
Diamines and Chemicals Ltd

Thu 13/03/2025,15:41:54 | NSE : DIAMINESQ

₹ 359.10-0.55 (-0.15%)

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₹ 359.45

Previous Close

₹ 359.65



Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)



₹ 364.95


₹ 343.70

52 Week High

₹ 693.40

52 Week Low

₹ 339.95

Book Value Per Share

₹ 166.44

Dividend Yield


Face Value

₹ 10.00

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  • Diamines & Chem. - Updates

    18 Feb 2025, 1:44PM Diamines & Chemicals Limited has informed the Exchange regarding 'Intimation received under Regulation 29(1) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011'.
  • Diamines & Chem. - Intimation Under Regulation 29(1) Of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011

    18 Feb 2025, 1:36PM We submit herewith intimation received under Regulation 29(1) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of shares and Takeover) Regulations, 2011.
  • Diamines & Chem. Q3 net profit down 66.18% at Rs 1.15 cr

    6 Feb 2025, 3:11PM The company reported standalone net profit of Rs 1.15 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 as compared to Rs 3.40 crore in the same period la
  • Diamines & Chem. - Integrated Filing (Financial)

    6 Feb 2025, 1:35PM We Submit herewith Integrated (Finance) for the quarter ended 31.12.2024
  • Diamines & Chem. - Integrated Filing- Financial

    6 Feb 2025, 1:34PM We submit herewith Integrated filing (Financial) for the quarter ended December 31, 2024
  • Diamines & Chem. - Statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) under Reg. 32

    6 Feb 2025, 1:24PM Diamines & Chemicals Limited has informed the Exchange about statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) under Reg. 32
  • Diamines & Chem. - Compliance-Reg 32 Of The SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015

    6 Feb 2025, 1:24PM We submit herewith compliance under regulation 32 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015
  • Diamines & Chem. - Outcome of Board Meeting

    6 Feb 2025, 1:20PM Diamines & Chemicals Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on February 06, 2025.
  • Diamines & Chem. - Financial Result Updates

    6 Feb 2025, 1:16PM Diamines & Chemicals Limited has submitted to the Exchange, the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024.
  • Diamines & Chem. - Outcome of Board Meeting

    6 Feb 2025, 1:13PM Diamines & Chemicals Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board meeting held on February 06, 2025.
  • Diamines & Chem. - Board Meeting Intimation

    22 Jan 2025, 3:45PM DIAMINES & CHEMICALS LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Board Meeting to be held on 06-Feb-2025 to inter-alia consider and approve the Unaudited
  • Diamines & Chem. - Board Meeting Intimation for Consideration And Approval Of The Unaudited Financial Results (Standalone & C

    22 Jan 2025, 3:15PM DIAMINES & CHEMICALS LTD.-has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 06/02/2025 ,inter alia, to consid
  • Diamines & Chem. - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018

    6 Jan 2025, 12:20PM Diamines & Chemicals Limited has informed the Exchange about Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018
  • Diamines & Chem. - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018

    6 Jan 2025, 12:15PM We submit herewith Compliance Certificate received from RTA of the Company under Reg 74(5) of SEBI LODR, Regulations, 2015 for the quarter ended Dece
  • Diamines & Chem. - Updates

    1 Jan 2025, 2:34PM Diamines & Chemicals Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Intimation Of Change In Name Of Registrar And Share Transfer Agent Of The Company w.e
  • Diamines & Chem. - Intimation Of Change In Name Of Registrar And Share Transfer Agent Of The Company

    1 Jan 2025, 2:26PM The Company hereby informs that the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the Company have changed their name form Link Intime India Private Limited t
  • Diamines & Chem. - Trading Window-XBRL

    27 Dec 2024, 11:16AM DIAMINES & CHEMICALS LIMITED has informed the Exchange about Closure of Trading Window
  • Diamines & Chem. - Trading Window

    27 Dec 2024, 11:15AM Diamines & Chemicals Limited has informed the Exchange regarding the Trading Window closure pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulati

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of Diamines and Chemicals Ltd stock 

Name March-24 March-23 March-22 March-21 March-20
Assets 150.7764 134.8901 100.2424 85.3281 65.1797
Liabilities 150.7764 134.8901 100.2424 85.3281 65.1797
Equity 9.784 9.7832 9.7832 9.7832 9.7832
Gross Profit 24.2017 55.766 22.0389 25.1524 35.2308
Net Profit 17.7713 42.2195 16.7235 21.0337 23.9858
Cash From Operating Activities 19.7348 16.3061 27.3142 15.3733 25.9542
NPM(%) 17.08 38.18 25.29 33.48 34.61
Revenue 104.0351 110.5586 66.1068 62.8171 69.2993
Expenses 79.8334 54.7926 44.0679 37.6647 34.0685
ROE(%) 10.91 25.92 10.26 12.91 14.72

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day
25 Jul 2024 2.5 25 0.7 551.15


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Company Info

YEAR EVENTS 1976 - The Company was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on 12th May, and it obtained the Certificate of Commencement of Business on 16th July, from the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat at Ahmedabad. - The Company was jointly promoted by the Bharat Vijay Mills Ltd., Kalol (Gujarat) and Cellulose Products of India Ltd. - The main objective of the company is to manufacture of ethylenediamine and polamines such as diethylenetriamine, triethlenetetramine and other polyethylene polyamines used mainly for the manufacture of pesticides and fungicides, textiles, auxiliaries, paints and adhesives, drug intermediates, auxiliaries, paints and adhesives, drug intermediates, paper, petroleum additives, rubber chemicals and plastics. - 40,000 shares issued to promoters, directors, etc. 3,60,000 shares issued at par out of which the following shares were reserved and allotted: 5,20,000 shares to The Bharat Vijay Mills Ltd., and Cellulose Products of Indian Ltd., 50,000 shares each to LIC and GIC and 70,000 shares to employees and business associates of the two promoter companies. 6,70,000 shares offered for public subscription during November 1979. 1983 - The company achieved an average capacity utilisation of 58% as against 14% in the previous year. - 4,48,000 rights equity shares issued at par in prop. 8:25 in 1985 - The profitability, however, was adversely affected due to factors such as increase in the cost of inputs and higher downtime in some of the initial equipment subject to corrosion, power tripping, etc. The company installed a 500 KVA diesel generating set. 1988 - A letter of intent was received from enhancement of ethylenediamine capacity from 2,000 tpa to 5,000 tpa. 1989 - During the period, the company entered into a Co-promoters Agreement with PICUP for Rifampicin Project of 100 tpa capacity. 1990 - The Company undertook implementation of phase-III of modernisation-cum-expansion programme to expand the installed capacity to 2,600 tpa. - A Company in the name and style of Hindustran Biotech Ltd. (HBL), was incorporated for setting up the said bulk drug project. 1991 - The company received offers from Grace Rexolin, Sweden (W.R. Grace, U.S.A.) for the technology know-how for manufacture of N-methyl piperazine (NMP), ammino methyl piperazine (AMP) and N-ethyl piperazine (NEP), etc. - The HBL unit was at an advanced stage for setting up the bulk drugs project at Sikandrabad, U.P. PICUP sanctioned the necessary loans for the same. - During the year, the Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd. (GIIC), to set upan integrated chemical complex in the joint sector for the manufacture of ethylenedichloride (EDC) in the backward area of Gujarat State. - The company issued 1,25,000-20% secured redeemable non-convertible debentures of Rs. 100 each on private placement basis with UTI (75,000 debentures) and LIC (50,000 debentures). - The debenture issued to UTI are redeemable in three equal annual instalments commencing from 7th February, 1997 and ending on 7th February, 1999 and the debentures issued to LIC are redeemable in three equal annual installments commencing from the February 1998 and ending on 7th February, 2000. - 50,580 No. of equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 28.75 per share. 2008 - Company has informed that the designated Email Id of the grievance redressal division/compliance officer exclusively for the purpose of registering complaints by investor is: 2010 - Diamines & Chemicals Ltd has appointed Mr. Girish R. Satarkar as an Executive Director w.e.f. April 13, 2010. 2011 -Diamines & Chemicals has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:2 2012 - The company has recommended dividend @ 10% (Rs. 1/- per Equity Share). 2013 - The company has recommended dividend @ 5% (Rs. 0.50 per Equity Share).

YEAR EVENTS 1976 - The Company was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on 12th May, and it obtained the Certificate of Commencement of Business on 16th July, from the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat at Ahmedabad. - The Company was jointly promoted by the Bharat Vijay Mills Ltd., Kalol (Gujarat) and Cellulose Products of India Ltd. - The main objective of the company is to manufacture of ethylenediamine and polamines such as diethylenetriamine, triethlenetetramine and other polyethylene polyamines used mainly for the manufacture of pesticides and fungicides, textiles, auxiliaries, paints and adhesives, drug intermediates, auxiliaries, paints and adhesives, drug intermediates, paper, petroleum additives, rubber chemicals and plastics. - 40,000 shares issued to promoters, directors, etc. 3,60,000 shares issued at par out of which the following shares were reserved and allotted: 5,20,000 shares to The Bharat Vijay Mills Ltd., and Cellulose Products of Indian Ltd., 50,000 shares each to LIC and GIC and 70,000 shares to employees and business associates of the two promoter companies. 6,70,000 shares offered for public subscription during November 1979. 1983 - The company achieved an average capacity utilisation of 58% as against 14% in the previous year. - 4,48,000 rights equity shares issued at par in prop. 8:25 in 1985 - The profitability, however, was adversely affected due to factors such as increase in the cost of inputs and higher downtime in some of the initial equipment subject to corrosion, power tripping, etc. The company installed a 500 KVA diesel generating set. 1988 - A letter of intent was received from enhancement of ethylenediamine capacity from 2,000 tpa to 5,000 tpa. 1989 - During the period, the company entered into a Co-promoters Agreement with PICUP for Rifampicin Project of 100 tpa capacity. 1990 - The Company undertook implementation of phase-III of modernisation-cum-expansion programme to expand the installed capacity to 2,600 tpa. - A Company in the name and style of Hindustran Biotech Ltd. (HBL), was incorporated for setting up the said bulk drug project. 1991 - The company received offers from Grace Rexolin, Sweden (W.R. Grace, U.S.A.) for the technology know-how for manufacture of N-methyl piperazine (NMP), ammino methyl piperazine (AMP) and N-ethyl piperazine (NEP), etc. - The HBL unit was at an advanced stage for setting up the bulk drugs project at Sikandrabad, U.P. PICUP sanctioned the necessary loans for the same. - During the year, the Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd. (GIIC), to set upan integrated chemical complex in the joint sector for the manufacture of ethylenedichloride (EDC) in the backward area of Gujarat State. - The company issued 1,25,000-20% secured redeemable non-convertible debentures of Rs. 100 each on private placement basis with UTI (75,000 debentures) and LIC (50,000 debentures). - The debenture issued to UTI are redeemable in three equal annual instalments commencing from 7th February, 1997 and ending on 7th February, 1999 and the debentures issued to LIC are redeemable in three equal annual installments commencing from the February 1998 and ending on 7th February, 2000. - 50,580 No. of equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 28.75 per share. 2008 - Company has informed that the designated Email Id of the grievance redressal division/compliance officer exclusively for the purpose of registering complaints by investor is: 2010 - Diamines & Chemicals Ltd has appointed Mr. Girish R. Satarkar as an Executive Director w.e.f. April 13, 2010. 2011 -Diamines & Chemicals has given the Bonus in the Ratio of 1:2 2012 - The company has recommended dividend @ 10% (Rs. 1/- per Equity Share). 2013 - The company has recommended dividend @ 5% (Rs. 0.50 per Equity Share).

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Parent Organisation

Diamines & Chemicals Ltd.



Managing Director

Mr.Amit Mehta

NSE Symbol



The current price of Diamines and Chemicals Ltd is ₹ 359.10.

The 52-week high for Diamines and Chemicals Ltd is ₹ 364.95 and the 52-week low is ₹ 343.70.

The market capitalization of Diamines and Chemicals Ltd is currently ₹ 351.34. This value can fluctuate based on stock price movements and changes in the number of shares outstanding.

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To invest in Diamines and Chemicals Ltd, you need a brokerage account. After opening an account and completing the KYC process, you can fund your account and use the trading platform to purchase Diamines and Chemicals Ltd shares.

The CEO of Diamines and Chemicals Ltd is Mr.Amit Mehta, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.