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Womenite was initialised by an undergraduate student from NSIT and a core team alongside which comprises young and fresh minds willing to bring a change in the society. The idea and belief that gender equality is need of the hour is what inspired the team to work towards their goal and establish an organisation named "Womenite". Their work includes support and encouragement through combined efforts of professional counsellers and young minds.

Gender equality

The persistent efforts of Womenite has always aimed towards "multiple goals" leading to an ultimate goal that is 'Equality' in such a gender biased world. As a stepping stone towards the accomplishment of multiple goals, Womenite conducted various workshops focussing upon the key areas like "awareness related to the gender stereotypes" , "elucidating how gender stereotype hampers one's growth" and suggesting ways to map one's own gender neutrality so that one can improve and grow against such inequalities.

Child Sexual Abuse Protection

Womenite believes that child sexual abuse Can only be tackled when one is made aware of all the forms of its abuse and is well informed about the basic facts. In order to spread awareness regarding the same, we have been delivering several sessions on child sexual abuse in various schools and organizations in and around Delhi NCR. With a major focus on government MCD schools, these sessions witnessed the presence of children of 5-14 years.

Menstrual Hygiene

Womenite aims to eradicate the ignorance, taboos and hush-hush related to menstruation, it's hygiene management. For that, various workshops, as well as awareness campaigns, were conducted by Womenite which aimed at educating girls and women through an interactive session. The workshop covered the key areas like Menstruation process and hygiene, How to deal with menstruation, Health tips, Medical Issues and Myths related to menstruation. All these issues were elucidated through talks, pictures, videos, skits and one to one interaction with the audience.

You will qualify for 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for contributing to Womenite and receive an 80G certificate for your contribution.

Published by Team Internal Communications

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