20 Microns Ltd
Thu 13/03/2025,15:54:46 | NSE : 20MICRONS
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₹ 199.77
Previous Close
₹ 195.53
Mkt Cap ( Rs. Cr)
₹ 199.77
₹ 191.00
52 Week High
₹ 348.00
52 Week Low
₹ 132.00
Book Value Per Share
₹ 108.72
Dividend Yield
Face Value
₹ 5.00
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20 Microns Ltd. - Integrated Filing- Financial
20 Microns Ltd. - Updates
20 Microns Ltd. - Earning Release For Results Of Q3 & 9M FY25
20 Microns Ltd. - Appointment
20 Microns Ltd. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent
20 Microns Ltd. - Outcome of Board Meeting
20 Microns Ltd. - Financial Result Updates
20 Microns Q3 net profit up 0.80% at Rs 10.06 cr
20 Microns Ltd. - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Management
20 Microns Ltd. - Board Meeting Outcome for Financial Results Of The Company For The Quarter/Nine Months Ended On December 31
20 Microns Ltd. - Financial Results Of The Company For The Quarter/Nine Months Ended On December 31, 2024
20 Microns Ltd. has submitted to BSE the Shareholding Pattern for the Period Ended December 31, 2024
20 Microns Ltd. - Change in Directors/ Key Managerial Personnel/ Auditor/ Compliance Officer/ Share Transfer Agent
20 Microns Ltd. - Resignation
20 Microns Ltd. - Disclosure under Regulation 30A of LODR
20 Microns Ltd. - Board Meeting Intimation
20 Microns Ltd. - Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations, 2018
20 Microns Ltd. - Certificate under SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018
20 Microns Ltd. - Trading Window-XBRL
20 Microns Ltd. - Trading Window
20 Microns Ltd. - Corrigendum
20 Microns Ltd. - Corrigendum To Disclosure Under Regulation 30, Dated December 23, 2024, Reference No. 20ML/SECY/REG-30/DEC-
20 Microns Ltd. - Action(s) taken or orders passed
20 Microns Ltd. - Intimation Under Regulation 30 Read With Para A Of Part A Of Schedule III Of The Securities And Exchange Bo
Key fundamentals
Evaluate the intrinsic value of 20 Microns Ltd stock
Name | March-24 | March-23 | March-22 | March-21 | March-20 |
Assets | 419.3185 | 350.545 | 337.7816 | 273.2169 | 270.713 |
Liabilities | 419.3185 | 350.545 | 337.7816 | 273.2169 | 270.713 |
Equity | 17.6433 | 17.6433 | 17.6433 | 17.6433 | 17.6433 |
Gross Profit | 85.7556 | 68.6537 | 66.0562 | 50.4925 | 58.8311 |
Net Profit | 50.1528 | 36.1523 | 30.8695 | 22.4515 | 24.9665 |
Cash From Operating Activities | 40.2171 | 55.8185 | 44.4738 | 56.4597 | 38.2609 |
NPM(%) | 7.45 | 6.04 | 5.96 | 5.19 | 5.09 |
Revenue | 672.4501 | 597.8035 | 517.125 | 432.3767 | 490.0519 |
Expenses | 586.6945 | 529.1498 | 451.0688 | 381.8842 | 431.2208 |
ROE(%) | 13.07 | 9.42 | 8.04 | 5.85 | 6.5 |
Corporate Action
XD-Date | Dividend-Amount | Dividend-% | Dividend Yield(%GE) | Price on that day |
12 Jul 2024 | 1.25 | 25 | 0.65 | 187.65 |
26 Jul 2023 | 0.75 | 15 | 0.65 | 82.2 |
19 Mar 2020 | 0.6 | 12 | 0.65 | 26.85 |
10 Sep 2018 | 0.35 | 7 | 0.65 | 44.95 |
05 Dec 2017 | 0.4 | 8 | 0.65 | 52.1 |
19 Sep 2013 | 0.5 | 10 | 0.65 | 30.65 |
26 Jul 2012 | 1.8 | 18 | 0.65 | 88 |
04 Aug 2011 | 1.5 | 15 | 0.65 | 44.4 |
12 Aug 2010 | 1 | 10 | 0.65 | 42.2 |
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Company | Price | Price (% change) | pe(x) | EV/EBITDA(x) | ROE(%) | ROCE(%) |
No Records Found |
Company Info
The Company was incorporated and registered under the Companies Act, 1956 as a Private Limited Company vide Certificate of Incorporation No. 9768 of 1987 on 29th June, 1987 at Ahmedabad & subsequently, it became a Public Limited Company on 17th January, 1994. The Company which was promoted by Mr. Bhanubhai B. Patel, Mr. Anant K. Kamdar & Mr. Chandresh S. Parikh, was a Pioneer in the Mineral Industry and has established itself as one of the top five Mineral manufacturers in India. Since the concept of micronization was totally new and revolutionizing in the Indian market and the introductory product from the Company was of a 20 Micron particle size, the name sounded quite unique and substantially relevant to the Industry. This is how the Company was named and is now a major brand recognized in the industries we serve. Mr. Chandresh S. Parikh, with his innovative insight, business acumen and farsightedness and with the active support of Mr. Bhanubhai B. Patel and Mr. B. B. Parikh, ventured to start this Mineral Processing Company. He was supported by Mr. Bhanubhai B. Patel who has wide experience in Paints industry, Mr. Anant K. Kamdar and Mr. B. B. Parikh who was a marketing Director (Mr. B.B. Parikh disassociated himself from the Company during the year 2003). The Company commenced its Commercial Operations on 04.10.1988 by setting an industrial unit at WAGHODIA, Gujarat with an annual Capacity of 2,400 MT. With a view to meeting with increasing demand of Micronized Minerals and focusing attention for carrying on the same business, separate legal entities as named below were incorporated by separate group of Promoters in complete co-ordination and leadership of Mr. Chandresh S. Parikh. Sr. No. Name of the Company Incorporated on 1. Hi-tech Minerals Private Limited February 12, 1990 2. Fi-Microns & Minerals Private limited March 09, 1992 3. Aric Industrial Products Private Limited June 20, 1988 4. United Microns Private Limited January 25, 1988 5. Fi-Minerals Private Limited September 06, 1996 Subsequently, realizing the importance and rationale of Amalgamation such as: i) To achieve economies on large scale, Synergy of operations and optimization of costs, ii) To lead to a greater economy and efficiency by sharing rather than duplicating productions, distributions, marketing, research, management services, and facilities. iii) To combine resources of all the companies would be better utilized for the purpose of future growth and development. All the above companies were amalgamated with 20ML, upon completion of all legal formalities, including obtaining High Courts' Orders of the respective States in that behalf. The entire process of amalgamation was completed during 1998 and 2002. This has helped the Company to become a Flagship Company and a conglomerate. 20 ML also became a multi-locational Company with an annual capacity of 90,400 metric tonnes and paid-up share capital of Rs. 1244 Lacs. The manufacturing operations are carried on at Waghodia, Vadadla & Bhuj in Gujarat; Alwar, Swaroopgunj & Udaipur in Rajasthan and Hosur & Tirunelveli in Tamilnadu. The manufacturing activities at Bhuj are being carried on by Wet Process and to facilitate operations of the said unit, imported Cryogenic Magnetic Separator was installed thereat. This has brought about maximization of yield and better returns. The Company had also obtained mining leases at Chhotaudaipur & Mamuara in Gujarat for Dolomite and China Clay, respectively; Moras in Rajasthan for Calcite and Tirunelveli in Tamilnadu for Lime Stone. The Company has a wide spread Marketing set-up with the Offices at Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad & Vadodara. The Products of the Company have been widely accepted in different industries like Paints, Paper, Plastics, Cement, Rubber, Ceramics, etc. The sales turnover for FY 07 increased to Rs. 8,741 Lacs from Rs 6749 Lacs in FY 06. This increase was mainly due to effective marketing of value added products & increase in consumption by Plastics, Extrusions, Petrochemicals & paper industries across the Country. This growing industry has helped the mineral industry to grow at the same rate. The focus on higher capacity utilization at all manufacturing locations and identification of high-value products has also added to higher turnover. The Company has well equipped Research and Development Center (R&D Center) located at village Vadadla, Dist-Vadodara, Gujarat is a well equipped unit possessing all adequate facilities to carryout well diversified R&D work pertaining to the minerals and their application in different fields. The center's activities are always aimed at achieving the Company's objective to be globally competitive by way of product innovation, up-gradation of technology and continuous improvement in quality of the finished goods. The Company has a customer oriented approach and the R & D Centre lines up its activities to cater to their needs. The R & D Centre is working on its own without the support of any outside agency and has developed various mineral based Value Added Products & Speciality Chemicals. During the year ended 31.03.2008, the Company's turnover amounted to Rs. 11,469 Lacs, including Exports turnover of Rs. 1,162 Lacs & net profit of Rs. 459 Lacs. Despite adverse effects due to devastating Earthquake in Bhuj in the year 2001 and it's after shocks, the Company came out successfully from those ill-effects and made a remarkable turnaround. Major Achievements Year Achievement 1988 Ventured into Micronised Minerals for Paints 1989 Plastindia generated inroads into plastic market 1990 Investment in expanding the Micronising process and R&D facilities 1991 Expansion of production capacity to 17,000 TPA at Waghodia (Gujarat) 1992 Acquired Dolomite Mines (Lease) at Chotta Udaipur (Gujarat) 1992 Implementation of total quality management TQM. 1994 Production capacity increased by 17,000 TPA at WAGHODIA (Gujarat). 1994 Acquired the mining lease of China Clay in Kutch district 1994 R&D division becomes a separate entity itself 1995 New Unit installed at Vadadla (Gujarat) with 18,000 TPA capacity 1996 Acquired the mining lease of Dolomite in Chotta Udaipur in Gujarat 1997 Planned - China Clay project at Bhuj (Gujarat) - Green field Project 1997 Acquired Mining Lease for China Clay at Mamuara, Kutch (Gujarat) 1998 Further acquired Mining Lease of Calcite in Sirohi District of Rajasthan 1998 Ordered first of its kind Cryogenic Super Conducting Magnetic Separator for Kaolin project at Bhuj (Gujarat) 1998 Accepted Venture Fund participation for the growth of the Company 1999 Introduced Value Added products for Pigments replacement 2001 Installed Plant Of 6000 TPA Capacity At Alwar (Rajasthan) 1997 2001 Bhuj Plant of China Clay affected by Natural Calamity Earthquake 2004 China Clay Production planned at Tirunelveli 2005 Acquired Land at Tirunelveli and implementation started at T'velli for China Clay in South 2006 Plant Capacities at all locations achieved at 85% 2008 -20 Microns Ltd (TML), has fixed price band of its initial public offer (IPO) at between Rs 50-55 per equity share. - 20 Microns Ltd has appointed Mr. Atil C Parikh as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company. 2009 - 20 Microns Ltd has appointed : 1. Mihir Joshi as the GVEL Nominee Director 2. Mr. Atul Patel as an Additional - Independent Director, on the Board of the Company. 2010 - 20 Microns Ltd has recommendation of dividend @ 10% i.e. Rs. 1 per Equity Share. 2011 - 20 Microns has own ISSPA Excellence Awards for the year 2011. 2012 - Board has recommended a Dividend @ 18% i.e. Rs. 1.80/- per equity share. 2013 -Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Rs 5 -20 Microns has splits its face value from Rs 10/- to 5/- 2014 - 20 Microns appointment of Dr. Ajay Ranka as an Additional Director of the Company. 2017 -20 Microns arm to go for SME IPO to raise Rs 30 cr. 2021 -20 Microns Limited has informed the Exchange regarding a press release dated February 10, 2021, titled "Joint Venture of the Company with Dorfner Holding GmbH. 2024 -20 Microns Limited has informed the Exchange about Acquisition of 545454 Equity Shares of its subsidiaries namely 20 Microns SDN BHD.
The Company was incorporated and registered under the Companies Act, 1956 as a Private Limited Company vide Certificate of Incorporation No. 9768 of 1987 on 29th June, 1987 at Ahmedabad & subsequently, it became a Public Limited Company on 17th January, 1994. The Company which was promoted by Mr. Bhanubhai B. Patel, Mr. Anant K. Kamdar & Mr. Chandresh S. Parikh, was a Pioneer in the Mineral Industry and has established itself as one of the top five Mineral manufacturers in India. Since the concept of micronization was totally new and revolutionizing in the Indian market and the introductory product from the Company was of a 20 Micron particle size, the name sounded quite unique and substantially relevant to the Industry. This is how the Company was named and is now a major brand recognized in the industries we serve. Mr. Chandresh S. Parikh, with his innovative insight, business acumen and farsightedness and with the active support of Mr. Bhanubhai B. Patel and Mr. B. B. Parikh, ventured to start this Mineral Processing Company. He was supported by Mr. Bhanubhai B. Patel who has wide experience in Paints industry, Mr. Anant K. Kamdar and Mr. B. B. Parikh who was a marketing Director (Mr. B.B. Parikh disassociated himself from the Company during the year 2003). The Company commenced its Commercial Operations on 04.10.1988 by setting an industrial unit at WAGHODIA, Gujarat with an annual Capacity of 2,400 MT. With a view to meeting with increasing demand of Micronized Minerals and focusing attention for carrying on the same business, separate legal entities as named below were incorporated by separate group of Promoters in complete co-ordination and leadership of Mr. Chandresh S. Parikh. Sr. No. Name of the Company Incorporated on 1. Hi-tech Minerals Private Limited February 12, 1990 2. Fi-Microns & Minerals Private limited March 09, 1992 3. Aric Industrial Products Private Limited June 20, 1988 4. United Microns Private Limited January 25, 1988 5. Fi-Minerals Private Limited September 06, 1996 Subsequently, realizing the importance and rationale of Amalgamation such as: i) To achieve economies on large scale, Synergy of operations and optimization of costs, ii) To lead to a greater economy and efficiency by sharing rather than duplicating productions, distributions, marketing, research, management services, and facilities. iii) To combine resources of all the companies would be better utilized for the purpose of future growth and development. All the above companies were amalgamated with 20ML, upon completion of all legal formalities, including obtaining High Courts' Orders of the respective States in that behalf. The entire process of amalgamation was completed during 1998 and 2002. This has helped the Company to become a Flagship Company and a conglomerate. 20 ML also became a multi-locational Company with an annual capacity of 90,400 metric tonnes and paid-up share capital of Rs. 1244 Lacs. The manufacturing operations are carried on at Waghodia, Vadadla & Bhuj in Gujarat; Alwar, Swaroopgunj & Udaipur in Rajasthan and Hosur & Tirunelveli in Tamilnadu. The manufacturing activities at Bhuj are being carried on by Wet Process and to facilitate operations of the said unit, imported Cryogenic Magnetic Separator was installed thereat. This has brought about maximization of yield and better returns. The Company had also obtained mining leases at Chhotaudaipur & Mamuara in Gujarat for Dolomite and China Clay, respectively; Moras in Rajasthan for Calcite and Tirunelveli in Tamilnadu for Lime Stone. The Company has a wide spread Marketing set-up with the Offices at Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad & Vadodara. The Products of the Company have been widely accepted in different industries like Paints, Paper, Plastics, Cement, Rubber, Ceramics, etc. The sales turnover for FY 07 increased to Rs. 8,741 Lacs from Rs 6749 Lacs in FY 06. This increase was mainly due to effective marketing of value added products & increase in consumption by Plastics, Extrusions, Petrochemicals & paper industries across the Country. This growing industry has helped the mineral industry to grow at the same rate. The focus on higher capacity utilization at all manufacturing locations and identification of high-value products has also added to higher turnover. The Company has well equipped Research and Development Center (R&D Center) located at village Vadadla, Dist-Vadodara, Gujarat is a well equipped unit possessing all adequate facilities to carryout well diversified R&D work pertaining to the minerals and their application in different fields. The center's activities are always aimed at achieving the Company's objective to be globally competitive by way of product innovation, up-gradation of technology and continuous improvement in quality of the finished goods. The Company has a customer oriented approach and the R & D Centre lines up its activities to cater to their needs. The R & D Centre is working on its own without the support of any outside agency and has developed various mineral based Value Added Products & Speciality Chemicals. During the year ended 31.03.2008, the Company's turnover amounted to Rs. 11,469 Lacs, including Exports turnover of Rs. 1,162 Lacs & net profit of Rs. 459 Lacs. Despite adverse effects due to devastating Earthquake in Bhuj in the year 2001 and it's after shocks, the Company came out successfully from those ill-effects and made a remarkable turnaround. Major Achievements Year Achievement 1988 Ventured into Micronised Minerals for Paints 1989 Plastindia generated inroads into plastic market 1990 Investment in expanding the Micronising process and R&D facilities 1991 Expansion of production capacity to 17,000 TPA at Waghodia (Gujarat) 1992 Acquired Dolomite Mines (Lease) at Chotta Udaipur (Gujarat) 1992 Implementation of total quality management TQM. 1994 Production capacity increased by 17,000 TPA at WAGHODIA (Gujarat). 1994 Acquired the mining lease of China Clay in Kutch district 1994 R&D division becomes a separate entity itself 1995 New Unit installed at Vadadla (Gujarat) with 18,000 TPA capacity 1996 Acquired the mining lease of Dolomite in Chotta Udaipur in Gujarat 1997 Planned - China Clay project at Bhuj (Gujarat) - Green field Project 1997 Acquired Mining Lease for China Clay at Mamuara, Kutch (Gujarat) 1998 Further acquired Mining Lease of Calcite in Sirohi District of Rajasthan 1998 Ordered first of its kind Cryogenic Super Conducting Magnetic Separator for Kaolin project at Bhuj (Gujarat) 1998 Accepted Venture Fund participation for the growth of the Company 1999 Introduced Value Added products for Pigments replacement 2001 Installed Plant Of 6000 TPA Capacity At Alwar (Rajasthan) 1997 2001 Bhuj Plant of China Clay affected by Natural Calamity Earthquake 2004 China Clay Production planned at Tirunelveli 2005 Acquired Land at Tirunelveli and implementation started at T'velli for China Clay in South 2006 Plant Capacities at all locations achieved at 85% 2008 -20 Microns Ltd (TML), has fixed price band of its initial public offer (IPO) at between Rs 50-55 per equity share. - 20 Microns Ltd has appointed Mr. Atil C Parikh as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company. 2009 - 20 Microns Ltd has appointed : 1. Mihir Joshi as the GVEL Nominee Director 2. Mr. Atul Patel as an Additional - Independent Director, on the Board of the Company. 2010 - 20 Microns Ltd has recommendation of dividend @ 10% i.e. Rs. 1 per Equity Share. 2011 - 20 Microns has own ISSPA Excellence Awards for the year 2011. 2012 - Board has recommended a Dividend @ 18% i.e. Rs. 1.80/- per equity share. 2013 -Company has splits its Face value of Shares from Rs 10 to Rs 5 -20 Microns has splits its face value from Rs 10/- to 5/- 2014 - 20 Microns appointment of Dr. Ajay Ranka as an Additional Director of the Company. 2017 -20 Microns arm to go for SME IPO to raise Rs 30 cr. 2021 -20 Microns Limited has informed the Exchange regarding a press release dated February 10, 2021, titled "Joint Venture of the Company with Dorfner Holding GmbH. 2024 -20 Microns Limited has informed the Exchange about Acquisition of 545454 Equity Shares of its subsidiaries namely 20 Microns SDN BHD.
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Parent Organisation
20 Microns Ltd.
Managing Director
Mr.Atil C Parikh
NSE Symbol
The current price of 20 Microns Ltd is ₹ 193.66.
The 52-week high for 20 Microns Ltd is ₹ 199.77 and the 52-week low is ₹ 191.00.
The market capitalization of 20 Microns Ltd is currently ₹ 683.36. This value can fluctuate based on stock price movements and changes in the number of shares outstanding.
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The CEO of 20 Microns Ltd is Mr.Atil C Parikh, who has been leading the company with a vision to expand its renewable energy portfolio and drive sustainable growth.