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  • Binny Ltd. - EGM On 07Th April 2025

    13 Mar 2025, 12:19PM Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI Listing Regulations, we wish to inform that the EGM of the members of the company will be held on Monday April 0
  • Binny Ltd. - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of The Board Meeting Dated 06032025

    6 Mar 2025, 1:03PM The Board considered and approved the Draft Term Sheet for the settlement of arbitral dispute with Joint Development Partner M/s. SPR Construction Ltd
  • Binny Ltd. - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of The Board Meeting Held On Today 28Th February 2025

    28 Feb 2025, 6:08PM Presentation of the report of the special committee for settling the dispute between Binny Limited and SPR Constructions private limited
  • Binny Ltd. - Board Meeting Outcome for OUTCOME OF THE BOARD MEETING HELD ON 03RD FEBRUARY 2025

    3 Feb 2025, 5:32PM The Board decided and authorized that Shri M Satyanarayanan Balakrishnan, Whole Time Director and Mr. A\r\nM Nandagopal, Legal Officer to execute com
  • Binny Ltd. has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024

    28 Jan 2025, 8:10AM As of December 2024, 56.20% is owned by Indian Promoters and 43.80% by Public. <p align=justify> Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares o
  • Binny Ltd. - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of The Board Meeting Held On 23Rd January 2025

    23 Jan 2025, 6:33PM Appointment of Three Independent Directors on the Board and Formation of Audit and other committees of the Board as per Companies ACT 2013 and SEBI LO
  • Binny Ltd. - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018

    15 Jan 2025, 3:04PM Submission of Confirmation Certificate for the quarter ended 31st December 2024
  • Binny Ltd. - Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of Court Convened Meeting

    7 Jan 2025, 12:44PM Attached Proceedings of the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 04th January 2025 as instructed by the High Court of Madras vIde its order dated 11

Key fundamentals

Evaluate the intrinsic value of Binny Ltd stock 

Name March-22 March-21 March-20 March-19 March-18
Assets 367.0904 598.7346 650.8203 661.3364 682.7224
Liabilities 367.0904 598.7346 650.8203 661.3364 682.7224
Equity 11.1597 11.1597 11.1597 11.1597 11.1597
Gross Profit 58.9471 19.1866 33.9929 -4.2727 41.1622
Net Profit 33.467 20.2764 -17.8148 -15.0374 6.5391
Cash From Operating Activities 315.9158 15.6986 28.6664 -171.2459 -129.015
NPM(%) 45 69.06 -43.69 -4135.69 14.23
Revenue 74.358 29.3603 40.7708 0.3636 45.9236
Expenses 15.4109 10.1737 6.7779 4.6363 4.7614
ROE(%) 8.31 5.03 -4.42 -3.73 1.62

Shareholding Pattern

Corporate Action

XD-Date Dividend-Amount Dividend-% Dividend Yield(%GE) Price on that day


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Company Info

YEAR EVENTS 1969 - The Company was established to take over by a Scheme of Amalgamation of Buckingham & Carnatic Co. Ltd., Bangalore Woollen Cotton & Silk Mills Co Ltd., Binny & Co Ltd., Ganges Transport & Trading Co., Ltd., and Madura Co. Private Ltd., with effect from 1st November. 1994 - BIFR at its hearing held on the 15th October 1993 declared the company as a sick industrial company within the meaning of provisions of Section 3(1) (o) of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act 1985 and appointed Industrial Development Bank of India as the Operating Agency. - The performance of Engineering Division was affected inter alia by want of adequate fund based/non fund based working capital funds, under utilisation of the Foundry Section and high cost of borrowing to meet the cost of imported machinery. - The performance of Textile Division was very much affected due to paucity of working capital funds and non-availability of quality cotton, lower capacity utilisation both in Chennai and Bangalore Mills. Further a lock out in Bangalore Mills was declared with effect from 6th November 1993 due to labour unrest. - B & C Mills Staff Union entered into a settlement under section 12 (3) of the Industrial Disputes Act and agreed to extend their support for implementing the Scheme. 1996 - While the machinery was in the process of installation and commissioning, due to unprecedented rain in the mid of June, the entire mill area was affected and the flood level was as high as 5 feet in certain areas. Consequently the operation of the mills was suspended from 15.6.1996. - Members are aware of the proposed Scheme of Arrangement between Binny Limited and Binny Karnataka Limited effective from 1.10.1996, filed before the High Court of Chennai. - It is proposed to install an open stenter for processing of silk fabrics to improve the feel and drape of the same particularly the crepe sarees. - The company has an in-house R & D Department in Chennai Mills. Due to continuous efforts by R & D new products both in suiting and shirting varieties have been introduced for the local as well as export markets. 1997 - As per the MOU, the Mills were, reopened on 1st March 1997, under the supervision of a Special Officer nominated by the Tamil Nadu Government. - Following violent incidents before, the, Carnatic Mill gate, the, management, apprehending great risk to the, companys properties, declared a lock-out on 7th July 1997 which has not been lifted so far. - The installation of ninety Shuttleless weaving machines replacing the obsolete shuttle looms has increased the productivity and improved the quality of fabrics produced on these looms. - Mr. M.Ethurajan, Mr. K.M. Goenka, Mr.S. Natarajan, Mr. N.P.V.Ramasamy Udayar and Mr.V.R. Venkatachalam retire by rotation and offer themselves for reappointment. 1998 - The management had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the labour union to give effect to the scheme envisaging reduction of workers by 600 from the current level of 1,150, company. 1999 - The management declared a lock out on 7th July 1997 following the violent incidents before the B & C Mills. - Mr. N.P.V. Ramasamy Udayar one of the promoter directors on the Board, passed away on 14th December 1998. 2000 - Binny Ltd. is likely to be split into two entities, Binny Ltd. and Binny Karnataka Ltd. under a draft rehabilitation scheme. 2007 -The Company has designated the e-mail ID of the grievance redressel division. E-mail ID: 2013 -Mr. P. K. Sundaresan, is appointed as Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company with effect from October 01, 2013.

YEAR EVENTS 1969 - The Company was established to take over by a Scheme of Amalgamation of Buckingham & Carnatic Co. Ltd., Bangalore Woollen Cotton & Silk Mills Co Ltd., Binny & Co Ltd., Ganges Transport & Trading Co., Ltd., and Madura Co. Private Ltd., with effect from 1st November. 1994 - BIFR at its hearing held on the 15th October 1993 declared the company as a sick industrial company within the meaning of provisions of Section 3(1) (o) of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act 1985 and appointed Industrial Development Bank of India as the Operating Agency. - The performance of Engineering Division was affected inter alia by want of adequate fund based/non fund based working capital funds, under utilisation of the Foundry Section and high cost of borrowing to meet the cost of imported machinery. - The performance of Textile Division was very much affected due to paucity of working capital funds and non-availability of quality cotton, lower capacity utilisation both in Chennai and Bangalore Mills. Further a lock out in Bangalore Mills was declared with effect from 6th November 1993 due to labour unrest. - B & C Mills Staff Union entered into a settlement under section 12 (3) of the Industrial Disputes Act and agreed to extend their support for implementing the Scheme. 1996 - While the machinery was in the process of installation and commissioning, due to unprecedented rain in the mid of June, the entire mill area was affected and the flood level was as high as 5 feet in certain areas. Consequently the operation of the mills was suspended from 15.6.1996. - Members are aware of the proposed Scheme of Arrangement between Binny Limited and Binny Karnataka Limited effective from 1.10.1996, filed before the High Court of Chennai. - It is proposed to install an open stenter for processing of silk fabrics to improve the feel and drape of the same particularly the crepe sarees. - The company has an in-house R & D Department in Chennai Mills. Due to continuous efforts by R & D new products both in suiting and shirting varieties have been introduced for the local as well as export markets. 1997 - As per the MOU, the Mills were, reopened on 1st March 1997, under the supervision of a Special Officer nominated by the Tamil Nadu Government. - Following violent incidents before, the, Carnatic Mill gate, the, management, apprehending great risk to the, companys properties, declared a lock-out on 7th July 1997 which has not been lifted so far. - The installation of ninety Shuttleless weaving machines replacing the obsolete shuttle looms has increased the productivity and improved the quality of fabrics produced on these looms. - Mr. M.Ethurajan, Mr. K.M. Goenka, Mr.S. Natarajan, Mr. N.P.V.Ramasamy Udayar and Mr.V.R. Venkatachalam retire by rotation and offer themselves for reappointment. 1998 - The management had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the labour union to give effect to the scheme envisaging reduction of workers by 600 from the current level of 1,150, company. 1999 - The management declared a lock out on 7th July 1997 following the violent incidents before the B & C Mills. - Mr. N.P.V. Ramasamy Udayar one of the promoter directors on the Board, passed away on 14th December 1998. 2000 - Binny Ltd. is likely to be split into two entities, Binny Ltd. and Binny Karnataka Ltd. under a draft rehabilitation scheme. 2007 -The Company has designated the e-mail ID of the grievance redressel division. E-mail ID: 2013 -Mr. P. K. Sundaresan, is appointed as Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company with effect from October 01, 2013.

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The CEO of Binny Ltd is , who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.