stipulation of minimum networth of Rs.800cr. -SCI payed all its debt of Rs.255cr to government before its disinvestment. -SCI records 82% dip in the net profit. 2003 -Petroleum Ministry has refused to grant nodal agency status to the corporation for transporting crude. -A.K. Mohapatra has been appointed as part time director to the board. -SCI declares interim dividend of 30% for the financial year 03. -Shipping Corporation of India advises its crew members to take precautions against SARS. -Cabinet committee on disinvestment decided to invite fresh expression of interest(EoI) for disinvestment of 51%. -SCI informs BSE the change in the management structure, appointment of Shri.M.Ramachandran as the part time director to the board. -SCI has inked agreement with Hyundai Heavy Industries Company Ltd of South Korea for building 2 very large crude carriers (VLCC). - Mr Susheel Kumar has been appointed as a part time official director on the Board of the Company. -Decides to pick up stake in a marine joint venture to be floated by the Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) -The divestment of Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has been postponed indefinitely though the government continues to be firm on its divestment policies. 2004 - New ship named 'Desh Shanti' inducted into SCI fleet on June 9, 2004. -Ministry supports SCI sale but wants govt to retain 75% stake 2005 -Shipping Corporation signs contracts Daewoo Shipbuilding, South Korea -Shipping Corp wins IOC crude transport bid -SCI to acquire Korean carriers for Rs 1000 cr 2006 - Shipping Corporation of India Ltd has informed that Shri N C Singhal, (Independent Director) has ceased to be the Director of the Company. - Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd. has informed that the M/s S. Bhandari & Company and M/s. Khandelwal Jain & Company have been appointed as statutory auditors of the Company for the year 2006-07 by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (C & A G). -Shipping Corporation signs MoU with ONGC -SCI to tie up with Shapoorji Pallonji -SCI join hands with global players for US service 2007 -Shipping Corporation of India Ltd has appointed Shri. Nasser Munjee as non-official part-time Director on the Board of the Company in its meeting held on August 13, 2007. -Shipping Corporation of India Ltd has appointed Shri. J N Dasas Director (Liner & Passenger Services) of the Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., by the Government of India, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways, and has taken over charge w.e.f. December 24, 2007. -Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) has appointed Shri. B S Meena, Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser, Ministry of Steel as director on the Board of Directors of the Company. 2008 -The Company has issued Bonus Shares in the Ratio of 1:2. 2009 -SCI mulls three container ships acquisitions for $225 mn 2010 - Shipping Corporation - Delivery of 1 Medium Range Product Tanker Vessel - "m.t. Swarna Mala" of 51,196 DWT capacity. - Shipping Corp - Delivery of 1 LR-I size Product Tanker Vessel - m.t. Swarna Ganga -ShippingCorp - Entering Ship Building Contract for 4 Kamsarmax Bulk Carriers of about 80000 DWT each, with M/s. Jiangsu Eastern Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. on September 25, 2010. - ShippingCorp - Delivery of 1 Aframax Tanker - m.t. Desh Mahima 2011 - The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has signed a contract with Grand Yard Investments Ltd. china - the Company has signed a shipbuilding contract for acquisition of a newbuilding cellular container of 3500 TEU capacity 2012 - SCI has taken physical delivery of its Supramax Bulk Carrier - "m.v. Vishva Vikas" of 57127.8 DWT capacity. - The Shipping Corporation of India has taken physical delivery of its 2005 WT (2067 GT) Anchor Handling Towing-cum-Supply vessel of 120 Ton Bollard Pull Capacity. - The Shipping Corporation of India has taken physical delivery of its 1966 DWT (2039 GT) Anchor Handling Towing-cum-Supply vessel of 80 Ton Bollard Pull Capacity - "m.v SCI Mukta". 2013 -Shipping Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate for transportation LNG sourced by GAIL from USA. 2014 -SCI received the Best Tanker operator award - Gateway awrads 2016 -SCI has signed MOA with Greatship Global Offshore Services Pte Ltd, Singapore for acquisition of one secondhand Platform Supply Vessel. 2017 -Shipping Corporation takes delivery of secondhand Suezmax tanker. -SCI wins `Training Award' at Lloyd's List SAMEA Awards 2017. 2019 -SCI awarded 'Most Compassionate Employer of Indian seafarers'. 2021 -The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. (SCI) in collaboration with Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), supported by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways scripted a new chapter in the Indian Inland Waterways Transport sector.

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Parent Organisation

Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.



Managing Director

Capt.B K Tyagi

NSE Symbol



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The CEO of Shipping Corporation of India Ltd is Capt.B K Tyagi, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.