Block leave Desk of CHRO

June 16, 2023

All employees eligible for block leave in 2023 are hereby requested to plan their block leave in discussion with their line manager and enter the start and end dates on ShareKonnect latest by June 23, 2023. As per the Block Leave Policy of Sharekhan, all eligible employees must go on a leave of 10 consecutive working days every year. Furthermore, at least 25% of the staff of each and every department and branch must take their block leave in a quarter to maintain business continuity and avoid undue pressure on their colleagues. Two quarters of 2023 are already gone and very few employees have taken their block leave so far. It is, therefore, of utmost importance that all the eligible employees who have not availed of their block leave yet take their block leave over the next six months in a planned manner.

The purpose of block leave is two-fold: Risk control for the management and a sabbatical for the staff. For the last three years we have observed that a large section of the employees tends to go on block leave in the last quarter of the year especially in December, thereby affecting the smooth functioning of the business by disrupting the day-to-day processes in some departments. This is not a good practice.

For five consecutive years we have achieved 100% compliance with the BNP Paribas Group’s Block Leave Policy that was rolled out in 2018. The feat was possible thanks to the collective efforts of each employee, his or her manager and the Human Resources team. Having said that, taking block leave is not enough. To be fully block policy compliant, we must also follow the rule of 25% of the eligible employees of each and every department/branch going on block leave in a quarter.

This year, two quarters of the year have already passed. To maintain business continuity, it is advised that at least 75% of the staff of each and every department and branch should avail of block leave before the end of the third quarter (ie before the end of September 2023) so that a large section of the staff does not go on block leave in the last quarter of 2023.

How to avail of block leave

  1. Finalise the dates after discussing with your line manager.
  2. Apply for block leave by submitting the start and end dates of your block leave on ShareKonnect.

5 very important points to note

  1. All staff of Sharekhan (on roll, external, retainers, interns* and trainees*) who joined on or before December 31, 2022 must avail of block leave before December 31, 2023.
  2. It’s a collective responsibility of the manager and the employee to ensure that block leaves for the team are well spread throughout the year and their team’s block leaves are accordingly updated on ShareKonnect on or before June 23, 2023.
  3. Once your block leave dates are updated on ShareKonnect, the same will be considered as final and you will not be able to change the dates in the system.
  4. If, for some reason, you wish to change the dates, you must update the same on ShareKonnect two days prior to the start of your previously planned block leave with the approval of your manager; otherwise your terminal and e-mail ID will be blocked for the previously planned block leave dates.
  5. Employees serving notice period are not mandated to be on block leave as they need to serve the notice period and no leaves are allowed during the time.

*Interns and trainees may avail of block leave in 2023 only if they joined before December 31, 2022 and their internship/training ends after December 31, 2023.

Apna block leave efficiently plan kar, Sharekhan kar.

Published by Team Internal Communications
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