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  • Canarys Automations - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    12 Mar 2025, 5:35PM Canarys Automations Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Canarys Automations - Investor Presentation

    12 Mar 2025, 5:24PM Canarys Automations Limited has informed the Exchange about Investor Presentation
  • Canarys Automations - General Updates

    25 Feb 2025, 6:45PM Outcome of the Circular Resolution passed by the Board of Directors on 25th February 2025 in pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations an
  • Canarys Automations - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    27 Jan 2025, 11:42PM Canarys Automations Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Canarys Automations - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    27 Jan 2025, 4:48PM Canarys Automations Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Canarys Automations - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018

    21 Jan 2025, 3:17PM Certificate under Regulation 76(1) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018.A copy of the Certificate received from M/s. Ganapathi &
  • Canarys Automations - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    17 Jan 2025, 5:53PM As per Regulation 30 read with Part A of Schedule III to the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, this is to inti
  • Canarys Automations - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018

    17 Jan 2025, 11:34AM Certificate received from M/s. MUFG Intime India Private Limited (formerly known as Link Intime India Private Limited), the Registrars & Share Transfe
  • Canarys Automations - Analysts/Institutional Investor Meet/Con. Call Updates

    13 Jan 2025, 6:48PM Canarys Automations Limited has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet
  • Canarys Automations - Reply to Clarification- Financial results

    17 Dec 2024, 11:53AM The Exchange had sought clarification from Canarys Automations Limited for the quarter ended 30-Sep-2024 with respect to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Li
  • Canarys Automations - Awarding of order(s)/contract(s)

    16 Dec 2024, 11:51AM Subject: Intimation regarding Major Order Secured by M/s. Canarys Automations Limited from Government of Tamil Nadu, Water Resources Department Chenna

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of Canarys Automations Ltd stock 

Name March-24 March-23 March-22 March-21 March-20
Assets 78.069 28.7991 17.0827 12.2627 4.6315
Liabilities 78.069 28.7991 17.0827 12.2627 4.6315
Equity 11.2368 4.0804 4.0804 1.9126 1.7388
Gross Profit 11.0992 12.5607 6.2136 3.3178 1.6999
Net Profit 8.7683 9.3809 4.3071 2.1848 1.0475
Cash From Operating Activities -15.0925 -4.9762 9.4113 5.289 3.7652
NPM(%) 11.77 12.72 8.31 8.67 5.77
Revenue 74.4926 73.7256 51.8141 25.1833 18.1422
Expenses 63.3934 61.1649 45.6005 21.8654 16.4423
ROE(%) 11.56 12.37 5.68 2.88 1.38

Shareholding Pattern

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Company Info

Our Company was originally incorporated as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 in the name and style of "Canarys Automations Private Limited" pursuant to certificate of incorporation dated July 1, 1991 issued by the RoC, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Our Company became a deemed public limited company under Section 43A of the Companies Act, 1956 and the word `private' was deleted with effect from June 22, 1992. Our Company became a private limited company, pursuant to Section 43A(2A) of Companies Act, 1956 with effect from June 20, 2000. Subsequently, our Company was converted into public limited company pursuant to special resolution passed in the EGM held on August 01, 2006, and consequently, the name of our Company was changed to "Canarys Automations Limited" and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon conversion from private company to public company was issued by RoC, Bengaluru, Karnataka on September 21, 2006. Subsequently, our Company was converted into private limited company pursuant to the approval of our shareholders at an EGM held on November 16, 2007, and Consequently, the name of our Company was changed to "Canarys Automations Private Limited" and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon conversion from public company to private company was issued by RoC, Bengaluru, Karnataka on November 27, 2007. Subsequently, our Company was converted into public limited company pursuant special resolution passed by the shareholders at the EGM held on May 19, 2023, and consequently, the name of our Company was changed to "Canarys Automations Limited" and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon conversion from private company to public company was issued by RoC, Bengaluru, Karnataka on June 27, 2023.MAJOR EVENTS AND MILESTONES1991  Incorporation of our Company as "Canarys Automations Private Limited" under the Companies Act, 1956.1992  Obtained funding from CanBank Financial Services Limited, Trustee of Canbank Venture Capital Fund.1996  Entered into Partnership with large Multinational Software Company having Bengaluru Operations2002  Incorporated the Canarys Corp., wholly owned subsidiary company in USA Won a Contract from large Indian Software Company2004  ISO Certification Successfully Accredited2005  Entered in Partnership with a Large US Based Product Company2010  Foray into Hydrology and Meteorology Business2012  WRDO (Water Resources Development Organization) Works Over the Years2020 Incorporated a Canarys APAC Pte Ltd, a foreign wholly owned-subsidiary of our Company in Singapore. National Hydrology Projects secured for Real Time Data Acquisition Systems in West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Punjab states, created nationwide recognition for Canarys  in Hydro-Met business2021  Increased the revenue of the Company from Rs. 18 cr in financial year 2019-20 to Rs.25 Cr. in financial year 2020-21. 2022 Increased the revenue of the Company from Rs. 25 cr in financial year 2020-21 to Rs.50 Cr. in financial year 2021-22. Entered into partnership with SAP.2023 Increased the revenue of the Company from Rs. 50 cr in financial year 2021-22 to Rs. 74.51  Cr. in financial year 2022-23.

Our Company was originally incorporated as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 in the name and style of "Canarys Automations Private Limited" pursuant to certificate of incorporation dated July 1, 1991 issued by the RoC, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Our Company became a deemed public limited company under Section 43A of the Companies Act, 1956 and the word `private' was deleted with effect from June 22, 1992. Our Company became a private limited company, pursuant to Section 43A(2A) of Companies Act, 1956 with effect from June 20, 2000. Subsequently, our Company was converted into public limited company pursuant to special resolution passed in the EGM held on August 01, 2006, and consequently, the name of our Company was changed to "Canarys Automations Limited" and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon conversion from private company to public company was issued by RoC, Bengaluru, Karnataka on September 21, 2006. Subsequently, our Company was converted into private limited company pursuant to the approval of our shareholders at an EGM held on November 16, 2007, and Consequently, the name of our Company was changed to "Canarys Automations Private Limited" and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon conversion from public company to private company was issued by RoC, Bengaluru, Karnataka on November 27, 2007. Subsequently, our Company was converted into public limited company pursuant special resolution passed by the shareholders at the EGM held on May 19, 2023, and consequently, the name of our Company was changed to "Canarys Automations Limited" and a fresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon conversion from private company to public company was issued by RoC, Bengaluru, Karnataka on June 27, 2023.MAJOR EVENTS AND MILESTONES1991  Incorporation of our Company as "Canarys Automations Private Limited" under the Companies Act, 1956.1992  Obtained funding from CanBank Financial Services Limited, Trustee of Canbank Venture Capital Fund.1996  Entered into Partnership with large Multinational Software Company having Bengaluru Operations2002  Incorporated the Canarys Corp., wholly owned subsidiary company in USA Won a Contract from large Indian Software Company2004  ISO Certification Successfully Accredited2005  Entered in Partnership with a Large US Based Product Company2010  Foray into Hydrology and Meteorology Business2012  WRDO (Water Resources Development Organization) Works Over the Years2020 Incorporated a Canarys APAC Pte Ltd, a foreign wholly owned-subsidiary of our Company in Singapore. National Hydrology Projects secured for Real Time Data Acquisition Systems in West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Punjab states, created nationwide recognition for Canarys  in Hydro-Met business2021  Increased the revenue of the Company from Rs. 18 cr in financial year 2019-20 to Rs.25 Cr. in financial year 2020-21. 2022 Increased the revenue of the Company from Rs. 25 cr in financial year 2020-21 to Rs.50 Cr. in financial year 2021-22. Entered into partnership with SAP.2023 Increased the revenue of the Company from Rs. 50 cr in financial year 2021-22 to Rs. 74.51  Cr. in financial year 2022-23.

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Parent Organisation

Canarys Automations Ltd.



Managing Director

Mr.Sheshadri Srinivas

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The CEO of Canarys Automations Ltd is Mr.Sheshadri Srinivas, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.