Expiry of futures & options: How does it work

| July 24, 2024


Did you know that the last Thursday of every month can be one of the most crucial days in the stock market? That’s because of the F&O expiry. As these contracts end, they can cause sudden and significant price movements. For new investors, understanding the concept of F&O expiry is vital. This article will explain what happens on these critical dates and how to prepare.

How Do Futures And Options Contracts Work?

Futures and options are financial derivatives, meaning their value is derived from an underlying asset, such as stocks, commodities, or indices.

1. Futures contracts

A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price on a specific future date. These contracts are binding and must be executed on the expiry date unless they are closed out before that.

2. Options contracts

Options give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying asset at a set price before or on the expiry date. There are two types of options:

(i). Call options: Give the holder the right to buy the asset.

(ii). Put options: Give the holder the right to sell the asset.

Investing in futures and options allows people to speculate on future price changes of assets without actually owning them. It’s like making a bet on whether the price will go up or down. In essence, these financial tools offer flexibility and opportunities for investors to profit from price movements without purchasing the underlying assets directly.

What Is Expiration In Future And Option Contracts?

Expiration in futures and options contracts refers to the specific date on which the contract ends and must be settled. Let's break it down.

Futures Contracts

In futures contracts, the expiration date is when the agreement between the buyer and the seller concludes. By this date, two things can happen:

1. Execution

The buyer and the seller complete the transaction as per the contract terms. For example, if the futures contract is for a commodity like oil, the buyer takes delivery of the oil, and the seller provides it.

2. Closing out

Traders often choose to close out their positions before the expiration date. This means they take an opposite position in the market to nullify the contract. If they had agreed to buy, they would now sell the same quantity, and vice versa.

Options Contracts

In options contracts, the holders must make a critical decision on the expiration date:

1. Exercise the option

If the option is favourable (e.g., the market price is better than the strike price), the holders can exercise the option. This means they will buy or sell the underlying asset at the agreed-upon price (strike price).

2. Let it expire

If the option is not favourable (e.g., the market price is worse than the strike price), the holder can let the option expire worthless. This means they choose not to exercise the option and simply let the contract lapse.

Expiry Date For F&O Contracts

The expiry date is critical in F&O trading as it dictates the timeline for executing or settling contracts. In India, stock and index futures and options typically expire on the last Thursday of the contract month. If this Thursday is a holiday, the expiry will be moved to the previous trading day. 

For example, if you hold a futures contract that expires in July, you must either execute the contract or close your position on the last Thursday of July.

When is the NIFTY 50 Expiry Date?

The NIFTY 50, India’s benchmark stock market index, follows the same expiry rules as other Futures and Options (F&O) contracts. Consequently, the NIFTY 50 expiry date is also the last Thursday of each month. This day is crucial for traders and investors as it often sees increased volatility and trading volumes.

Other key indices, however, such as the BANK NIFTY and NIFTY Midcap, adhere to a different expiry schedule. Here are a few notable examples:


The NIFTY Bank index, which includes Indian banking stocks. Expires on the last Wednesday of the month. If it's a holiday, the expiry is on the previous trading day.


Comprising the 50 companies from NIFTY 100 after excluding the NIFTY 50 companies, this index expires on the last Friday of the month. If it's a holiday, the expiry is on the previous trading day.


This index includes the top financial services companies and expires on the last Tuesday of the month. If it's a holiday, the expiry is on the previous trading day.


This index consists of mid-sized companies with good liquidity and performance on the NSE. Expires on the last Monday of the month. If it's a holiday, the expiry is on the previous trading day.

The Serious Truth You Should Know About Expiry of Futures and Options

An interesting fact about F&O expiry is that it often leads to what's called the 'expiry effect'—increased volatility and sudden price movements in the underlying assets. Market participants must be cautious of this volatility as it can lead to significant gains or losses within a short period.

For instance, you might notice stock prices fluctuating more than usual on the expiry day. This is because traders are closing out their positions, leading to increased trading activity.


Understanding the intricacies of F&O expiry dates is essential for navigating the stock market effectively. You can make more informed trading decisions by knowing when your contracts expire and how expiry impacts market behaviour.

For more in-depth knowledge and resources, visit the Sharekhan Knowledge Centre to enhance your investing skills.

Frequently Asked Questions On Expiry of futures and options

Yes, you can hold your options contract till its expiry date. If you do, you'll need to decide whether to exercise the option (if it's profitable) or let it expire worthless (if it's not).
On expiry, an options contract can either be exercised (if it's in the money) or it will expire worthless (if it's out of the money). In-the-money means the market price is favourable for the option holder, while out-of-the-money means it's not.
To manage risk, consider closing or adjusting your positions well before expiration. Monitoring market trends and setting stop-loss orders can also help mitigate potential losses.
If you don't close your futures contract before expiry, it will be settled according to the market price on the expiry date. This could result in a profit or loss, depending on the direction of the market movement.
Yes, you can roll over your F&O positions to the next month by closing your current month’s contract and opening a new one for the following month. This is a common strategy for maintaining a position without settling it on the expiry date.

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