Future and Option Trading: A Detailed Guide


Futures and options trading can feel like an exciting adventure, offering the chance to boost your investments with less money upfront. However, this thrilling world is not easy to navigate. Many who try and end up losing money are caught in its complex rules and rapid changes. This article will help you understand futures and options trading, explaining why even experienced investors often struggle. Get ready to learn the secrets and tips to help you avoid common mistakes and succeed in this high-risk game.

What Are Futures And Options Trading?

Futures and options are financial derivatives that derive their value from an underlying asset, such as stocks, commodities, or currencies. In futures trading, you agree to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price on a specific date in the future. Options trading gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a set price before the expiration date.

Suppose You as an investor interested in XYZ Ltd's stock, thinks its price will go up in the next few months. You have two choices to bet on this belief: futures contracts and options contracts.

Futures contract:

-You can agree today to buy XYZ Ltd's stock at a specific price in the future.
-If the stock price goes up, you will buy the stock at the lower price you locked in and sell it at the higher market price, making a profit.
-If the stock price goes down, you will still have to buy the stock at the price you agreed to, resulting in a loss.

Options contract:

-You have the right (but not the obligation) to buy XYZ Ltd's stock at a set price within a certain period.
-If the stock price goes up, you can use this right to buy the stock at a lower price and then sell it at the market price for a profit.
-If the stock price goes down, you can choose not to buy the stock. The only loss is the fee (premium) he paid for the options contract.

In summary, with futures, you must buy the stock at the agreed price no matter what. With options, you have the flexibility to decide whether or not to buy the stock based on the market price, but you have to pay a fee for this flexibility.

Also Read: Gold Futures Trading in India

How Do Futures And Options Differ From Traditional Stock Investing?

Traditional stock investing and futures and options trading are two different approaches to investing in the stock market. Traditional stock investing is simpler and involves buying and holding shares, while futures and options trading is more complex, offering the potential for higher returns and greater risks. Here's a comparison to help understand the key differences:


Traditional Stock Investing

Futures and Options Trading

Basic concept

Buy and hold company shares

Advanced trading strategies using F&O contracts


No leverage – buy shares with your own money

Use leverage to control large positions with a small amount of capital

Risk level

Lower risk

Higher risk due to the use of leverage and increased market volatility


No expiration – hold shares indefinitely

Contracts have expiration dates; they can become worthless if not managed properly.


Simpler and easier to understand

Requires higher financial literacy and understanding of various trading strategies, market movements and risk management techniques.

Potential returns

Steady, long-term growth

Potential for high returns but also large losses

In summary, while traditional stock investing is more straightforward and suitable for long-term growth, futures and options trading offers the possibility of higher returns but requires a deeper understanding of the market and comes with increased risk.

Why Do Investors Often Lose Money in Futures And Options Trading?

Several factors contribute to investors losing money in futures and options trading:

Lack Of Knowledge And Experience:

Many new investors jump into futures and options trading without fully understanding how it works. This lack of knowledge can lead to poor decisions and significant losses.

High Volatility:

Futures and options markets can be unpredictable, with prices changing quickly and dramatically. This high volatility means investments can lose value rapidly if not managed carefully.


Leverage allows you to trade with more money than you have, magnifying both gains and losses. Many investors use too much leverage, leading to huge losses when trades don't go as planned.

Psychological Factors:

Emotions like fear and greed often influence trading decisions. These emotions can lead to impulsive actions, resulting in significant losses. It's imperative to keep emotions in check while trading in futures and options.

Lack Of Risk Management:

Many investors fail to implement proper risk management strategies. This means not setting stop-loss orders or not having a clear exit strategy. Without these safeguards, a bad trade can lead to substantial losses.


In summary, to avoid losing money in futures and options trading, it's important to gain proper knowledge, manage volatility carefully, use leverage wisely, pay attention to market timings, and keep emotions in check.

The Serious Truth You Should Know About Losing Money In Futures And Options

Retail investors are losing significant amounts in futures and options (F&O) trading. SEBI reported that 89% of individual traders in FY22 incurred average losses of ₹1.1 lakh, with only 11% making a profit. The participation of individual traders in F&O surged over 500% in three years, mainly driven by young traders aged 20-30.


Futures and options trading offer lucrative opportunities but come with substantial risks. To succeed, you must invest time in learning, develop a robust trading strategy, and manage your emotions effectively. Remember, the Indian stock market's open and close times can significantly impact your trades, so staying informed is crucial. For more insights and detailed guides on trading strategies, visit the Sharekhan Knowledge Centre.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mitigating risks involves using strategies like stop-loss orders, diversifying your portfolio, and not over-leveraging.
The Indian stock market operates from 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM IST, Monday through Friday.
Futures and options are speculative instruments often used for hedging, leading to higher price fluctuations.
Having comprehensive knowledge is crucial. Lack of understanding can lead to significant financial losses.
However, trading with small capital can be risky due to the leverage involved. Proper risk management is essential.

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