Key Benefits


Enhanced protection: Coverage against death, terminal illness and disability


Comprehensive additional benefits: Option to choose Accidental Death Benefit and Accelerated Critical Illness Benefit


Special premium rates for non-tobacco users


Special discount on first year’s premium for salaried customers


Need-based benefit payout: Choose to receive the benefit amount as a lump sum or as monthly income for 10/ 20/ 30 years or a combination of both


Flexibility to pay premiums once, for a limited period, or throughout the policy term


Tax Benefits may be applicable on premiums paid and benefits received as per the prevailing tax laws


Anyone with financial dependents should buy a Term Insurance Policy. This includes married couples, parents, business people and self-employed, SIP investors, young professionals with dependent parents, and in some cases, even retirees.

Term Plan is a simple and pure risk cover form of life insurance. It provides financial protection to the family against a fixed premium paid for a specified term. With this insurance, you can get a large amount of life cover at an affordable premium. The nominee receives the death benefit in case the policyholder dies.

The earlier you buy a term plan, the better it is as the premiums are lower when you are young. Also with current lifestyles and increasing instances of illness, it may get difficult to get a term plan as you grow older.

Life insurance premiums paid are deductible from taxable income under Section 80C and hence carry a double benefit for taxpayers – protection and tax-saving. The amount (maturity value) received under a term insurance policy is also tax-exempt subject to conditions under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The amount of cover depends upon your current annual income. Generally, it is advisable to have a cover that is 10- 15 times of annual income to cover your family.

Under the limited pay option, you can pay premiums for a specific pre-agreed period of time (5, 7 and 10 years) and enjoy the life cover for the whole policy duration irrespective of the premium payment period.

Before choosing the ideal pay out option, you need to thoroughly evaluate your current lifestyle and the reality of your dependent family members. This gives you a fair idea as to how the life cover amount needs to be paid out to your family which will not only take care of their financial needs but also ensure that they are able to manage huge sum of money (the life cover amount) without any hassle in your absence.

  1. Monthly Income: Your term life cover will be paid to your nominee as a monthly installment for a period of 10 years/20 years/30 years (chosen at inception).
  2. Increasing Monthly income: Your term life cover is paid out to the nominee in form of a monthly income, which increases by10 % every year for 10 years.
  3. Lump-sum: Your entire term life cover amount is paid to your nominee in one go.
  4. Lump-sum +Monthly Income :You can choose for your family to receive the life cover payout in 2 parts. In case of death of the policyholder, your family will get one installment as a lumpsum payout immediately and rest in the form of monthly income for a period of 10 years/20 years/30 years (chosen at inception).


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How to calculate your Term Insurance Sum Assured?

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Premium Payment Options

Premium Payment Term

Minimum/Maximum Policy Term

Minimum/Maximum age at entry

Single Pay


5 years / 20 years


Regular Pay

Equal to policy term

5 years / 85 years less age at entry


Whole Life (99 years less age at entry)

Limited Pay

5, 7, PT- 5 years

10 years / 85 years less age at entry


10 years

15 years / 85 years less age at entry

Whole Life (99 years less age at entry)

15 years

21 years / 85 years less age at entry


60 years less age at entry

PPT+ 5 years / 85 years less age at entry


Whole Life (99 years less age at entry)

Minimum Premium

Rs 2,400 excluding applicable taxes such as Goods and Services tax and/or cesses

Accidental Death Benefit

Minimum: Rs 1,00,000

Maximum: Equal to Sum Assured chosen by you, subject to a maximum limit as per the Board Approved Underwriting Policy. Accidental death Benefit term will be equal to the policy term or (80-Age at entry), whichever is lower

Accelerated Critical Illness (ACI) Benefit

Minimum: Rs 1,00,000

Maximum: As per the Board Approved Underwriting Policy

ACI Benefit is not available for Single Pay policies

ACI Benefit term would be equal to policy term or 30 years or (75-Age at entry), whichever is lower

Minimum Sum Assured

Subject to the minimum premium

Maximum Sum Assured


Mode of Premium Payment

Single, Yearly, Half-yearly and Monthly

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